XXXVIII.-TABLE, Shewing the Weight of One Foot in length of Square Iron Bar. XXXIX.-TABLE, Shewing the Weight of One Foot in XL.--A TABLE, Shewing the Weight of One Foot of Flat Bar Iron, from one inch broad and one-eighth of an inch thick, to four inches broad and one inch thick, close hammered. 1227 Cast Iron according to the above Thickness. 15 4 13 9 10 14 8 19 5 24 23 29 0 33 15 38 10 XLI.-A TABLE, Shewing the Weight per Foot superficial of Lead, from one sixteenth of an inch thick to one inch thick. XLIII.-A TABLE, Shewing how many feet superficial a hundred-weight of Sheet. Lead will cover, on a flat roof, or gutter, &c., from 4 ib. to 12 lb. weight per foot; the value of each superficial foot, or square, according to the several weights; viz. at 2d. per lb. or 11. 5s. per cwt. for all under 7 lb. per foot superficial: and 2d. per lb. or 11. 3s. per cwt. for 7 lb. per foot superficial, and all above, including labour, solder, &c. A cwt Expense, Expense, Milled Lead, will cover su- per foot super-per sq. or 100 per cwt. ficial. foot superficial. Weight. per foot superficial. perficial. N.B. By the above Table, any quantity of covering may be easily estimated according to the thickness of the lead |