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Mr. Dawson to Mr. Same subject. "Most certainly not. Dominican

authorities still in charge of all the custom-
houses, except Puerto Plata and Monte Christi.
I have no agent. Dominican Government
itself is pledging customs receipts Macoris and
other ports to American citizen who advances
funds under a private contract with it."

110 Mr. Dawson to Mr. Same subject. History of negotiations continued.

[blocks in formation]

Text of telegrams; of contract of Dominican
Government with American banker Santiago
Michelena, and correspondence with the latter
and with the Dominican Government inclosed.
.do... Same subject. Transfer of the port of Monte
Christi to American authorities. Text of tele-
gram and of correspondence with the Domin-
ican Government and naval officers inclosed.
Same subject. Transmits a protocol of an agree-
ment between the United States and the Domin-
ican Republic for the collection and disburse-
ment by the United States of the customs rev-
enues of the Dominican Republic.
Same subject. Foreign debt of the Dominican
Republic. Confirms and explains telegram of
February 7.

Message from the President. Feb. 15

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay.... Feb. 17

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay (tele- Feb. 24 gram).

Same to same..

Same subject. Plot to assassinate Dominican
President. Five arrested and some escaped.
The situation becoming more strained on ac-
count of delay and uncertainty ratification pro-
tocol now before Senate.

Mar. 3 Export duty on sugar. Seizure of sugar from the
Porvenir Sugar Company was ordered, but
countermanded at the legation's instance.
Urges early instructions regarding the validity
of the contract of the former government with
the sugar growers.
Control of Dominican customs. "It is very im-
portant that I should be enabled to inform Do-
minican President as to status of protocol in
Senate and whether extra session has been

Same to same (telegram)... Mar. 5

Mr. Hay to Mr. Dawson (tele- Mar. 6 gram).

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay..... Mar. 7

[blocks in formation]

Same subject. "Senate has convened in extra
session and is considering protocol to-day. Un-
able to say how long discussion will continue."
Same subject. Incloses text of telegrams to and
from Department. Note to President Morales
relative to his efforts to insert a clause provid-
ing for ratification by the Dominican Congress.
Reviews political conditions and conduct of
business at Monte Christi by Commander
Leiper. Relations between Governor Arias
and President Morales. Submits question of
paying administrative expenses at Monte
Christi out of customs receipts. Reports abro-
gation of the contract with Banker Michelena
and drafting of another in its place. Same subject. Incloses copy of full powers of
the Dominican commission. Dominican Gov-
ernment wishes to retain original. Independence day of the Dominican Republic,
celebration of the; part taken in the, by the
American squadron and good effects thereof
reported. Incloses newspaper account. Mes-
sage of President Morales to the Dominican
Congress inclosed.

Same to same (telegram)... Mar. 11

Same to same (telegram)... Mar. 14
Same to same (telegram)... Mar. 16

Same to same (telegram)... Mar. 20 Same to same (telegram)... Mar. 21 48 Mr. Adee to Mr. Dawson.... Mar. 23

Control of Dominican customs. "Italian war
vessel Calabria is expected to arrive here

Same subject. "Calabria just arrived. Please
inform Navy Department."

Export duty on sugar. Minister of finance will
not delay beginning suit to collect sugar tax.
Telegraph instructions.
Control of Dominican customs.











394 396




"Calabria gone




Same subject. "Unofficially we learn that Cala-
bria at the last moment was ordered Kingston."
Same subject. Department will take no action
until the Senate shall have acted in the ar-
rangement now pending with the Dominican
Republic for a settlement of all claims.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay (telegram).

1905. Mar. 23

Same to same (telegram).. Mar. 25


Mr. Adee to Mr. Dawson ............

Control of Dominican customs. "Adjournment
without ratification has been made public.
Revolutionists are encouraged, conspiracies
and preparations rumored. Tension is great.
Quiet still prevails. Dominican President

Same subject. Proposal of a modus vivendi by
Dominican Government. Under pressure
foreign creditors and domestic peril, Dominican
Government offers nominate a citizen of the
United States receiver southern ports pending
ratification protocol, four northern ports to be
administered under the award; 45 per cent
total shall go Dominican Government, 55 per
cent to be deposited in New York for distribu-
tion after ratification. Creditors to agree take
no further steps in the meantime, and receiver
to have full authority to suspend importers'
preferential contracts. Italian, Spanish, Ger-
man, and American creditors, except the Im-
provement, accept unconditionally. Belgian
and French representatives will recommend
acceptance. Some modus vivendi absolutely
necessary. I am ready, if desired, start Wash-
ington, D. C., 28th, to explain details and
modifications to plan obtainable. Whole mat-
ter can be held open during my absence."
.do... Same subject. Informs him that Mr. Hollander
has been selected by the President as his confi-
dential agent to visit Dominican Republic for
the purpose of examining into affairs, and
instructs that he cooperate with him.

Same to same (telegram) Same subject. "Your telegram 23d. Treaty is


Mr. Adee to Mr. Dawson ... Mar. 27


still before the Senate upon favorable com-
mittee report. Adjournment does not prejudice
its status. We are confident that with the
fuller knowledge of facts it will be consum-
mated at the next session.'

Same subject. Full powers to sign custom-house
arrangement. Mutual exhibition of full pow-
ers is the usual and sufficient course.

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay Same subject. Text of telegrams from and to

The President to Mr. Loomis. Mar. 28

Department relative to postponement of action
on the convention; visit of the Italian war ship
Calabria and conversation with its command-
ing officers in regard to Italian claims, proposal
of modus vivendi, and attitude of foreign cred-
itors toward it.

Same subject. Proposal of Government of, for
the collection and conservation of its revenues
pending action by the United States Senate
upon the treaty. Directs that American minis-
ter express acquiescence in, and that Secretary
of War will nominate persons for appointment
as collectors. States how money collected will
be disposed of. Mr. Hollander's mission ex-
plained, and gives reasons why this action is
rendered necessary.

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Same subject. "Calabria returned. Expects re-

Mr. Adee to Mr. Dawson Mar. 29 (telegram).

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay Mar. 30 (telegram).

Mr. Adee to Mr. Dawson Mar. 31 (telegram).

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Hay Apr. 1 (telegram).

main here until relieved by Dogali from

Control of Dominican customs. Recites decision
of the President to acquiesce in the proposal
of the Dominican Government and conditions
under which it will be carried out. Instructs to
advise the Dominican Government that this ac-
tion is taken in order that no change shall take
placein the situation; noprotocol is to be signed,
but the mere acceptance of this telegram by
President Morales.

Same subject. "Dominican Government prefers
to say, the President of the United States,'
instead of the Secretary of War;' other-
wise will accept telegram 29th categorically."
Same subject.
President of the United States'
Secretary of War' in my tele-












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From and to whom.




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Same subject. Full account of the proposal and acceptance of modus vivendi by the Dominican Government. Incloses telegrams to and from Department, note to minister for foreign affairs, and decree of President Morales. Visit of the Italian war ship Calabria and acquiescence of her commander in the modus. Înfluence of the modus toward the preservation of peace in the Republic.

Same subject. Announces selection of Col. George R. Colton for principal collector; makes suggestions as to distribution of other collectors and employees and their salaries. The City National Bank of New York will be the depositary.

Same subject. Dominican President appoints Colton general receiver all customs revenues, with power to select necessary deputies and assistants. After consultation with minister of finance your suggessions as to salary and expenses are accepted, payable out of 55 per cent. No objection one deputy for each port and assistants as suggested. They request Colton to come immediately and study the situation before deciding details. Economy and caution are very important." Same subject. Text of telegrams from and to Department.

Difficulty between Haiti and the Dominican Republic over the threatened expulsion of Dominican naturalized Syrians. Gives substance of telegram from Haiti. Asks whether Dominican minister has been instructed as represented. Deprecates complications between the two Republics.

Same subject. "No such instructions have been sent. Dominican minister to Port au Prince happened to be Santo Domingo now in consultation with Dominican minister for foreign affairs, who asks for the same treatment for Dominican Syrians as that accorded other Syrians who are foreign citizens. Dominican Government anxious to avoid a rupture." Export duty on sugar. Instruction No. 48 will be complied with.








Apr. 26


Control of Dominican customs. "Colton arrived. Presented. Conference with Dominican authorities was satisfactory."


Apr. 27


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Same subject. Text of telegrams to and from Department. Details as to the discharge of his duties have been satisfactorily arranged with the Dominican Government by Col. George R. Colton.

Relations between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Confirms telegram of April 17 and reports conversation with the minister for foreign affairs.

Control of Dominican customs. Agencies of French and Belgian stockholders at Santo Domingo, Antwerp, and Paris. Informal notice given by the minister for foreign affairs that the monthly appropriation for the, will be discontinued. Discusses the effect of the notice on the modus vivendi and requests instructions as to intervention on the part of the legation. Same subject. Agencies of French and Belgian bondholders. Refers to No. 140. Minister of finance adheres to his position, but the question has not been decided in Cabinet. Reports conversations with all parties concerned and suggests action in Washington. Deputy consul-general in charge of the legation, letter accrediting M. Marshall Langhorne as, during Minister Dawson's absence on leave. Same subject. Compensation of agents of foreign bondholders. Argues that as no money is paid to the bondholders under the modus vivendi, payment to their agent should also be suspended.






FR 1905-VI



From and to whom.




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Same subject and tenor..

Arms and ammunition, shipment of, from the United States. "There is now some difficulty in lawfully preventing the exportation of arms and ammunition to Santo Domingo, which would be obviated by a proclamation by the President prohibiting such exportation under resolution of Congress approved April 22, 1898. All such exportation would then become unlawful unless specially authorized by this government. We could give such authority in any cases desired by the Dominican Government. Ascertain whether it would be agreeable to that government to have the President issue such a proclamation."

Same subject. "Such a proclamation would be agreeable to Dominican Government." Same subject. Quotes President's proclamation of October 14, and adds that any exception desired by Dominican Government will be made by special order.

Same subject. Text of telegrams from and to Department. Incloses notes to and from minister for foreign affairs and letter to Admiral Bradford regarding the Dominican Government's requests as to delivery of scized ammunition and procedure of American war ships in boarding incoming steamers. Control of Dominican customs.

Wounding of

Customs Official Morris, an American citizen, by smugglers, reported. Same subject. Quotes letter of this date to the Navy Department in regard to the sending of a war ship, as suggested in telegram of this date. It could only protect the lives and property of American citizens and its presence should be requested by the Dominican Government.

Same subject. "Telegram received. Distinction clearly understood. Latest news from Neyba reassuring. People showing no sympathy with assassins. There is no necessity for Dominican Government at the present moment to request presence of American ship Barahona. Morris without good medical attendance. Dominican vessel carries Scorpion's surgeon Barahona today." Same subject. Incident was orally communicated to Minister Dawson by President Morales. Quotes telegraphic correspondence with the Department and Admiral Bradford. Morris will survive, but criminals have not yet been identified.

Arms and ammunition. Boarding and searching of American merchant vessels by United States naval officers. Refers to conflict of procedure with Dominican customs authorities in regard to the, and instructs to request a decision of the question by the Dominican Government. Discontinuance of present practice would encourage revolutionists.

Revolutionary conspiracy discovered at Macoris. Thirteen arrests there, twelve here. Others escaped to the interior. Fifty in arms 15 miles west of Macoris. Dominican Government thinks they may attack Macoris and the movement spread other points. It is reported that conspirators have received funds from New York. Dominican Government suspects A United States vessel needed Macoris. Jones has informed Admiral."















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Mr. Root to Mr. Dawson (telegram).

1905. Nov. 7

Mr. Dawson to Mr. Root (telegram).

Nov. 8

Same to same (telegram).. Nov. 16

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Same subject. Landing of American naval
forces will be effected on receipt of notice from
the legation that an expressed and clear re-
quest has been made by the Dominican Gov-
ernment for the temporary protection of life
and property of American citizens.
Same subject. "I have reached perfect under-
standing with the Dominican Government, in
accordance with instructions in your cipher
telegram of this morning. Macoris quiet in
the city. No further news from the interior.
Mere presence of United States vessel probably
will be sufficient."

Arms and ammunition. "I have received the
following note from the Dominican minister
for foreign affairs: Executive power has re-
solved that the naval officers of the United
States may make inspecting visit on board
American merchant vessels coming to our
ports as soon as anchored, and, if necessary,
before any other person or authority shall have

Nov. 18 Revolutionary movement at Macoris and else-
where. Confirms telegram of November 7.
Nov. 23 Monetary standard. Law adopting the gold
dollar of the United States as the, of the
country and fixing the value of existing silver
and subsidiary coins inclosed.
Political conditions. Collapse of the revolu-
tionary movement in provinces referred to in
No. 185.

Nov. 25

[blocks in formation]

Same subject. "Vice-President has arrived at
call Horacista Cabinet ministers. The public
fears rupture between him and the President.
At the request of both I will be present at con-
ference. If the Vice-President and his faction,
who control military, should imprison, drive
from capital, force resignation *** of the
President, am I authorized to ask Admiral to
land forces to protect American citizens and
preserve order? No constitutional recognized
government would exist to ask American
assistance as indicated in your telegram of the
8th November."

Same subject. "Strongly advise to avoid rup-
ture with Cabinet. We are not willing to give
instructions to Admiral based on assumption
that Vice-President and Cabinet will create
situation requiring an intervention for the pro-
tection of American citizens."
Revolutionary movement. Refers to reports of
serious disturbance received by Navy Depart-
ment and Dominican legation, and instructs
to urge amicable settlement. The United States
Government will not land troops unless abso-
lutely necessary for the protection of American
citizens now acting as customs officials, and
only so long as the Dominican Government
desires them to continue in the service. If it
wishes to end the modus vivendi, the Domini-
can Government should give formal notice.
Several ships of the United States are about to
return home with Admiral Bradford.
Political conditions. "Yesterday's disturbances
were precipitated by misunderstanding demon-
stration made by Admiral without consultation
with me or notice to the Dominican Govern-
ment. Public excitement quickly subsided
when real intention was explained. Domini-
can minister for foreign affairs has been forced
to resign, but the other Cabinet ministers have
reached agreement with President. The Do-
minican Government desires to continue modus
vivendi. The Vice-President has given written
assurance on behalf of Horacista congressional
majority that they will ratify convention with
one amendment, as follows: After word 'Domi-
nicana,' second line, seventh article, 'previa
autorización de su Congreso.'"
Same subject. "This city [Santo Domingo] con-
tinues quiet. Horacistas and President an-













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