1 Ton of Westmoreland slates will cover 2 squares. 1 Ton of Welch rag will cover 1 to 2 ... A square of Westmoreland or Welch rag slating will weigh 10 cwt. A square of Duchess, Countess, or Ladies slating will A yard cube of solid gravel, containing 18 heaped bushels before digging, will produce 27 heaped bushels when dug. XXII.-Night Soil. 18 Cube feet, one ton. 45 Cube feet, 2 tons; being the quantity contained in each load, the carts being usually made 6 feet long, 3 feet 3 inches wide, and 2 feet 4 inches deep. XXIII.-Carpenter. 100 Feet superficial, one square of boarding, flooring, &c. 50 Cube feet, one load of timber. 40 Cube feet, one ton of oak timber. 120 Deals make one hundred. 1 Hundred (120) 12 feet 2 inch deals, 9 inches wide, equal to 4 loads of timber, each deal containing 1 foot 10 inches cube. I Hundred (120) 12 feet 3 inch deals, 9 inches wide, equal to 5% loads of timber, each deal containing 2 feet 3 inches cube. XXIV.-Weight of Roof Covering. 1 Square pan-tiling will weigh 1 Square plain tiling 1 Square Duchess, Countess, or Ladies slating XXV.- Weight of Materials. cwt. 71 14 6 10 61 1 64 Cube feet of fir timber 39 Cube feet of oak 51 Cube feet of beech 60 Cube feet of elm 45 Cube feet of ash 34 Cube feet of mahogany 35 Deals 12 feet long, 24 inches thick 15 Cube feet of Portland 13 Cube feet of marble 20 Cube feet of chalk 55 Feet superficial of Purbeck paving, three inches thick 70 Feet superficial of Yorkshire paving, 2 inches thick 24 Cube feet of sand 18 Cube feet of earth 17 Cube feet of clay Bar Iron, 1 inch square, weight, per foot run .. ... ... .... .................. tons. cwt. 10 10 24 13 0 11 22 0 11 07 31b. 6oz 78 2 10 XXVI.-Specific Gravity and Weight of Materials. Lineal or Running Measure regards only Length, but has no regard to the Breadth or Thickness. 12 Inches, one foot. : 3 Feet, one yard. 5 Yards, one rod or pole. 1760 Yards, one mile. 5280 Feet, one mile. Superficial or Square Measure regards the Length and Breadth. 144 Square inches, one square foot. 2724 Square feet, one square rod or pole. 43560 Square feet, or 4840 square yards, or 160 square poles, one square acre. 9 Square feet, one square yard. 0 Square feet, 1 square of flooring, tiling, slating, &c. |