Solid or Cubical Measure regards the Length, Breadth, and Thickness. 1728 Cube inches, one cube foot. 46656 Cube inches, one cube yard. 27 Cube feet, one cube yard. 343 Cube inches, one pint. 277 Cube inches, 8 pints or one gallon. 554 Cube inches, 2 gallons or one peck. 2218 Cube inches, 4 pecks or one bushel. 7745 Cube inches, 8 bushels or one quarter. 1 Foot 3 inches cube, one bushel. 10 Feet cube, one quarter of corn, &c. 277 Cube inches, one gallon. ! 4971 Cube inches, or 83 cube feet, in one hogshead of beer, containing 54 gallons. 13308 Cube inches, or 7 cube feet, in one hogshead of ale, containing 48 gallons. 17467 Cube inches, or 104 cube feet, in one hogshead of wine measure, containing 63 gallons. 9981 Cube inches, or 5 cube feet, a barrel, containing 36 gallons. 29943 Cube inches, or 17 cube feet, a butt, containing 108 gallons. 1 Barrel of beer will weigh 367 lbs. or 3 cwt. 1 qr. 3 lbs. 1 Butt of beer will weigh 1102 lbs. or 9 cwt. 3 qrs. 10 lbs 1 Cube foot will contain 6 gallons and 1 pint of beer or water, which will weigh 62 lbs. 1 Gallon of water will weigh 10 lbs. 5760 Grains Troy weigh 1 lb. Troy. 7000 Do. Do. 1 lb. Avoirdupois. A Bushel striked is to a Bushel heaped as 4 is to 5. The least whole numbers that will form a right angled triangle, or make a square, are 3, 4, 5, or any multipliers of them, as 6, 8, 10, or 9, 12, 15, &c. The breadth of paper for hanging rooms being twenty inches broad, therefore any number of superficial feet divided by five will give the number of yards of paper necessary to paper the rooni. XXVIII.-A TABLE, shewing the Value of reduced Brickwork per Rod, calculated at the several Prices of 31. 5s.-31. 10s.-31. 15s. 41. Os.-41. 5s. and 41. 10s. per Rod, for Mortar, Labour, and Scaffold ing; and of Bricks, from 11. 10s. to 31. Os. per Thousand, allowing 4500 Bricks to a Rod Mortar and Labour, Mortar and Labour, Mortar and Labour, Mortar and Labour, 31. 53. per Rod. Mortar and Labour, Mortar and Labour, 41. 58. per Rod. BRICKS per Thousand. 31. 10s. per Rod. 31. 158. per Rod. 41. Os. per Rod. 41. 10s. per Rod. |