ORIGINAL AND IMPROVED BUILDER'S PRICE-BOOK: Corrected to the Year 1849. CONTAINING THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, WITH TABLES OF THE VARIOUS CHARGES RESULTING FROM ITS AND CORRECT LISTS OF PRICES FOR ALL DESCRIPTION OF BUILDER'S WORK; AN ABSTRACT OF THE Metropolitan Building Act, ANA ADAPTED AS A GUIDE TO SURVEYORS AND BUILDERS BIBLIOT WITH LEASES) TABLES FOR THE PURCHASE OF ANNUITIES AND EDITED BY EDWARD CRESY, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR. LONDON: PRINTED FOR M. TAYLOR, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND. Price Four Shillings. 1849. Prices of Drainage, Sewerage, Water, &c. under the New Act PART II.- USEFUL TABLES AND MEMORANDUMS. 1. List of Fees payable to the Surveyors under this Act IV. Summary of Proceedings to be taken or observed before and XH. Bricklayer's Memorandums ib. xxvI. Specific gravity and weight of sundry Materials XXVII. Sundry useful notices, viz.: Running Measure; Super- ficial Measure; Solid Measure, &c. xxvII A Table showing the value of Brickwork at different XXIX. A Table of the value of a rod of reduced brickwork xxx. A Table showing what length of timber of any scantling xxxI. A Table showing the cube quantity of timber in a square of roofing, flooring, &c., according to various scantlings xxxi. A Table showing how many deals will finish a square of xxx11. Five Tables for the prices to be charged for fir, or other 141-3 146-7 xxxiv. Tables showing the price to be charged, per foot run, for .155-62 xxVI. A Table of deals and battens, &c. XXXVII. Two Tables of Ironmongery goods 165-6 XL. A Table showing the weight of flat iron, &c. XLI. A Table showing the weight, per foot superficial, of lead, from one sixteenth of an inch to one inch thick XLII. A Table showing the weight of a superficial foot of cast (11 & 12 VICT. Сар. 63,) FOR PROMOTING THE PUBLIC HEALTH; Passed 31st August, 1848. WITH NOTES, &c. CAP. LXIII. AN ACT for Promoting the Public Health. [31st August, 1848.] HEREAS further and more W effectual provision ought to be made for improving the Sanitary Condition of Towns and Populous Places in England and Wales, and it is expedient that the Supply of Water to such Towns and Places, and the Sewerage, Drainage, Cleansing, and Paving thereof, should, as far as practicable, be placed under one and the same local management and control, subject to such general supervision as is hereinafter provided: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Parts to which this Act may be applied. this Act may, from time to time, be applied, in manner hereinafter provided, to any part of England and Wales, except the parts next hereinafter mentioned; (that is to say,) the city of London, and the liberties thereof, the parts within the limits of certain Commissions of Sewers bearing date at Westminster the Thirtieth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, also the parts within the limits of a certain other commission of sewers bearing date at Westminster, the Fourth day of December in the year last aforesaid, and the parts subject to the jurisdiction of the Commissioners acting in the execution of an Act of the Fifth year of the reign of King George the Fourth, for (among other things,) more effectually paving, lighting, watching, cleansing, and regulating the Regent's Park, and in the execution of the several Acts for extending the jurisdiction of such commissioners. Interpretation of 2. And be it enacted, That in the construction of this Act the following Words and Expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, unless such meanings be repugnant b |