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Las ratificaciones de esta Convención y del Protocolo adicional se canjearán en Washington tan pronto como sea posible.

En testimonio de lo cual los Plenipotenciarios respectivos han firmado y sellado tanto el texto inglés como el texto español del protocolo adicional precedente.

Hecho por duplicado, en la ciudad de Washington, hoy día cinco de Diciembre del año mil novecientos diez.

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The limits of the United States of America with the bordering territories of Mexico having been fixed and designated by a solemn treaty concluded and signed at Washington on the twentysecond day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, between the respective Plenipotentiaries of the Government of the United States of America on the one part and of that of Spain on the other; And whereas, the said treaty having been sanctioned at a period when Mexico constituted a part of the Spanish monarchy, it is deemed necessary now to confirm the validity of the aforesaid treaty of limits, regarding it as still in force and binding between the United States of America and the United Mexican States.

With this intention, the President of the United States of America has appointed Joel Roberts Poinsett their Plenipotentiary; and the President of the United Mexican States their Excellencies Sebastian Camacho and José Ygnacio Esteva:

And the said Plenipotentiaries having exchanged their full powers, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles:


The dividing limits of the respective bordering territories of the United States of America and of the United Mexican States being the same as were agreed and fixed upon by the above-mentioned treaty of Washington concluded and signed on the twenty-second

a [Although this treaty of 1828 has been superseded, it is reproduced here on account of the apparent relationship of certain important provisions of the later boundary treaties to the ideas and language of this first treaty of limits.]

[Signed at Washington, January 12, 1828; ratification advised by the Senate of the United States April 4, 1832; ratified by the President of the United States April 5, 1832; ratifications exchanged at Washington April 5, 1832; proclaimed April 5, 1832.]


day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, the two high contracting parties will proceed forthwith to carry into full effect the third and fourth articles of said treaty, which are herein recited, as follows:


The boundary line between the two countries, west of the Mississippi, shall begin on the Gulf of Mexico, at the mouth of the river Sabine, in the sea, continuing north, along the western bank of that river, to the 32d degree of latitude; thence, by a line due north, to the degree of latitude where it strikes the Rio Roxo of Natchitoches, or Red River; then, following the course of the Rio Roxo westward to the degree of longitude 100 west from London and 23 from Washington; then, crossing the said Red River, and running thence, by a line due north, to the river Arkansas; thence, following the course of the southern bank of the Arkansas, to its source, in latitude 42 north; and thence, by that parallel of latitude, to the South Sea. The whole being as laid down in Melish's map of the United States, published at Philadelphia, improved to the first of January, 1818. But if the source of the Arkansas river shall be found to fall north or south of latitude 42, then the line shall run from the said source due south or north, as the case may be, till it meets the said parallel of latitude 42, and thence, along the said parallel, to the South Sea; All the islands in the Sabine, and the said Red and Arkansas rivers, throughout the course thus described, to belong to the United States; but the use of the waters, and the navigation of the Sabine to the sea, and of the said rivers Roxo and Arkansas, throughout the extent of the said boundary, on their respective banks, shall be common to the respective inhabitants of both nations.

The two high contracting parties agree to cede and renounce all their rights, claims, and pretensions to the territories described by the said line; that is to say; the United States hereby cede to His Catholic Majesty, and renounce forever, all their rights, claims, and pretensions to the territories lying west and south of the above described line; and, in like manner, His Catholic Majesty cedes to the said United States, all his rights, claims, and pretensions to any territories east and north of the said line; and for himself, his heirs, and successors, renounces all claim to the said territories forever.


To fix this line with more precision, and to place the landmarks which shall designate exactly the limits of both nations, each of the contracting parties shall appoint a Commissioner and a Surveyor, who shall meet, before the termination of one year from the date of the ratification of this treaty, at Natchitoches, on the Red River, and proceed to run and mark the said line, from the mouth of the Sabine to the Red River, and from the Red River to the river Arkansas, and to ascertain the latitude of the source of the said river Arkansas, in conformity to what is above agreed upon and stipulated, and the line of latitude 42 to the South Sea: They shall make out plans, and keep journals of their proceedings, and the result agreed upon by them shall be considered as part of this treaty, and shall have the same force as if it were inserted therein. The two Governments will amicably agree respecting the necessary articles to be furnished to those persons, and also as to their respective escorts, should such be deemed necessary.


The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington, within the term of four months, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed the same, and have hereunto affixed our respective seals.

Done at Mexico this twelfth day of January, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, in the fiftysecond year of the Independence of the United States of America, and in the eighth of that of the United Mexican States.

[Spanish text.]




Habiendose fijado y designado los limites de los Estados Unidos de America con los territorios limitrofes de Megico por un tratado solemne, concluido y firmado en Washington, á veinte y dos de Febrero, de mil ochocientos diez y nueve, entre los Plenipotenciarios respectivos del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos por una parte,

y de España por la otra; por tanto, y en consideracion á que dicho tratado recibio su sancion en una epoca en que Megico formaba una parte de la Monarquia Española, se ha creido necesario al presente, declarar, y confirmar la validez de dicho Tratado considerandolo vigente y obligatorio entre los Estados Unidos de Megico los Estados Unidos de America: En consecuencia han sido nombrados los respectivos Plenipotenciarios, á saber:


El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Megico á sus Excelencias los Señores Sebastian Camacho, y José Ygnacio Esteva: y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America al Señor Joel Roberts Poinsett, su Enviado Extraordinario, y Ministro Plenipotenciario cerca del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Megico. Los que despues de haber cambiado sus plenos poderes, y hallados en buena, y debida forma han convenido y concluido los articulos siguientes:


Siendo los limites divisorios de los Estados Unidos de Megico, y de los Estados Unidos de America en los terrenos colindantes de ambas Republicas los mismos que se acordaron, y fijaron en el dicho Tratado de Washington fho, á veinte y dos de Febrero de mil ochocientos diez y nueve, se procederá inmediatamente á poner en ejecucion entre las dos dichas partes contratantes los articulos tercero, y cuarto de dicho Tratado, que á continuacion se insertan:


La linea divisoria entre los dos paises, al occidente del Misisipi arrancará del seno Megicano en la embocadura del rio Sabina en el mar, seguirá al norte, por la orilla occidental de este rio hasta el grado 32 de latitud; desde allí, por una linea recta al norte hasta el grado de latitud, en que entra en el rio Rojo de Natchitoches, Red river, y continuará por el curso del rio Rojo al oeste hasta el grado 100 de longitud occidental de Londres, y 23 de Washington, en que cortará este rio y seguirá, por una linea recta al norte, por el mismo grado hasta el rio Arkansas, cuya orilla meridional seguirá hasta su nacimiento en el grado 42 de latitud septentrional, y desde dicho punto se tirará una linea recta por el mismo paralelo de latitud, hasta el mar del Sur: todo segun el Mapa de los Estados Unidos, de Melish, publicado en Filadelfia y perfeccionado en 1818. Pero si el nacimiento del rio Arkansas se hallase al norte, ó sur de dho grado 42 de latitud, seguirá la linea desde el origen de dicho

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