To Dr. Brady of Newtown Mount A FULL HISTORY OF THE SCOTCH COLONY OF DARIEN, SEVERAL MAPS, VIEWS OF Transport. POSTSCRIPT. "Information has lately been received at this department from the Minister of Her Britannic Majesty, that the Company which had contracted to build a ship canal across the Isthmus of Nicaragua, having found it impossible to carry out the plan as originally contemplated, has resolved to propose to the government of Nicaragua a modification of that plan, with the view of constructing a canal of smaller dimensions than those specified in the contract; and the British Minister has been instructed to intimate to this department, that if this information should prove correct, Her Majesty's Government would feel themselves at liberty, under the 7th article of the treaty of April 19, 1850, to withdraw their protection from that Company, and to transfer it to any other Company which should undertake a canal on the original plan; it being deemed of the utmost importance by the British Government, that the great conception of an inter-oceanic canal, adapted to the accommodation of the vessels of the whole commercial world, should not dwindle down to an ordinary transit route for coasting vessels, which, to distant nations, would be comparatively destitute of value."-From Mr. Everett's communication to the President of the United States, laid before Congress by the President, on the 18th February, and reported in the "Times" of March 3rd. |