Metropolitan Buildings Act, Vict. c. 8. 33, 34, 1844. 12. Notice, in the same Case, to the Surveyor and Official Referees. I do hereby give you Notice, That I intend to * and that I require a Survey thereof to be made, pursuant to the Statute, an that in Presence of such one or more Surveyors or Agents appointed by m as under mentioned, or by C.D., the Owner of the adjoining Property, for t Purpose of certifying whether the Whole or any Part t ought to be pulled down and rebuilt; and I do hereby also intimate that have served a Notice on C.D. to the like Effect. Day of Dated this (Signature and Address.) Names and Addresses of one or more Surveyors or Agents for Building Owner. Metropolitan Buildings Act, Vict. c. s. 33, 34, 1844. 13. Notice, in the same Case, by the District Surveyor to the Building Owner and adjoining Owner, and such one or more Surveyors and Agents by them appointed. I Surveyor of the District, do hereby give you Notice, That, in pursuance of an Application made to the Official Referees and to me in that Rehalf, it is my Intention to proceed to view the Premises ‡ situate in any Part of such t for the Purpose of certifying whether require to be § Day of and next, at or more Surveyors or Agents whom the that Purpose. noon, in the Presence of any One Parties concerned shall appoint for Dated this Day of (Signature.) Metropolitan Buildings Act, Vict. c. 8. 26, 1844. 14. Notice to be given, Three Months before commencing Operations, by an Owner to an adjoining Owner, where no Survey is required. I do hereby give you Notice, That I intend to || pursuant to the Statute. Dated this Day of (Signature and Address.) * Specify the Kind of Operation, as to whether it be intended "To raise a Party Fence Wall;" or "To repair or rebuild a Party Fence Wall;" or "To pull down and rebuild Rooms in intermixed Property, &c.;" and specifying the Situation, &c. + Specify the Kind of Operation intended. Designated by Number or other Name. § Insert "raised," or "repaired," or "pulled down and rebuilt," as the Case may be. || Specify the Kind of Operation, as to whether it be intended "To pull down a Timber Partition, and instead thereof to build a Party Wall," or " to rebuild a sound Party Wall;" or "To raise a Party Wall." Metropolitan Buildings Act, Vict. c. 8. 28, 1844. Notice of Intention to build an external Wall against existing Party Wall nd for that Purpose to cut away Footings, Breast, and Shaft of an exting Party Wall. hereby give you Notice, That it is my Intention, One Month after the hereof, to build an external Wall against the existing Party Wall by h our Premises are parted, situate , and ut away such Portion of the Footings or Chimney Breast or Shaft in h Party Wall as will be necessary for that Purpose. Dated this Day of (Signature and Address.) • Metropolitan Buildings Act, Vict. c. 8. 38, 39, 1844. 16. Notice of Desire to build a Party Wall on the Line of Junction of Two Pieces of vacant Ground. I do hereby give you Notice, That I desire to build partly on my Land or Ground adjoining your vacant Ground, and partly on your vacant Ground, on the Line of Junction of the said Premises, * which will be of the under-noted Thicknesses and Dimensions; and should you consent thereto I require you to signify such Consent in Writing on or before the 17. Notice of Consent to the building of a Party Wall on the Line of Junction of Two Pieces of vacant Ground. I do hereby give you Notice, That I consent to the building of a * partly on my Land or Ground adjoining your vacant Ground on the Line of Junction of the said Premises, which I require to be of the undermentioned Thicknesses and Dimensions, and other Particulars. Dated this Day of (Signature and Address.) e of the Thickness and Dimensions, and other Particulars. • Insert "Party Wall," or "Party Fence Wall," or "External Wall," as the Case may be. FORMS OF NOTICES AS TO MODIFICATION OR DELAY OF INTENDED BUILDING OPERATIONS. Metropolitan Buildings Act, Vict. c. 8. 22, 23, 1844. 18. Requisition to a Building Owner by an adjoining Owner as to Modifi cation or Delay of intended Work on his Behalf. I do hereby give you Notice, That I require you to * Works specified in your Notice of the Day of the in consequence of the Inconvenience and Loss that would arise to me if the same were executed at the Time proposed by you; and if you do not consent hereto, or dissent therefrom, within Days, then, in pursuance of the Statute, you are hereby required to delay your intended Operations until the Official Referees shall have determined thereon. 19. Notice by an adjoining Owner to the Official Referees as to the Modifi cation or Delay of intended Works of a Building Owner. I do hereby give you Notice, That C. D. of specified in his Notice of the Works to be executed subsequent to the Day of Day of next, and I having served upon him a Requisition in reference to the t having certain of the Works so intended by him, in consequence of the Inconvenience and Loss that would arise to me if the same were executed at the Time proposed by him, and he not having attended thereto, it is my Desire that a Survey be made, in pursuance of the Statute, with reference to such 20. Notice by an adjoining Owner to a Building Owner as to Application to the Official Referees for Survey of intended Works with reference to the Modification or Delay thereof. I do hereby give you Notice, That, in consequence of your not consenting to the of the Works intended by you, as specified in my Requisition of the Day of last, I have applied to the Official Referees for a Survey of the Premises, pursuant to the Statute. Dated this Day of (Signature and Address.) Day of Day * Insert "modify, as under noted," or "Delay until the ," as the Case may be. † Insert "Modification as under noted," or "Delay until the of ," as the Case may be. Within Seven Days after the previous Requisition. § Insert "Modification," or "Delay," as the Case may be. 1 For every attached or detached building, distinctly rated (except any such attached or detached building built at the same time as the building to which it belongs, and carried up and covered in within 21 days after such building shall have been covered in within the meaning of this Act), such fee as is hereby imposed in respect of additions to or alterations of buildings of the rate to which such attached or detached buildings shall belong. Fee for Additions or Alterations. For every addition or alteration made to any building (after the roof thereo shall have been covered in) which shall involve the execution of works su ject to the regulations of this Act, the following fees, that is to say And with regard to buildings of the Warehouse Class, a further fee, equal to one half of the above fees respectively, to be paid in respect of every additional 200,000 cubic feet, or any portion of 200,000 cubic feet, in any such building beyond the first 200,000 cubic feet. Fees for Special Duties. For the following special duties performed by any surveyor, according to the enactments of this Act, where such duties shall not be performed incidentally to the building or rebuilding of or adding to or altering any building in respect of which any other fees may be payable, that is to say For attending to the cuttingaway of chimney breasts for external walls, If the building be of the 1st rate ......... £3 38. Od. Ditto extra Ist do. Fees for Special Services not expressly provided for. If any service performed by any surveyor which is required by this Act, but not comprehended under any of the foregoing beads. Such fee, not exceeding 21., as the official referees shall, by writing, under their hands, order and appoint, with the consent of the commissioners of works and buildings. |