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Birmingham and Liverpool, begun..

Gloucester and Berkeley ship-canal completed..
Norwich and Lowestoft, navigation opened..

1791 Greeks victorious in several conflicts.

.Sept. and Oct. 1866

1793 The Greek steamer Panhellenion begins to convey volun1793-1801

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teers, etc., to Candia..... 1794 Monastery of Arkadi besieged; blown up by the defenders; great loss on both sides.. Proposition of Austria, Prussia, Italy, and Switzerland to 26 Nov. the sultan to give up Candia, 28 March; declined

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31 March, 1867

1798 Many defenceless villages said to be burned......June,
1799 Collective note from Russia and other powers urging
the Porte to suspend hostilities..
Indecisive conflicts..
.15 June,







1801 The Arkadi Greek steamer, after running the blockade 22
times, landing Greek volunteers, and bringing away
women and children, destroyed by the Turkish vessel
Assembly of delegates meet the vizier.
19 Aug.
Insurrection subsides; the grand-vizier arrives, 28 Sept. ;
.22 Sept.
proclaims an amnesty, and promises reforms..5 Nov.
Successful blockade-running by the Greeks; Omar Pacha,
the Turkish general, resigns his command in the


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1811 1816


The delegates' demands granted.. 1818 The war renewed (indecisive)..

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..Nov. .......11 Dec. 66 1819 The Petropaulakes landed about 2500 men on opposite .Feb. 1868 sides of the isle, 10 Dec., but failed in their attempt to unite; after several skirmishes, in which they lost about 650 men, all surrendered (and were sent to Greece)....


.30 Oct. 1822




Canary Islands (N. W. Africa), known to the ancients as the Fortunate Isles. The first meridian was referred to the Canary Isles by Hipparchus, about 140 B.C. They were rediscovered by a Norman named Bethencourt, about 1400; his descendants sold them to the Spaniards, who became masters, 1843. The canary-bird, a native of these isles, brought to England about 1500. Teneriffe is the largest island.

Cancer Hospital, West Brompton, S. W. London, was founded by Miss (now baroness) Burdett-Coutts, 30 May, 1859. A temporary hospital begun in 1851.

Candahar, a province of Afghanistan held by Duranis and Ghilzais. Candahar, the capital, is said to have been founded by Alexander the Great (334-323 B.C.). After being subject to successive rulers of India, it was made capital of Afghanistan by Ahmed Shah, 1747, but the seat of government was transferred to Cabul in 1774.


.April, 1880
.. Dec. ".


Taken and held by the British, 7 Aug. 1839 to 22 May.... 1842 Gen. Nott (with major Rawlinson and major Lane) defeated the Afghans near here... The government of Candahar conferred on Shere Ali (a ..Jan. and June, cousin of the late ameer Shere Ali), with the title of Wali, by the viceroy of India.. Shere Ali resigned, and went to Calcutta in. After the disaster of Maiwand, 27 July, 1880, Candahar was held by British during the winter.. In the house of lords, on the earl of Lytton's motion to retain Candahar, 165 voted for its retention, 76 against, The house of commons, on Mr. Stanhope's motion for re5 March, 1881 tention, 336 voted against it; 216 for it...24-26 March, Candahar evacuated by the British....... Sirdar Kashim Khan (on behalf of Abdur-rahman, ameer .16-21 April, of Cabul) enters Candahar.. Invasion of Ayoob Khan; he defeats the ameer's army 16 April, 66 at Karez-i-Atta, 26 July; enters Candahar.....30 July, (Sec Afghanistan.) Candia, the ancient Crete, an island in the Mediterranean sea, celebrated for its 100 cities, its centre Mount Ida, the laws of its king Minos, and its labyrinth to secure the Minotaur (about 1300 B.C.). It was conquered by the Romans 68 B.C.

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26 Dec. 30 Dec.

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The provisional government surrendered..
The new Turkish governor, Omar Fenizi, arrived, and
the blockade ended..
Insurrection announced, with provisional government,

.8 March, 1869 about 20 Dec. 1877

.11 Feb. 1878

Union with Greece proclaimed, 21 Jan.; decreed by a
Insurrection unsubdued; anarchy; Berlin treaty de-
general assembly..
Pacification by Mukhtar Pacha through concession of
clares for enforcing legal and political reforms, 13 July,
self-government, etc...........


...Oct. 66

memory of the purification of the Virgin, who presented Candlemas-day, 2 Feb., is kept in the church in the infant Jesus in the Temple. ii. 32, "a light to lighten the Gentiles," etc.), this festival was called Candlemas, as well as the Purification. candles lit (it is said in memory of Simeon's song, Luke From the number of Its origin is ascribed by Bede to pope Gelasius in the fifth century. The practice of lighting the churches was forbidden by order of council, 2 Edw. VI. 1548; but is still continued in the church of Rome. Candlemas is a Scotch quarter-day.

Candles. The Roman candles were composed of string surrounded by wax, or dipped in pitch. Splinters of wood fatted were used for light among the lower classes in England, about 1300. Wax candles were little used, and dipped candles were usually burned. The Wax-chandlers' Company was incorporated 1484. Mould-candles are said to be the invention of the sieur Le Brez, of Paris. Spermaceti candles are of modern manufacture. The Chinese make candles from wax obtained from the candleberry-tree (Myrica cerifera). The duty upon candles made in England, imposed in 1709, amounted to about 500,000l. annually, when it was repealed in 1831. Very great improvements in the manufacture of candles are due to the researches on oils Chevreul, since 1811, and published in 1823. and fats carried on by "the father of the fatty acids," manufactory at Lambeth, the principles involved in At Price's many patents are carried into execution; including those of Gwynne (1840), Jones and Price (1842), and Wilson in 1844, for candles which require no snuffing (termed composite). Palm and cocoa-nut oils are now extensively used. In 1860, at the Belmont works, 900 persons were employed, and in winter 100 tons (70007. worth) of candles are manufactured weekly. Candles are manufactured at Belmont from the mineral oil of tar 1830 (paraffine) brought from Rangoon in the Burmese empire, 1840 and from Trinidad. This substance was first discovered 1858 product of the distillation of wood by Reichenbach in 1830. in petroleum by Buckner in 1820; it was discovered as a Paraffine from petroleum is now extensively used in the manufacture of candles. In 1870 the manufacture of candles from a mineral substance named ozokerit began. Electric candles of Jablochkoff and Jamin, see under Electricity. Candlesticks (or lamp-stands) with seven branches were regarded as emblematical of the priest's office, and

A.D. 823

...Aug. 1204

Gained by the Turks, after a twenty-four years' siege, during which more than 200,000 men perished... Ceded to the Egyptian pacha...

Restored to Turkey..

Insurrections suppressed, 1841; by conciliation
Persecution of the Christians.


The Christians demand redress of grievances......June, 1866 .31 July, 1859 They establish a "sacred battalion".

Publish an address to the powers protecting Greece,

12 Aug. 21 Aug.

Commencement of hostilities; the Turkish
manded by Mustapha Pacha..

The Cretan general assembly proclaim the abolition of
the Turkish authority in Candia, and union with
army com
2 Sept.
.11 Sept.



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were engraven on their seals, cups, and tombs. Bezaleel made a candlestick of pure gold" for the tabernacle, 1491 B.C. (Exod. xxxvii. 17). Candlesticks were used in Britain in the days of king Edgar, 959 ("silver candelabra and gilt candelabra well and honorably made").

Candy (Ceylon) was taken by a British detachment, 20 Feb. 1803, who capitulated 23 June following, on account of its unhealthiness, and many were treacherously massacred at Colombo, 26 June. The war was renewed in Oct. 1814; the king was made prisoner by gen. Brownrigg, 19 Feb. 1815; and the sovereignty was vested in Great Britain, 2 March, 1815.

Canicular Period, see Dog-star.

Cannæ (Apulia). Here, on 2 Aug. 216 B.C., Hannibal with 50,000 Africans, Gauls, and Spaniards, defeated Paulus Æmilius and Terentius Varro, with 88,000 Romans, of whom 40,000 were slain. The victor sent to Carthage three bushels of rings taken from the Roman knights. The place is now denominated by some "the

field of blood."

Cannibal, an Indian term, thought to be a form of Carribal; as Columbus, in 1493, found the Caribs of the West Indies gross cannibals. Anthropophagi (maneaters) are mentioned by Homer and Herodotus; and the practice still exists in some of the South Sea islands and other savage countries.

Canning Administration.* The illness of lord Liverpool, Feb., led to the formation of this administration, 24-30 April, 1827. Mr. Cauning died 8 Aug. following; see Goderich.

George Canning, first lord of the treasury and chancellor of the exchequer.

Earl of Harrowby, president of the council.

Duke of Portland, lord privy seal.

10 in., and its weight 21 tons 17 cwt. 1 qr. 14 lbs. Its cost was 35001. With a charge of 25 lbs. it struck a target 2000 yards distant. It has been since presented to government.

.20 Aug. 1858

Rifled ordnance committee appointed..
Recently great improvements have been made in the

construction of cannon by Messrs. Whitworth, Mallet, Armstrong, Dahlgren, and others. Mr. Wm. G. Armstrong knighted.

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.18 Feb. 1859

He had been working for four years on gun-making, and had succeeded in producing "a breech-loading rifled wrought-iron gun of great durability and of extreme lightness, combining a great extent of range and extraordinary accuracy. The range of a 32-lb. gun charged with 5 lbs. of powder was a little more than 5 miles. The accuracy of the Armstrong gun is said, at equal distances, to be fifty-seven times more than that of our common artillery, which it greatly exceeded, also, in destructive effects. The government engaged the services of sir W. Armstrong for ten years (commencing with 1855) for 20,000l., as consulting engineer of rifled ordnance. ...22 Feb.

A parliamentary committee on ordnance was appointed

20 Feb., and reported...

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..23 July, 1860 Sir W. Armstrong resigned his appointment......5 Feb. 1863 His gun said to be very effective in the attack on the Chinese forts at Taku... .21 Aug. 1860 Mr. Whitworth's guns and rifles greatly commended.. 1860–70 An American cannon, weighing 35 tons, stated to be the Great endeavors made to improve the construction of largest in the world, cast.. cannon, to counterbalance the strength given to ships of war by iron plates; trials at Shoeburyness, Essex.. 1862 Targets of the thickness of the iron sides of the Warrior, three 5-inch plates of wrought iron bolted together, pierced three times by 156-lb. shot from an Armstrong gun, smooth bore, 300 lbs., muzzle-loaded with charges of 40 lbs. of powder, twice, and once of 50 lbs. 8 April,

The Horsfall gun, mentioned above, with a charge of 75
lbs. of powder and a shot of 270 lbs., smashed a War-
rior target..
..16 Sept.



Mr. Whitworth's shells sent through 54-inch iron plates and woodwork behind. ....12 Nov. Armstrong's gun, "Big Will," tried and pronounced to be perfect; weight, 22 tons; length, 15 ft.; range with shot weighing 510 lbs., 748 to 4187 yards.... .19 Nov. 1863 .7 July, .8 Dec.

Viscount Dudley, viscount Goderich, and Mr. Sturges Bourne, Clark's target destroyed..

foreign, colonial, and home secretaries.

W. W. Wynn, president of the India board.

Wm. Huskisson, board of trade.

Lord Palmerston, secretary at war.

Lord Bexley, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster.

Duke of Clarence, lord high admiral.

Lord Lyndhurst, lord chancellor, etc.

Marquess of Lansdowne, without office; afterwards home secretary.

Earl of Carlisle, woods and forests.

Cannon. Gibbon describes a cannon employed by Mahomet II. at the siege of Adrianople, 1453; see Artillery.

The first cannon cast in England was by Hugget, at Uckfield, Sussex, 1543.

Mons Meg, a large cannon (above 13 ft. long, 20 in. calibre) in Edinburgh castle, said to have been cast at Mons, in Hainault, in 1486, but more probably forged at Castle Douglas, Galloway, by three brothers named McKim, and presented by them to James II. at the siege of Thrieve castle, 1455. It was removed to London, 1754; but, at the request of sir Walter Scott, restored to Edinburgh, 1829.

A cannon of Mahomet II., dated 1464, presented to the British government by the sultan of Turkey, and placed in the Artillery Museum, Woolwich, 1868. Moolk e-Maedan, an Indian bronze gun of Beejapoor, calibre 23 inches; seventeenth century.

At Ehrenbreitstein castle, opposite Coblentz, on the Rhine, is a cannon, 184 ft. long, 14 ft. in diameter in the bore, and 3 ft. 4 in. in the breech; the ball for it weighs 180 lbs., and its charge of powder 94 lbs. It was made by one Simon..

In Dover castle is a brass gun (called queen Elizabeth's pocket pistol), 24 ft. long, a present from Charles V. to Henry VIII.

Fine specimens in the Tower of London.


A leathern cannon fired three times in the King's park, Edinburgh (Phillips) .23 Oct. 1788 The Turkish piece now in St. James's park was taken by the French at Alexandria; but was retaken, and placed in the park March, 1803 Messrs. Horsfall's monster wrought-iron gun was completed in May, 1856, at Liverpool. Its length is 15 ft. *George Canning was born 11 April, 1770; became foreign secretary in the Portland administration, 1807; fought a duel with lord Castlereagh and resigned, 1809; president of the India Board in 1820; disapproved of the queen's trial, and resigned in 1821; appointed governor general of India in 1822, but became soon after foreign secretary, and remained such till 1827, when he became premier. He died 8 Aug. same year.

Reed's target tried successfully.

The competitive trial between the Armstrong and Whit-
worth guns began.....
.1 April, 1864
Iron-plate Commission experiments close........4 Aug.
Capt. Palliser, by experiment, has shown that iron shot
cast in cold iron moulds, instead of hot sand, is much
harder, and equals steel; he also suggested the lining
cast-iron guns with wrought-iron exits, which is stated
to be successful..

The competitive trials of Armstrong's and Whitworth's
cannon upon the Alfred target-ship at Portsmouth
15 Nov.
Hercules target, 4 ft. 2 in. thick, 114 inches of iron. re-
sists 300-pounders..


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..June, 1865

National Artillery Association (see Artillery). Duel between the Bellerophon, with a 12-ton 9-inch rifled naval service gun with steel bolts (250 lbs.), and powder charge of 48 lbs., and the single gun turret of the Royal Sovereign, by capt. Cowper Coles; the equilibrium of the turret base undisturbed by any amount of pounding..

..15 June, 1866

At Shoeburyness, Palliser's chilled metal shot (250 lbs.), by 43 lbs. of powder, ir. a 9-inch muzzle - loading wrought-iron Woolwich rifle gun, is sent through a target of 8 inches rolled iron, 18 inches teak, and 4-inch iron, and about 20 feet beyond........ 13 Sept. [His patent is dated 27 May, 1863. Mr. James Nasmyth had previously suggested the use of chilled iron.] Many experiments made with cannon and targets at Shoeburyness..


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The American 15-inch naval gun, with a cast-iron spherical shot (453 lbs.), greatly damages an 8-inch target; other experiments at Shoeburyness.. ..23 July, Continued experiments at Shoeburyness; Plymouth model fort, with 15-inch solid shield-plates, tried with 23-ton gun of 12-inch bore, bearing 600 lb. Palliser shot; exterior of fort destroyed; interior intact; the 10-inch English gun shown to be superior to American and Prussian great guns.. ..16-24 June, 1868 Capt. Montcrieff's protected barbette gun carriage (in which the recoil is utilized for reloading), tried at Shoeburyness and proved successful ..2 Oct. Contest at Shoeburyness: the iron targets of Brown of Sheffield resist the Whitworth guns.. ...2 March, 1870 Palliser shot said to have failed in the Hercules..20 Jan. "Woolwich Infant," 35 tons; largest gun then ever

made; length, 16 ft. 3 in.; formed of a steel tube with coiled breech-piece; designed to fire a 700-lb. projectile, with 120-lb. charge; made at Woolwich in 1870; when tried in Dec. 1871, the inner tube cracked; others

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..4 Aug. 1876

plates successfully resisted the attack (animals in the turret uninjured). ...5 July, 1872 Col. Moncrieff's hydro-pneumatic carriage for artillery invented about April; the principle claimed by sir William Armstrong for hydraulic machine....11 Nov. Woolwich Infant.-Experimental gun constructing at Woolwich-80 tons, 27 feet long; for 1650-lb. shot, 300 lbs. of powder..... May, 1874 81-ton gun tried at Woolwich: shot, 1250 lbs., 190 lbs. of powder; 12 men rammed in the charge; shot penetrated 50 feet of sand; tried successfully 18 Sept. 1875; 24-26 July, with 370 lbs. of powder.. Gen. von Uchatius's steel bronze cannon making at Vienna, Sept. 1875; reported successful... Sir William Armstrong's 100-ton gun for Italy tried successfully at Spezzia; 2000-lb. shot and 330 lbs. powder, 21 Oct., 81-ton (or 80-ton) gun tried at Shoeburyness for searange, with 1760-lb. Palliser shell, 27 Sept. et seq. 1876, and.. ...1 Feb. 1877 Four 100-ton guns by Armstrong ordered by government.. ..March, 1878 A 100-ton gun tried at Woolwich, 13 June; finally proved, 16 July, 1879 Great guns by Krupp successfully tried at Meppen, Han.5-8 Aug. Dec.



Breech-loading cannon ordered to be made.. Experiments with the 38-ton Thunderer gun (sce Navy, 1879), 9 Dec. 1879; exploded when double-charged, 3 Feb. 1880 One of Armstrong's 100-ton guns in the Duilio, near Naples, exploded........

..6 March,

Canoe. In the Rob Roy, a very lightly constructed canoe, "giving the pleasure of a yacht without the expense," Mr. J. Macgregor, in 1865, travelled about a thousand miles on the rivers and lakes of Europe. His second cruise was on the Baltic. He explored the Suez canal, Nov., and the rivers of Syria, Dec., 1868, and the canals and lakes of Holland in the summer of 1871. The Octoroon (16 feet long, 23 inches broad) crossed the Chan nel from Boulogne to Dover in 11 hours, 19 Aug. 1867. The Royal Canoe Club founded, 1866. The prince of Wales president, 1876. There are several canoe clubs in the United States, and an annual canoe regatta is held at Lake George, N. Y. The most remarkable canoe voyages made in the United States have been those of Mr. N. H. Bishop, of Lake George, who sailed and paddled, upon inland water-ways, from the Canada line, via New York, Norfolk, and Charleston, to the Gulf of Mexico on one voyage; and on another, down the Ohio and Mississippi


New York Canoe Club, first in United States, organized autumn, 1870 Mr. Fowler crossed from Boulogne to Sandgate standing in an india-rubber twin canoe (the Podoscaphe) in 12 hours 19 Aug. 1878 American Canoe Association, organized at Lake George, N. Y.... .......3 Aug. 1880 Canon, a piece of music in two or more parts, imitating each other. "Non nobis, Domine," by Birde (died 1523), is an early specimen.

Canon of Scripture, see Bible. Canonical Hours, see Breviary. Canonization of pious men and martyrs as saints was instituted by pope Leo III., 800.-Tallent. Every day in the calendar is now a saint's day. The first canonization by papal authority was of St. Udalricus, Ulric, in 993. Previously canonization was the act of the bishops and people.-Hénault. On 8 June, 1862, the pope canonized 27 Japanese, who had been put to death on 5 Feb. 1597, near Nagasaki, and 25 others, on 29 June, 1867. Among persons canonized by pope Pius IX. in Oct. 1872 was the late queen of Naples.

Canons, APOSTOLICAL, ascribed to the apostles by Bellarmin and Baronius, by others to St. Clement, are certainly of much later date (since 325). The Greek church allows 85, the Latin 50 of them. The first ecclesiastical canon was promulgated 380.-Usher. Canonlaw of the church was introduced into Europe by Gratian about 1140, and into England in 1154.-Stow. See Decretals. The present canons and constitutions of the Church of England, collected from former ordinances, were established in 1603 by the clergy in convocation, and ratified by king James I., 1604. A new body of

canons, formed by the convocation in 1640, were declared unlawful by the commons, 16 Dec. 1641.-An intermediate class of religious, between priests and monks, in the eighth century, were termed canons, as living by a rule. Canons in some of our cathedrals and collegiate churches resemble the prebendaries in others. The endowment of canonries was facilitated by the Cathedrals Act, 1873. Canopus, see Alexandria.

Canossa, a castle in Modena. Here the emperor Henry IV. of Germany submitted to penance imposed by his enemy, pope Gregory VII. (Hildebrand), then living at the castle, the residence of the great countess Matilda. Henry was exposed for several days to the inclemency of winter, Jan. 1077, till the pope admitted him, and granted absolution. Matilda greatly increased the temporal power of the papacy by bequeathing to it her large estates, to the injury of her second husband, Guelph, duke of Bavaria. A Canossa monument, near Harzburg, against the papacy, was inaugurated 26 Aug. 1877.

Canterbury (Kent), the Durovernum of the Romans, and capital of Ethelbert, king of Kent, who reigned 560-616. He was converted to Christianity by Augustin, 596, upon whom he bestowed many favors, giving him land for an abbey and cathedral, dedicated to Christ, 602. St. Martin's church is said to be the oldest Saxon church in Britain. The riot at Boughton, near Canterbury, produced by a fanatic called Tom or Thom, who assumed the name of sir William Courtenay, occurred 28-31 May, 1838; see Thomites. The railway to London was completed in 1846.-The ARCHBISHOP is primate and metropolitan of all England, and the first peer in the realm, having precedency of all officers of state, and of all dukes not of the blood royal. Canterbury had formerly jurisdiction over Ireland, and the archbishop was styled a patriarch. This see has yielded to the Church of Rome 18 saints and 9 cardinals, and to the civil state of England 12 lord chancellors and 4 lord treasurers. This see was made superior to York, 1073; see York. The revenue is valued in the king's books at 2816l. 7s. 9d.-Beatson. Present income, 15,000l. The Cathedral was sacked by the Danes, 1011, and burned down 1067; rebuilt by Lanfranc and Anselm, and the choir, completed by the prior Conrad in 1130, and in which Becket was murdered, 1170, was burned 1174. It was rebuilt by William of Sens (1174-8), and by "English William," 1178-84. A new nave was built and other parts, 1378-1410. The great central tower was erected by prior Goldstone about 1495. The gorgeous shrine of Becket was stripped at the Reformation, and his bones burned. Here were interred Edward the Black Prince, Henry IV., cardinal Pole, and other distinguished perPart of the roof was destroyed by an accidental fire, and the edifice narrowly escaped, 3 Sept. 1872. The clock-tower was nearly on fire, 2 June, 1876; see Hugue


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1006-1011. St. Alphage (murdered by the Danes, 19 April). 1013-1020. Lyfing, or Elfstun.

1020-1038. Ethelnoth.

1050-1052. Robert of Jumiéges.

1038-1050. St. Eadsige.

1052-1070. Stigand (deprived).

1070-1089. St. Lanfranc (died 24 May).

1093-1109. Anselm.

[See vacant 5 years.]

1114-1122. Radulphus de Turbine.

1123-1136. William de Curbellio.

1139-1161. Theobald.

1162-1170. Thomas à Becket (murdered 29 Dec.).

[See vacant.]

1174-1184. Richard.

1184-1190. Baldwin.


Reginald Fitz-Joceline (died 26 Dec.).
[See vacant.]

1193-1205. Hubert Walter. [Reginald the sub-prior, and John

away 10,000 houses and 1000 persons, Oct. 1833. Canton was taken by the British in 1857; restored, 1861; see China, 1835, 1839, 1856, 1861. Population estimated at 1,000,000.

Cantor Lectures, courses given annually at the rooms of the Society of Arts. The expenses are defrayed by a legacy from Dr. Theodore Edward Cantor, of the Indian civil service, who died about 1859. The lectures began 7 Dec. 1863.

Canuleian Law, permitting the patricians and plebeians to intermarry, was passed at Rome 445 B.C.

Caoutchouc, or INDIA-RUBBER, an elastic resinous substance that exudes by incisions from several trees that grow in South America, Mexico, Africa, and

Grey, bishop of Norwich, were successively Asia, especially Castilloa Ilerea or Siphonia elastica,

chosen, but set aside.]

1206-1228. Stephen Langton (died 6 July).

1229-1231. Richard Weathershed.

[blocks in formation]

1768-1783. Frederick Cornwallis (died 19 March). 1783-1805. John Moore (died 18 Jan.).

1805-1828. Charles Manners Sutton (died 21 July). 1828-1848. William Howley (died 11 Feb.). 1848-1862. John Bird Sumner (died 6 Sept.). 1862-1868. Charles Thomas Longley (died 27 Oct.). 1868.

Archibald Campbell Tait (elected 4 Dec.).

Canterbury (New Zealand), a Church of England settlement founded in 1850. Population in 1854, 6000; in 1868, 54,000; during that period, 1,800,000l. expended on public works, principally from the current revenue. Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer, were written about 1364, and first printed about 1475 or 1476 (by Caxton). Chaucer Society established 1867.

Cantharides, venomous green beetles (called ish flies), employed to raise blisters. This use is ascribed to Aretæus of Cappadocia, about 50 B.C.

and Ficus elastica.

[blocks in formation]

(See under Printing.)

African caoutchouc imported into England.
Caoutchouc imported in 1850, 7617 cwts.; in 1856, 28,765
cwts.; in 1864, 71,027 cwts.; in 1866, 72,176 cwts.; in
1870, 152,118 cwts.; in 1874, 129,163 cwts.; in 1876,
158,692 cwts; in 1877, 159,723 cwts.; in 1879, 150,601

In 1823, 500 pairs of shoes were imported into Boston.
At a later date gum-elastic became the subject of scien-
tific investigation, and many persons commenced ex-
perimenting with it. In 1832, the considerable manu-
facture of it was commenced in Massachusetts by John
Haskins and Edwin M. Chaffee, who, in connection
with others, started the celebrated Roxbury India-rub-
ber Company, which was shortly after incorporated
with a capital of $400,000. For this company Mr. Chaf-
fee invented the famous mammoth machine for spread-
ing rubber without a solvent, the machine itself cost-
ing nearly $30,000. Similar machines are now re-
quired by all manufacturers of rubber goods. The
apparent prosperity of this company induced the start-
ing of factories in Boston, Chelsea, Woburn, and Fram-
ingham (Mass.). New York city, Staten Island, and
Troy (N. Y.), with capitals of from $50,000 to $500,000.
These companies made their goods by dissolving the
rubber in camphene and other solvents, then mixing
lampblack with it, and while in the form of paste
spreading it on cloth from which coats, etc., are made.
The goods were then dried in the sun or in a warm
room until the solvent evaporated, leaving a coating
of rubber. In 1856, the United States imported crude
India-rubber to the amount of $97,796, and exported
to the amount of $1,093,602 of rubber goods. In 1880,
the United States imported crude India-rubber to the
amount of 13,981,964 lbs., valued at $9,606,239.



Cape Breton, a large island, E. coast of North America, said to have been discovered by Cabot, 1497; by the English in 1584; taken by the French in 1632, but was Span-afterwards restored; and again taken in 1745, and retaken in 1748. The fortress, Louisburg, was captured by the English, 26 July, 1758, when the garrison were made prisoners, and eleven French ships were captured or destroyed. The island was ceded to England, 10 Feb. 1763.

Canticles, a name given to the Benedictus, Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, etc., in the Book of Common Prayer, and especially to the Song of Solomon.

Canton, founded about 200 B.C., the only city in China with which Europeans were allowed to trade, till the treaty of 29 Aug. 1842. Merchants arrived here in 1517. English factory established, 1680. A fire destroying 15,000 houses, 1822. An inundation swept

Cape-Coast Castle (S.W. Africa). Settled by the Portuguese in 1610; taken by the Dutch, 1643; demolished by admiral Holmes in 1661. All the British factories and shipping along the coast were destroyed by the Dutch admiral, De Ruyter, in 1665. It was con

firmed to the English by the treaty of Breda in 1667; | Zulu war begins (see Zululand).. see Ashantees.

Cape Finisterre (N.W. Spain). Off this cape admirals lord Anson and Warren defeated and captured a French fleet under De la Jonquière, 3 May, 1747.

Cape of Good Hope, a promontory on the S.W. point of Africa, called "Cabo Tormentoso" (the stormy cape), the "Lion of the Sea," and the "Head of Africa," discovered by Bartholomew de Diaz in 1487. Its present name was given by John II. of Portugal, who augured favorably of future discoveries from Diaz having reached the extremity of Africa. Population of "Cape Colony," in 1856, 267,096; in 1875, 721,502.

The cape was doubled, and the passage to India discov-
ered, by Vasco da Gama..
..19 Nov. 1497

CAPE TOWN, the capital, founded by the Dutch.
Colony taken by the English under admiral Elphinstone


and gen. Clarke

.16 Sept. 1795

Restored at the peace of Amiens.

.25 March, 1802

Taken by sir D. Baird and sir H. Popham
Finally ceded to England..

British emigrants arrive.

..9 Jan. 1806 .13 Aug. 1814 ...March, 1820 settlements,

Oct. 1834

The Kaffirs make irruptions on the British
and ravage Grahamstown (see Kaffraria)..
Bishopric of Cape Town founded; Dr. Robert Gray, first

The inhabitants successfully resist the attempt to make
the Cape a penal colony.
19 May, 1849
Territories north of Great Orange river placed under
British authority, 3 Feb. 1848; annexed as the Orange
River Territory

.March, 1851

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The constitution granted to the colony promulgated and
.1 July, 1853
joyfully received..
Gen. Prætorius, chief of the Transvaal republic, died. Aug.
The British jurisdiction over the Orange River Territory
abandoned, 30 Jan.; a free state was formed; see Or-
ange River.
.....March, 1854
The first parliament meets at Cape Town.. ....1 July,
The Kaffirs much excited by a prophet named Umhla-
kaza; by the exertions of sir George Grey, the govern-
or, tranquillity maintained.
The Cape visited by prince Alfred in.
The first railway from Cape Town, about 58 miles long,
..about Dec.

Governor, sir Philip E. Wodehouse.

.Aug. 1856
..July, 1860

Disputes between bishops of Cape Town and Natal (see
Church of England)...

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Cape Town visited by the duke of Edinburgh....17 Aug. 1867
Discovery of diamonds; leads to disputes between the
free states and the tribes (see Diamonds).
Large tracts of territory devastated by fire..
Death of Moshesh, an eminent chief of the Basutos,
friendly to the British..

Feb. 1869
...11 March, 1870
New harbor, breakwater, and docks at Cape Town inau-
gurated by the duke of Edinburgh..
..12 July,

Sir Henry Barkly appointed governor
Energetic conduct of sir Henry Barkly, repressing ag-
gressions of the president of the Orange River terri-

Colony of Griqualand constituted

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.March, 1871 ..27 Oct. 66

The British flag erected amidst the diamond-fields with great acclamation.

...17 Nov.

Great success in the diamond-fields; robbery of diamonds valued between 35,0007, and 40,000l.; oppression of the natives stopped by sir H. Barkly..

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...Aug. 1872 Death of bishop Gray, deeply lamented 1 Sept. Macomo, an eminent Kaffir chief, died.. ...11 Sept. 1873 Insurrection of Langalibalele, a chief, suppressed (see Natal) Nov., Dec. South African Confederation (which see), proposed by earl of Carnarvon; opposed by Mr. Molteno and his cabinet, May; long debate commenced on it in the Cape parlia

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11 Nov. 1875

ment Earl of Carnarvon, in a despatch, proposes that the conference on the confederation shall be transferred to .Nov. England, 22 Oct.; much resented.. Earl of Carnarvon's despatch expressing earnest desire for the confederation, and proposing a meeting of delegates in London, their decision not to be conclusive, 15 Nov.; parliament prorogued. .26 Nov.

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Cape Horn, or HOORN, on the last island of the Fuegian archipelago, the southernmost point of America, was discovered and named by Schouten, 1616, after his birthplace in the Netherlands.

Cape la Hogue, see La Пlogue.

Cape St. Vincent (S.W. Portugal). Sir George Rooke, with twenty-three ships of war, and the Turkish fleet, was attacked by Tourville, with 160 ships, off Cape St. Vincent, when twelve English and Dutch men-ofwar, and eighty merchantmen, were captured or destroyed by the French, 16 June, 1693.—Sir John Jervis, with the Mediterranean fleet of fifteen sail, defeated the Spanish fleet of twenty-seven ships of the line off this cape, taking four ships and sinking others, 14 Feb. 1797. For this victory sir John was raised to the peerage, as earl St. Vincent. Nelson was engaged in this battle. Near this cape the fleet of dom Pedro, under admiral Charles Napier, captured dom Miguel's fleet, 5 July,


Cape Verde Islands (N. Atlantic Ocean), belonging to Portugal, were known to the ancients as Gorgades, but not to the moderns till discovered by Antonio de Noli, a Genoese navigator in the service of Portugal, 1446, 1450, or 1460.

Capel Court, see under Stocks.

Capetians, the third race of the kings of France, named from Hugo Capet, count of Paris and Orleans, who seized the throne on the death of Louis V., called the Indolent, 987.-Hénault. The first line of the house of Capet ended with Charles IV., in 1328, when Philip VI. of Valois ascended the throne; see France.

Capillarity (the rising of liquids in small tubes, and the ascent of the sap in plants) is said to have been first observed by Niccolò Aggiunti of Pisa, 1600-35. The theory has been examined by Newton, La Place, and others. Dr. T. Young's theory was put forth in 1805, and Mr. Wertheim's researches in 1857.

Capital, estimated amount (R. Giffen):

Great Britain: beginning of century, 115,000,000.; 1843, 251,000,000l.; 1853, 262,000,000l.

United Kingdom: 1855, 308,000,000Z.; 1865, 396,000,0002; 1875,

Capital Punishment, see Death.
Capitation-tax, see Poll-tax.

Capitol, said to have been so called from a human head (caput) found when digging the foundations of the fortress of Rome, on Mons Tarpeius. Here a temple was built to Jupiter Capitolinus. The foundation was laid by Tarquinius Priscus, 616 B.C.; the building was continued by Servius Tullius; completed by Tarquinius Superbus, but not dedicated till 507 B.C. by the consul Horatius. It was destroyed by lightning 6 July, 183; burned during the civil wars, 83; rebuilt by Sylla, and He opens a successful exhibition at Cape Town..5 April, 1877 dedicated again by Lutatius Catulus, 69; again burned, Transvaal republic (which see) annexed.

Conference of delegates in London began; earl of Carnarvon, not Mr. Molteno, present...

..5 Aug. 1876

Sir H. Bartle E. Frere appointed governor and lord high commissioner for South Africa..


12 April,

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Troublesome disputes between tribes (Fingoes and Gale-
kas); lead to war (see Kaffraria)
The minister Molteno opposes employing imperial troops
in the Kaffir war....
.Jan., Feb. 1878
Mr. Molteno's ministry dismissed; one formed by Mr. J.
Gordon Sprigg, about 12 Feb.; reported successful.
Kaffir war ended; amnesty to surrendering rebels an-
.2 July,
Thanksgiving day for restoration of peace........1 Aug.

A.D. 69, 80; rebuilt 70, 82; sacked by Genseric, June, 455. The Roman consuls made large donations to this temple, and the emperor Augustus bestowed on it 2000 pounds weight of gold, of which metal the roof was composed: its thresholds were of brass, and its interior was decorated with shields of solid silver. The Capitoline games, instituted 387 B.C. to commemorate the deliverance from the Gauls, were revived by Domitian, A.D. 86. The

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