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reader, you and I have paid, and still pay, a portion of our earnings.-The devil take such "good "to mankind," I say!-Doctor Rush is a very fine man, to be sure, and he writes in a fine doctor like manner; but the remorseless Doctor Rush shall bleed me till I am as white as this paper, before I'll allow that this was 66 doing good to man


Mr. Rittenhouse's real friends have too much discretion to compliment his understanding at the expense of his heart. They confess that his simplicity and want of political knowledge exposed him to the duplicity of those subtle fiends in human shape, who were at the bottom of the democratic institution, and who only wanted the weight of hir name. But his eulogist will insist that he was so profound, so far-sighted a politician, that he ever scented the delicious days of republicanism twenty years before they arrived! Nay, such is the zeal of Dr. Rush. that he vows and declares his friend vas born a republican; though every one knows, thathe was born under the royal government of Britin. But, don't let us misconstrue the Doctor; he mans a mental republican. Born a mental republian! Upon my soul it is a wonder he had not trace his republicanism a little further back, and turned the eulogium on his deceased subject into a lectue of anatomy.

Either Mr. Rittenhouse was the dupe of the Democratic Society, or he was not. If he was, the eulogium on his politics was as unjust as it was absurd: if he was not, the eulogium on his podness of heart was more so. In short all that is said, in this performance, of Mr. Rittenhouse's phosophy, should have been better said, and all thats said of his politics should have been omitted. The former is a dry uninteresting narrative, and the latter so glaring a departure from truth, that it will at:


tract but little more respect for his memory, than the hog's-wash toasts of the factious Society of which he was President.

We now come to Doctor Franklin's "good to "mankind."-As a politician, his wishing to give


the fisheries and Western Posts, for fear of offending France, is a convincing proof of his merit, and must render a toast to his memory particularly pleasing to Citizen Adet. As a moralist the Doctor's " example" is certainly a useful one; more especially in a country like this that is thinly inhabited. Increase and multiply," is an injunction that this great man had continually in his mind; and such was his zeal in the fulfilment of it, that he paid very little attention to time or place or person.

13. The Arts and Sciences; May the former be cultivated for our comfort, and the latter for our security.

14. The sister Republics of America and France; As the exertions of France contributed to our freedom, may the exertions of America never tend to her oppression. Marseillois hymn.

15. Peace, Liberty and Independence; may we cultivate the one as necessary to our prosperity; 'cherish the other as essential to our happiness; and never prostitute the latter to ambition or tyranny.

16. The Republic of Great Britain; may the present year witness a jubilee, as necessary to the happiness of Britons as to the tranquillity of mankind. Britons strike home.

I presume that Doctor Priestley gave this toast; that same loyal Doctor Priestley, who in justifying himself to the people of Birmingham, told them that he had toasted "the king and constitution."

About this gentleman I shall say more by-andby; at present I would ask. how it happens, that all the declared enemies of Great Britain, pray that she may become a Republic! Is this a proof of their


looking upon such a change as a blessing, or as a curse?" Britons strike home." That is, to the heart of your sovereign.-No; you spiteful, bloodyminded sans-culottes; Britons, true Britons, scorn your insinuation, and reject your sanguinary precept with horror. When they strike home, it is against those foes of their king and their country, who have the courage to face them: as for impotent enemies like you, whose prowess is confined to malicious wishes, spewed out over your muddy beverage, you are too much honoured by their


18. Spain, the friend of France, and the United States; may our treaty with her never give way to Mr. Jay's.

This friend of the United States, has just declared war against Great Britain, and one of the reasons, is, that Great Britain, in her treaty with America, has sacrificed the interests of Spain! There's friendship for you now! Did you ever hear of such friendship in your life?

19. The Governor of the Common-wealth of Pennsylvania.

20. A speedy relief to Thomas Muir, that suffering friend of liberty.


Pennsylvania keeps no gallows," either, for sedition or overdrawing at the Bank. Huzza! Huzza!

21. The combined fleets of France, Spain and Batavia, And may they quit their ports, and come within gun-shot of John Bull.

After Dr. Priestley retired.

22. May liberty be as immortal, as science and the name of Priestley.

23. Thomas

23. Thomas Jefferson, the illustrious philosopher, patriot

and statesman.

24. National Gratitude; may it ever be recognized by freemen, and denied by none but apostates.

After Mr. Adet retired.

25. Mr. Adet, late Minister of the French Republic.

This toast alone would have characterized the festival. Citizen Adet has heaped insult upon ininsult on the government and on the whole country, and yet he was entitled to the applause of these people. Such applause, however, must be but a poor compensation for the cold reception that the Citizen meets with every where else. It was a sort

of dumb peal to his departed rank. Since his selfsuspension, his diplomatic suicide, he is become a mere carcass; a carcass that does still walk about, tis true; but the ministerial soul is fled, and perhaps, already animates some luckier mortal.-He is, or rather he was (poor man!) a member of the Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, and, as such, I make no doubt that the eulogist in ordinary is now preparing his funeral oration. His having departed this life three months ago, is of no kind of consequence with these philosophers, who always think that it is time enough to begin weeping for a deceased brother when his body is half devoured by the worms.

The chief justice being retired.

26. Thomas M'Kean, Chief Justice of Pennsylvania.

Reader, comparisons are odious you know, and therefore don't you go to ask me what the people of Westminster would have thought, if they had seen Lord Mansfield boozing and bawling in a public house along with thirty or forty of the rabble, headed by a foreign agent, at open enmity with the government,

government. What suits very well in one country, does not suit at all in another; and therefore I I beg you will not ask me any such sneering questions as this.

However, every one may speak for himsef, and I will say, that if ever I should become a judge (of which I see no reason to despair), and should so far forget the dignity of my station as to become the companion of a herd of sottish malcontents, may all the world that moment forget what is due to me. May my family disown my sway; may my own rib rise up against my lawful authority; may she be the cursedest shrew that ever wielded a broomstick; may she belabour me with the tongs, cut me over the eye, rib-roast me, till I am obliged to call in the neighbours to shelter me from the effects of her wrath,

Mr. Langdon having retired.

27. John Langdon, an old whig.

Do you know what an old whig is, reader? It is a very ill-looking, nasty, despised and neglected thing, fit for nothing but to be trodden under foot, or thrown to the dunghill. Whigs, when new, are passable; and, some years ago, they were very fashionable, and very useful too; but of late years, whether new or old, they have been found to be of no kind of utility, either in England or this country. The fact is, that the whigs, at last, thought themselves heads, and from that moment, every man, who had too much spirit to be whig-ridden, threw off the cumbrous companion.

I shall now dismiss the toasters, but not without remarking, what is well worth remarking, that, as Doctor Priestley assisted at the Philadelphia commemoration of the French alliance, so Napper Tandy assisted at the same commemoration at New York,


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