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Acts were passed for the purpose in 1524 and 1555, fol- | lowing. A conspiracy here, in 1822, caused loss of life lowed by others in Elizabeth's and succeeding reigns. to serg. Bories and others. Roads through the Highlands of Scotland were begun by gen. Wade in 1726. Loudon Macadam's roads were introduced about 1818. Wooden pavements were tried with partial success in the streets of London: at Whitehall in 1839, and in other streets in 1840; asphalte pavement soon after. An act "for the better management of the highways" was passed in 1862 after much opposition; another, 16 Aug. 1878, also regulated the use of

locomotives on roads. Steam road-rollers were tried in 1867; used in London, 18 March, 1868; see Macadamizing, Tolls, and Wooden Pavements.

Rochester, in Kent, the Roman Durobrive. The bishopric, founded by Augustin, 604, is the next in age to Canterbury. The first cathedral was erected by Ethelbert, king of Kent. St. Justus was bishop in 604. Alterations were made in the diocese in 1845. Rochester is valued in the king's books at 3581. 3s. 24d. per annum. Present income, 5000. The cathedral reopened after repairs of the choir, 11 June, 1875.


1793. Samuel Horseley, translated to St. Asaph's, 1820.
1802. Thomas Dampier, translated to Ely, 1808.
1809. Walter King, died 22 Feb. 1827.


Roanoke Island (North Carolina, U. S.), discov-1827. Hugh Percy, translated to Carlisle, 27 Oct.
ered by sir Walter Raleigh, 1584, and settled by him,
1585, without success. Other settlers also failed.-BAT-
TLE OF, Feb. 8, 1862. Roanoke Island was occupied by
gen. Wise with 2500 men. On the north shore were
three forts-Barton, Huger, and Blanchard. An expedi-
tion for the capture of this island started from Hampton
Roads, 11 Jan. The fleet, consisting of 20 vessels, 50
guns, was commanded by flag-officer L. M. Goldsborough;
the military force, nearly 15,000 strong, by gen. A. E.
Burnside. The forts were bombarded 7 Feb., and under
cover of this bombardment the troops were landed. On
the 8th, after a short conflict, Wise's command was sur-
rendered. The national loss in all amounted to 260.
On the confederate side, a son of gen. Wise was killed.
Roasting Alive. An early instance is that of
Bocchoris, king of Egypt, by order of Sabacon of Ethi-
opia, 737 B.C.—Lenglet. Sir John Oldcastle, lord Cob-
ham, was thus put to death in 1418, and Michael Serve-
tus for heresy, at Geneva, 27 Oct. 1553; see Burning
Alive and Martyrs.

George Murray, died 16 Feb. 1860.
1860. Joseph Cotton Wigram, died 6 April, 1867.
1867. Thos. Legh Claughton.
1877. Anthony Wilson Thorold, consecrated 25 July.

Rockets, destructive war implements, were invented by sir William Congreve about 1803. The carcase-rockets were first used at Boulogne, 8 Oct. 1806, when they set the town on fire, their powers being previously demonstrated in the presence of Mr. Pitt and several of the cabinet ministers, 1806. Improved rockets were made by Hales in 1846.

Robbers were punished with death by Edmund I.'s laws, which directed that the eldest robber should be hanged. Remarkable robbers in England were Robin Hood, 1189 (see Robin Hood), and Claud Du Val, "executed at Tyburn," says an historian, quaintly, "to the great grief of the women," Jan. 1670. In Ireland, the famous MacCabe was hanged at Naas, 19 Aug. 1691. Galloping Hogan, the rapparee, flourished at this period. Freney, the celebrated highway man, surrendered himself, 10 May, 1749. The accomplished Barrington was transported, 22 Sept. 1790; see Trials.

Robin Hood, captain of a band of robbers, in Sherwood forest, Nottinghamshire; traditionally reported to have been the earl of Huntingdon, disgraced and banished the court by Richard I. at his accession (1189). Robin Hood and Little John and their band are said to have continued their depredations till 1247, when Robin died.-Stow.

"Robinson Crusoe," by Daniel De Foe; the first part appeared in 1719; see Juan Fernandez. Three old ladies, Mary Ann, Jane Amelia, and Sarah Frances De Foe, lineally descended from De Foe, pensioned by the queen, May, 1877.

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The first

Rockingham Administrations.
succeeded the administration of Mr. Geo. Grenville; the
second succeeded that of lord North.

FIRST ADMINISTRATION, 13 July, 1765, to 30 July, 1766.
Charles, marquess of Rockingham,* first lord of the treasury.
William Dowdeswell, chancellor of the exchequer.
Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham, lord president.
Duke of Newcastle, privy seal.
Earl of Northington, lord chancellor.
Duke of Portland, lord chamberlain.
Duke of Rutland, master of the horse.
Lord Talbot, lord steward.

of state.

Henry Seymour Conway and the duke of Grafton, secretaries
Lord Egmont, admiralty.
Marquess of Granby, ordnance.

Viscount Howe, treasurer of the navy.
Viscount Barrington, secretary-at-war.
Charles Townshend, paymaster of the forces.
Earl of Dartmouth, first lord of trade.
Lords Besborough and Grantham, lord John Cavendish,
(See Chatham Administration.)
SECOND ADMINISTRATION, March to 1 July, 1782, when the mar-
quess died.

Thomas Townshend, etc.

Marquess of Rockingham, first lord of the treasury.
Lord John Cavendish, chancellor of the exchequer.
Lord Camden, president of the council.

Duke of Grafton, privy seal.
Lord Thurlow, lord chancellor.
William, earl of Shelburne, and Charles James Fox, secretaries
Augustus, viscount Keppel, first lord of the admiralty.
of state.
Duke of Richmond, master general of the ordnance.
Thomas Townshend, secretary-at-war.
Isaac Barré, Edmund Burke, John Dunning, etc.

Rocky Mount (South Carolina, U.S.). Here gen. Sumter attacked a British post, 30 July, 1780, and was repulsed with a small loss.

Rocroy (N. France). Here, 19 May, 1643, the Spaniards were totally defeated by the French, commanded by the great Condé.

Rochefort (W. France), a seaport on the Charente. The port was made by Louis XIV. in 1666. In Aixroads or Basque-roads, near Rochefort, capt. lord Cochrane attacked the French fleet and destroyed four ships, Rodney's Victories. Admiral Rodney fought, 11, 12 April, 1809. Near Rochefort, the emperor Napo- near Cape St. Vincent, the Spanish admiral Don Lanleon surrendered himself to capt. Maitland of the Belle-gara, whom he defeated and made prisoner, capturing rophon, 15 July, 1815.

Rochelle (W. France), a seaport on the Atlantic, belonging to the English for some time, but finally surrendered to the French leader, Du Guesclin, in 1372. As a stronghold of the Calvinist party, it was vainly besieged by the duke of Anjou in 1573; and was taken after a siege of thirteen months, by cardinal Richelieu, in 1628. The duke of Buckingham was sent with a fleet and army to relieve it; but the citizens declined to admit him. He attacked the Isle of Rhé, near Rochelle, and failed, 22 July, 1627. He was repulsed 8 Nov. fol

six of his ships, one of which blew up, 16, 17 Jan. 1780. the West Indies, commanded by the count de Grasse, On 12 April, 1782, he encountered the French fleet in took five ships of the line, and sent the French admiral prisoner to England. Rodney was raised to the peerage, June, 1782.

Rogation Week. Rogation Sunday, the Sunday

Charles Watson Wentworth, marquess of Rockingham, 1750. He died without issue, 1 July, 1782; and his estates was born 13 May, 1730; succeeded his father as marquess, passed to his nephew, earl Fitzwilliam.

before Ascension Day, received its title from the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following it, called Rogation days, derived from the Latin rogare, to beseech. Extraordinary prayers and supplications for these three days are said to have been appointed in the third century, as a preparation for the devout observance of our Saviour's ascension on the next day succeeding to them, denominated Holy Thursday or Ascension Day. The whole week in which these days happen is styled Rogation Week; and in some parts it is still known by the other names of Crop Week, Grass Week, and Procession Week. The perambulations of parishes have usually

been made in this week.

Rohan, an illustrious family, descended from the ancient sovereigns of Brittany. Henri de Rohan, sonin-law of the great Sully, after the death of Henry IV. (14 May, 1610), became head of the Protestant party, and sustained three wars against Louis XIII. He eventually entered the service of the duke of Saxe-Weimar, and died of wounds received in battle in 1638. Of this family was the cardinal de Rohan; see Diamond Necklace.

Rohilcund, a tract of country, N.E. India, was conquered by the Rohillas, an Afghan tribe, who settled here about 1747. After aiding the sovereign of Oude to overcome the Mahrattas, they were treated with much treachery by him, and nearly exterminated. Rohilcund was ceded to the British in 1801. After the great mutiny, Rohilcund was tranquillized in July, 1858.

Roller-skates, see Rink.

Rolling-mills, in the metal manufactories, were in use in England in the seventeenth century, and in 1784 Mr. Cort patented his improvements.

Rolls, see Master of the Rolls and Records.

Rolls' Chapel (London), founded by Henry III., about 1233, for receiving Jewish rabbis converted to Christianity. On the banishment of the Jews in 1290, the buildings now called the Rolls, and the chapel, were annexed by patent to the office of the keeper or master of the rolls of chancery, from which circumstance they took their name. A number of public records from the time of Richard III., kept in presses in this chapel, have been removed to the Record Office (which see).

Rolt's Act, 25 & 26 Vict. c. 42 (1862), relates to the Chancery Court.

Romagna, a province of the papal states, comprised in the legations of Forli and Ravenna. It was conquered by the Lombards; but taken from them by Pepin, and given to the pope, 753. Cæsar Borgia held it as a duchy in 1501, but lost it in 1503. In 1859 the Romagna threw off the temporal authority of the pope, and declared itself subject to the king of Sardinia, who accepted it in March, 1860. It now forms part of the province of Emilia, in the new kingdom of Italy. Population (1860), 1,014,582; see Rome.

Romainville AND Belleville, heights near Paris, where Joseph Bonaparte, Mortier, and Marmont were defeated by the allies after a vigorous resistance, 30 March, 1814. The next day Paris capitulated.

Roman Catholics, ROMANISTS and PAPISTS. Their religion was the established one in Britain till the Reformation. Since then many laws were made against them, which have been repealed; see Rome, Religion, Leagues, Maynooth. Among other disabilities, Roman Catholics were excluded from corporate offices, 1667; from parliament, 1691; forbidden to marry Protestants, 1708; to possess arms, 1695, etc.

Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, 1878: H. E. Manning, archbishop of Westminster, metropolitan, 1865; cardinal, 1875; auxiliary bishop, William Weathers, 1872. 12 bishops (Beverley, Birmingham, Clifton, Hexham, Liverpool, Newport, Northampton, Nottingham, Plymouth, Salford, Shrewsbury, Southwark). Scotland, hierarchy revived, 4 March, 1878. Ireland, 4 archbishops (metropolitan, Paul Cullen, archbishop of Armagh, 1850; of Dublin, 1852); 24 bishops.

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An act of parliament passed for the suppression of the
Catholic Association (it had voted its own dissolution,
12 Feb.)...
..5 March, 1829

The duke of Wellington and sir Robert Peel carry the
Catholic emancipation bill (10 Geo. IV. c. 7) in the com-
mons, 30 March; in the lords, 10 April; received the
royal assent..
13 April,

The duke of Norfolk and lords Dormer and Clifford, the
The first English Roman Catholic member returned, the
first Roman Catholic peers, take their seats...28 April,

earl of Surrey, for Horsham.

...4 May,

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Mr. O'Connell elected for Clare, 1828; takes his seat (first
Roman Catholic M. P. since 1689)..
Mr. Alexander Raphael, the first Roman Catholic sheriff
of London..
.28 Sept. 1834

Sir Michael O'Loghlen, the first Roman Catholic judge
St. George's cathedral, Southwark, erected by A. W.
(as Master of the Rolls in Ireland), appointed...30 Oct. 1836
Pugin; founded..

Tablet newspaper established..

Mr. O'Connell elected first Roman Catholic lord mayor of Dublin...




"Catholic Poor School Committee" established.
The "Papal Aggression" (which see); cardinal Nicholas
Wiseman appointed archbishop of Westminster. 30 Sept. 1850
Roman Catholic University, Dublin, originated...5 May, 1851
Universe newspaper established.
Agitation in favor of the pope..

1860 .1860-2

Missionary college founded at Drumcondra, Ireland, Roman Catholic chaplains permitted for jails, by Prison

Ministers act...

20 July, 1862

....July, 1863

Sergeant William Shee made a justice of the Queen's Bench, the first Roman Catholic judge since the Refor mation (died 19 Feb. 1868)...

...15 Dec. 64

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Roman Catholic university senate meet........21 May, 1874 Catholic Congress at Venice met.... Archbishop Manning made a cardinal... .12 June, " The marquess of Ripon becomes a Roman Catholic, 7 Sept. Roman Catholic university college, Kensington; nonsignor Capel, principal; opened. .15 Oct. Several English clergymen secede to Rome.........Oct. New Catholic club opened in London by the duke of Norfolk, lords Denbigh and Petre, and others.27 Nov. Mr. Gladstone's pamphlet, "The Vatican Decrees," occasions declarations respecting papal infallibility-from abp. Manning, monsig. Capel, the Catholic Union, and others for it; from lords Acton, Camoys, and sir George Bowyer, against it.... ..Nov.

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Roman Catholic hierarchy re-established in Scotland by
pope Leo XIII...
..4 March, 1878
(For the dissension between Church and State respecting
the doctrine of papal infallibility, see Prussia and Ger-

Church in low state in Germany, 3 dioceses (of 12) occu-
pied: 200 parishes without priests; 1500 priests ex-
pelled, reported...
..April, 1879
Roman Law, see Codes. ROMAN LITERATURE, see

Roman Roads in England. Our historians maintain, but are mistaken, that there were but four of these roads.-Camden. "The Romans," says Isidore, "made roads almost all over the world, to have their marches in a straight line, and to employ the people;" and criminals were frequently condemned to work at such roads, as we learn from Suetonius, in his Life of Caligula. They were commenced and completed at various periods, between the second and fourth centuries, and the Roman soldiery were employed in making them, that inactivity might not give them an opportunity to raise disturbances.-Bede.

1st, WATLING STREET, so named from Vitellianus, who is sup-
posed to have directed it, the Britons calling him in their
language Guetalin (from Kent to Cardigan Bay).
2d, IKENELD, or IKENILD STREET, from its beginning among
the Iceni (from St. David's to Tynemouth).
3d, FOSSE, or FOSSE WAY, probably from its having been de-
fended by a fosse on both sides (from Cornwall to Lincoln).
4th, ERMIN STREET, from Irmunsul, a German word, meaning
Mercury, whom our German ancestors worshipped under
that name (from St. David's to Southampton).

Roman Walls. One was erected by Agricola (79 to 85) to defend Britain from the incursions of the Picts and Scots. The first wall extended from the Tyne to the Solway Frith (80 miles); the second from the Frith of Forth, near Edinburgh, to the Frith of Clyde, near Dumbarton (36 miles). The former was renewed and strengthened by the emperor Adrian (121), and by Septimus Severus (208). It commenced at Bowness, near Carlisle, and ended at Wallsend, near Newcastle. It had battlements and towers to contain soldiers. The more northern wall was renewed by Lollius Urbicus, in the reign of Antoninus Pius, about 140. Many remains of these walls still exist, particularly of the southern one; see Bruce's "Roman Wall," published 1853-1868.

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War with the Fidenates; the city of Alba destroyed...
Ostia, at the mouth of the Tiber, built.
The capital founded...

The first census of the Roman state taken..
Political institutions of Servius Tullius.
The rape of Lucretia by Sextus, son of Tarquin..
Royalty abolished: the Patricians establish an aristo-
cratical commonwealth..

Junius Brutus and Tarquinius Collatinus first consuls;
first alliance of the Romans with Carthage..
The capital dedicated to Jupiter Capitolinus..
First dictator Titus Lartius..
The Latins and the Tarquins declare war against the re-
public, 501; defeated at Lake Regillus..
Secession of the plebeians to the sacred mount; establish-
ment of tribunes of the plebeians..








508 507501

.498 or 496

First agrarian law passed: Spurius Cassius put to death
C. Martius Coriolanus banished..

by patricians.

He (with the Volsci) besieges Rome, but withdraws at
Contests between the patricians and plebeians respect-
ing the agrarian law.
Quæstors appointed..

the suit of his wife and mother..

The Fabii slain (see Fabii)..

The Secular Games first celebrated..
Cincinnatus, dictator, defeats the Equi..

The Decemviri created....






.about 484





Virginius kills his daughter, Virginia, to save her from

the decemvir Appius Claudius (Appius killed himself in prison; the decemviral government abolished).. The Canuleian law passed, permitting marriages between patricians and plebeians.. Military tribunes first created. Office of censor instituted..

on account of it drown themselves in the Tiber..

Romance, originally a composition in the Romance or Provençal idiom. The term in the middle ages was extended to narrative poetry in general. Heliodorus, a bishop of Tricca, in Thessaly, about 398, was the author of Ethiopica (relating to the loves of Theagenes and Charicleia), the first work in this species of writing. The first part of the "Roman de la Rose" was written by Guillaume de Lorres (1226-70); the second, a separate poem, by Jean de Meung (1285-1314); the "Decameron" A temple is dedicated to Apollo on account of a pestilence. of Boccaccio was published 1358; "Don Quixote," by Cer-Equi and Volsci defeated by Tubertus, dictator. vantes, 1605; "Gil Blas," by Le Sage, 1715. Dunlop's Another dreadful famine at Rome.. Two more quæstors appointed... "History of Fiction" published 1814; see English Authors and "Reynard the Fox."

Rome. The foundation of the city, by Romulus, was laid on 20 April,* according to Varro, in the year 3961 of the Julian period (3251 years after the creation of the world, 753 years before the birth of Christ, 431 years after the Trojan war, and in the fourth year of the sixth Olympiad. Other dates given: Cato, 751; Polybius, 750; Fabius Pictor, 747; Cincius, 728 B.C.). The Romans conquered nearly the whole of the then known world.

In the time of Julius Cæsar, the empire was bounded by the Euphrates, Taurus, and Armenia on the east; by Æthiopia on the south; by the Danube on the

*In its original state, Rome was but a small castle on the summit of Mount Palatine; and the founder, to give his followers the appearance of a nation or a barbarian horde, was obliged to erect a standard as a common asylum for criminals, debtors, or murderers, who fled from their native country to avoid the punishment which attended them. From such an assemblage a numerous body was soon collected, and before the death of the founder the Romans had covered with their habitations the Palatine, Capitoline, Aventine, and Esquiline hills, with Mounts Coelius and Quirinalis.

Rome afflicted with an awful famine, and many persons
The Veientes defeated, and their king Tolumnus slain..
War with the Tuscans..

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444 443

440 437







396 391


The Gauls, under Brennus, besiege Clusium (see Gauls).. 390
They are expelled by Camillus.
Rome burned to the ground by the Gauls, who besiege
the capital.....
Rebuilt Capitoline games instituted..

M. Manlius Capitoline thrown from the Tarpeian rock on
a charge of aiming at sovereign power...
The first appointment of curule magistrates.
Lucius Sextus, the first plebeian consul.
Marcus Curtius leaps into the gulf which had opened in

the forum...

The Gauls defeated in Italy.
Treaty with Carthage to repress Greek piracy.
War with the Samnites (with breaks) 51 years.
Latin war.....














295 290

Embassy to Alexander the Great...
Defeat at Caudium..
Priests first elected from the plebeians..
Etruscans, Samnites, and others defeated at Sentinum by

End of the third Samnite war..

The Gauls invade the Roman territory; siege of Arezzo, 284
Etruscans defeated at Vadimonian lake..
..310 and 283

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Trajan's expedition into the East against the Parthians, etc.; subdues Dacia...

70 Political assassinations in the Romagna.. 75 The "Young Italy" party established by Joseph Mazzini; temporary insurrections at Bologna suppressed by Austrian aid.

.. 1831 .16 June, 1846


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He proclaims an amnesty; and authorizes a national guard and municipal institutions.. The Romans desire to join the king of Sardinia against the Austrians; the pope hesitates; the Antonelli ministry retires; and the Mamiani ministry is formed.... 1848 Count Rossi, minister of justice of the pontifical government, assassinated on the staircase of the Chamber of Deputies at Rome. ...15 Nov. Insurrection at Rome, the populace demand a democratic ministry and the proclamation of Italian nationality; the pope (Pins IX.) hesitates, the Romans surround the palace, and a conflict ensues. accepts a popular ministry (cardinal Palma, the pope's secretary, shot in this conflict)...


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The pope

......16 Novr

Dacia relinquished to the Goths..


A free constitution published...

.......20 Nov.


The pope escapes in disguise from Rome to Gaeta. 24 Nov. 1848 | The emperor of France declines a union with Austria M. de Corcelles leaves Paris for Rome, a French armed and Spain for the maintenance of the pope's temporal expedition to Civita Vecchia having preceded him, to afford protection to the pope.. ...27 Nov. Protest of the pope against the acts of the provisional government..

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...June, 1861 Grand ceremony at the canonization of 27 Japanese martyrs (see Canonization).. .8 June, The pope declares a severe allocution against the Italians, 9 June, 19 July, 1862

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28 Nov. A constituent assembly meets at Rome..........5 Feb. 1849 The Roman National Assembly divests the pope of all temporal power, and adopts the republican form of government. ..8 Feb. The pope appeals to the Catholic powers........18 Feb. Civita Vecchia occupied by the French force under marshal Oudinot.. ..26 April, A French force repulsed with loss.. ........30 April, Engagement between the Romans and Neapolitans; the former capture 60 prisoners and 400 muskets..5 May, The assembly refuses to receive the French as allies, 19 May, The French under marshal Oudinot commence an attack on Rome ..3 June, capitulate to the ...30 June, .4 July,

After a brave resistance, the Romans
French army.

The Roman assembly dissolved.


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An officer from Oudinot's camp arrives at Gaeta to present the pope with the keys of the two gates of Rome by which the French army had entered the city..4 July, " The re-establishment of the pope's authority proclaimed at Rome..... .15 July, Oudinot issues a general order stating that the pope (or his representative) now repossesses the administration of affairs, but that public security in the pontifical dominions still remains under the special guarantee of the French army.. .3 Aug. The pope arrives at Portici on a visit to the king of Naples..... ..4 Sept. He arrives at Rome; cardinal Antonelli becomes foreign minister.. .... April, 1850 He issues the bull establishing a Roman Catholic hierarchy in England (see Papal Aggression).....24 Sept. Important concordat with Austria. .18 Aug. 1855 The pope visits his dominions.. May-Sept. 1857 Insurrection in the Romagna, at Bologna, and Ferrara, June, 1859 The pope appeals to Europe for help against Sardinia, 12 July, Tuscany, ..20 Aug.

Garibaldi calls for volunteers, taking as his watchword "Rome or death!".

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Railway between Rome and Naples completed; its opening opposed by the papal government.. ..Nov. Earl Russell's offer to the pope of a residence at Malta, 25 Oct.; declined.... ..11 Nov. Antonelli's resignation of his office not accepted.5 March, 1863 Convention between France and Italy; French troops to quit Rome within two years.. Encyclical letter of the pope, publishing a "syllabus," censuring 80 errors in religion, philosophy, and politics (caused much dissatisfaction, and was forbidden to be read in churches in France and other countries). 8 Dec. Dec. Jews persecuted at Rome... Fruitless negotiations between the pope and the king of Italy (by Vegezzi); mutual concessions proposed, 21 April-23 June, 1865 Pope's severe allocution against secret societies (Freemasons, Fenians, etc.).... .25 Sept. Merode, the papal minister of war, dismissed.....20 Oct. A part of the French troops leave the papal dominions, Nov. Dec. 1865-Jan. 1866

Rupture with Russia..

A Franco-pontifical legion (1200 men), formed at Antibes, arrives; blessed by the pope.. ..24 Sept. Pope's severe allocution against Italy and Russia..29 Oct. The pope invites all Catholic bishops to meet at Rome to celebrate the 18th centenary of the martyrdom of Peter and Paul... ..8 Dec. The pope's blessing given to French troops, 6 Dec., who all quit Rome... .2-12 Dec. .13 Dec. Law prohibiting Protestant worship except at embassies in Rome enforced ...31 Dec. Negotiation with Italy fruitless; the Italian councillor Tonello quits Rome...

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The Legations form a defensive alliance with Parma, and Modena... The queen of Spain engages to send troops to Rome if the French retire.... ..26 Aug. The assembly at Bologna vote annexation to Piedmont, 7 Sept.; the king engages to support their cause before the great powers, 15 Sept.; the pope annuls the acts of the assembly at Bologna; and announces the punishment due to those who attack the holy see, 26 Sept.; and dismisses the Sardinian chargé d'affaires at Rome, 1 Oct. The Romagna, Modena, and Parma formed into a province, to be called Emilia.. ......24 Dec. The Sardinian government annul the Tuscan and Lombard concordats.. .27 Jan., 20 March, 1860 Riots at Rome suppressed by the police with great cruelty. 19 March, The pope excommunicates all concerned in the rebellion in his states... .26 March, 66 Gen. Lamoricière takes command of the papal army, March; which is reorganized, and increased by volunteers from Ireland, etc..

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The pope's allocution censures the sacrilegious audacity of the Subalpine kingdom in confiscating ecclesiastical property.. .20 Sept. Garibaldi arrested at Sinalunga, near the Roman frontier.... .23 Sept. Irruption of Garibaldians in Viterbo-conflicts with various results; reported appeal of Antonelli for help from the great powers.

..... Oct. Zouave barracks at Rome blown up; many killed. 22 Oct. Attempt at insurrection in Rome suppressed, 22 Oct.; state of siege proclaimed; Garibaldi within 20 miles of Rome, 24 Oct.; takes Monte Rotondo.... ..26 Oct. .30 Oct. French brigades enter Rome..

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Tuscan volunteers enter the papal states and are repulsed...

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..19 May,

......July, .................Aug.

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The pope's short allocution (thanking and blessing the French government).. 19 Dec. New cardinals made; Lucien Bonaparte one..13 March, 1868 Sudden death of cardinal Andrea... ..15 May, The pope, in his allocution, censures the Austrian new civil marriage law... ..22 June, Arrangement respecting the papal debt made with Italy, 30 July," Encyclical letter of the pope, summoning an œcumenical council at Rome on 8 Dec. 1869, and inviting ministers of the Greek and other churches... .13 Sept. The patriarch of the Greek church declined to attend, about 3 Oct. Monti and Tognetti (for complicity in the explosion of the Zouave barracks, 22 Oct. 1867) executed...24 Nov. The pope celebrates a jubilee.... .11 April, 1869 In his allocution he deplores the opposition to the church in Austria and Spain... ...25 June, He declares, in a letter to archbishop Manning, that no discussions on disputed points can take place at the council..

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29 Sept. Additional French troops sent to Rome 66 ...........Oct. The Marches vote for annexation to Sardinia.......Nov. Subscriptions raised for the pope in various countries; the formal collection forbidden in France and Belgium; .Nov. permitted in England.. Monastic establishments suppressed in the Legations; the monks pensioned; educational institutions founded, Dec. The French emperor advises the pope to give up his revolted provinces.. .21 Dec.

Publication of Rome et les Evêques, 6 Jan.; and of La France, Rome et l'Italie, 15 Feb.; great excitement, and strong advocacy of the pope's temporal government (attacked by prince Napoleon) in the French chambers.... ...March, 1861 Cavour claims Rome as capital of Italy.......27 March, Petition to the emperor Napoleon to withdraw French troops from Rome... ..10 May,

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The council opened (see Council XXI.)..

An exhibition of objects of Christian art opened by the
...7 Feb. 1870

British and American bishops protest against discussing
the dogma of papal infallibility in the council, 11 April;
the discussion begins..
.14 May,
Count Arnim, on behalf of the North German confedera-
tion, protests against the dogma..

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