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the Americans, is in no respect at variance with the 2d Article arranged with the English. We have granted that Article solely to the end that American Ships and Subjects may, in all cases, be treated and favoured equally with French and English Subjects, and be respected and protected in our Kingdom. Wherefore I write you this Letter, and salute you. Given the 26th of the Moon Moharem, 1241, corresponding with the 9th September, 1825.



DECLARATION of the Bey of Tunis, respecting the treatment of British Subjects and Vessels.—13th April, 1826.

To our most faithful Ally and true Friend the King of Great Britain and Ireland.

Whereas it has been represented to us that a gross insult has been offered to the British Flag, in the instance of the British Vessel the Mark Anthony, in violation of the Treaties subsisting between us and His Majesty the King of Great Britain and Ireland, we do hereby deny all knowledge of such outrage, and in testimony of our sincere regret at its occurence, we desire to offer to His said Majesty the King of Great Britain and Ireland, our formal assurance that we will take measures for preventing a repetition of such proceedings, by strictly charging and enjoining all and every our Officers and other Persons, owing to us duty and obedience, to refrain at their peril from molesting or injuring, by word or deed, any British Subjects, their Vessels, or their property, within our Territories; but, on the contrary, to shew them all due respect, in conformity with the Treaties and with our intentions. Whoever infringes this order shall be most severely punished. All safety is in God!

Written in the month of Ramadan, 1241 of the Hegira. A.D. 13th April, 1826. (L.S.) HASSAN, Bashaw Bey.

T. READE, H. B. M.'s Agent and Consul-General.

BRITISH Order in Council, exempting the Vessels and Boats of certain Foreign Nations from Anchorage Dues, in Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark.—10th May, 1827.

At the Court at St. James's, the 10th day of May, 1827.



WHEREAS certain dues and duties are payable to His Majesty within the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, upon the

anchorage of Foreign Ships, Vessels, and Boats arriving at and casting anchor within the Ports, Roads, and Havens of the said Islands, commonly called anchorage dues; and which anchorage dues are not payable by or in respect of British Ships, Vessels, or Boats arriving at and casting anchor within the said Ports, Roads, and Havens; and whereas by certain Treaties or Conventions of Commerce made and concluded by His Majesty with His Most Christian Majesty the King of France, bearing date the 26th day of January, 1826; and with His Majesty the King of Denmark, bearing date the 16th day of June, 1824; and with His Majesty the King of Prussia, bearing date the 2d day of April, 1824; and with His Majesty as King of Hanover, bearing date the 12th day of June, 1824; and with His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, bearing date the 18th day of March, 1826; and with The United States of America, bearing date the 3d day of July, 1815; and with the Free Hanseatick Republicks, bearing date the 29th day of September, 1825; and with the State of Colombia, bearing date the 18th day of April, 1825; and with the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, bearing date the 2d day of February, 1825; it is amongst other things agreed, that during the continuance of such Treaties respectively, Vessels of and belonging to the Subjects of the before-mentioned Foreign Sovereigns and States, entering or departing from the Ports of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, shall not be subject to any other or higher duties or charges whatever than are or shall be levied on British Vessels entering or departing from such Ports; His Majesty, being desirous to carry the said Treaties into full execution and effect, is pleased, with the advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, that during the continuance of the before-mentioned Treaties or Conventions of Commerce respectively, and so long as the same shall respectively remain in force, the beforementioned anchorage dues heretofore levied or claimed in the said Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, and Sark, on Ships, Vessels, and Boats of or belonging to the Subjects of His Most Christian Majesty, or of His Majesty the King of Denmark, or of His Majesty the King of Prussia, or of His Majesty as King of Hanover, or of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, or of The United States of America, or of the Free Hanseatick Republicks, or of the State of Colombia, or of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, shall be and the same are hereby repealed, abolished, and remitted, any law, custom, or usage, now or at any time heretofore in force in the said Islands, or any of them, to the contrary notwithstanding; provided always, that nothing in this present Order contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to any Ships, Vessels, or Boats of or belonging to the Subjects of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, not being of the burthen of above 120 tons, such Ships, Vessels, or Boats not being included within the said Treaty with the said United Provinces, of the

2d of February, 1825; and it is further ordered, that the said anchorage dues shall in like manner be and the same are hereby repealed, abolished, and remitted in favour of the Ships, Vessels, and Boats of or belonging to the Subjects of any other Foreign State or Power with whom His Majesty shall hereafter enter into and conclude any such Treaty as aforesaid; and that such repeal, abolition, and remission shall take effect when and so soon as the conclusion of any such future Treaty shall be signified to the Governor or Lieutenant-Governor of the said Islands respectively, by His Majesty, through one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State; and all Governors, LieutenantGovernors, and other Officers, Civil and Military, and all other His Majesty's Subjects within the said Islands, are to take notice hereof and to govern themselves accordingly :

And the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, and the Right Honourable William Sturges Bourne, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain.


LAW of France, relating to the Repression of the Slave Trade.-25th April, 1827.

CHARLES, par la Grace de Dieu, Roi de France et de Navarre; A tous ceux qui ces présentes verront, salut:

Nous avons proposé, les Chambres ont adopté, nous avons ordonné et ordonnons ce qui suit:

ART. I. Les Négocians, Armateurs, Subrécargues, et tous ceux qui, par un moyen quelconque, se seront livrés au trafic connu sous le nom de Traite des Noirs; le Capitaine ou Commandant, et les autres Officiers de l'équipage; tous ceux qui sciemment auront participé à ce trafic, comme assureurs, actionnaires, fournisseurs, ou à tout autre titre, sauf toutefois l'exception portée en l'Article 3, seront punis de la peine du bannissement, et d'une amende égale à la valeur du Navire et de la cargaison prise dans le Port de l'expédition.

L'amende sera prononcée conjointement et solidairement contre tous les Individus condamnés. Le Navire sera en outre confisqué.

II. Le Capitaine et les Officiers de l'équipage seront déclarés incapables de servir à aucun titre, tant sur les vaisseaux et bâtimens du Roi, que sur ceux du Commerce Français.

III. Les autres Individus faisant partie de l'équipage seront punis de la peine de 3 mois à 5 ans d'émprisonnement.

Sont toutefois exceptés ceux desdits Individus qui, dans les 15 jours de l'arrivée du Navire, auront déclaré au Commissaire de Marine

ou aux Magistrats dans les Ports du Royaume, au Gouverneur, Commandant, ou aux autres Magistrats dans les Iles et Possessions Françaises, aux Consuls, Vice-Consuls et Agens commerciaux du Roi dans les Ports étrangers, les faits relatifs au susdit trafic dont ils auront eu connaissance.

IV. Les arrêts et jugemens de condamnation en matière de traite seront insérés dans la Partie Officielle du Moniteur, par extraits, contenant les noms des Individus condamnés, ceux des Navires et des Ports d'expédition. Cette insertion sera ordonnée par les Cours et Tribunaux, indépendamment des publications prescrites par l'Article 36 du Code Pénal.*

V. Les peines portées par la présente Loi sont indépendantes de celles qui doivent être prononcées conformément au Code Pénal pour les autres crimes ou délits qui auraient été commis à bord du Navire. VI. La Loi du 15 Avril, 1818, est abrogée.t

La présente Loi, discutée, &c.

Si donnons en mandement à nos Cours et Tribunaux, &c.

Donné en notre Château des Tuileries, le 25me jour du mois d'Avril, l'an de Grâce, 1827, et de notre Règne le 3ème.

Par le Roi:


Le Pair de France, Ministre, Secrétaire d'Etat de la
Marine et des Colonies,

Comte de CHABROL.

ACT of the British Parliament, "to carry into effect the Treaty with Sweden relative to the Slave Trade."

[7 & 8 Geo. 4. Cap. 54.]

[2d July, 1827.]

WHEREAS a Treaty was made between His Majesty and the King of Sweden and Norway, for preventing their Subjects from engaging in any traffick in Slaves, and signed at Stockholm on the 6th day of November 1824: and whereas by the 1st Article of the said Treaty, wherein it is recited that the Laws of Sweden and Norway, from the remotest time, never have recognized the existence of Slavery under any form whatever; and that the Laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland prohibit to the Subjects of His Britannick Majesty, under the severest penalties, any participation whatever in a

* Code Pénal, Art. 36.—Tous arrêts qui porteront la peine de mort, des travaux forcés à perpétuité ou à temps, la déportation, la réclusion, la peine du carcan, le bannissement et la dégradation civique, seront imprimés par extrait. Ils seront affichés dans la Ville centrale du Département, dans celle où l'arrêt aura été rendu, dans la Commune du lieu où le délit aura été commis, dans cello où se fera l'exécution, et dans celle du domicile du condamné.

+ See State Papers, 1822, 1823. Page 769.

commerce degrading to humanity and unworthy of a civilized Age; His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway engages himself in consequence, to reiterate, within the space of 6 months after the Ratification of the said Treaty, or sooner if possible, to all his Subjects, in the most explicit manner, the prohibition then already existing, that they should take any part in the traffick of Slaves; and by the said 1st Article, in order to render more effective the measures to which His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway pledges himself by the said Treaty for the suppression of the said traffick, and with a view of assimilating them more nearly to those already adopted by Great Britain, His said Majesty engages to add to them as soon as possible, with the concurrence of the States General of the Kingdom of Sweden, and of the Storthing of the Kingdom of Norway, Penal Laws according to the spirit of the Legislation of each of the said Countries, which Laws shall visit with a punishment proportionate to the magnitude of the crime, any participation whatever by Swedish or Norwegian Subjects in the Slave Trade; and in the mean time and until these subsequent arrangements could be put in force, the tenor of the Royal Ordinance of the 7th day of February, 1823, of which a Copy is annexed to the said Treaty, marked with the letter A, is formally maintained and confirmed by the said 1st Article: and whereas by the 2d Article of the said Treaty, in order more completely to prevent all infringement of the spirit of the said 1st Article, His Majesty, and His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway do declare, that the Vessels belonging to their respective Subjects, which, contrary to all expectation, may be found employed in the said forbidden traffick, shall by that act lose all right to claim the protection of their Flag; and His Majesty, and His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway mutually consent, that the Ships of their Royal Navies, which shall be provided with special Instructions for this purpose as therein-after mentioned, shall visit such merchant Vessels of the two Nations as may be suspected, on reasonable grounds of being concerned in the traffick of Slaves contrary to the provisions of the said Treaty, and in case thereof, may detain and bring away such Vessels, in order that they may be brought to trial in the manner stipulated in the 4th Article of the said Treaty: and whereas by the 3d Article of the said Treaty, in order to explain the mode of execution of the preceding Article, it is agreed, 1st that such reciprocal right of visit and detention shall not be exercised within the Mediterranean Sea, nor within the European Seas lying without the Straits of Gibraltar, to the Northward of the 37th degree of North Latitude, and within and to the Eastward of the meridian of Ferro; 2dly, that all Ships of the Royal Navies of the two Nations, which shall be thereafter employed to prevent the traffick in Slaves, shall be furnished by their respective Governments with a Copy in the English, Swedish, and Norwegian languages of the Instructions annexed to the said

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