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FIRST RATE.-Is where the height of the building is more than 66 feet.

Thickness of External Wulls must be at the least 26 inches from the top of the footing, up to the level of 76 feet below the topmost ceiling, and at the least 21 inches from the level of 76 feet below the topmost ceiling, up to the level of 36 feet below the topmost ceiling, and at the least 17 inches from the level of 36 feet below the topmost ceiling, up to the top of the wall.

Thickness of Party Walls must be at the least 26 inches from the top of the footing to the level of 76 feet below the topmost ceiling, and at the least 21 inches from the level of 76 feet, below the topmost ceiling, up to the level of 36 feet below the topmost ceiling and at the least 17 inches from the level of 36 feet below the topmost ceiling, up to the level of the topmost ceiling, and at the least 13 inches from the level of the topmost ceiling up to the top of the wall.


SECOND RATE OF SECOND CLASS. When more than 44 feet in height, and not more than 66 feet.

Thickness of External Walls, must be at least 21 inche from the top of the footing up to the level of 58 feet below the topmost ceiling; and at the least 17 inches from the level of 58 feet below the topmost ceiling, up to the level of 22 feet below the topmost ceiling, and at the least 13 inches from the level of 22 feet below the topmost ceiling, up to the top of the wall.

Thickness of Party Walls, must be at the least 211 inches from the top of the footing, up to the level of 58 feet below the topmost ceiling; and at the least 17 inches from the level of 58 feet, below the topmost ceiling, up to the level of 22 feet, below the topmost ceiling, and at the least 13 inches from the level of 22 feet below the topmost ceiling up to the top of the wall.

THIRD RATE OF SECOND CLASS.When more than 22 feet in height, and not more than 44 feet.

Thickness of External Walls must be, at the least, 17 inches from the top of the footing up to the level of 28 feet below the topmost ceiling; and, at the least, 13 inches from the level of 28 feet below the topmost ceiling up to the top of the wall.

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Thickness of the Party Walls must be, at the least, 17 inches from the top of the footing up to the level of 28 feet below the topmost ceiling; and, at the least, 13 inches, from the level of 28 feet below the

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topmost ceiling, up to the level of the topmost ceiling; and, at the least, 81⁄2 inches from the level of the topmost ceiling up to

the top of the wall.


than 22 feet in height:

Thickness of External Walls must be, at the least, 13 inches, from the top of the footing up to the level of 9 feet, below the topmost ceiling; and, at the least, 8 inches, from the level of 9 feet below the topmost ceiling up to the top of the wall.

Thickness of Party Walls must be, at the least, 13 inches, from the top of the footing up to the level of 16 feet below the topmost ceiling; and, at the least, 8 inches from the level of 16 feet below the topmost ceiling, up to the top of the wall.


Whenever buildings of the Second or Warehouse Class contain more than 200,000 cubic feet, they must be divided by party walls, so that no part contains more than that quantity.

Openings made in these party walls must not exceed 6 feet in width or 8 feet in height, unless authorized by the official referee. All openings must have a strong wrought iron door on each side of the party wall, and the floor and jambs, between them must be of brick, stone, or iron; and the doors must be distant from each other the full thickness of the party wall.

Roofs to the Second Class of Buildings must not incline from the external or party walls upwards, at a greater angle than 40 degrees with the horizon.


If any building of this class correspond in form or structure or disposition with a dwelling-house, then the rate is to be determined in the same manner; and the

Thickness of the external and party Walls, and the width of the Footings are to be at least 4 inches more than is re quired for the external and party walls and the footings of buildings of the First Class, unless the official referees shall otherwise determine.

If the buildings of this class correspond in form, structure, or disposition with a warehouse of the Second Class, then the rate is to be determined in the same manner; and the thickness of the external and party walls, and the width of the footings are to be at least 4 inches more than is required for the external and party walls and footings of buildings of the Second Class, unless the official referee shall otherwise determine.

If the buildings of this class do not correspond in form or structure with those of either the First or Second Class, then the construction is to be according to approval of the official referees.

Attached and detached Buildings and Offices, now built, or hereafter to be built--except greenhouses, vineries, aviaries, or such like buildings-shall be deemed, with respect to the walls thereof, and all other requisites as a building, of the rate to which it would belong if it had been built separately.

First Rate Buildings of the Second Class, and Buildings of the Third Class are subject to the especial supervision of the official referees, to whom (No. 6), when finished in carcass, notice must be given within seven days.

Foundations of all walls must be based on solid ground, or upon other sufficient foundation; the footings must be built of sound bricks or of stone, or both, laid in mortar or cement, so as to produce solid work.

The width of the bottom of the footings of every external and party wall of the First Rate, must be 17 inches wider than the wall standing thereon.

Those of the Second and Third Rate 13 inches wider; and those of the Fourth Rate, as well as those of the party fence walls, at least 8 inches wider than the wall standing thereon.

The top of the footing of every party fence wall, and of every external and party wall, must be at least 4 inches wider than the wall standing thereon.

The Height of the Footings above the Foundations. For every external and party wall of the First Rate, 11 inches; for those of the Second and Third Rates, 8 inches; and for every party fence wall, as well as the external and party walls of the Fourth Rate, 5 inches in height above the foundations.

The top of all footings must be 9 inches, at least, below the surface of the lowest floor.

External Walls-their Construction. They must be built of sound bricks or stone, or both, laid in mortar or cement; and whenever recesses are formed in them, the thickness at the back must not be less than 81⁄2 inches.

All plates, lintels, bonds, corbels of wood, or wood brick, must be laid 4 inches within the external face of the wall. Frames of doors and windows fixed within reveals of 4 inches, at least. Tiers of doorcases to warehouses must be fixed 2 inches, at least, from the external face of the wall.

Height of Parapets, a foot, at least; and the thickness, to the First Class, and First Rate of Second Class, 13 inches, and all others 8 inches.

Bretsummers, bearing on a party wall, must be laid on a corbel of stone or iron, tailed through the wall, at least two thirds of its thickness; the end of the bretsúmmer, must not depend solely upon its bearing on the party wall, but have a sufficient pier of brick or stone, an iron column, or timber story-post, fixed on a solid foundation.

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