If more than 30 feet deep, add Is. per foot on every 30 feet, for a well of 4 feet 6 diameter in the clear, and so on in proportion for a greater diameter. Boring, not exceeding 10 feet Exceeding 10 feet, add extra for every 10 feet 8. d. 04 04 Note. To find the number of cubic feet of digging in each foot of depth, multiply the square of the diameter, including brickwork, by 7854-To find the number of gallons in each foot of depth, multiply the square of the diameter, in the clear, by .7854. and the result by 6. PRICE OF MATERIALS TO BRICKLAYERS, NOT INCLUDING 3 BRICKLAYER'S PRICES. THESE prices are calculated at 28s. per rod for place bricks, and 38s per rod for stocks: should the price vary, for every shilling per thou sand allow 5s. per rod, more or less, as the case may be. d. £ s. d Place brickwork laid dry in wells, cesspools, &c. 900 170 Place brickwork in party-walls, &c. 10 00 1 18 0 Grey stock brickwork laid dry Grey stock brickwork in party and external walls Half place bricks and half stocks One-third place, two-thirds stocks. Add, if in Roman cement 400 Add, for stone lime 050 Add, for river sand 050 Add, for circular work, per foot super. Labour, mortar, and scaffolding to party and external walls, per rod .. 3 18 0 Ditto to garden walls, jointed on both sides 480 1 Straight or circular arches, or facia set in putty 30 12 .. Elliptical arches set in putty 33 16 If circular on the plan, add 16 06 Brick cornice, set in putty 36 20 Ditto circular 49 36 For dentil cornice, add per foot run 10 06 Bodies of semicircular niches, per foot super. 46 16 ... Heads of ditto 86 36 Old gauged arches taken out, cleaned, and reset, 16 10 per foot super. DRAINS (EXCLUSIVE OF DIGGING). Per foot run. Nine inch drain, half brick sides, 3 courses high, arched and paved 16 03 .. Twelve inch ditto, one brick sides, 4 courses high, arched and paved 26 04 Fifteen inch ditto, one brick sides, 5 courses high, Twelve inch tile paving in mortar, per foot super... Ten inch ditto POINTING. Per foot super. Tuck-joint pointing to new work 04 02 Ditto, including scaffolding Ditto to old work, including raking out the joints, washing, staining, and scaffolding .... Flat-joint pointing in ash mortar Ditto, including scaffolding 04 02 Ditto to chimney shafts Colouring and drawing to old joints, including scaffolding and mending GALLEY TILES. Sets, per foot super. Common white tiles Best ditto Blue and white Old galley tiles taken down, squared, and reset Ditto, ripped, new double fir laths, and retiling 013 01 Valley Allowance for eaves 4 in., dripping eaves, 6 in., valleys 12 in., and cutting 3 in. PANTILING. Per square. Ripped, new lathed, and tiled, with all old tiles laid dry Ditto bedded in lime and hair, and pointed outside Ditto bedded in lime and hair Ditto pointed outside pointed Ditto pointed inside Ditto both sides Glazed pantiling laid dry Heading, per foot run Valleys, ditto Filleting Ditto in cement .. Beam filling ditto Painted T nails Hip hooks painted, each .... SUNDRIES. Pulling down old brickwork, including cleaning and stacking of bricks, per rod 100 Concrete to foundations, one part lime to six of Sash and door frames, bedded and pointed, each 016 10 |