INDEX TO EXECUTIVE PAPERS. A. Army, plan for the reduction of the do do do sections of Maine Army, shooting deserters in the, documents respecting Auctioneers in New York, memorial of the Army, distribution of the Army, field service and martial law for the Academy at West Point, expenditures on the Army, contingent expenses of the, in 1820 the Assays of foreign coins Agricultural Society of Berkshire, Mass. Army, transportation, quarters, and fuel, for the officers of Army, statement of the pay of the Army, appropriations in 1820 for the, with unexpended ba- lances B. Belle Point, military post at Bank of the United States, observations on the currency of 1 1 its notes 1 9 Bank of the United States, statement of its affairs Bath, in Maine, memorial of the merchants of 1 20 Balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor 2 44 Balances on the books of the Second and Third Auditors Bank of the United States, proceedings of Ohio, against the Balances due from collectors and receivers of public moneys 7 97 567 79 88 Vol. No. British and American tonnage engaged in the West India Balances on the books of the Register C. Council Bluffs, military post at the Capitol, report of the progress on the Commerce in New Haven, memorial of the Chamber of Contractors who are Postmasters, list of Charleston, memorial of citizens of, against tariff modifications of emoluments of officers of the Clerks in the Department of State Clerks employed in the Navy Department Clerks employed in the General Post Office Clerks employed in the Treasury Department - Contingent expenses of the military establishment in 1820 Customs, the number and compensation of certain officers - - of the Contracts made in the Navy Department in 1820 F. France, commercial regulations with supplementary report on the state of the France, tonnage of French and American vessels employed Finances on the 1st January, 1821, statements of the G. Green Bay, military post at Ghent, progress and expenses of the commissioners under the treaty of H. - 1 30 Horses lost in the Seminole war, information of I. Indian Department, expenditures and receipts in the Indian trading houses, amount of merchandise on hand at Importations, statements of Inspectors, weighers, gaugers, and measurers, number of - 1 29 5 575 7 107 5 J. Johnson, Col. James, papers relating to his claim Lands, statements of the cost of purchasing, surveying, and Lands, statement of claims for military bounty M. Militia, whole number in service in the late war Mississippi stock, funds applicable to the payment of Military purposes, sites and buildings for Mint, statement of moneys coined at, in 1820 - 63 New Haven, memorial of the Chamber of Commerce in - Navy, documents relating to the increase of the Navy, sums necessary to complete existing contracts on ac- Navy, balances of appropriations for the Navy, cost of rations, officers necessary for service in 1821, 5 Navy pension fund, report in relation to the 6 Navy, appropriations in 1820 for, with unexpended balances 6 0. Ohio, proceedings of, against the Bank of the United States 6 88 P. Public buildings, report of the progress on the Petersburgh, in Virginia, memorial of the citizens of ed in commerce, assembled in Pensions, execution of the act granting revolutionary Postmasters who are contractors, list of Patents granted in 1820, list of the Philadelphia, memorial of citizens of, (bankruptcy) Pension fund, navy Post Office Department, persons indebted to the R. Richmond, memorial of the citizens of Recruits in 1820, and the fund from which the bounties were Road from Wheeling to the Mississippi, proceedings of the S. cost of St. Peters, military post at South Carolina, memorial of inhabitants of Shooting deserters, orders respecting Seminole war, horses lost in the Slave trade, correspondence upon the subject of the Seamen, expenditures for sick and disabled Seminole war, memorial of the Tennessee mounted gunmen in the Sites and buildings for military purposes, description and Sinking fund, report of the commissioners of the 1 1 1 11 do do 16 do 17 27 29 48 60 59 |