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I renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.


F. L. DE LAa Barra.

Secretary of State.


In view of the vital importance to the citizens of both countries of a speedy settlement of the difference between the two Governments regarding the sovereignty and title of the Chamizal tract; of the constant danger of some untoward circumstance growing out of the present situation which might disturb the harmonious relations of the people of Juarez and El Paso; and of the assurances which the Department of State has made to the citizens of El Paso that it would use every effort to expedite a settlement of this matter, the Department ventures to request that the subject be recalled by the Mexican Embassy to the attention of the Mexican Foreign Office, by telegraph.

In this connection reference is respectfully made to the Department's note No. 208, of March 22, 1910, and to the Mexican Embassy's note No. 153, of the 16th ultimo, in reply.


Washington, May 14, 1910.





WASHINGTON, May 18th, 1910.

The Mexican Ambassador has the honour to inform His Excellency, the Secretary of State, that he is in receipt of a telegram from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs stating that the Mexican Government will very soon give a reply to the proposition of the Department of State with regard to the form in which the El Chamizal question should be submitted to arbitration, and that the said question is at present being considered in preference to all others.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs accepts the proposition of the Department of State with reference to the maintenance of the statu quo, with the exception of some points which it wishes to make clear without altering them substantially.

Having regard to the understanding in general of both Governments, respecting the maintenance of the statu quo at El Chamizal, this Embassy begs to propose that the Attorney General will ratify at once to the United States Attorney in Texas the instructions given in his telegram of April the 2d and which were modified in a later telegram of April 13th.

The first instructions are in strict accordance with the agreement regarding the maintenance of the statu quo, but the second ones, could give room for interpretations which are contrary to the spirit that animates both Governments in these negotiations. WASHINGTON, May the 19th, 1910.b




El Embajador de México tiene la honra de enviar al Excelentísimo Señor Knox, Secretario de Estado, la nota adjunta á que se refirió en la entrevista de hoy y se permite recordarle el ofrecimiento que Su Excelencia se sirvió hacerle de enviarle el texto del proyecto de la Convención que ha de servir de base á las negociaciones relativas á El Chamizal.

WASHINGTON, Junio 9 de 1910.

Señor de la Barra to Mr. Knox.




WASHINGTON, Junio 9 de 1910.

Número 366.

Excelentísimo Señor:

De acuerdo con las instrucciones que hoy he recibido, tengo la honra de comunicar á Vuestra Excelencia que mi Gobierno acepta en general las proposiciones que contiene la nota de ese Departamento número 208, de 22 de Marzo último, relativas al mantenimiento del statu quo en El Chamizal y á la solución, por medio del arbitraje, de la cuestión de soberanía sobre dicho territorio.

a [These instructions had reference to intervention by the United States District Attorney in certain injunction proceedings brought against the Cotton Estate and the City of El Paso. It is not deemed necessary to print the voluminous documents relating to the proceedings.-Agent's note.]

[This memorandum is dated both the 18th and 19th in original.-Agent's note.]

Mi Gobierno, que desde 1907 propuso al de los Estados Unidos recurrir al arbitraje, según aparece en la nota de esta Embajada de 19 de Julio de dicho año, ve con agrado que se acuda á este medio jurídico para resolver tan delicada cuestión.

La Secretaría de Relaciones de mi país queda enterada de que el Gobierno americana, aun cuando califica de conveniente la permuta de terrenos que México propuso en virtud de la interpretación de los tratados vigentes, no se resuelve á aceptar dicha permuta, ni tampoco considera necesaria la celebración de un nuevo tratado de límites.

El Gobierno de México considera insubsistentes las proposiciones hechas por ambos países, anteriores á la nota de Vuestra Excelencia de 22 de Marzo último, y declara, por conducto de esta Embajada, que acepta el arbitramento en la forma que aparece en dicha nota, asi como los términos propuestos para el mantenimiento del statu quo en El Chamizal; siempre que las decisiones del Comisionado que designe el Departamento de Estado tengan sólo un carácter provisional y no lesionen los derechos que sobre los terrenos puedan tener los interesados.

Mi Gobierno desea, además, que dicho Comisionado comunique oportunamente copia de sus decisiones al Delegado de México en la Comisión Internacional de Límites.

Celebrando cordialmente el nuevo avance hecho para la solución amistosa y conforme á los principios de justicia de este enojoso asunto, me complazco en reiterar á Vuestra Excelencia las seguridades de mi más alta y más distinguida consideración.


Excelentísimo Señor PHILANDER C. KNOX,

Secretario de Estado

de los Estados Unidos de América,




The Ambassador of Mexico has the honor to forward to the Most Excellent Mr. Knox, Secretary of State, the appended note to which he referred at today's interview and begs leave to remind him that His Excellency was pleased to offer to send him the text of the draft of Convention which is to serve as a basis for the negotiations relative to El Chamizal.

WASHINGTON, June 9, 1910.



No. 366

Most Excellent Sir:

WASHINGTON, June 9, 1910.

In accordance with the instructions I received today I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Government accepts in general the propositions contained in your Department's note No. 208 of March 22 last relative to the maintenance of the status quo in El Chamizal and to the solution by means of arbitration of the question of sovereignty over the said tract.

My Government which as early as 1907 proposed to that of the United States recourse to arbitration, as may be seen from this Embassy's note of July 19 of that year is gratified at having this legal mode resorted to for the solution of so delicate a question: The Department of Foreign Relations of my country takes notice that the American Government, while calling the exchange of territory proposed by Mexico under the interpretation of existing treaties convenient, does not bring itself to accepting the exchange or deeming it necessary to conclude a new boundary treaty.

The Government of Mexico regards as non-subsisting the propositions made by both countries prior to Your Excellency's note of March 22 last and declares, through this Embassy, that it accepts arbitration in the form described in the said note, as well as the terms suggested for the maintenance of the status quo in El Chamizal; provided that the decisions of the Commissioner to be designated by the Department of State shall have but a provisional character and shall not impair the rights that the interested parties may have on the land.

My Government further desires that the said Commissioner will seasonably communicate a copy of his decisions to the Mexican delegate on the International Boundary Commission.

Cordially rejoicing in this further step toward the friendly solution of this troublesome question in accordance with the principles of justice, I take pleasure in renewing to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. F. L. DE LA BARRA

[blocks in formation]

No. 260.


Mr. Knox to Señor de la Barra.


WASHINGTON, June 17, 1910.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the memoranda of your Embassy, dated May 18 and June 9 last, and of your note No. 366 of June 9, enclosed with your Embassy's memorandum of the same date.

This Government learns with great satisfaction that your Excellency's Government accepts arbitration in the form proposed in this Department's note No. 208 of March 22 last, as well as the terms suggested for the maintenance of the status quo in the Chamizal tract pending the arbitration. Your Excellency adds the proviso that "the decisions of the commissioner to be designated by the Department of State shall have but a provisional character and shall not impair the rights that the interested parties may have on the land." By this the Department understands your Excellency to mean that the decision of the commissioners designated by this Department shall have force and effect only pending the arbitration and shall have no effect whatever as regards the ultimate title to the lands in question after the decision of the international commission. This was the meaning intended to be conveyed by the Department's note of March 22, and this Government therefore accepts in this sense the proviso suggested by your Excellency. This Government will take pleasure in instructing the commissioner, who will be designated at once, seasonably to communicate a copy of his decisions to the Mexican delegate on the International Boundary Commission.

Referring to our conversation and to my promise to hand you a draft for a convention which may serve as a basis for the proposed convention for the submission to arbitration of the Chamizal case, I beg leave to enclose herewith such a draft which I have endeavored to draw in such a manner as to depart as little as possible from the provisions of the Convention of 1889 providing for the International Boundary Commission. It is hoped that the provisions of this draft will be readily understood and will be acceptable to Your Excellency's Government, and the Department will be happy to discuss them with the Embassy at any time. In view of the early adjournment of the Senate of the United States, to which it will be necessary, in accordance with the constitutional requirement, for the Executive to submit

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