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Adjutant-general, member soldiers' hospital board, q. v., 393.

Adoption, vid. CHILDREN.

Almshouses: Children in, penalty for, 408; exception, 408, 420; statis-
tics, 416 note, 421, 422. Epileptic in, 338, 380. Feeble-minded in,
336, 338. Insane in, 237, 336, 338, 367, 371. County, proposed, 220,
222, 339; district, proposed, 340. Hartford's first, 22; second, 133.
Maintenance in another town, when illegal, 206. Prisoners in, 338.
Restraint of inmates, limit to, 213. Towns authorized to establish,
134. Statistics, 1851, 219; 1886-1903, 335; condition of, 338; diffi-
culties in, 339.

Almshouse, State, proposal for, 338; vid. Tariffville.

American School for the Deaf, 247, 381.

Andros, Gov., poor law of, 41.

Apprentices: Laws re, 56, 94 et seq., 164, 267, 438 et seq. Absconding,
penalty, 56, 95, 165, 440; when justified, 168; liability of guardian,
168. Discharge for neglect of education, 165; duty of master, 168.
Enticing, penalty, 165, 267, 440. Indenture void, when, 167. Leav-
ing service when under parole agreement, 272. Master liable for,
in workhouse, 151. Negligence, penalty for, 165. Not to be warned
or removed, 99, 106. Obligations of, 166. Refractory, proceedings
against, 168, 439; not sent to reform school, 256. Relief for ill-
treatment, 56, 95, 164, 440. Residence, 31. Seduction of de facto
servant, 272. Suit by guardian for damages, 168. Term, 55, 164,
439. Transfers, 56. What constitutes apprenticeship, 167.
Apprentices, Indian. Laws re, 88, 155, 231.

Assistants, Court of: in Connecticut, 29 note, powers, 29; in Massa-
chusetts, 26 note.

Attorney-general, commitment papers for county homes, 409.

[blocks in formation]

202 et seq., 309 et seq.;
Advances by selectmen,
Bail liable for default,

Bastardy: Laws re, 38 et seq., 80, 126 et seq.,
decisions re, 129 et seq., 204, 313 et seq.
effect of, 205. Averment necessary, 129.
132. Bastards, how become legitimate, 313; rights of, 316. Bind-
ing over, 127, 131, 202, 310, 314. Birth, concealing, 204, 310.
Bonds, 39, 127, 132, 311, 312, 316. Charge of judge, proper, 315.
Cohabiting by married man, 309. Commitment to jail, when, 127,
310, 311; conditions of confinement, 313. Complaint by mother,
126, 310; withdrawal, etc., of, when, 311; complainant, rights of,
316. Conception, prevention of, 309. Contribution, to whom pay-
able, 127, 311. Damages, suits for, 317. Death, concealing, 40, 128.
Delivery, secret, 128, 204, 310. Discharge by mother, 132. Earliest
penalties, 38. Evidence admissible, 205, 312, 315; for conviction,
39, 127, 130, 131, 311; prima facie case, 202, 311 note, 314. Find-
ing, bar to action, when, 310; sufficient, 131. Fornication, 38, 80,
202, 309. Judgment, 127. Jurisdiction, 40, 127, 202, 310, 313. Jury
trial, 128, 312, 314. Liability of father, 38, 127, 311, 316; to town,
not affected, 312; method of enforcing, 127, 311. Limitation of
prosecution, 128, 312. Maintenance, order for, 132; term, 132;
what it includes, 132. Miscarriage, producing, 128, 203, 309; de-
cision re, 317. Mother, examination of, 131; a competent witness,
131. Plea in abatement, appeal, 313. Pregnancy, concealing, 128,
Recognizance valid for binding-over, 204. Seduction, 203,
309. Settlement of bastards, 115, 180; effect of mother's marriage,
115. Suit, by minor or married woman, 129; by town, 81, 127, 130,
312; nature of judgment, 128, 312; bond, 132, 312, 316; nature of,
129. Summary, 1634-1904, 458.


Beggars, vid. VAGRANTS.

Bethany, incorporation of, 108.

Binding-out: By guardians, 438; by industrial school, 261; by parents,
164, 438; by private institutions, 163; by reform schools, 257, 426,
430; by selectmen, 55, 94, 164, 267, 439; by trustees of Hartford
Home, 264; of neglected children, 52 et seq., 94, 164, 267, 439.
Blind: Laws re, 158, 248, 381 et seq. Adults, grants to, 385. Age
limits, 248. Annual census, 158, 248, 381. Appropriations, 248, 381.
Exempt from license fees, 386; taxation, 249, 386; vagrancy act,
347. Governor commissioner, 248, 381. Policy in 1904, 386.
Blind, Board of Education for: Creation, 382; authority re education,
383: compensation, 382; expenditures, 383; grants to adults, 385;
members, 382; secretary, 382.

Bund, Conn. Institute for: Authority of, 384; appropriations for, 383.
385: policy, 384; statistics, 386.

Bloomfield, 336.

Boarders, entertainment of, 24, 33.


Bridgeport, 222, 338, 372.

Bridgeport Orphan Asylum, 262.

Briefs, Laws re, 45, 88; repealed, 149.

Brooklyn, incorporation of, 108.

Burlington, 336.

Catholics, demands re county homes, 418.

Cemetery Association, 392.

Charities, Board of Public: Duty re burial of veterans, 390; memorial
headstones, 392.

Charities, State Board of: Laws re, 213 et seq., 331 et seq.; defects,

215; summary, 459. Appeal to governor, 214, 332. Authority, 214,
332; re boarding of, infants, 402; report, 403; county homes, 407,
409, 421; agent, 334, 407; representation on boards, 406. Blind,
views re policy of state, 384 et seq. Duties, 214, 215, 332; re insane
asylums, 363. Expenses, 215, 334- Meetings, 333. Members, 213,
332. Reports, 215, 333. Secretary, 332, 334; authority, 334. Views
re boarding children, 417; commitments to private institutions, 417.
Visits, 214, 215, 332, 431.

Charity Commissioners, 321.

Cheshire, incorporation, 74; duty re poor, 74.
Children: Abandonment, 167, 269, 442. Adoption, method of, 266, 437;
annulment, 266; approval, 266, 438; inheritance, 266, 438; notice,
266, 438; by county homes, 413; married persons, 438; private
asylums, 424. Born in jail, etc., liability for, 208, 323. Cruelty to,
443. Custody, after divorce or separation, 167, 269, 442. Employ-
ment, under 14, 444; under 16, hours, 444; certificate, 446, 448;
between 14 and 16, 447; hours, 270. Occupations, 444; supervision
of, 448. Enticing, 167, 442; by divorced parent, 442. Father, lia-
bility for child, 443; right to custody, 272. Foundlings, adoption,
266, 437. In almshouse, penalty, 408; exception, 408, 420; statistics,
416 note, 421, 422. Incurable, provisions for, 422. Infants, board-
ing of, regulated, 402-403; inspection, 402; penalties, 403; reports,
402; cf. MATERNITY HOSPITAL. Loitering, 450.
Mother guar-

dian of daughter, 169. Neglected, bound out, 55, 94, 164, 267;
guardians for, 268, 441. School attendance, 270. Sentenced to
workhouse, 63, 151. Stubborn, 51, 94. Support after divorce, 117,
182, 287. Under 16, not sent to jail or workhouse, 425. Summary,

Children, Institutions: Appropriations, 262; authority to become guar-

dians, 424; to bind out, 163; to give in adoption, 424. Bind-
ing to, by selectmen, 267, 439; support, 267, 439. Statistics, 423.
Colony: Liability re insane, 90; for unsettled persons under insanity
law, 82; under sickness law, 82; for the poor, 81 et seq.; for the
sick, 44, 82. Reimbursement by, 23, 84. Statistics of relief, 85.
Transportation, 85. Vid. STATE.

City: Authority re maternity hospitals, 403. Vid. Towns.

Clark Institute, 247.

Cole, C. J., 265.

Comptroller: Authority re burial of veterans, 391; marking graves,
391; soldiers' monuments, 392. Duty re insane, 370; poor, 139,
323; contract, 139, 209, 323; with towns, 324; settlement of ac-
counts, 140, 209, 324. Notice re state paupers, 141, 208.

Conn. Children's Aid Society, 422.

Conn. Humane Society, 443 note; authority re boarding of infants,
403; county homes, 409; cruelty to child, 443.

Conn. Institute for the Blind, 383 et seq. Vid. BLIND.

Conn. Invalid Home, 200.

Conn. Prison Association, 378, 436.

Conn. Register, 217.

Conn. School for Boys: Act constitutional, 428; administration, 432
et seq.; abuses, 434, 435; agent, duties, 427, 433; appeals, 430;
boys under ten, 425, 435; commitment, 430; cost and support, 426;
county homes, relation to, 410; death, notice of, 431; escapes, 431;
government, 424; indenture to, 431; support, 431; location, 424;
management, 424; manual and physical training, 434; release, 426,
433; religious instruction, 430; school full, 426; statistics, 433-436;
supervision by board of charities, 431; board of health, 432; term,
425; those committed, 425; transfers, 434; truants, commitment of,
450. Trustees, authority re wards, 425; to bind out or place at
employment, 426, and return, 426; to control earnings, 427; to place
in home, 426; to release on probation, 426; to transfer to county.
homes, 427; to visit, 427. Use by U. S., 425. Vid. STATE REFORM

Conn. Soldiers' Home, 251.

Conn. Soldiers' Orphans' Home, 254; allowance for orphans, 252.
Conservators: Laws re, 76, 118 et seq., 183 et seq., 289 et seq. De-

cisions re, 120, 194, 299 et seq. Acts valid under authority of court,
302. Appeal, 184, 292. Appointed for whom, 118, 195, 289, 299,
300; appointment authorized, 76; obligatory, 118; method, 118, 185,
195, 289; new, on change of settlement, 190, 291; delivery of estate,
190, 291; for one under overseer, 197, 289, 305; when valid, 120,
185. 195, 299; vacancies, 293. Authority re arbitration, 121, 295;

entering ward's house, 195; giving mortgage, 193, 295; leasing real
estate, 121, 302; releases of damages, 296; releasing legal title, 296;
selling growing wood, 121, 294; state bank stock, 194, 296; stock
subscription, 296; suits, 121; transferring ward's property, 196.
Bonds, 119, 189, 292, 301; on appeal, 184, 292; security, 120, 292;
surety, liability of, 293; relief of, 189; disclosure by conservator,
189, 292. Claims against ward's estate, 194. Delivery of property,
authority to compel, 193, 294. Disability of ward, 301; begins
when, 290; ward cannot give deed, 121. Disclosure of property to,
or lien, 297. Duties of, 119, 191, 291, 294; for married women,
291; for non-residents, 187 et seq. Duty of executor of, 297.
Estate, return of, 296; sale of, 76, 119, 187, 191, 294. For citizen
and resident of other state, 186 et seq., 298; already under guar-
dianship, 186, 298; not under guardianship, 186; owner of personal
property, 188, 298; for insane removed from state, 189; for mar-
ried women, 185, 186, 290; for non-resident, 187, 188, 290. Invest-
ments, 192; valid, 295. Jurisdiction, transfer of, to probate court,
184, 185, 195; which court has, 184, 289, 300; after death of ward
or conservator, 120 and note. Liability, 121, 296, 302. Married
women may act, 290. Mismanagement, 293; damages, 303. “Prop-
erty," defined, 300; restoration or disposal of, 119, 297. Removals,
293; reports, 191, 296; resignations, 190, 293. Rights of wife of
man under C., 291. Trustee for missing person's property, 292.
Ward, testimony of, 300. Summary, 1634-1904, 457.

Constable: Removal of strangers, 31, 33, 99, 137; significance, 31 note.
Convicts, importation of, 104, 106, 173.

"Council," defined, 44.

County, liability re county homes, 414.

County Commissioners: Authority re county homes, 406, 415; jails,
225, 227, 349; workhouses, 348; number, appointment, 225 note.
County Temporary Homes: Authorization, 404; age limits, 405, 420;
appropriation by state, 405; exclusion, method of, 405; for whom,
405; purpose, 405. Catholic child in Protestant home, 416. Chari-
ties, authority of state board, 407. Commitments, by courts, 409;
individuals, 408; support, 408; by selectmen, 408; term, 408; pen-
alty, 408; by transfer from reform schools, 409, 410, 427, 429;
appeals, 410; term, 409; method, 409; to individuals or institutions,
411; transfers by courts, 411; to private institutions, discussed,
417; inmates, number, 417. Management, board of, members, 406;
authority, general, 406; adoption, 413; education, 415; estimates,
414; private homes or institutions, 407; removals, 412; transfers
to homes or institutions, 407, 411, 412, 417; after transfers, 412;
re wards, 412; meetings, 407, 421; rights constitutional, 416. Par-

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