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Squares not exceeding three feet, per foot super
Ditto, two feet, and not exceeding two feet six
Ditto, under two feet


one third, to the above prices.

Materials & Labour. s. ch 20 1 10 14



Note. For bent glass add two thirds, and for flatted glass



Squares, not exceeding three feet, per foot super

not exceeding two feet six inches

Ditto, no

Ditto, not exceeding two feet

Ditto, under two feet





[blocks in formation]


Quarries or squares, six inches by four inches, per foot super.. 04

Squares, above six by four, and under eight by six

Ditto, eight by six to ten by eight


Quarries, each

Squares, under seven ly five

Ditto, seven by five to eight by six


[blocks in formation]




[blocks in formation]

Puttying windows and skylights both sides, per dozen squares . 10

[blocks in formation]


By this Act, which came into operation on the 1st January 1845, all former Acts are repealed ; and buildings within the limits of the following places are brought under its jurisdiction: To all on the north side or left bank of the River Thames as are within the exterior boundaries of the parishes of Fulham, Hammersmith, Kensington, Paddington, Hampstead, Hornsey, Tottenham, St. Pancras, Islington, Stoke Newington, Hackney, Stratford-le-Bow, Bromley Poplar, and Shadwell; and to all such parts of the parish of Chelsea as lies north of the said parish of Kensington.

And to all parts and places lying on the south side or right bank of the said river as are within the exterior boundaries of the parishes of Woolwich, Charlton, Greenwich, Deptford, Lee, Lewisham, Camberwell, Lambeth, Streatham, Tooting, and Wandsworth.

And to all places lying within two hundred yards from the exterior boundary of the districts hereby defined, except the eastern part of the said boundary, which is bounded by the River Lea.

All Buildings are made to belong to one or other of the following Classes:

FIRST CLASS.- All buildings built originally as a dwelling-house, or intended to be occupied as such.

SECOND CLASS-All warehouses, storehouses, granaries, breweries, distilleries, manufactories, workshops, or stables. THIRD CLASS. All churches, chapels, colleges, halls, hospitals, theatres, and concert, ball, lecture, exhibition rooms.

All buildings included in the above classes are deemed to belong to certain RATES, according to their height, area, and number of stories; and which are determined by the following rules.

The height of a building is ascertained by measuring from the surface of the lowest floor to the underside of the ceiling of the topmost story, at the highest part, or to the underside of the tie-beam or collar-beam, or to three feet below the underside of the ridge-piece, where these timbers are not introduced.

The area is ascertained by the number of squares contained on the surface of any floor, at or above the principal entrance, including the area of the external and portions of the party walls belonging, but excluding any attached building, office, area, balcony, or open portico.

The capacity or cubical contents is ascertained by measuring first the area, and then multiplying that by the height from the surface of the lowest floor to the under surface of the roof covering.

The number of stories are counted from the foundation

[blocks in formation]

The thickness or width of every wall, and of the footing, is ascertained by measuring the thickness or width of which they shall have been originally built.

FIRST CLASS is divided into four rates. THE FIRST RATE comprises all dwelling-houses where the height is more than 70 feet, and not more than 85 feet.

Or when the area is more than 10, and does not exceed 14 squares, or where the number of stories does not exceed seven.

Thickness of the external Walls must be at the least 211⁄2 inches from the top of the footing, up to the underside of the floor, next but three below the topmost floor; and at the least 171⁄2 inches from the underside of the floor next but three, below the topmost floor, up to the underside of the floor, next below the topmost floor, and at the least 13 inches from the underside of the floor next below the topmost floor, up to the top of the wall.

Thickness of party Walls must be at the least 21 inches from the top of the footing up to the underside of the fitoor, next but three below the topmost floor; and at the least 171⁄2 inches from the underside of the floor next but three below the topmost floor, up to the underside of the floor, next below the topmost floor, and at the least 13 inches from the underside of the floor,next below the topmost floor, up to the top of the wall.

FIRST CLASS. EXTRA RATE. When the height is more than 85 feet or its area 14 squares, or it contains more than seven stories, then the

Thickness of External Walls must be at the least 21 inches from the top of the footing, up to the underside of floor, next but two below the topmost floor, and at the least 17 inches from the underside of the floor next but two below the topmast floor up to the top of the wall.

Thickness of the Party Walls must be at the least 21 inches from the top of the footing, up to the underside of the floor, next but three below the topmost floor, and at the least 17 inches from the underside of the floor, next but three below the topmost floor, up to the underside of the topmost floor; and at the least 13 inches from the underside of the topmost floor, up to the top of the wall.

SECOND RATE. FIRST CLASS. - Comprises all dwelling-houses when the height is more than 52 feet, and not more than 70 feet, or which cover more than 6 and not more than 10 squares, or if it contains 6 stories.

Thickness of External Walls must be at least 17 inches from the top of the footing up to the underside of the floor next but one below the topmost floor, and at the least 13 inches from the underside of the floor, next but one below the topmost floor, up to the top of the wall.

Thickness of the Party Walls must be at the least 17 inches from the top of the footing, up to the underside of the floor, next but one below the topmost floor, and at the least 13 inches from the underside of the floor next but one below the topmost floor, up to the top of the wall.



13 in

in 17 in


[blocks in formation]

THIRD RATE. FIRST CLASS. - Comprises all dwelling-houseswhere the height is more than 38 feet, and not more than 52 feet, or where it covers more than 4 and not more than 6 squares, or if it contans 5 stories.

Thickness of External Walls must be at the least 171⁄2 inches from the top of the footing up to the underside of the floor, next but two below the topmost floor, and at the least 13 inches from the underside of the floor, next but two below the topmost floor, up to the top of the wall.

Thickness of the Party Walls must be at the least 17 inches from the top of the footing up to the underside of the floor, next but two below the topmost floor, and at the least 13 inches from the underside of the floor, next but two below the topmost floor, up to the underside of the topmost floor, and at least 81⁄2 inches from the underside of the topmost floor up to the top of the wall.

FOURTH RATE. FIRST CLASS.--Comprises all dwelling-houses where the height is not more than 38 feet, or if it does not cover more than 4 squares, or contain more than 4 stories.

Thickness of External Walls must be at the least 13 inches from the top of the footing, up to the underside of the floor, next below the topmost floor, and at the least 8 inches from the underside of the floor, next below the topmost floor, up to the top of the wall Thickness of the Party Walls must be at the least 13 inches from the top of the footing, up to the underside of the floor, next but one below the topmost floor, and at the least 8 inches from the underside of the floor, next but one below the topmost floor,

up to the top of the wail.

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