Librarian of Congress acknowledging the receipt of photographs and a bronze medal commemorating the presentation to the Argentine nation of a statue of George Washington, by American citizens resident in Argentina. I am [etc.] For Mr. Bryan: [Inclosure.] The Acting Librarian of Congress to the Secretary of State. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Washington, August 27, 1913. SIR: I beg to acknowledge the Department's letter of August 23,1 with accompanying despatch from the American Consul-General at Buenos Aires, Argentina, transmitting a bronze medal (with three photographs) commemorating the presentation to the Argentine Nation of a statue of George Washing ton, by American citizens resident in Argentina. I write for the Librarian to express our satisfaction in the possession of this medal, and our hearty acknowledgments to the Department for including this. the National Library of the United States, as the recipient of it. We assume that no acknowledgment from the Library is to go to the Consul General. If one should be expedient, we shall be happy to transmit it. Very respectfully, H. H. B. MEYER. Not printed. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. NATURALIZATION CONVENTION OF 1871 VIOLATED BY THE ARREST AND IMPRISONMENT IN AUSTRIA-HUNGARY OF NATURALIZED AMERICAN CITIZENS ON THE CHARGE OF EVASION OF MILITARY SERVICE. File No. 363.117R271. The Secretary of State to the American Chargé d'Affaires. No. 305.] DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 1 Washington, July 16, 1913. SIR: The Department sends you herewith a copy of a letter of July 9, from Mr. Morris Reich, of New York City, concerning the arrest in Galicia of his brother, Julius Reich, a naturalized citizen of the United States. It appears that his brother was kept in jail in Pruchnik from June 2 until June 6, and that his naturalization certificate, which was taken up by the local officials, as well as forty dollars which he was required to pay as a bond, was never returned to him. It appears further that this case has already been presented to you and that you have communicated with the Foreign Office in Vienna concerning it. From the application upon which passport No. 3644 was issued to Julius Reich April 23, 1913, it appears that he was born in Lubaczow, Austria, August 15, 1888, emigrated to this country December 11, 1899, and obtained naturalization as a citizen of the United States in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, April 28, 1911. From the information before the Department it does not appear that Mr. Reich, who left Galicia and came to this country when a young boy, was liable to punishment under the provision of the second article of the Naturalization Convention of 1871 between the United States and Austria-Hungary. So far as the Department is informed the arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Reich and the retention of his naturalization certificate and bond were entirely unwarranted, and it is inferred that the apparent injustice was due to the error of overzealous local officials. If, as a result of your inquiries, this appears to be the case, you will please express the earnest hope of this Government that such instructions will be issued to the local officials that cases of this kind may not arise in the future. You will also ask for the immediate return of Mr. Reich's certificate of naturalization and the money referred to. I am [etc.] For the Secretary of State: Not printed. J. B. MOORE. File No. 363.117/8. The American Chargé d'Affaires to the Secretary of State. No. 514.] AMERICAN EMBASSY, Vienna, August 4, 1913. SIR: In view of the oft-recurring arrest and imprisonment in Austria-Hungary of naturalized American citizens on the charge of evasion of military service, and of the instructions contained in the last paragraph of the Department's No. 305 of the 16th ultimo, I addressed a note dated the 2nd instant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, a copy of which is enclosed, calling his attention to the frequency of these cases and expressing the hope that the various local officials throughout the Dual Monarchy might be informed of the terms of the Treaty of Naturalization and instructed to give due and prompt consideration to the evidence presented in each case before having recourse to extreme measures. During my interview with him on the same day I went more into detail, pointing out especially that the laws of Austria-Hungary granted no compensation or relief to persons unjustly arrested and held for trial, but provide only for cases of unjust conviction and punishment. Count Berchtold promised to discuss the matter with the Minister of the Interior. I have [etc.] U. GRANT-SMITH. [Inclosure.] The American Chargé d'Affaires to the Minister for Foreign Affairs. No. 418.] AMERICAN EMBASSY, Pursuant to instruction from his Government the undersigned, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the United States of America, has the honor to invite the attention of his excellency, Count Berchtold, Imperial & Royal Minister for Foreign Affairs, to the comparatively large number of cases of arrest and imprisonment of American citizens, former Austro-Hungarian subjects, which have occurred in the Dual Monarchy within recent months on the charge of evasion of military service. In practically every instance proof has been given establishing the right of these persons to exemption from military service under the provisions of the Austro-Hungarian-American Naturalization Convention of 1871. It would appear that in the majority of cases ample proof of this fact was produced at the time of arrest, but that in spite of this these persons have been subjected to the indignity of imprisonment together with the sequestration of their papers and funds, thereby inflicting on them, and often on their families, both inconvenience and loss. While the American Government is in no wise desirous of either aiding or abetting evasions of the just obligations of its naturalized citizens to the country of their origin, the undersigned ventures to express the hope that some means may be found by which the competent local authorities throughout the Dual Monarchy may be advised of the terms of the treaty of 1871 and that American citizens, born in Austria-Hungary, may be assured of a prompt examination of the evidence at hand before being deprived of either their property or liberty. The undersigned avails [etc.] U. GRANT-SMITH. File No. 363.117/8. The Secretary of State to the American Chargé d'Affaires. No. 318.] DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, August 26, 1913. SIR: The Department has received your despatch No. 514, of August 4, 1913, transmitting a copy of your note of August 2nd to the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Office protesting against unwarranted arrests of naturalized American citizens in Austria-Hungary. The Department approves of your note and hopes that it may have the desired effect. I am [etc.] For the Secretary of State: J. B. MOORE. File No. 363.117R271/2. The American Chargé d'Affaires to the Secretary of State. No. 528.] AMERICAN EMBASSY, Vienna, September 4, 1913. SIR: In reply to the Department's No. 305 of July 16, 1913, instructing this Embassy to ask for the immediate return of the naturalization certificate and a bond taken from Julius Reich at the time of his arrest on June 2nd for alleged evasion of military service, I have the honor to report that the Embassy is in receipt of a notice from the Foreign Office stating that the certificate of naturalization and the bond of 200 crowns were returned to Julius Reich on July 16th of the present year. I have [etc.] U. GRANT-SMITH. BRAZIL. MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT, MARSHAL HERMES R. DA FONSECA, TO THE CONGRESS, MAY 3, 1913. File No. 832.032/5. No. 175.] The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State. [Extract.] AMERICAN EMBASSY, Rio de Janeiro, May 17, 1913. SIR: I have the honor to enclose herewith, for the Department's information, two copies of the annual message of the President of Brazil addressed to the National Congress on May 3, 1913, the day of the opening of the regular session of that body. I have [etc.] Message of the President. [Extract-Translation.] EDWIN V. MORGAN. The American Ambassador, in a note of January 21, 1913, suggested to our Foreign Office that it would be desirable, for strengthening the traditional friendship that unites Brazil to the United States, that the statesmen of the two countries should cultivate personal relations with each other, thus emphasizing the benefits produced by the visit which the Secretary of State, Mr. Elihu Root, made to us in 1906 on the occasion of the Third International American Conference. To this end the Ambassador stated that he was instructed to say that if the Government of Brazil found it suitable to appoint the Minister for Foreign Affairs to return the visit of Secretary Root, he would be very cordially and affectionately received as the guest of the American Nation, which would endeavor to give him the opportunity to become acquainted with that country under the most favorable auspices in so far as the period of his visit would permit. Since Mr. Taft's term of office would expire on March 4, and he would be sueceeded by the President-elect, Mr. Wilson, the Ambassador's note added that the Administration that had the honor and pleasure of extending this invitation to our Minister, would not be the one officially to welcome him upon his arrival; but that the Administration of President Wilson, who would then have been inaugurated, would doubly esteem that visit in case it should occur in the months of March and April, thus evidencing the desire of the Brazilian Government to salute the new Administration immediately upon its taking office, and to establish personal relations with the American Executive and the statesmen who would direct the public affairs of the United States during the ensuing four years. In a note of April 18, 1913, our Ambassador stated to the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs that the Administration of President Wilson had shown the same cordial appreciation in regard to his visit to the United States as the Administration of his illustrious predecessor had manifested, and that the Secretary of State, Mr. Bryan, would take satisfaction in receiving the visit of our Minister in his official capacity whenever it might be convenient for him. Accepting this gratifying invitation, the Brazilian Government resolved that Doctor Lauro Müller, in his official character as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, should visit the great American Nation, in recognition of the visit of Mr. Root, made to our country in 1906. He will leave in a few days to discharge this national mission. |