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Benburb, near Armagh (N. Ireland). Here O'Neill | totally defeated the English under Monroe, 5 June, 1646. Moore says that it was "the only great victory, since the days of Brian Boru, achieved by an Irish chieftain in the cause of Ireland.

Benefit Societies, see Friendly Societies. Beneventum (now Benevento), an ancient city in South Italy, said to have been founded by Diomedes the Greek, after the fall of Troy. Pyrrhus of Macedon, during his invasion of Italy, was totally defeated near Beneventum, 275 B.C. Near it was erected the triumphal arch of Trajan, A.D. 114. Benevento was formed into a duchy by the Lombards, 571. At a battle fought here, 26 Feb. 1266, Manfred, king of Sicily, was defeated and slain by Charles of Anjou, who thus became virtually master of Italy. The castle was built 1323; the town was nearly destroyed by an earthquake, 1688, when the archbishop, afterwards pope Benedict XIII., was dug out of the ruins alive, and contributed to its subsequent rebuilding, 1703. It was seized by the king of Naples, but restored to the pope on the suppression of the Jesu

Bencoolen (Sumatra). The English East India Company made a settlement here, which preserved to them the pepper trade after the Dutch had dispossessed them of Bantam, 1682.-Anderson. York Fort was erected by the East India Company, 1690. In 1693 a dreadful mortality raged here, occasioned by the town being built on a pestilent morass; among others, the governor and council perished. The French, under count d'Estaing, destroyed the English settlement, 1760. Bencoolen was reduced to a residency under the government of Bengal, in 1801, and was ceded to the Dutch in 1824, in exchange for their possessions in Ma-its, 1773. Talleyrand de Périgord, Bonaparte's archlacca; see India.

Bender, Bessarabia, European Russia. Near it was the asylum of Charles XII. of Sweden, after his defeat at Pultowa by the czar Peter the Great, 8 July, 1709. The peace of Bender was concluded in 1711. Bender was taken by storm, by the Russians, 28 Sept. 1770; was taken by Potemkin in 1789, and again in 1809. It was restored at the peace of Jassy, but retained at the peace of 1812.

Benedictines, an order of monks founded by St. Benedict (lived 480-543), who introduced the monastic life into Western Europe, in 529, when he founded the monastery on Monte Casino, in Campania, and eleven others afterwards. His Regula Monachorum (rule of the monks) soon became the common rule of western monachism. No religious order has been so remarkable for extent, wealth, and men of note and learning as the Benedictine. Among its branches, the chief were the Cluniacs, founded | in 912; the Cistercians, founded in 1098, and reformed by St. Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux, in 1116; and the Carthusians, from the Chartreux (hence Charter-house), founded by Bruno about 1080. The Benedictine order was introduced into England by Augustin, in 596; and William I. built an abbey for it on the plain where the battle of Hastings was fought, 1066; see Battle Abbey. William de Warrenne, earl of Warrenne, built a convent at Lewes, in Sussex, in 1077. Of this order, it is reckoned that there have been 40 popes, 200 cardinals, 50 patriarchs, 116 archbishops, 4600 bishops, 4 emperors, 12 empresses, 46 kings, 41 queens, and 3600 saints. Their founder was canonized.-Baronius. The Benedictines have taken little part in politics, but have produced many valuable literary works. The congregation of St. Maur published the celebrated "L'Art de Vérifier les Dates," in 1750, and edited many ancient authors. The Benedictines with other orders were expelled from France by decree .29 March, 1880 The fourteenth centenary of the birth of St. Benedict was kept at Monte Casino and other places..... April, Benefice (literally, a good deed or favor) or FIEF. Clerical benefices originated in the twelfth century, when the priesthood began to imitate the feudal lay system of holding lands for performing certain duties; till then the priests were supported by alms and oblations at mass. Vicarages, rectories, perpetual curacies, and chaplaincies are termed beneficies in contradistinction to dignities, such as bishoprics, etc. A rector is entitled to all the tithes; a vicar, to a small part or to none.-All benefices that should become vacant in the space of six months were given by pope Clement VII. to his nephew, in 1534.-Notitia Monastica. An act for the augmentation of poor benefices by the sale of some of those in the presentation of the lord chancellor was passed in 1863, and an act respecting the sequestration of benefices and their union passed 1871.

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The Commission on Ecclesiastical Benefices reported, recommending amendments in sales of advowsons, discontinuance of sale by auction, etc....about 3 Nov. 1879 Benefit of Clergy, see Clergy.

chancellor, was made prince of Benevento, 1806. Benevento was taken by the French, 1798, and restored to the pope in 1815.

Benevolences (Aids, Free Gifts, actually Forced Loans) appear to have been claimed by our Anglo-Saxon sovereigns. Special ones were levied by Edward IV., 1473, by Richard III., 1485 (although a statute forbidding them was enacted in 1484), by Henry VII., 1492; and by James I.. in 1613, on occasion of the marriage of the

princess Elizabeth with Frederick, the elector palatine, afterwards king of Bohemia. In 1615 Oliver St. John, M.P., was fined 50007, and chief-justice Coke disgraced, for severely censuring such modes of raising money. Benevolences were declared illegal by the bill of rights, Feb. 1689.

Benevolent, or Strangers' Friend Society, established 1785; Loan Society, 1817; Society of Blues, 1824; Society of St. Patrick, 1784.

Bengal, chief presidency of British India, containing Calcutta, the capital. Its governors were appointed by the sovereigns of Delhi till 1340, when it became independent. It was added to the Mogul empire by Baber, about 1529; see India and Calcutta. The English first permitted to trade to Bengal.. They establish a settlement at Hooghly. Factories of the French and Danes set up. Bengal made a distinct agency..


about 1652

The English settlement removed to Fort William...
Imperial grant vesting the revenues of Bengal in the
company, by which it gained the sovereignty of the

India Bill; Bengal made chief presidency;
court of judicature established
Bishop of Calcutta appointed.....

Railway opened..

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.12 Aug. 1765 supreme

16 June, 1773 .21 July, 1813 ..15 Aug. 1854 .1865-66


Awful famine in Orissa (which see).
Lieut.-governor, hon. Wm. Grey.
Geo. Campbell..
Deficiency in rainfall; consequent famine (see India),
Oct. 1873
Cyclone: Mednapore destroyed; about 2000 perish..Oct. 1874
Lieut. -governor, sir Richard Temple..

hon. sir Ashley Eden

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Bennington, BATTLE OF. This engagement took place at Hoosick, N. Y., five miles from Bennington, in Vermont, but is known as the battle of Bennington. It was fought on 16 Aug. 1777, between British and German detachments, under cols. Baume and Breyman, of Burgoyne's army, and gen. John Stark, at the head of New Hampshire militia. The British were defeated, with a loss, in killed, wounded, and prisoners, of almost a thousand men. The Americans had 100 killed and as many wounded. Burgoyne sent this expedition to procure cattle and stores. It was a severe blow to him, and led to his final defeat.

Benzole, or BENZINE, a compound of hydrogen and carbon, discovered by Faraday in oils (1825), and by C. B. Mansfield in coal-tar (1849)-the latter of whom unfortunately died in consequence of being severely burned while experimenting on it (25 Feb. 1855), Benzole has become useful in the arts. Chemical research has produced from it aniline (which see), the source of the cele

brated modern dyes mauve, magenta, and many others; see Alizarine.

sians and Austrians, 9-13 Oct. 1760. Establishment of the Academy of Sciences, 1702; of the university, 1810. Beowulf, an ancient Anglo-Saxon epic poem, de- On 27 Oct. 1806, after the battle of Jena (14 Oct.), the scribing events which probably occurred in the middle French entered Berlin; and from this place Napoleon of the fifth century, supposed to have been written sub-issued the famous Berlin decree, an interdict against the sequent to 597. An edition by Kemble was published in 1833. It has been translated by Kemble, Thorpe, and Wackerbarth.

Berbice (S. America), settled by the Dutch, 1626, who surrendered it to the British, 23 April, 1796, and 22 Sept. 1803; and finally in 1814. It was united to Demerara, and named British Guiana, 1831.

Berengarians, followers of Berengarius, archdeacon of Angers, who, about 1049, opposed the Romish doctrine of transubstantiation, or the real presence in the Lord's supper. Several councils of the church condemned his doctrine, 1050-79. After much controversy, he recanted about 1079, and died, grieved and wearied, 6 Jan. 1088.

Beresina, a river in Russia, crossed by the French main army after its defeat by the Russians, 25-29 Nov. 1812. The French lost upwards of 20,000 men, and their retreat was attended by great calamity and suffering.

Berg (W. Germany), on the extinction of its line of counts, in 1348, was incorporated with Juliers. Napoleon I. made Murat grand-duke in 1806. The principal part is now held by Prussia.

Bergamo (N. Italy), a Lombard duchy, was annexed to Venice, 1428; which chiefly held it till it revolted, and was joined to the Cisalpine republic, 1797. It was awarded to Austria in 1814, and ceded to Sardinia, 1859.

Bergen (Norway), founded 1070; was the royal residence during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

Bergen (in Germany), BATTLE OF, between the French and allies, the latter defeated, 13 April, 1752.— (In HOLLAND) 1. The allies, under the duke of York, were defeated by the French, under gen. Brune, with great loss, 19 Sept. 1799. 2. In another battle, fought 2 Oct. the same year, the duke gained a victory over Brune; but on the 6th the duke was defeated before Alkmaer, and on the 20th entered into a convention, by which his army was exchanged for 6000 French and Dutch prisoners in England.

Bergen-op-Zoom, in Holland. This place, whose works were deemed impregnable, was taken by the French, 16 Sept. 1747, and again in 1795. An attempt, made by the British, under gen. sir T. Graham (afterwards lord Lynedoch), to carry the fortress by storm was defeated; after forcing an entrance, their retreat was cut off, and a dreadful slaughter ensued; nearly all were cut to pieces or made prisoners, 8 March, 1814.

Bergerac, France. Here John of Gaunt, then earl of Derby, defeated the French, in 1344; and here a temporary treaty of peace between the Catholics and Protestants, establishing liberty of conscience, was signed 17 Sept. 1577.

Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, was begun by Henry I. in 1108, and finished in the next reign. Here Edward II. was cruelly murdered by the contrivance of his queen Isabella (a princess of France), and her paramour, Mortimer, earl of March, 21 Sept. 1327. Mortimer was hanged at the Elms, near London, 29 Nov. 1330; and Edward III. confined his mother in her own house at Castle Rising, near Lynn, in Norfolk, till her death, 1357.

Berlin (capital of Prussia, in the province of Brandenburg), alleged to have been founded by the margrave Albert the Bear, about 1163. Its five districts were united under one magistracy in 1714; and it was subsequently made the capital of Prussia and greatly improved by the sovereigns. It was taken and held by the Rus

commerce of England, 20 Nov. It declared the British islands to be in a state of blockade, and ordered all Englishmen found in countries occupied by French troops to be treated as prisoners of war. On 5 Nov. 1808, Napoleon entered into a convention with Prussia, by which he remitted to Prussia the sum due on the war debt, and withdrew many of his troops to reinforce his armies in Spain; see Prussia, 1866, 1871. The railway to Magdeburg opened... The first constituent assembly held here. An insurrection commenced here.. Berlin was declared in a state of siege. The continuation of this state was declared to be illegal without its concurrence by the lower chamber,

10 Sept. 1841 21 June, 1842 .March, 1848 .12 Nov.

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BERLIN CONGRESS ON THE EASTERN QUESTION. Representatives (with resident ambassadors): Germany, prince Bismarck, president; Russia, prince Gortschakoff; Turkey, Alexander Carathéodori; Great Britain, lord Beaconsfield and marquis of Salisbury (lord Odo Russell ambassador); Austria, count Andrassy; France, M. Waddington; Italy, count Corti. First meeting, 13 June; twentieth and last meeting; treaty signed.. ......13 July, 1878 Articles 1-12. Bulgaria constituted an autonomous principality, tributary to the sultan; the Balkans southeru limit; the prince, to be elected by the population, approved by the sultan and other powers; public laws, and other details. "13-22. New province of Eastern Roumelia constituted; partially autonomous; boundaries defined; Christian governor-general to be appointed by the sultan; to be organized by an Austrian commission; a Russian army of occupation, to remain nine months.

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40-49. Roumania to be independent, losing part of
Bessarabia to Russia, with compensation.

50-54. Regulation of navigation of the Danube, etc.
55-57. Legal reforms in Crete, etc.

"58. The Porte cedes to Russia Ardahan, Kars, and
Batoum, and settles boundaries.

59. Batoum to be a free commercial port.
60. Alasgird and Bayazid restored to Turkey.
61-62. The Porte engages to realize legal reforms,
and to grant religious liberty, etc.

63. The treaty of Paris (30 March, 1856), and of Lon-
don (13 March, 1871), maintained when not modi-
fied by this treaty.

64. Treaty to be ratified in three weeks' time.
..3 Aug. 1878

Circular respecting delay in fulfilling the treaty from earl
Granville, the British foreign secretary, to the foreign
....May, 1880

BERLIN CONFERENCE (16 June-1 July, 18801. The ambassadors: for Great Britain, lord Odo Russell (now lord Ampthill, 1881); France, comte de St. Vallier, etc., president; prince Hohenlohe, German foreign

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Bermudas, or SUMMERS'S ISLES, a group in the N. Atlantic ocean, discovered by Juan Bermudas, a Spaniard, in 1522, but not inhabited until 1609, when sir George Summers was cast away upon them. They were settled by stat. 9 James I., 1612. Among the exiles from England during the civil war was Waller, the poet, who wrote, while resident here, a poetical description of the islands. There was an awful hurricane here, 31 Oct. 1780, and by another a third of the houses was destroyed, and the shipping driven ashore, 20 July, 1813. A large iron dry-dock here, which cost 250,000, was towed from the Medway to the Bermudas in June and July, 1869. Governors, sir Fred. E. Chapman, 1867; gen. J. H. Lefroy, March, 1871; sir Robert Michael Laffan,

Feb. 1877.

Bernal Collection of articles of taste and virtù, formed by Ralph Bernal, Esq., many years chairman of committees of ways and means in the house of commons. He died 26 Aug. 1854. The sale in March, 1856, lasted 31 days, and enormous prices were given. The total sum realized was 62,6801. 68. 8d.

Bernard, Mount St., so called from a monastery founded on it by Bernardine Menthon in 962. Velan, its highest peak, is about 8000 feet high, covered with perpetual snow. Hannibal, it is said, conducted the Carthaginians by this pass into Italy (218 B.C.); and by the same route, in May, 1800, Bonaparte led his troops to Italy before the battle of Marengo, 14 June. On the summit of Great St. Bernard is the ancient monastery still held by a community of monks, who entertain travellers. Bernardines, or WHITE MONKS, a strict order of Cistercian monks, established by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, about 1115. He founded many monasteries.

Berne, the sovereign canton of Switzerland, joined the Swiss League, 1352; the town Berne was made a free city by the emperor Frederick, May, 1218; it successfully resisted Rudolph of Hapsburg, 1288. It surrendered to the French under gen. Brune, 12 April, 1798. The town has bears for its arms, and some of these animals are still maintained on funds specially provided for the purpose. It was made capital of Switzerland, 1848.

Berry (the ancient Biturigum Regis), central France, held by the Romans since the conquest by Cæsar (58-50 B.C.) till it was subdued by the Visigoths; from whom it was taken by Clovis in A.D. 507. It was erected into a duchy by John II. in 1360, and was not incorporated into the royal domains till 1601.

Bersaglieri, the sharpshooters of the Sardinian army, first employed about 1848.

Berwick-on-Tweed, a fortified town on the northeast extremity of England, the theatre of many bloody contests while England and Scotland were two kingdoms; it was claimed by the Scots because it stood on their side of the river. Here John Baliol did homage for Scotland, 30 Nov. 1292. It was annexed to England in 1333; and after having been taken and retaken many times, was finally ceded to England in 1482. In 1551 it was made independent of both kingdoms. The town surrendered to Cromwell in 1648, and to gen. Monk in 1659. Since the union of the crowns (James I., 1603) the strong fortifications have been neglected. Bessarabia, a frontier province of European Russia, part of the ancient Dacia. After being possessed by the Goths, Huns, etc., it was conquered by the Turks, 1474, seized by the Russians, 1770, and ceded to them in 1812. The part annexed to Roumania in 1856 was restored to Russia at the close of the war in 1878, in exchange for the Dobrudscha, by the treaty of Berlin, 13 July, and given up 21 Oct. 1878.

| about 325; a chapel, called the Chapel of the Nativity, where they pretend to show the manger in which Christ was laid; another, called the Chapel of Joseph; and a third, of the Holy Innocents. Bethlehem is much visited by pilgrims.-The Bethlehemite monks existed in England in 1257.

Bethlehem Hospital (so called from having been originally the hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem), a royal foundation for the reception of lunatics, incorporated by Henry VIII. in 1547. The old Bethlehem Hospital, Moorfields, erected in 1676, pulled down in 1814, was built in imitation of the Tuileries at Paris. The present hospital in St. George's fields was begun April, 1812, and opened in 1815. In 1856 extensive improvements were completed under the direction of Mr. Sydney Smirke. Income 1876, 25,1847.

Bethnal Green (E. London), a poor, populous parish; said to have been the seat of Henry de Montfort, hero of the "Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green” (Percy Ballads). Many churches have been recently erected by the instrumentality of bishop Blomfield and others, and the district has been much favored by the baroness Burdett-Coutts. The East London Museum here, a branch of that at South Kensington, was opened by the prince of Wales, 24 June, 1872. Sir Richard Wallace lent to it for a year a collection of fine pictures and valuable curiosities. The gardens opened 19 May, 1875.

Bethune (France), an independent lordship since the eleventh century, was annexed to the monarchy by the treaty of Utrecht, 1713, after several changes.

Betting-houses, affording much temptation to gaming, and consequent dishonesty, in the lower classes, were suppressed by an act passed in 1853 (16 & 17 Vict. c. 119). A Pari-mutuel, or mutual betting-machine, in Aug., and the "Knightsbridge Exchange," a betting company, 2 Nov. 1870, were declared illegal; see Races. New Betting Act passed 8 June, 1874.

In 1874 this act was applied to betting stations at races; legal proceedings against Mr. H. Chaplin, as steward of the Jockey Club, were quashed by the magistrates at Newmarket.

Beverley (E. Yorkshire), the Saxon Beverlac, or Beverlega. St. John of Beverley, archbishop of York, founded a stately monastery here, and died 721; and on his account the town received honors from Athelstane, William I., and other sovereigns. It was disfranchised for corruption in 1870, after a long investigation.

Beyrout (the ancient Berytus), a seaport of Syria, colonized from Sidon. It was destroyed by an earthquake, 566; was rebuilt, and was alternately possessed by the Christians and Saracens; and after many changes fell into the power of Amurath IV. It was taken during the Egyptian revolt by Ibrahim Pacha, in 1832. The total defeat of the Egyptian army by the allied British, Turkish, and Austrian forces, and evacuation of Beyrout (the Egyptians losing 7000 in killed, wounded, and prisoners, and twenty pieces of cannon), took place 10 Oct. 1840. Sir C. Napier was the English admiral engaged. Beyrout suffered greatly in consequence of In Nov. 1860, the massacres in Syria in May, 1860. above 27,000 persons were said to be in danger of starving; see Syria.

Bhootan, a country north of Lower Bengal, with whom a treaty was made 25 April. 1774. After fruitless negotiations, Bhootan was invaded by the British in Dec. 1864, in consequence of injurious treatment of an envoy; see India, 1861-5.

Bhurtpore (India), capital of Bhurtpore, was besieged by the British, 3 Jan. 1805, and attacked five times After a desperate enup to 21 March, without success. gagement with Holkar, the Mahratta chief, 2 April, 1805, the fortress was surrendered to gen. Lake. By a treaty, the rajah of Bhurtpore agreed to pay twenty lacs of ruBethlehem now contains a large convent, enclosing, pees, ceded territories that had been granted to him, and as is said, the very birthplace of Christ; a church delivered his son as hostage, 17 April, 1805. On the erected by the empress Helena in the form of a cross, | rajal's death, during a revolt against his son, Bhurtpore

Bessemer, see Steel and Steam Navigation.

was taken by storm, by lord Combermere, 18 Jan. 1826; see India.

Bianchi (Whites), a political party at Florence, in 1300, in favor of the Ghibellines or imperial party, headed by Vieri de' Cerchi, opposed the Neri (or Blacks), headed by Corso de' Donati. The latter banished their opponents, among whom was the poet Dante, in 1302. "Bianchi" were also male and female penitents, clothed in white, who travelled through Italy in Aug. 1399, and were suppressed by pope Boniface IX., 1400.

Biarchy. When Aristodemus, king of Sparta, died, he left two sons-twins-Eurysthenes and Procles; and the people, not knowing to whom precedence should be given, placed both upon the throne, and thus established the first biarchy, 1102 B.C. The descendants of each reigned for about 800 years.-Ilerodotus.

Biarritz, a bathing-place near Bayonne. Here resided the comtesse de Montijo and her daughter Eugénie, empress of the French, till her marriage, 29 Jan. 1853. It was frequently visited by the emperor and empress.

Biberach (Würtemberg). Here Moreau twice defeated the Austrians--under Latour, 2 Oct. 1796; and under Kray, 9 May, 1800.

Bible (from the Greek Bißloc, a book), the name especially given to the Holy Scriptures. The Old Testament is said to have been collected and arranged by Ezra between 458 and 450 B.C. The Apocrypha are considered as inspired writings by the Roman Catholics, but not by the Jews and Protestants;* see Apocrypha.

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1635-1490 1490 1490-1451 1451

about 1520

1451-1420 1425-1120 1322-1312





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The most ancient copy of the Hebrew Scriptures existed at Toledo, called the Codex of Hillel; it was of very early date, probably of the fourth century after Christ; some say about 60 years before Christ. The copy of Ben Asher, of Jerusa lem, was made about 1100. The reputed oldest copy of the Old and New Testament in Greek is that in the Vatican, which was written in the fourth or fifth century. Mai's edition appeared in 1857. The next in age is the Alexandrian Codex (referred to the fifth cen tury) in the British Museum, presented by the Greek patriarch to Charles I. in 1628. It has been printed in England, edited by Woide and Baber, 1786-1821.-Codex Ephraemi, or Codex Regius, ascribed to the fifth century, in the Royal Library, Paris; published by Tischendorf in 1843.

The Codex Sinaiticus, probably written in the fourth century, was discovered by M. Constantine Tischendorf at St. Katherine's monastery in 1844 and 1859, and presented to the czar of Russia, at whose cost a splendid edition was pub lished in 1862.

The Hebrew Psalter was printed at Bologna in 1477. The complete Hebrew Bible was first printed by Soncino in Italy in 1488, and the Greek Testament (edited by Erasmus) at Rotterdam, in 1516. Aldus's edition was printed in 1518; Stephens's in 1546; and the textus receptus (or received text) by the Elzevirs in 1624.


The Old Testament, in Greek, termed the Septuagint (which see), generally considered to have been made by order of Ptolemy Philadelphos, king of Egypt, about 286 or 285 B.C.; of this many fabulous accounts are given. Origen, after spending twenty-eight years in collating MSS., commenced his polyglot Bible at Cæsarea in A. D. 231; it contained the Greek versions of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion, all made in or about the second century after Christ. The following are ancient versions: Syriac, first or second century; the old Latin version, early in the second century, revised by Jerome, in 384; who, however, completed a new version in 405, now called the VULGATE (which see): the first edition was printed (without date) about 1456; the first dated 1462; Coptic, second or third century; Ethiopic; Armenian, fourth or fifth century; Slavonic, ninth century; and the Maso-Gothic, by Ulfilas, the apostle of the Goths, about 360, a manuscript copy of which, called the Codex Argenteus, is at Upsal. The Psalms were translated into Saxon by bishop Aldhelm about 706; Cadmon's metrical paraphrase of a portion of the Bible, about 680; and the Gospels by bishop Egbert, about 721; parts of the Bible by Bede, in the eighth century.



MS. paraphrase of the whole Bible at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, dated by Usher.. Versions (from the Vulgate) by Wickliffe and his followers (above 170 MS. copies extant)... ..1356-84 [Part published by Lewis, 1731; by Baber, 1810; the whole by Madden and Forshall, at Oxford, 1850.] 595-574 William Tyndale's version of Matthew and Mark from the Greek printed, 1524; of the whole New Testament, 1525; 6 editions.. 1525-30 521-495 Miles Coverdale's version of the whole Bible; printing ..4 Oct. 1535

520 520-518 446-434 397

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*In April, 1865, was published a proposal for raising a fund for exploring Palestine in order to illustrate the Bible by antiquarian and scientific investigation. The first meeting was held 22 June, 1865, the archbishop of York in the chair; see Palestine.

The division of the Bible into chapters has been ascribed to archbishop Lanfranc in the eleventh, and to archbishop Langton in the thirteenth century; but T. Hartwell Horne considers the real author to have been cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro, about the middle of the thirteenth century. The division into sections was commenced by rabbi Nathan (author of a Concordance), about 1445, and completed by Athras, a Jew. in 1661. The present division into verses was introduced by the celebrated printer Robert Stephens in his Greek Testament (1551) and in his Latin Bible (1556-7).

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[Dr. Benjamin Blayney's revised edition, 1769.] Roman Catholic authorized version: New Testament at Rheims, 1582; Old Testament, at Douay. Authorized Jewish English version... The revision of the English version now in use was recommended by the bishops in convocation, 10 Feb. 1870. The commit

1609-10 ..1851-61

*He was strangled at Antwerp, 6 Oct. 1536, at the instigaton of Henry VIII. and his council. His last words were, Lord, open the king of England's eyes!" Fourteen editions of his Testament had then been published.

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1526 1541

tee, including eminent scholars of various denominations, Biblical Archæology, SOCIETY FOR, established appointed in May, held their first meeting at Westminster by Dr. Samuel Birch and others, 1871. Bestes a jourAbbey, 22 June, 1870. Revision of the New Testament completed (103d session of 407 nal, it has published "Records of the Past," translations days), 11 Nov. 1880; various editions published 17 May, 1881. from the Assyrian, Egyptian, and other languages, Paragraph Bibles published in England by John Reeve, 1808; 1873-8. by the Tract Society, 1848; at Cambridge, Mass., by Dr. Coit, 1834.

Smallest Bible known (4}×2×} inches; weight under 3 oz.), issued from Oxford University press, Oct. 1875.



Spanish (Valencian).




Bibliography, the Science of Books.
Gesner's "Bibliotheca Universale" appeared
De Bure's Bibliographie Instructive".
Peignot, Manuel "





Horne, "Introduction to the Study of Bibliography |
Brunet's" Manuel du Libraire," 1st edit. 1810; 5th ed.. 1862-5
Scriptural-Orme, “ Bibliotheca Biblica," 1824; Darling,


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Lowndes, "Bibliographer's Manual," 1834; new edit. by




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The British and Foreign Bible Society continues to make and print translations of the Bible in all the dialects of the world; see Polyglot.

Bible Christians, see Shakers.

Bible Dictionaries. The most remarkable are Calmet's "Dictionary of the Bible," 1722-8; Kitto's "Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature," 1843 and 1851; and Smith's elaborate " Dictionary of the Bible," 1860-3; see Concordances.†

Bible Societies. Among the principal and oldest societies which have made the dissemination of the Scriptures a collateral or an exclusive object are the following:

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge...
Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts.... 1701
Society in Scotland for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1709
Society for Promoting Religious Knowledge among the

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British Catalogues, by Sampson Low..

Allibone's" Dictionary of Authors," 1858; new edit.... 1870
American Catalogue..

Bibliomania (or book-madness) very much prevailed in 1811, when Dr. Dibdin's work with this title was published; see Boccaccio, and Printing, 1450-5.

Bicocca (N. Italy). Lautrec and the French were here defeated by Colonna and the Imperialists, 29 April, 1522, and Francis thereby lost his conquests in Milan. Bicycle, see Velocipede.

Bidassoa. The allied army under lord Wellington, having driven the French from Spain, effected the passage of this river 8 Oct. 1813, and entered France.

Biddenden Maids. A distribution of bread and cheese to the poor takes place at Biddenden, Kent, on Easter Mondays, the expense being defrayed from the rental of twenty acres of land, in 1875 yielding about 20%. a year, the reputed bequest of the Biddenden maids, two sisters named Chulkhurst, said to have been joined together like the Siamese twins, and to have died in the twelfth century. In 1656, William Horner, the rector, was nonsuited in an attempt to add the "Bread and Cheese lands" to his glebe.

Big Bethel (Virginia, U. S.), BATTLE OF, fought 10 June, 1861. Gen. Pierce attacked the Confederates in their fortifications, and was repulsed, after a partial success, losing about 40 men.

Bigamy. The Romans branded the guilty party with an infamous mark; and in England the punishment, formerly, was death. An act respecting it was 1785 passed 5 Edw. I. 1276.-Viner's Statutes. Declared to 1792 be felony, without benefit of clergy, 1 James I. 1603. Punishable, by imprisonment or transportation, 35 Geo. III. 1794; by imprisonment, 24 & 25 Vict. c. 100 (1861). 1808 In the United States, bigamy is punishable by impris 1812 onment. 1816




Bilbao (N.E. Spain), founded about 1300; was taken 1817 by the French and held a few days, July, 1795. It was delivered from the Carlists by Espartero, assisted by the British, 24 Dec. 1836. It was besieged by Carlists from Feb. to May, 1874, when the siege was raised by marshal Concha, who entered Bilbao 2 May.

Biblia Pauperum (the Bible for the Poor), consisting of engravings illustrating Scripture history, with texts, carved in wood-a “block book"-printed early in the fifteenth century, was compiled by Bonaventura, general of the Franciscans, about 1260. A fac-simile was published by J. Russell Smith in 1859.

"The Bible of Every Land" (ed. 1860), published by Messrs. Bagsters, London, is full of information respecting ancient and

modern versions of the Bible.

↑ An Index to the Persons, Places, and Subjects occurring in the Holy Scriptures," compiled by B. Vincent, editor of the present work, was published by the queen's printers in 1848; others published since.

This society has issued 24,247,667 copies of the Bible, or parts of it, up to Jan. 1851; in May, 1863, the number had risen to 43,044,334; in 1867 to 52,659,089; in 1875 to 76,432,723; in March, 1881, to 91,014,448. The income of that year was 222,320.; in 1876, 206,9787.; in 1878, 212,3037,; in year 1880-1, 209,5197 In 1857 the society published a catalogue of its library, which contains a large number of remarkable editions of the Bible. The foundation stone of its new Central hall, Queen Victoria street, London, was laid by the prince of Wales, 11 June, 1866. The society has promoted translations of the Bible into 225 languages or dialects.

Bill of Exceptions. The right of tendering such a bill to a judge, either to his charge, to his definition of the law, or to other errors of the court, at a trial between parties, provided by the 2d statute of Westminster, 13 Edw. I. 1284, was abolished by the Judicature Act, 1875. The practice is still maintained in American


Bill of Pains, etc., see Queen Caroline.
Bill of Rights, etc., see Rights.

Billiards. The French ascribe their invention to Henrique Devigne, an artist, about 1571. Slate billiardtables were introduced in England in 1827.

Billingsgate, the fish-market in London, is said to have derived its name from Belinus Magnus, a British prince, the father of king Lud, 400 B.C., but Stow thinks It was the old port of London, from a former owner. and customs were paid here under Ethelred II., a.d.

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