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(a) ad No. 4.

The protection of animals and plants against disease also refers to measures taken to preserve them from degeneration or extinction and to measures taken against harmful seeds, plants, parasites and animals.

(b) ad No. 7.

The High Contracting Parties, although they have refrained from making any reference to measures relating to "standard" products and definitions of products, declare that this paragraph must be interpreted as in no way interfering with the practice followed by certain countries of subjecting the exportation of their products to certain conditions as to quality with the object of preserving the reputation of those products and at the same time of offering a guaran-tee to the foreign purchaser. They declare, on the other hand, that they interpret the paragraph in question as prohibiting recourse to any system of classifying or defining products which is employed as an indirect means of restricting the importation of foreign products or of subjecting importation to a regime of unfair discrimination.

(c) ad No. 7.

The High Contracting Parties declare that prohibitions or restrictions the sole object of which is either to prevent imported goods from escaping the payment of the customs duties applicable thereto, or in exceptional cases to prevent the importation of certain goods which would reduce the revenue from the duties imposed on certain other goods, may only be established or maintained, if no other effective. means exist of securing the said revenue.

(d) ad No. 7.

The High Contracting Parties declare that if, on account of the constitution of certain States and the different methods of internal control which they employ, it should prove impossible to secure complete similarity of treatment between native and imported products, any such difference in treatment must not have the object or effect of establishing an unfair discrimination against the latter.

(e) ad No. 8.

The High Contracting Parties declare that they have solely in view monopolies each of which applies only to one or more specific articles.




a) ad N° 1.

Les Hautes Parties contractantes qui ont fait les réserves prévues au paragraphe 1 de l'article 6, déclarent qu'elles ne considèrent pas leur adhésion à la disposition de l'alinéa 3 de l'article 18 comme un engagement de leur part que les circonstances qui les ont obligées à formuler ces réserves auront pris fin dans un délai de trois ans, mais comme la faculté consentie à toute Partie contractante de reprendre sa liberté au cas où, les susdites circonstances n'étant pas modifiées dans le délai indiqué, celle-ci jugerait son économie préjudiciée par le maintien d'une quelconque des prohibitions ou restrictions qui font l'objet des susdites réserves.

b) ad N° 2.

En admettant les dérogations prévues au paragraphe 2 de l'article 6, les Hautes Parties contractantes n'ont pas entendu en consacrer d'une manière définitive l'existence, mais seulement marquer que la nécessité de les abolir ne se fait pas sentir aussi impérieusement, étant donné le rôle peu important qu'elles jouent au point de vue des échanges internationaux.

c) ad N° 2.

Les Hautes Parties contractantes déclarent qu'en acceptant pour la Roumanie, et en considération de sa situation exceptionnelle de fait et de droit, la réserve du pétrole brut en conformité du paragraphe 2 de l'article 6, Elles n'ont nullement donné leur adhésion à des mesures de prohibition et de restriction de ce produit, qu'elles considèrent comme très important pour le marché international. Les Hautes Parties contractantes expriment leur confiance que la Roumanie elle-même, dès que les circonstances le lui permettront, abolira cette prohibition, en se conformant à l'esprit du paragraphe b) ci-dessus, et qu'elle tiendra compte, en attendant, des intérêts des pays voisins


La Délégation roumaine s'associe complètement à cette déclaration.

d) ad N° 4.

I. Portée de la disposition.

Pour l'application du paragraphe 4, il est entendu que toute demande de dérogations qui pourra être présentée après la date de la présente Convention, ne saurait porter que sur des prohibitions ou restrictions en vigueur à cette même date.



(a) ad No. 1.

The High Contracting Parties who have made the reservations referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 6 declare that they do not regard their acceptance of the provisions of Article 18, paragraph 3, as an undertaking on their part that the circumstances which compelled them to make these reservations will have ceased to exist at the end of three years, but as entitling any High Contracting Party to resume his freedom of action if, in the event of these circumstances not having changed within the said period, he considered that his economic conditions were detrimentally affected by the maintenance of any of the prohibitions or restrictions to which the aforesaid reservations refer.

(b) ad No. 2.

By allowing the exceptions referred to in Article 6, paragraph 2, the High Contracting Parties have not intended to give perpetual recognition to their existence, but merely to indicate that the necessity of abolishing these exceptions is not so imperative, in view of their slight importance in international trade.

(c) ad No. 2.

The High Contracting Parties declare that, by accepting in the case of Roumania, in consideration of her exceptional situation of fact and of law, the reservation concerning crude oil in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 2, they have not in any way agreed to measures of prohibition or restriction for this product, which they regard as being of very great importance for the world market. The High Contracting Parties feel confident that, as soon as circumstances allow her to do so, Roumania herself, acting in the spirit of the preceding paragraph (b) above, will abolish this prohibition, and, in the meantime, that she will take into account the interests of the neighbouring contracting countries.

The Roumanian Delegation fully associates itself with this declaration.

(d) ad No. 4.

(i) Scope of the Provision

As regards paragraph 4, it is understood that any claims for exceptions which may be put forward after the date of the present Convention shall refer only to prohibitions or restrictions in force on that same date.

II. Procédure.

1. Chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes pourra faire connaître, par une communication adressée au Secrétaire général de la Société des Nations, les prohibitions ou restrictions qu'Elle désire pouvoir maintenir en vertu des paragraphes 1 et 2 de l'article 6. Cette communication devra parvenir au Secrétaire général avant le 1er février 1928. Elle indiquera, le cas échéant, les conditions auxquelles la Haute Partie contractante intéressée serait disposée à renoncer à ces prohibitions ou restrictions.

2. Le Secrétaire général de la Société des Nations portera, aussitôt que possible après la date du 1er février 1928, à la connaissance des Hautes Parties contractantes l'ensemble des demandes qu'il aura reçues par application du paragraphe précédent.

3. Toute Haute Partie contractante qui désirerait présenter des observations au sujet des demandes ainsi communiquées, pourra les faire parvenir jusqu'au 1er mai 1928 au Secrétaire général de la Société des Nations. Celui-ci donnera connaissance aux Hautes Parties contractantes, aussitôt que possible après cette date, de l'ensemble des observations reçues.

4. Les demandes et observations formulées par les Hautes Parties contractantes seront examinées au cours de la réunion prévue à l'article 17 de la Convention.



L'expression "commerce des Hautes Parties contractantes" désigne le commerce de ceux de leurs territoires auxquels la Convention s'applique.


Les prohibitions ou restrictions appliquées aux articles fabriqués dans les prisons ne sont pas visées par la Convention.


Dans le cas où des prohibitions ou restrictions seraient appliquées dans les limites établies par la Convention, les Hautes Parties contractantes se conformeront strictement, en ce qui concerne les licences, aux dispositions suivantes:

a) Les conditions à remplir et les formalités à accomplir à l'effet d'obtenir des licences seront immédiatement portées, dans la forme la plus claire et la plus précise, à la connaissance du public;

b) Le mode de délivrance de ces titres sera aussi simple et aussi stable que possible;

(ii) Procedure.

1. Any High Contracting Party may make known by a communication addressed to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations any prohibitions or restrictions which he desires to be able to maintain in virtue of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 6. Such communication must reach the Secretary-General before February 1st, 1928. It shall state the conditions, if any, on which the High Contracting Party in question would be prepared to abandon such prohibitions or restrictions.

2. As soon as possible after February 1st, 1928, the SecretaryGeneral of the League of Nations shall notify the High Contracting Parties of all applications which he has received under the preceding paragraph.

3. Any High Contracting Party wishing to make observations on any applications so communicated may forward such observations to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations not later than May 1st, 1928. As soon as possible after that date, the Secretary-General will inform the High Contracting Parties of all observations received.

4. Any applications and observations made by the High Contracting Parties shall be examined at the meeting provided for in Article 17 of the Convention.



The expression "trade of the High Contracting Parties" signifies the trade of their territories to which the Convention applies.


Prohibitions or restrictions applying to prison made goods are not within the scope of the Convention.


Should any prohibitions or restrictions be imposed within the limits laid down by the Convention, the High Contracting Parties. shall strictly adhere to the following provisions as regards licences:

(a) The conditions to be fulfilled and the formalities to be observed in order to obtain licences shall be brought immediately in the clearest and most definite form to the notice of the public;

(b) The method of issue of the certificates of licences shall be as simple and stable as possible;

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