Plain tile creasing 2 courses Half-brick trimmers, per foot super. Rough rendering with cement, per yard 09 Labour One course of plain tiles in cement, and rendered with cement, per foot super. Plain tiles bedded in cement Ten-inch tiles ditto Twelve-inch ditto Four-inch brickwork in cement, extra Nine-inch ditto, extra Galley tiles set in cement, extra 01 Brick on edge in cement, per foot run One and a half ditto, per foot run BRICKLAYER'S PRICES FOR DAY WORK, &c. Bricklayer, per day, from Lady-day to Lord Mayor's day 5 10 Labourer, ditto 39 Bricklayer, from Lord Mayor's day to Lady-day 56 .. inches square Ditto, 12 inches square 66 70 40 46 Ditto, wrought, framed, and rebated Ditto, wrought, framed, rebated, and beaded Ditto, proper door cases Ditto, in scantlings 8 inches square and under 12 Old oak, sound and good, without labour Ditto, in extra scantlings Ditto, from to 1 inch 00 00 For every £1 per load increase or decrease, add or deduct per foot 06 Curb roofing Span roofing, with framed principals, collar beams, and purlins Span roofing with framed principals, kingpost, struts, and braces If above 3 stories, add Hips and valleys, per foot run Rounded ridge roll Fixing common bolts, each Ditto, king bolts 20 19 Stirrup irons .. GUTTERS AND BEARERS, Per foot super. Inch yellow deal gutters and bearers One and a quarter inch ditto Ditto to curb roofs, add Ditto to circular on plan For each cesspool, add .. .... |