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visiting Portuguese ports should be assured of those immunities generally recognised in these days by international law, without prejudice to the maintenance and defence of our territorial rights and interests;

And whereas Portugal has in this respect already laid down. suitable precepts in its consular Conventions with other Powers, as in those with Austria-Hungary of the 9th February, 1873,* with Spain on the 21st February, 1870,† with France on the 11th July, 1866, and with Italy on the 30th September, 1868;§

And whereas practice has shown the desirability of laying down more explicitly in internal regulations the manner in which these provisions should be carried out, amplifying them in every way calculated to favour international relations, so long as these favours are met by complete reciprocity of treatment;

I think it well, by the advice of the Ministers of Finance, Interior, Marine, Foreign Affairs, and the Colonies, to decree as follows:


ART. 1. Acts of internal discipline on board a foreign merchant-vessel in Portuguese waters are exclusively regulated by the laws of the country to which the vessel belongs and are superintended by the master and the consular authority having jurisdiction at the port where the ship is.

2. As regards delinquencies ("actos delituosos"), the rule laid down in Article 1 shall apply to all those committed on board, but only between members of the ship's crew, except :§ 1. If the territorial authorities are asked for help from on board;


§ 2. If such help is asked by the proper Consular authority; § 3. If the act committed or in course of commission may result in disturbance of the tranquillity of the port or of the safety of the State.

3. When in the cases provided for by Article 2, § 1 and § 3, the immediate intervention of the maritime or police authorities is required, this intervention will take place; but the authority which acts will inform the proper Consular authority as soon as possible.

4. Apart from the cases referred to in Article 3, and in general in all those in which a territorial, judicial, maritime, police, or any other authority has to go on board a foreign merchant-vessel in order to take any proceedings ("deligencias"), that authority shall always warn the proper Consular authority a reasonable time beforehand of the day and hour when these proceedings will take place and of the motive for them, inviting this authority to appear, or to send a properly authorised representative to be present at the official proceedings about to take place.

§ 1. In the report to be drawn up after the proceedings mention shall be made of the fact that the Consular authority

* Vol. LXIII, page 357.

+ Vol. LX, page 46.

Vol. LVII, page 124,

Vol. LVIII, page 36.

was invited to attend, and that it did or did not attend the whole proceedings, or part of them, and if so, which part.

§ 2. The proceedings shall take place whether the Consular authority, after being invited, is present or represented or not.

5. The stipulations of Article 4 do not apply to the proceedings of sanitary, customs, or maritime authorities, or of general or emigration police, which take place in the ordinary course of the superintendence exercised by these territorial authorities, in accordance with the regulations in force for their various services.

§ 1. Nor do the stipulations of Article 4 refer to any urgent proceedings which are necessary at the last moment, when the ship is about to sail, including proceedings which result in the vessel being forbidden to leave the port. But in this last case the proper Consular authority shall at once be informed of the decision arrived at and of the reasons for urgency.

6. When the maritime authority of a Portuguese port requires the attendance at the offices of that department of the master or any member of the crew of a foreign merchant-vessel in the port, it will apply to the proper Consular authority.

7. The stipulations in Article 6 apply mutatis mutandis to appearance before any territorial tribunal or department.

8. The present Decree will be applied in the ports of continental Portugal, the adjacent islands, and the colonies, not only to the ships of Austria-Hungary, Spain, France, and Italy, but also to the ships of the nations who give in their ports equal and reciprocal treatment to Portuguese vessels.

§ 1. In consequence of assurance as to reciprocity on the part of Germany, this Decree will be applicable at once to German ships.

$2. Subsequently this Decree will be applied to the vessels of other nations when a notice by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to that effect is published in the Government Gazette.

9. Consular officers will carefully watch that Portuguese merchant-vessels in the ports of their Consular districts are treated in accordance with the Consular agreements in force, and with the present Decree; in furtherance of which object they will at once inform the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of any neglect to observe such stipulations.

The Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and the Ministers of the Interior, Justice, Marine, Foreign Affairs, and Colonies, shall accordingly take note of the above and cause it to be executed.

Lisbon, July 23, 1913.

(Signatures follow.)

PORTUGUESE DECREE relative to the Renunciation by Portugal of Rights arising from the Capitulations within the French Zone in Morocco.-Lisbon, March 9, 1914.


ART. 1. Within the zone of the French Protectorate of the Empire of Morocco the exercise of the civil, commercial, and penal jurisdiction ceases, which, by the terms of Article 183 of "The Consular Regulations of December 24, 1903," was enjoyed by the Consuls and Consular tribunals of Portugal over Portuguese citizens, the latter becoming subject in those territories to the tribunals instituted by the Decree of the Government of the French Republic of the 7th September, 1913, and by the Sherifian Dahir of the 12th August, 1913.

Article 183 of the Consular Regulations is therefore modified accordingly.

2. Judicial questions, of which the Consuls and Consular tribunals may have taken cognizance before the present Decree has come into force, shall follow their course to a conclusion in the jurisdictions to which they may be subject by the provisions now in force of the Consular Regulations.

3. The provisions of the present Decree in no way interfere with the validity and the execution of the sentences already pronounced by the Consular jurisdictions, or of such as may be pronounced in conformity with the preceding Article.

4. The present Decree shall come into force thirty days after its publication.

The Ministers of all the Departments shall accordingly carry this Decree into effect.

Given in the seat of the Government of the Republic and published the 9th March, 1914.









PORTUGUESE LAW defining the Extent of Portuguese Territorial Waters as regards Foreign Fishermen.—Lisbon, June 5, 1914.

[Law No. 185.] (Translation.)

IN the name of the nation, Congress of the Republic has decreed and I have promulgated the following law :

ART. 1. The limit of Portuguese territorial waters, exclusively for fishing purposes and the exclusive right of nationals thereto, is hereby defined, as regards foreign fishermen, by the line which, for similar purposes, has been adopted by the legislation of the country to which such fishermen claim nationality.

2. All legislation to the contrary is hereby revoked.

The Ministers of Marine and of the Colonies shall cause this Decree to be printed, published, and circulated.

Given at the seat of the Government of the Republic and published the 5th day of June, 1914.



CONVENTION entre le Portugal et la Suède pour la Protection réciproque en Chine des Marques de Fabrique, Brevets et Dessins.—Signée à Lisbonne, le 21 décembre 1912.*

[Ratifications échangées à Lisbonne, le 20 juin, 1913.]

SA Majesté le Roi de Suède et le Président de la République portugaise, désireux d'assurer en Chine la protection réciproque des inventions, dessins et marques de fabrique de leurs sujets ou citoyens respectifs, ont résolu de conclure une Convention à cet effet et ont désigné comme leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir:

Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède: M. le Comte C. H. Strömfelt, Son Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à Lisbonne; et

Le Président de la République portugaise: M. le Dr. Augusto Cesar de Almeida Vasconcellos Corrêa, Ministre des Affaires Étrangères de la République portugaise;

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs et les avoir trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des articles suivants :

ART. I. Les inventions, dessins et marques de fabrique et de

* Swedish " Official Gazette" No. 8 of 1913.

commerce dûment patentés ou enregistrés par les sujets ou citoyens de l'une des hautes parties contractantes à l'office compétent de l'autre partie contractante auront, dans toutes les parties de la Chine, la même protection contre toute contrefaçon de la part des sujets ou citoyens de cette autre partie contractante que sur les territoires et possessions de cette autre partie contractante.

II. Dans le cas de contrefaçon en Chine, par tout sujet ou citoyen de l'une des deux hautes parties contractantes, d'une invention, d'un dessin, d'une marque de fabrique quelconque, jouissant de la protection en vertu de la présente Convention, la partie lésée aura, devant les tribunaux nationaux ou consulaires compétents de cette partie contractante les mêmes droits et recours que les sujets ou citoyens de cette partie contractante.

III. Chacune des hautes parties contractantes s'engage à étendre à la Chine le traitement dont jouissent les sujets ou citoyens de l'autre partie contractante, en matière de protection des noms commerciaux, sur les territoires et possessions de cette partie contractante en vertu de la Convention concernant la protection de la propriété industrielle, signée à Paris le 20 mars, 1883,* et de l'Acte additionnel modifiant ladite Convention et signé à Bruxelles le 14 décembre, 1900.†

IV. Il est mutuellement convenu entre les hautes parties contractantes que les effets de la présente Convention seront étendus, dans la mesure où elle est applicable, à tout autre pays où chacune d'elles aurait des droits de juridiction extraterritoriale.

V. La présente Convention sera ratifiée et les ratifications en seront échangées à Lisbonne le plus tôt possible. Elle entrera en vigueur dix jours après l'échange des ratifications.

En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs ont signé la présente Convention en double exemplaire et y ont apposé leurs sceaux.

Fait à Lisbonne le 21 décembre, 1912.



CONVENTION D'ARBITRAGE entre le Portugal et la Suède.-Signée à Stockholm, le 15 novembre, 1913.‡

[Ratifications échangées à Stockholm, le 8 juillet, 1914.]

LE Président de la République portugaise de Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède, considérant que la Convention d'Arbitrage du

*. Vol. LXXIV, page 44.
+ Vol. XCII, page 807.
"Diario do Governo," July 15, 1914.

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