XXXV.-A TABLE, Shewing the Price to be charged per Foot Cube for Fir, or other Timber used in Day-work, calculated from £4 to £21 per Load, prime cost, including Carting and Sawing. Ν.Β. All fir used in shoring, for the use and waste, charge one-third of the value of the timber; but if large quantities are used in the same business, one fourth, XXXVI.-DEALS AND BATTENS. To be charged in Day-work, calculated at £34 per hundred, prime Cost, for 120, twelve feet Deals, two and a half inches thick, including Carriage and every other Expense. N.B. Deals that run more than nine inches wide are to be charged superficial; and six feet on half deals to be charged at half the price charged above for twelve feet deals, or half the price of fourteen feet deals if seven feet long. |