The builder's price bookJ.Taylor, 1849 - Building trades |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 9
... Metropolitan Building Act , 7 & 8 Vict . cap . 84 II . Forms of Notices 1. List of Fees payable to the Surveyors under this Act IV . Summary of Proceedings to be taken or observed before and after Notices in relation to Buildings 83 103 ...
... Metropolitan Building Act , 7 & 8 Vict . cap . 84 II . Forms of Notices 1. List of Fees payable to the Surveyors under this Act IV . Summary of Proceedings to be taken or observed before and after Notices in relation to Buildings 83 103 ...
Page 83
ABSTRACT OF THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT , 7 & 8 VICTORIĆ , Cap . 84 . By this Act , which came into operation on the 1st January 1845 , all former Acts are repealed ; and buildings within the limits of the fol- lowing places are ...
ABSTRACT OF THE METROPOLITAN BUILDING ACT , 7 & 8 VICTORIĆ , Cap . 84 . By this Act , which came into operation on the 1st January 1845 , all former Acts are repealed ; and buildings within the limits of the fol- lowing places are ...
Page 103
... Metropolitan Buildings Act , Vict . c . 8. 13 , 1844 . 2. Notice by the Builder to the District Surveyor Two Days before resuming Operations . I do hereby give you Notice , That I intend to recommence the ‡ of the Worka and that C.D. ...
... Metropolitan Buildings Act , Vict . c . 8. 13 , 1844 . 2. Notice by the Builder to the District Surveyor Two Days before resuming Operations . I do hereby give you Notice , That I intend to recommence the ‡ of the Worka and that C.D. ...
Page 104
Metropolitan Buildings Act , Vict . c , s . 14 , 1844 . Notice by the District Surveyor to the Builder as to ... Buildings Act , Vict . c . s . 104 THE BUILDING ACT .
Metropolitan Buildings Act , Vict . c , s . 14 , 1844 . Notice by the District Surveyor to the Builder as to ... Buildings Act , Vict . c . s . 104 THE BUILDING ACT .
Page 105
Metropolitan Buildings Act , Vict . c . s . 15 , 1844 . 7. Notice by an Architect or Builder to the Official Referees as to Comple . tion of Amendments , and of Buildings subject to special Supervision . being a Building of the † I do ...
Metropolitan Buildings Act , Vict . c . s . 15 , 1844 . 7. Notice by an Architect or Builder to the Official Referees as to Comple . tion of Amendments , and of Buildings subject to special Supervision . being a Building of the † I do ...
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Common terms and phrases
06 Ditto 13 inches adjoining Owner appointed astragal and hollow bead butt bead flush Board of Health brick bushel chimney Circular ditto circular head circular on plan costs Cube feet Cube foot district rates ditto Inch drain edges shot elected enacted expenses feet ditto flat sweep flush and square foot cube foot run foot super Four inch half deal half ditto half inch Honduras inch and half Inch and quarter Inch deal inch ditto inch thick justices labour and nails laths liable local board mahogany Materials & Labour Metropolitan Buildings mitred moulded and square moulded both sides Official Referees order in Council ovolo panels parish party walls paving ploughed and tongued pounds premises provisional order purposes quarter deal quarter ditto quick sweep rebated respect Roman cement sashes sewer soffit square Ditto surveyor thereof Three inch Three-quarter inch vote wainscot wrought yard دو
Popular passages
Page vii - ... this act, shall be liable for every such offence to a penalty not exceeding twenty shillings...
Page xxix - If the person to whom notice is so given fails to comply therewith within the time therein specified, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten shillings for every day during which he continues to make default...
Page liv - If the arbitrators fail to make their award within twenty-one days after the day on which the last of them was appointed or within such extended time (if any) as may have been appointed for that purpose by both arbitrators under their hands, the matter in difference shall be determined by the umpire appointed as hereinafter mentioned.
Page xix - Examinations. 1. The board shall meet for the despatch of business, and shall from time to time make such regulations with respect to the summoning, notice, place, management, and adjournment of such meetings, and generally with respect to the transaction and management of business, including the quorum at...
Page xli - ... by an Act passed in the seventh year of the reign of King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to regulate Parochial Assessments...
Page l - ... think fit, not exceeding the sum of five pounds for each offence, and in the case of a continuing offence a further penalty not exceeding the sum of forty shillings for each day after written notice of the...
Page lii - ... and if he falsely or corruptly makes or signs any such declaration, knowing the same to be untrue in any material particular, he shall be liable to the penalties inflicted...
Page lxiv - Rates, to hold to the said AB, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, from the Day of the Date hereof until the said Sum of with Interest at the Rate of per Centum per Annum for the same, shall be fully paid and satisfied : And it is hereby declared, that the said Principal Sum shall be repaid on the Day of at [Place of Payment].
Page xlix - ... to collect and receive the whole or a competent part of the rates liable to the payment of the principal or interest in respect of which the application is made, until such principal or interest, or both, as the case may be, together with the costs of the application and...
Page iii - shall mean and include any Drain of and used for the Drainage of One Building only, or Premises within the same Curtilage, and made merely for the Purpose of communicating with a Cesspool or other like Receptacle for Drainage, •or with a Sewer into which the Drainage of Two or more Buildings or Premises occupied by different Persons is conveyed...