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(viii.) WHEREAS the United States of America, by participating in the war against Germany, contributed to her defeat and the defeat of her Allies, and to the renunciation of the rights and titles of her Allies in the territory transferred by them, but has not ratified the Covenant of the League of Nations embodied in the Treaty of Versailles; and

(ix.) WHEREAS the United States of America recognises Iraq as an independent State; and

(x.) WHEREAS the President of the United States and His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of Iraq desire to reach a definite understanding with respect to the rights of the United States and of its nationals in Iraq;

(xi.) The President of the United States of America of the one part and His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of Iraq of the other part have decided to conclude a Convention to this effect, and have named as their plenipotentiaries:

The President of the United States of America;

His Excellency General Charles G. Dawes, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States at London; His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India;

for Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

The Right Honourable Arthur Henderson, M.P., His Majesty's
Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;

His Majesty the King of Iraq;

Ja'far Pasha El Askeri, C.M.G., His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at London;

who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows:


Subject to the provisions of the present Convention, the United States consents to the régime established in virtue of the decisions of the Council of the League of Nations of the 27th day of September, 1924, and of the 11th day of March, 1926, the Treaty of Alliance (as defined in the said decision of the 27th day of September, 1924), and the Treaty of 1926, and recognises the special relations existing between His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of Iraq as defined in those instruments.


The United States and its nationals shall have and enjoy all the rights and benefits secured under the terms of the aforesaid decisions and treaties to members of the League of Nations and their nationals, notwithstanding the fact that the United States is not a member of the League of Nations.


Vested American property rights in Iraq shall be respected and in no way impaired.


Subject to the provisions of any local laws for the maintenance of public order and public morals, and to any general educational requirements prescribed by law in Iraq, the nationals of the United States will be permitted freely to establish and maintain educational, philanthropic and religious institutions in Iraq, to receive voluntary applicants and to teach in the English language.


Negotiations shall be entered into as soon as possible for the purpose of concluding an Extradition Treaty between the United States and Iraq in accordance with the usages prevailing among friendly States.


No modification of the special relations existing between His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of Iraq, as defined in article 1 (other than the termination of such special relations as contemplated in article 7 of the present Convention) shall make any change in the rights of the United States as defined in this Convention, unless such change has been assented to by the Government of the United States.


The present Convention shall be ratified in accordance with the respective constitutional methods of the High Contracting Parties. The ratifications shall be exchanged in London as soon as practicable. The present Convention shall take effect on the date of the exchange of ratifications, and shall cease to have effect on the termination of the special relations existing between His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of Iraq in accordance with the Treaty of Alliance and the Treaty of 1926.

On the termination of the said special relations, negotiations shall be entered into between the United States and Iraq for the conclusion of a treaty in regard to their future relations and the rights. of the nationals of each country in the territories of the other. Pending the conclusion of such an agreement, the nationals, vessels, goods and aircraft of the United States and all goods in transit across Iraq, originating in or destined for the United States, shall receive in Iraq the most-favoured-nation treatment; provided that the benefit of this provision cannot be claimed in respect of any matter in regard to which the nationals, vessels, goods and aircraft of Iraq, and all goods in transit across the United States, originating in or destined for Iraq, do not receive in the United States the most-favoured-nation treatment, it being understood that Iraq shall not be entitled to claim the treatment which is accorded by the United States to the commerce of Cuba under the provisions of the Commercial Convention concluded by the United States and Cuba on the 11th day of December, 1902, or any other commercial convention which may hereafter be concluded by the United States with Cuba or to the commerce of the United States with any of its dependencies and the Panamá Canal Zone under existing or future laws, and that the United States shall not be entitled to claim any special treatment

which may be accorded by Iraq to the nationals or commerce of neighbouring States exclusively.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have signed the present Convention, and have thereunto affixed their seals.

DONE in triplicate in English and Arabic, of which, in case of divergence, the English text shall prevail, at London, this 9th day of January, 1930.

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The Council of the League of Nations,

Having regard to article 16 of the Treaty of Peace signed at Lausanne on the 24th July, 1923;

Having regard to article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations;

In view of the communication which has been made by the Government of His Britannic Majesty to the Council of the League of Nations on the 27th September, 1924, in the following terms:

"Whereas the territory of Iraq, which formerly constituted a part of the Turkish Empire passed into the occupation of the military forces of His Britannic Majesty in the course of the recent war, and

"Whereas it was intended by the Principal Allied Powers that the territory of Iraq should until such time as it might be able to stand alone be entrusted to a mandatory charged with the duty of rendering administrative advice and assistance to the population in accordance with the provisions of article 22 (paragraph 4) of the Covenant, and that this Mandate should be conferred on His Britannic Majesty; and

"Whereas His Britannic Majesty agreed to accept the Mandate for Iraq; and "Whereas His Britannic Majesty has, in view of the rapid progress of Iraq, recognised an independent Government therein and has concluded with the King of Irak a treaty with Protocol and subsidiary agreements, as set forth in the Schedule hereto, and hereinafter referred to as the Treaty of Alliance; and

"Whereas the purpose of the said Treaty of Alliance is to ensure the complete observance and execution in Iraq of the principles which the acceptance of the Mandate was intended to secure;

"The Government of His Britannic Majesty is willing to agree as follows:


"So long as the Treaty of Alliance is in force, His Majesty's Government will assume, towards all Members of the League of Nations who accept the provisions of this arrangement and the benefits of the said Treaty, responsibility for the fulfilment by Iraq of the provisions of the said Treaty of Alliance.



During the currency of the Treaty of Alliance, the Government of His Britannic Majesty, in consultation with His Majesty the King of Iraq, will take such steps as may be necessary for the conclusion of special extradition agreements on behalf of Iraq. Copies of all such agreements shall be communicated to the Council of the League.

" III.

"An annual report, to the satisfaction of the Council of the League, will be made to the Council as to the measures taken in Iraq during the year to carry out the provisions of the Treaty of Alliance. Copies of all laws and regulations promulgated in Iraq during the year will be attached to the said report.


"No modifications of the terms of the Treaty of Alliance will be agreed to by His Britannic Majesty's Government without the consent of the Council of the League.


"If any dispute should arise between the Government of His Britannic Majesty and that of another Member of the League as to whether the provisions of the Treaty of Alliance or of the present decision are being fulfilled in Iraq, or as to their interpretation or application, such dispute, if it cannot be settled by negotiation, shall be submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice provided for by article 14 of the Covenant of the League.


"In the event of Iraq being admitted to the League of Nations, the obligations hereby assumed by His Britannic Majesty's Government shall terminate.


"On the conclusion of the period for which the Treaty of Alliance has been concluded, the Council of the League of Nations shall, if Iraq has not been admitted to the League, be invited to decide what further measures are required to give effect to article 22 of the Covenant."

Accepts the undertakings of the Government of His Britannic Majesty; and

Approves the terms of the above communication as giving effect to the provisions of article 22 of the Covenant; and

Decides that the privileges and immunities, including the benefits of consular jurisdiction and protection formerly enjoyed by capitulation or usage in the Ottoman Empire, will not be required for the protection of foreigners in Iraq so long as the Treaty of Alliance is in force.

The present instrument shall be deposited in original in the archives of the League of Nations, and certified copies shall be forwarded by the Secretary-General of the League of Nations to all Members of the League.

DONE at Geneva, on the twenty-seventh day of September, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four.

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