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FOR a number of years the Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction has been engaged in an extensive research as to the origin, nature and effects of alcoholic drinks and other narcotics upon the human system. The result of this research, carried on in the great medical libraries of Washington, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, and culled from every known source in our own and other lands, is a large accumulation of the latest scientific testimony on all phases of these subjects minutely classified, indexed and held in store and on call at the headquarters of this department, Hope Cottage, Hyde Park, Mass.

An eight-page monthly circular entitled Scientific Temperance Monthly Advices is to be issued for the ten school months of 1893, and devoted to testimony culled from the above mentioned collection, designed especially for teachers' use. This is not in any way to supplant regular text-book study, but to supplement it and re-enforce and assure the teacher, and through the teacher the pupils, as to the authorities and evidence on these topics that have become mandatory studies in nearly every public school in the United States. These quotations will be accompanied by suggestions, illustrations, etc., for applying the same in actual school-room work in the different grades.

Each number will contain new and important physiological temperance truth, which, in addition to the use made of it in school, ought also to be published in the local papers and discussed in the local unions.

Here is something very easily done for the temperance education of the children in your schools and community. Send these Monthly Advices to every teacher in all your schools. The following are the rates, which are put at bare cost: Single subscriptions, 25 cents per year. In clubs from five to fifty, 20 cents per year. In clubs from fifty upwards, 15

cents per year.

If you live in a large village or small city with one hundred teachers, it will cost only $1.50 per month to send one of these valuable eight-page leaflets, every one bristling with important facts, to every one of these one hundred teachers,

or only $15 per year for them all to get one each month for the ten months of the school year. In a smaller place of say five teachers, 10 cents per month, the entire cost.

or $1 per year will pay

Send with the subscription price, the names and postoffice addresses of all your teachers, giving street, number and county, and we will mail to each from our office, one of these valuable eight-page circular letters every month. You should also add one subscription for your local union and one for your press committee. After presenting this proposition to the local union, if it appears that it has not sufficient funds in its treasury for doing this, ask the Young Woman's Christian Temperance Union or some of the young people's societies to solicit the money, or have a soliciting committee from the union appointed.

There has probably never before been an opportunity to secure and put into circulation, for so small an outlay, so much valuable foundation temperance truth. Through the teacher you will reach the child, and through the child the home, and through your local press the community.


Public Opinion, the eclectic weekly, of Washington, D. C., which has made a feature of offering liberal cash prizes for the best essays on prominent topics, has just announced three cash prizes of $150, $100, and $50, respectively, for the best three essays upon the question, "What, if any, changes in the present immigration laws are expedient?" The contest is open to any one and full particulars may be had by addressing Public Opinion, Washington, D. C.

CARDINAL MANNING was so well known for his efforts on behalf of workingmen, temperance and social reform that our readers cannot fail to study with keen interest the remarkable portrait of him which we have produced from one of his last photographs.

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