Transit of wounded or sick through neu L'Etat neutre pourra autoriser Les blessés ou malades amenés ARTICLE 60. Neutral State must furnish guard. Ratification. And whereas the said Convention was duly ratified by the Government of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the Governments of the other Powers aforesaid with the exception of Sweden and Norway and Turkey; And whereas, in pursuance of the stipulations of Article III of the Deposit. said Convention the ratifications of the said Convention were deposited at The Hague on the 4th day of September, 1900, by the Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Siam, and Bulgaria; on the 6th day of October, 1900, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Japan; on the 16th day of October, 1900, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Montenegro; on the 4th day of April, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Greece; on the 17th day of April, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Mexico; on the 11th day of May, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Servia; on the 12th day of July, 1901, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of Luxembourg; and on the 5th day of April, 1902, by the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the United States of America: Now, therefore, be it known that I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to Proclamation be made public, to the end that the same and every clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this eleventh day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and two, and of [SEAL] the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-sixth. THEODORE ROOSEVELT By the President: DAVID J. HILL, Acting Secretary of State. Convention between the United States of America and Certain Powers for the adaptation to maritime warfare of the principles of the Geneva Convention of August 22, 1864. Signed at The Hague July 29, 1899; ratification advised by the Senate May 4, 1900; ratified by the Presi dent of the United States August 3, 1900; ratification deposited with the Netherlands Government September 4, 1900; proclaimed November 1, 1901. July 29, 1899. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention for the adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the principles of the Geneva Convention of August 22, 1864, was concluded and signed on July 29, 1899, by the Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, China, Denmark, Spain, Mexico, France, Great Britain and Ireland, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Servia, Siam, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and Bulgaria, the original of which Convention, in the French language, is word for word as follows: CONVENTION POUR L'ADAPTATION À LA GUERRE MARITIME DES PRINCIPES DE LA CONVENTION DE GENEVE DU 22 AOÛT 1864. Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Allemagne, Roi de Prusse; Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Autriche, Roi de Bohême etc. et Roi Apostolique de Hongrie; Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges; Sa Majesté l'Empereur de Chine; Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemark; Sa Majesté le Roi d'Espagne et en Son Nom Sa Majesté la Reine-Régente du Royaume; le Président des Etats-Unis d'Amérique; le Président des EtatsUnis Mexicains; le Président de la République Française; Sa Majesté la Reine du Royaume-Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, Impératrice des Indes; Sa Majesté le Roi des Hellènes; Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie; Sa Majesté l'Empereur du Japon; Son Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc de Luxembourg, Duc de Nassau; Son Altesse le [Translation.] CONVENTION FOR THE ADAPTATION TO MARITIME WARFARE OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION OF AUGUST 22, 1864. Preamble. His Majesty the Emperor of Contracting parties. Germany, King of Prussia; His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia etc. and Apostolic King of Hungary; His Majesty the King of the Belgians; His Majesty the Emperor of China; His Majesty the King of Denmark; His Majesty the King of Spain and in His Name Her Majesty the Queen Regent of the Kingdom; the President of the United States of America; the President of the United Mexican States; the President of the French Republic; Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India; His Majesty the King of the Hellenes; His Majesty the King of Italy; His Majesty the Emperor of Japan; His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Lux Object of convention. Plenipotentiaries. la Reine des Pays-Bas; Sa Majesté Impériale le Schah de Perse; Sa Majesté le Roi de Portugal et des Algarves etc.; Sa Majesté le Roi de Roumanie; Sa Majesté l'Empereur de Toutes les Russies; Sa Majesté le Roi de Serbie; Sa Majesté le Roi de Siam; Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède et de Norvège; le Conseil Fédéral Suisse; Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Ottomans et Son Altesse Royale le Prince de Bulgarie Egalement animés du désir de diminuer autant qu'il dépend d'eux les maux inséparables de la guerre et voulant dans ce but adapter à la guerre maritime les principes de la Convention de Genève du 22 août 1864, ont résolu de conclure une Convention á cet effet; Ils ont en conséquence nommé pour Leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir: Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Allemagne Roi de Prusse: Son Excellence le Comte de Münster, Prince de Derneburg, Son Ambassadeur à Paris. Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Autriche Roi de Bohême etc., et Roi Apostolique de Hongrie: Son Excellence le Comte R. de Welsersheimb, Son Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire. M. Alexandre Okolicsanyi d'Okolicsna, Son Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à la Haye. Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges: Son Excellence M. Auguste Beernaert, Son Ministre d'Etat, Président de la Chambre des Représentants. M. le Comte De Grelle Rogier, Son Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à la Haye. M. le Chevalier Descamps, Sénateur. Sa Majesté l'Empereur de Chine: M. Yang Yu, Son Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à St. Pétersbourg. Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemark: Son Chambellan Fr. E. de Bille, Son Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire à Londres. Highness the Prince of Montenegro; Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands; His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia; His Majesty the King of Portugal and of the Algarves etc.; His Majesty the King of Roumania; His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias; His Majesty the King of Servia; His Majesty the King of Siam; His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway; the Swiss Federal Council; His Majesty the Emperor of the Ottomans and His Royal Highness the Prince of Bulgaria. Alike animated by the desire to diminish, as far as depends on them the evils inseparable from warfare, and wishing with this object to adapt to maritime warfare the principles of the Geneva Convention of the 22nd August, 1864, have decided to conclude a convention to this effect: They have, in consequence, appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: His Majesty the Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia, His Excellency Count Munster, Prince of Derneburg, His Ambassador at Paris. His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, etc., and Apostolic King of Hungary: His Excellency Count R. de Welsersheimb, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; Mr. Alexander Okolicsanyi d'Okolicsna, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague. His Majesty the King of the Belgians: His Excellency Mr. Auguste Beernaert, His Minister of State, President of the Chamber of Deputies; Count de Grelle Rogier, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague; the Chevalier Descamps, Senator. His Majesty the Emperor of China: Mr. Yang Yu, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at St. Petersburg. His Majesty the King of Denmark: His Chamberlain Fr. E. de Bille, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at London. |