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exercising any trade or handicraft by retail, 1483, a prohibition which was relaxed in 1663.

Alien priories (cells and estates belonging to foreign persons)
suppressed in England, 1414.

The Alien Act passed, Jan. 1793.
Act to register aliens, 1795.

Baron Geramb, a fashionable foreigner, known at court, or
dered out of England, 6 April, 1812.

Bill to abolish naturalization by the holding of stock in the
banks of Scotland, June, 1820.

New registration act, 7 Geo. IV. 1826. This last act was re-
pealed and another statute passed, 6 Will. IV. 1836.
The rigor of the alien laws was mitigated by acts passed in

1844 and 1847.

"Foreigners have reclaimed our marshes, drained our fens, fished our seas, and built our bridges and harbors."— Smiles, 1861.

Their status defined by the Naturalization Act, passed 12 May,


of muriatic acid gas" (or hydrochloric acid) was passed, 28 July, 1863. It came into operation 1 Jan. 1864, proved successful, was re-enacted 1868, and amended 1874; see Chemical Works.

Alkmaer, see Bergen.

Allahabad (N.W. Hindostan), the "holy city" of the Indian Mahometans, situated at the junction of the rivers Jumna and Ganges. The province of Allahabad was successively subject to the sovereigns of Delhi and Oude, but in 1801 was partially and in 1803 wholly incorporated with the British possessions. By treaty here, Bengal, etc., was ceded to the English in 1765.During the Indian mutiny several sepoy regiments rose and massacred their officers, 4 June, 1857; col. Neil marched promptly from Benares and suppressed the insurrection. In Nov. 1861, lord Canning made this city the capital of the N.W. provinces. Visit of the prince of Wales, 7 March, 1874.

Allatoona Pass (Ga.), BATTLE OF, fought 6 Oct. 1864. After his evacuation of Atlanta, Hood covered the road to Macon. Soon, however, he shifted southward to the West Point road, and then boldly pushed

By act of Congress passed 1798, alien enemies might be restrained, secured, or removed from the territories of the United States. An act of Congress relieving the children born abroad of United States fathers from alienage was passed 1854. In 1857, the United States attorneygeneral officially asserted that a United States citizen may renounce his citizenship. Aliens may readily nat-northward against Sherman's communications. Sheruralize themselves in the United States; see Naturalization. In the United States aliens may sue and be sued, but cannot serve a process, vote, or hold office. With respect to the power of aliens to hold real estate, the laws of the several States are not alike. Some impose restrictions, while others do not. The question of the inheritance of the property of aliens has been the subject of several treaties between the United States and foreign nations.

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Alizarine, a crystalline body, the coloring principle of madder, discovered in it by Robiquet and Colin in 1831. Schunck showed that all the finest madder colors contained only alizarine combined with alkalies and fatty acids. Graebe and Liebermann obtained anthracene from alizarine in 1868, and alizarine from anthracene in 1869. The crystalline body anthracene was discovered in coal oils by Dumas, and Laurent in 1832; see Madder.

Aljubarrota, Portugal. Here John I. of Portugal defeated John I. of Castile, and secured his country's independence, 14 Aug. 1385; see Batalha.

Alkahest, see Alchemy.

Alkalies (from kali, the Arabic name for the plant from which an alkaline substance was first procured) are ammonia, potash, soda, and lithia. Black discovered the nature of the difference between caustic and mild alkalies in 1736.

The fixed alkalies, potash and soda, decomposed, and the met-
als potassium and sodium formed, by Humphry Davy at the
Royal Institution, London, 1807.

Dr. Ure invented an alkalimeter, 1816.
The manufacture of alkalies, very extensive in Lancashire and
Cheshire, is based on the decomposition of common salt
(chloride of sodium) by a process invented by a Frenchman
named Le Blanc, about 1792.
Mr. Losh obtained crystals of soda from brine about 1814. Va-
rious modifications of these processes are now in use.
"Alkali works" are defined as works for the manufacture of
alkali, sulphates of soda, sulphate of potash, and in which
muriatic gas is evolved.

Mr. William Gossage's process for condensing muriatic acid
gas patented in 1836.

The "ammonia process" of making soda invented by Dyer and Hemming in 1838; patents respecting it taken out by Solvay, 1863, 1867, 1872; Gossage, 1854; Schloesing, 1854, 1858; Young, 1871, 1872; Weldon, 1872, 1873; and by others. Mr. Walter Weldon received the French Lavoisier medal for his most important improvements in the alkali manufacture, July, 1877.

In consequence of the injury to vegetation produced by the alkali works in Lancashire and Cheshire, the Alkali Works Act "for the more effectual condensation [of 95 per cent.]

man followed him with the bulk of his army, but on 6 Oct. had only reached Kenesaw. Hood, farther north, that day attacked Allatoona Pass, the most important station on the road, and stored with one and a half million of rations. Gen. Corse conducted the defence, and all day long held out against the assailing force, retaining his position until relief approached and Hood was compelled to withdraw. Corse was severely wounded.

Allegiance, see Oaths.

Allegory abounds in the Bible and in Homer: see Jacob's blessing upon his sons, Gen. xlix. (1689 B.C.), Psa. lxxx., and all the prophets. Spenser's Faerie Queene (1590) and Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress (1678) are allegories throughout. The Spectator (1711), by Addison, Steele, and others, abounds in allegories. The allegorical interpretation of the Scriptures is said to have begun with Origen in the third century; but see Gal. iv. 24.

Alleyn, see Almshouses and Dulwich. '

Allia (Italy), a small river flowing into the Tiber, where Brennus and the Gauls defeated the Romans, 16 July, 390 B.C. The Gauls sacked Rome and committed so much injury that the day was thereafter held to be unlucky (nefas), and no public business was permitted to be done thereon.

Alliance, TREATIES OF, between the high European powers. The following are the principal (see Coalitions, Conventions, Treaties, United Kingdom, etc.) :

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Most of the great daily journals in New York and other American cities publish almanacs containing elaborate and detailed political and industrial statistics.

All-souls' Day (2 Nov.), a festival of the Roman Catholic church to commemorate the souls of the faith-publishing almanacs in virtue of letters patent from James I., The Stationers' Company claimed the exclusive right of ful, instituted, it is said, at Cluny about 993 or 1000. granting the privilege to them and the two universities; but Common Pleas in 1775. the monopoly was broken up by a decision of the Court of A bill to renew the privilege was

"All the Talents" Administration, see Grenville Administrations.

Allobroges, Gauls, defeated by Q. Fabius Maximus, near the confluence of the Rhone and Saone, 121 B.C. Allotments, see Land, note.

Alma, a river in the Crimea, near which was fought a great battle on 20 Sept. 1854; see Russo-Turkish War and Crimea. The English, French, and Turkish army (about 57,000 men) moved out of their first encampment in the Crimea on 19 Sept., and bivouacked for the night on the left bank of the Bulganac. The Russians (commanded by prince Menschikoff), mustering 40,000 in fantry, had 180 field - pieces on the heights, and on the morning of 20 Sept. were joined by 6000 cavalry from Theodosia (or Kaffa). The English forces, under lord Raglan, consisted of 26,000 men; the French of 24,000, under marshal St.-Arnaud. At 12 o'clock the signal to advance was made; the river Alma was crossed, while prince Napoleon took possession of the village under the fire of the Russian batteries; and at 4, after a sanguinary fight, the allies were completely victorious. The enemy, utterly routed, threw away their arms and knapsacks in their flight, having lost about 5000 men, of whom 900 were made prisoners, mostly wounded. The loss of the British was 26 officers and 327 men killed, and 73 officers and 1539 men wounded (chiefly from the 23d, 7th, and 33d regiments); that of the French, 3 officers and 233 men killed, and 54 officers and 1033 men wounded. Total loss of the allies about 3400.

Almack's Assembly-rooms, King street, St. James's, London, at first very exclusive, were erected by a Scotchman named Almack, and opened 12 Feb. 1765. They are now termed Willis's Rooms, from the name of the present proprietors.

lost in 1779.

The Stamp Duty on English almanacs first imposed in 1710, was abolished in Aug. 1834; since when almanacs have become innumerable, being issued by tradesmen with their goods.

Of Moore's (under the management of Henry Andrews, the able computer of the "Nautical Ephemeris") at one time upwards of 430,000 copies were annually sold. He died in 1820. Of Foreign Almanacs, the principal are the "Almanach de France," first published in 1699, and the "Almanach de Gotha," 1764.

Almanza (S.E. Spain). Here on 25 April (o. s. 14), 1707, the English, Dutch, and Portuguese forces under the earl of Galway were totally defeated by the French and Spanish commanded by James Fitzjames, duke of Berwick (illegitimate son of James II.). Most of the English were killed or made prisoners, having been abandoned by the Portuguese at the first charge.

Almeida (Portugal), a frontier town, captured by Massena, 27 Aug. 1810. The French entered Spain, leaving a garrison at Almeida; blockaded by the English 6 April, 1811. Almeida was retaken by Wellington (11 May), and Massena retired from Portugal.

Almenara, a village N.E. Spain, where, on 28 July, 1710, an English and German army defeated the Spanish army supporting Philip V., the grandson of Louis XIV. of France. Stanhope, the English general, killed the Spanish general, Amezaga, in single conflict; an act almost unexampled in modern warfare.

Almohades, Mahometan partisans, followers of Mohammed ben Abdalla, surnamed El-Mehedi, in Africa, about 1120. They subdued Morocco, 1145; entered Spain and took Seville, Cordova, and Granada, 1146-56; and founded a dynasty and ruled Spain till 1232, and

Africa till 1278.

Almanacs (from the Arabic al manah, to count). Almoner, an office anciently allotted to a dignified The Egyptians computed time by instruments; the Al- clergyman who gave the first dish from the royal table exandrians had almanacs, and log calendars are ancient. to the poor, or an alms in money. By an ancient canon In the British Museum and universities are specimens all bishops were required to keep almoners. The grandof early almanacs. Michael Nostradamus, the astrologer, almoner of France was the highest ecclesiastical dignity wrote an almanac in the style of Merlin, 1556.---Dufres-in that kingdom before the revolution, 1789. Queen Prof. Augustus De Morgan's valuable "Book of Victoria's almoner (Rev. Dr. Wellesley, dean of Windsor, Almanacs, with an index of reference, by which the al-appointed 28 May, 1870), or the sub-almoner, distributes manac may be found for every year," was published in the queen's gifts on Maundy-Thursday (which see). March, 1851.* Among the earlier and more remarkable almanacs were


1380 1460 1472

1636 1644

Almoravides, Mahometan partisans in Africa, rose about 1050; entered Spain by invitation, 1086; were overcome by the Almohades in 1147.

Almshouses for aged and infirm persons have been erected by many public companies and benevolent individuals, particularly since the abolition of religious houses at the Reformation in the sixteenth century. A list of 1652 them, with useful information, will be found in "Low's 1658 Charities of London," 1862; frequently republished. Armorers' almshouses, Bishopsgate...

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1497 1533

Almanac Liegeois..

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1679 1683


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.1698 or 1713 Cornelius Van Dun founded the Red Lion almshouses,
Emmanuel College, Westminster, founded by lady Dacre. 1594
1735 Alleyn's almshouses, near City road, founded by E. Al-


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Alney, an island in the Severn, near Gloucester. Here a combat is asserted to have taken place between Edmund Ironside and Canute the Great, in sight of their armies, 1016. The latter was wounded, and proposed a division of the kingdom, the south part falling to Edmund. Edmund was murdered at Oxford shortly after, it is said, by Ædric Streon; and Canute obtained possession of the whole kingdom.

Alnwick (Saxon Ealnwic), on the river Alne in Northumberland, was given at the Conquest to Ivo de Vesci. It has long belonged to the Percies. Malcolm, king of Scotland, besieged Alnwick, and he and his sons were killed 13 Nov. 1093. It was taken by David I. in 1136, and attempted in July, 1174, by William the Lion, who was defeated and taken prisoner. It was burned by king John in 1215, and by the Scots in 1448. Since 1854 the castle has been repaired and enlarged with great taste and at unsparing expense.

Alpaca, or PACO, a species of the S. American quadruped, the llama, the soft hairy wool of which is now largely employed in the fabrication of cloths. It was introduced into this country, about 1836, by the earl of Derby. An alpaca factory (covering eleven acres), with a town, park, almshouses, etc., for the work-people, was erected at Saltaire, near Shipley, Yorkshire, by Mr. (afterwards sir) Titus Salt in 1852. A statue of him at Bradford was unveiled 1 Aug. 1874. He died 29 Dec. 1876.

Alphabet. Athotes, son of Menes, is said to have been the author of hieroglyphics, and to have written thus the history of the Egyptians, 2122 B.C.- Blair. But Josephus affirms that he had seen inscriptions by Seth, the son of Adam: this is deemed fabulous.

The Egyptian alphabet is ascribed to Memnon, 1822 B.C.
The first letter of the Phoenician and Hebrew alphabet was
aleph, called by the Greeks alpha, and abbreviated by the
moderns to A. The Hebrew is supposed to be derived from

the Phoenician.

Cadmus, the founder of Cadmea, 1493 B.C., is said to have brought the Phoenician letters (fifteen in number) into Grecce, viz.-A, B, г, ▲, I, K, A, M, N, O, II, P, E, T, Y. These letters were originally either Hebrew, Phoenician, or Assyrian characters, and changed gradually in form till they became the ground of the Roman letters, now used all over Europe. Palamedes of Argos invented the double characters e, X, 4, E, about 1224 B.C.; and Simonides added 2,

Y, H. 2, about 489 B.C.-Arundelian Marbles. When the E was introduced is not precisely known. The Greek alphabet consisted of 16 letters till 399 (or 403) B.C., when the Ionic of 24 characters was introduced. The small letters are of later invention. The alphabets of the different nations contain the following number of letters: English.

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26 Arabic...

25 Persian

22 Turkish.

27 Sanscrit..

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Mont Cenis or Col de Fréjus Tunnel.-A tunnel, 7

miles long through Mont Cenis, connecting Savoy and Piedmont, was proposed by M. Medail, and, after long lying dormant, was discussed and plans drawn up in 1848. The execution was prevented by the war of 1849.

The work of excavation was begun by king Victor Emmanuel, 31 Aug. 1857.

The boring was at first effected by ordinary piercing machinery; steam power was employed in 1860; and latterly compressed air.

completed 25 Dec. 1870.

Engineers-Grattoni, Grandis, and Sommeiller; the boring was The total cost was about 2,600,000l. As the Italians had executed the work within the given time, the French government bore the chief expense.

The first experimental trip was made in 40 minutes, 13 Sept., and the tunnel was solemnly inaugurated by the passage of 22 carriages in 20 minutes, 17 Sept. 1871; regular trains pass through, 16 Oct. 1871.


railway for locomotives over Mont Cenis was constructed
upon Mr. Fell's plan in 1867 (see Railways), and opened for
traffic, 15 June, 1868.

The overland mail first travels through the tunnel to Brindisi,
St. Gothard Tunnel (part of a railway system to connect the
saving 24 hours, 5 Jan. 1872.
North Sea and the Mediterranean), about 9 miles, 21%
broad; compressed air employed in boring; begun June,
1870; completed 29 Feb. 1880; through failure in vaulting,
May, 1880, opening deferred.

Alresford, BATTLE OF, or Cheriton, which see.

Alsace, ELSASS, formerly part of the kingdom of Austrasia, afterwards the French departments of the Upper and Lower Rhine. It was incorporated with the German empire in the tenth century. A portion was restored to France, 1648, and the whole, including Strasburg, in 1697. Alsace was reconquered by the Germans, Aug.-Sept. 1870; and annexed to their empire, May, 1871; by law, 9 June, 1871. The Alsatians were permitted to choose their nationality, before 30 Sept. 1872. Many emigrated into France, with much regret.-ALSACE-LORRAINE was constituted a province of the German empire, having been ceded by France by the treaty of peace concluded 10 May, 1781; see Belfort. The prov. ince sends 15 members to the German parliament. Administrators, prince Bismarck, 1781; field-marshal Manteuffel, 1 Oct. 1879. Population of Alsace-Lorraine, 1875, 1,529,408.

Alsatia, a name given to the precinct of Whitefriars, London, is described in Scott's "Fortunes of Nigel." Its privilege of sanctuary was abolished in 1697.

Alsen (Denmark), besieged by the Prussians, and heroically defended, 26 June; taken, 29 June, 1864.

Altar. One was built by Noah, 2348 B.C. (Gen. viii. 20); others by Abraham, 1921 (Gen. xii. 8). Directions for making an altar are given, Exod. xx. 24, 1491 B.C. Altars were raised to Jupiter, in Greece, by Cecrops, 1556 B.C. He introduced among the Greeks the worship of the deities of Egypt.-Herodotus. The term “altar was applied to the Lord's table for the first three cen44 turies after Christ (Heb. xiii. 10). Christian altars in churches were instituted by pope Sixtus I. A.D. 135; and were first consecrated by pope Sylvester. The Church of England terms the table on which the elements are placed an altar. Since the time of Elizabeth there has been much controversy on the subject, and the Puritans in the civil war destroyed many of the ancient stone altars, substituting wooden tables. In Jan. 1845 it was decided, in the Arches Court, that stone altars were not to be erected in English churches.



Alphonsine Tables, astronomical tables, composed by Spanish and Arab astronomers, and collected in 1253 under the direction of Alphonso X. of Castile, surnamed the Wise, who is said to have expended upwards of 400,000 crowns in completing the work; he himself wrote the preface. The Spanish government ordered the work of Alphonso to be reprinted from the best MSS.; the publication begun in 1863.

Alps, European mountains. Those between France and Italy were passed by Hannibal, 218 B.C.; by the Romans, 154 B.C.; and by Napoleon I., May, 1800. Roads over Mont Cenis and the Simplon, connecting France and Italy, were constructed by order of Napoleon, between 1801-6; see Simplon. The "Alpine Club," which consists of British travellers in the Alps, was founded in 1858, and published its first work, "Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers," 1859; and a journal since; see Matterhorn.

Altenkirchen (Prussia). The French, who had defeated the Austrians here, 4 June, 1796, were themselves defeated, and their general, Marceau, killed, 19 Sept. following.

Alter ego (another or second I), a term applied to Spanish viceroys when exercising regal power; used at Naples when the crown-prince was appointed vicargeneral during an insurrection in July, 1820.

Alton Riot. On the night of 7 Nov. 1837 a riot occurred in Alton, Ill., growing out of the attempt of a mob to destroy the printing - press of the Observer, a newspaper published by the Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy,

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Alt-Ranstadt (Prussia), where the treaty of peace dictated by Charles XII. of Sweden, to Frederick Augustus of Poland, was signed 24 Sept. 1706, o.s. Frederick, deposed in 1704, regained the throne of Poland after the defeat of Charles XII., in 1709.

Alum, a salt, is said to have been first discovered at Roccha, in Syria, about 1300; it was found in Tuscany about 1470; its manufacture was brought to perfection in England by sir T. Challoner, who established large alum works near Whitby in 1608; it was discovered in Ireland in 1757; and in Anglesey in 1790. Alum is used as a mordant in dyeing, to harden tallow, to whiten bread, and in the paper manufacture.


ampton on her first voyage, Friday, 2 Jan. 1852, and on Sunday morning, 4 Jan., was destroyed by fire at sea, about 110 miles W.S.W. of Scilly (ascribed to the spontaneous ignition of combustible matter placed near the engine-room). Out of 161 persons on board, 102 persons must have perished by fire or drowning: 21 persons were saved by the life-boat of the ship, 25 more were carried into Brest harbor by a Dutch vessel passing by, and 13 others were picked up in the bay of Biscay, also by a Dutch galliot. Eliot Warburton, a distinguished writer in general literature, was among those lost.

Amazon, a river in S. America, was discovered by Pinzon in 1500, and explored by Francisco Orellana in 1540. Coming from Peru, he sailed down the Amazon to the Atlantic, and, observing companies of women in arms on its banks, he called the country Amazonia, and gave the name of Amazon to the river, previously called Marañon.

Amazons. Three nations of Amazons have been

mentioned-the Asiatic, Scythian, and African. They are said to have been the descendants of Scythians inhabiting Cappadocia, where their husbands, having made incursions, were all slain, being surprised in ambuscades by their enemies. Their widows formed a female state, and decreed that matrimony was a shameful servitude.

Quintus Curtius. They were said to have been conquered by Theseus, about 1231 B.C. The Amazons were constantly employed in wars; and, that they might throw the javelin with more force, their right breasts were burned off, whence their name from the Greek—a, no, palóc, breast. Others derive the name from maza, the moon, which they are supposed to have worshipped. About 330 B.C. their queen, Thalestris, visited Alexander the Great, while he was pursuing his conquests in Asia, with 300 females in her train.-Herodotus.

Alumbagh, a palace with other buildings near Lucknow, Oude, India, taken during the mutiny from the rebels, 23 Sept. 1857, and heroically defended by the British under sir James Outram. He defeated an attack of 30,000 sepoys on 12 Jan. 1858, and of 20,000 on 21 Feb., and was relieved by sir Colin Campbell in March. Aluminium, a metal, the base of the earth alumina, which is combined with silica in clay, and which was shown to be a distinct earth by Marggraff in 1754, having been previously confounded with lime. Oerstedt in 1826 obtained the chloride of aluminium; and in 1827 the metal itself was got from it by F. Wöhler, but was long a scientific curiosity, the process being expensive. The mode of production was afterwards simplified by Bunsen and others, more especially by H. Ste.-Claire Deville, who in 1856 succeeded in procuring considerable quantities of this metal. It is very light (sp. g. 2.25), malleable, and sonorous; when pure does not rust, and is not acted on by sulphur or any acid except hydrochloric. In March, 1856, it was 31. the ounce; in June, 1857, 11s. or 12s., and it is now much cheaper (1873). The eagles of the French colors have been made of it, and many other ornamental and useful articles. Deville's work, Strictly speaking, the United States sends no ambas"De l'Aluminium,” was published in 1859. An alumin-sadors who are supposed to represent the person of a ium manufactory was established at Newcastle in 1860, sovereign--but only envoys extraordinary and ministers by Messrs. Bell. They obtain the metal from a French plenipotentiary; but American ministers are commonly mineral, bauxite. Their aluminium bronze, an alloy called ambassadors, and the term is used in the act of of copper and aluminium, invented by Dr. John Percy, Congress of 1856 relating to the diplomatic service. F.R.S., was made into watch-cases, etc., by Messrs. Reid of Newcastle, in 1862.

Amadis oF GAUL, a Spanish or Portuguese romance, stated to have been written about 1342 by Vasco de Lobeira. It was enlarged by De Montalvo, about 1485; and first printed (in Spanish) 1519; in French, 1540-56.

Amalekites (descendants of Amalek, grandson of Esau, brother of Jacob) attacked the Israelites, 1491 B.C., when perpetual war was denounced against them. They were subdued by Saul about 1079; by David, 1058 and 1056; and by the Simeonites about 715 B.C.

Amalfi, a city on the gulf of Salerno, Naples, in the eighth century became the seat of a republic, and flourished by its commerce till 1075, when it was taken by Roger Guiscard, and eventually incorporated with Naples. The Pisans, in their sack of the town in 1135, are said to have found a copy of the Pandects of Justinian, and thus to have induced the revival of the study of Roman law in Western Europe; the story is now doubted. Flavio Gioia, a native of Amalfi, is the reputed discoverer of the mariner's compass, about 1302.

Ambassadors. Accredited agents, and representatives from one court to another, are referred to in early ages. In most countries they have great privileges, and in England they and their servants are secured against arrest. England usually has six ambassadors, twentyseven ministers, and about thirty-six chief consuls, resident at foreign courts, exclusive of inferior agents; the ambassadors and other chief agents from abroad at the court of London in 1865 were 47; in 1868, 43; in 1872, 42; in 1878, 39.

The Russian ambassador being imprisoned for debt by a lacemerchant, 27 July, 1708, led to the passing the statute of 7 Anne for the protection of ambassadors, 1708.

Two men, convicted of arresting the servant of an ambassa

dor, were sentenced to be conducted to the house of the am-
bassador, with a label on their breasts, to ask his pardon,
and then one of them to be imprisoned three months and
the other fined, 12 May, 1780.

The first ministers of the United States to France were Dr.
Franklin, Silas Deane, and Arthur Lee, 1778. Deane and
Lee were soon recalled, and Franklin made sole envoy.

The first minister plenipotentiary from the United States of
America to England, John Adams, presented to the king, 1
June, 1785; the first from Great Britain to America was Mr.
Hammond in 1791.

A Japanese minister received by the queen, 3 March, 1875.

The first accredited ambassador from China, Kus-ta-Jen, landed at Southampton, 21 Jan. 1877.

Amber, a carbonaceous mineral,* principally found in the northern parts of Europe, of great repute in the world from the earliest time; esteemed as a medicine before the Christian era: Theophrastus wrote upon it, 300 B.C. Upwards of 150 tons of amber have been found

*Much diversity of opinion still prevails among naturalists and chemists respecting the origin of amber. It is considered by Berzelius to have been a resin dissolved in volatile oil. It often contains delicately formed insects. Sir D. Brewster concludes it to be indurated vegetable juice. When rubbed it becomes electrical, and from its Greek name, èλéктpov, the term South-electricity is derived.

Amateur Mechanical Society (89 Stamford Street) issued its first prospectus 1 Jan. 1869.

Amazon, West India mail steamship, left

Amblef, near Cologne, Germany. Here Charles Martel defeated Chilperic II., and Ragenfroi, mayor of the Neustrians, 716.

in one year on the sands of the shore near Pillau.-Phil- Columbus sailed on his first expedition from Palos in Andalusia on Friday, with vessels supplied by the sov lips. ereigns of Spain.... .3 Aug. 1492 He lands on the island of Guanahani, one of the Bahamas; takes possession of it in the name of Ferdinand and Isabella of Castile, and names it San Salvador, Friday, 12 Oct. He discovers Cuba, 28 Oct.; and Hispaniola (now Hayti), where he builds a fort, La Navidad. ..6 Dec. He returns to Spain... ..15 March, 1493

Amboise (Central France). A conspiracy of the Huguenots against Francis II., Catherine de' Medicis, and the Guises, was suppressed at this place in Jan. 1560. On 19 March, 1563, the Pacification of Amboise was published, granting toleration to the Huguenots. The civil war was, however, soon renewed.

Amboyna, chief of the lucca isles, discovered about 1512 by the Portuguese, not wholly occupied by them till 1580. It was taken by the Dutch in 1605. The English factors at this settlement were cruelly tortured and put to death, 17 Feb. 1623-4, by the Dutch, on an accusation of a conspiracy to expel them from the island, where the two nations jointly shared in the pepper trade of Java. Cromwell compelled the Dutch to give a sum of money to the descendants of the sufferers. Amboyna was seized by the English, 16 Feb. 1796, but was restored by the treaty of Amiens in 1802. It was again seized by the British, 17-19 Feb. 1810; and again restored at the peace of May, 1814.

Ambrosian Chant, see Chant, Liturgy, etc. Ambulance Association, see John's, St. Amen, an ancient Hebrew word meaning true, faithful, certain, is used in the Jewish and Christian assemblies at the conclusion of prayer: see 1 Cor. xiv. 16 (A.D. 59). It is translated "verily," in the Gospels.

He sails from Cadiz on his second expedition, 25 Sept.; discovers the Caribbee Isles,-Dominica, 3 Nov.; Guadaloupe, 4 Nov.; Antigua, 10 Nov.; founds Isabella in Hispaniola, the first Christian city in the New World, Dec.

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He discovers Jamaica, 3 May; and Evangelista (now Isle
of Pines), 13 June; war with the natives of Hispaniola, 1494
He visits the various isles, and explores their coasts....1495-6
Returns to Spain to meet the charges of his enemies,
Cabot (sent out by Henry VII. of England) discovers Lab-
rador on the coast of North America [he is erroneous-
ly said to have discovered Florida, and also Newfound-
land, and to have named it Prima Vista].. ..24 June, 1497

11 June, 1496

Columbus sails on his third voyage, 30 May; discovers Trinidad, 31 July; lands on terra firma, without knowing it to be a new continent, naming it Isla Santa,

1 Aug. 1498

Ojeda discovers Surinam, June; and the gulf of Vene



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Columbus sails on his fourth voyage, 9 May; discovers
various isles on the coast of Honduras, and explores
the coast of the isthmus, July, etc.; discovers and
Negro slaves imported into Hispaniola..
names Porto Bello..
..2 Nov. 1502

He dies while treated with base ingratitude by the Span

20 Nov. 1504 .20 May, 1506

Amende HONORABLE, in France, in the ninth century, was a punishment inflicted on traitors and sacrile-Worried by the machinations of his enemies, Columbus gious persons: the offender was delivered to the hang- returns to Spain, 7 Nov.; his friend, queen Isabella, man; his shirt was stripped off, a rope put round his dies..... neck, and a taper in his hand; he was then led into court, and was obliged to beg pardon of God and the country. Death or banishment sometimes followed. These words also denote a recantation in open court, or in presence of the injured person.

Amercement, in law, a fine assessed for an offence done, or pecuniary punishment at the mercy of the court; thus differing from a fine directed and fixed by a statute. By Magna Charta, 1215, a freeman cannot be amerced for a small fault, but in proportion to the offence he has committed; the mode was determined by 9 Hen. III., 1225. America, the great Western Continent, is about 9000 miles long, with an area of about 13,668,000 square miles. It is now believed to have been visited by the Norsemen or Vikings in the tenth and eleventh centuries; but the modern discovery is due to the sagacity and courage of the Genoese navigator, Christopher Columbus.†

* The name is derived from Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine merchant, who died in 1512. He accompanied Ojeda in his voyage on the eastern coast in 1498; and described the country in letters sent to his friends in Italy. He is charged with presumptuously inserting "Tierra de Amerigo" in his maps. Irving discusses the question in the Appendix to the Life of Columbus, but comes to no conclusion. Humboldt asserts that the name was given to the continent in the popular works of Waldseemüller, a German geographer, without the knowledge of Vespucci. To America we are indebted, among other things, for maize, the turkey, the potato, Peruvian bark, and tobacco.

Christophoro Columbo was born about 1445; first went to sea about 1460; settled at Lisbon in 1470, where he married Felipa, the daughter of Perestrello, an Italian navigator; whereby he obtained much geographical knowledge. He is said to have laid the plans of his voyage of discovery before the republic of Genoa, in 1485, and other powers, and finally before the court of Spain, where at length the queen Isabella became his patron. After undergoing much ingratitude and cruel persecution from his own followers and the Spanish court, he died on 20 May, 1506; and was buried with much pomp at Valladolid. His remains were transferred, in 1513, to Seville; in 1536 to San Domingo; and in Jan. 1796 to Havana, Cuba. The original inscription on his tomb is said to have been: "A Castilla y á Leon Nuevo Mundo dió Colon ". To Castile and Leon Colon gave a New World." Humboldt says beautifully, that the success of Columbus was "a conquest of reflection!"

ish government..

Solis and Pinzon discover Yucatan.
Ojeda founds San Sebastian, the first colony on the main-
Subjugation of Cuba by Velasquez...





1513 1517

1520 .1519-21

The coast of Florida discovered by Ponce de Leon.
Vasco de Balboa crosses the isthmus of Darien, and dis-
covers the South Pacific Ocean...
Mexico discovered by Fernando de Cordova..
Grijalva penetrates into Yucatan, and names it New Spain 1518
Passage of Magellan's Strait by him.
Conquest of Mexico by Fernando Cortes..
Pizarro discovers the coast of Quito..
He invades and conquers Peru.
Cartier, a Frenchman, enters the Gulf of St. Lawrence,
and sails up to Montreal..
Grijalva's expedition, equipped by Cortes, discovers Cali-
Mendoza founds Buenos Ayres, and conquers the adja-
cent country.

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Orellana sails down the Amazon to the sea..
Louisiana conquered by De Soto..
Chili conquered by Valdivia..
Rebellion in Peru-tranquillity established by Gasca.... 1548
Davis's Strait discovered by him..
Raleigh establishes the first English settlement--at Ro-
anoke, Virginia....

Falkland Isles discovered by Davis..

De Monts, a Frenchman, settles in Acadia, now Nova

Jamestown, in Virginia, the first English settlement on
the mainland, founded by lord de la Warr....
Quebec founded by the French...
Hudson's bay discovered by Henry Hudson...
The Dutch build Manhattan, or New Amsterdam (now
New York) on the Hudson..

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Settlement in New England begun by capt. Smith.
New Plymouth built by the English nonconformist exiles 1620
Nova Scotia settled by the Scotch under sir William

Delaware settled by the Swedes and Dutch.
Maryland, by lord Baltimore..
Connecticut granted to lords Say and Brooke in 1630;
but no English settlement was made here till.
Rhode Island settled by Roger Williams and his brethren,
driven from Massachusetts...

New Jersey settled by the Dutch, 1614, and Swedes, 1627;
granted to the duke of York, who sells it to lord Berke-

New York captured by the English..
South Carolina settled by the English..
Pennsylvania settled by William Penn, the celebrated

Louisiana settled by the French.

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