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fiduciary capacity, or director or member or officer of any company, when such act is made criminal by the laws of both countries and the amount of money or the value of the property misappropriated is not less than $200.00. or B$ 500.00.

8 Perjury; subornation of perjury. 9 Rape, abduction; kidnapping.

10 Willful and unlawful destruction or obstruction of railroads which endangers human life.

11 Crimes committed at sea:

(a) Piracy, by statute or by the law of nations.

(b) Revolt, or conspiracy to revolt, by two or more persons on board a ship on the high seas against the authority of the master.

(c) Wrongfully sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting to do So.

(d) Assaults on board a ship on the high seas with intent to do grievous bodily harm.

12. Crimes and offenses against the laws of both countries for the suppression of slavery and slavetrading.

Extradition is also to take place for participation in any of the crimes and offenses mentioned in this Treaty, provided such participation may be punished, in the United States as a felony, and in Bolivia by imprisonment at hard labor.


Requisitions for the surrender of fugitives from justice shall be made by the diplomatic agents of the contracting parties, or in the absence of these from the country or its seat of government, may be made by the superior consular officers.

If the person whose extradition is requested shall have been convicted of a crime or offense, a duly authenticated copy of the sentence of the court in which he was convicted, or if the fugitive is merely charged with crime, a duly authenticated copy of the warrant of ar

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In Bolivia,

Discharge on failure to make formal requisition within months.

When, under the provisions of this article, the arrest and detention of a fugitive are desired in the Republic of Bolivia, the proper course shall be to apply to the Foreign Office which will immediately cause the necessary steps to be taken in order to secure the provisional arrest or detention of the fugitive.

The provisional detention of a two fugitive shall cease and the prisoner be released if a formai requisition for his surrender, accompanied by the necessary evidence of his criminality, has not been produced under the stipulations of this Treaty, within two months from the date of his provisional arrest or detention.

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mandamiento de arresto en el país dónde se ha cometido y de las declaraciones ú otras pruebas en que dicho mandamiento se ha fundado.

La extradición de los fugitivos según las prescripciones de este Tratado, será efectuada en Bolivia y en los Estados Unidos respectivamente, en conformidad con las leyes que regulan la extradición del país ante el cual se ha hecho la petición respectiva.


Cuando se pida el arresto ó detención de un réo prófugo, por telégrafo o por cualquier otro medio anterior á la presentación de las pruebas en debida forma, el procedimiento en los Estados Unidos será recurrir á un juez ú otro magistrado con facultades para librar mandamientos de arresto en casos de extradición y presentará la demanda bajo juramento, como está establecido por las leyes de los Estados Unidos.

Cuando según lo establecido por este artículo se desée el arresto y detención de un fugitivo en Bolivia, el procedimiento será recurrir al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, el que tomará inmediatamente las medidas necesarias para asegurar su detención ó arresto provisional.

La detención provisional de un fugitivo cesará y prisionero será puesto en libertad si no se produce una requisitoria en forma para su entrega, acompañada de las pruebas suficientes de su criminalidad según las estipulaciones de este Tratado, dentro de los dos meses de la fecha de su arresto provisional 6 detención.


Ninguna de las partes contratantes estará obligada á entregar á sus propios ciudadanos según las estipulaciones de este Tratado.


Un criminal fugitivo no será entregado, si el delito por el cual es solicitada su entrega tiene un

demanded be of a political character, or if he proves that the requisition for his surrender has, in fact, been made with a view to try or punish him for an offense of a political character.

No person surrendered by either of the high contracting parties to the other shall be triable or tried, or be punished, for any political crime or offense, or for any act connected therewith, committed previously to his extradition.

If any question shall arise as to whether a case comes within the provisions of this article, the decision of the authorities of the government on which the demand for surrender is made, or which may have granted the extradition, shall be final.


Extradition shall not be granted, in pursuance of the provisions of this Treaty, if legal proceedings or the enforcement of the penalty for the act committed by the person claimed has become barred by limitation, according to the laws of the country to which the requisition is addressed.


No person surrendered by either of the high contracting parties to the other shall, without his consent, freely granted and publicly declared by him, be triable or tried or be punished for any crime or offense committed prior to his extradition, other than that for which he was delivered up, until he shall have had an opportunity of return ing to the country from which he was surrendered.


All articles seized, which are in the possession of the person to be surrendered at the time of his apprehension, whether being the proceeds of the crime or offense charged, or being material as evidence in making proof of the crime

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Todos los objetos secuestrados á Disposition of artila persona que debe ser entregada al tiempo de su aprehensión, ya séan productos del crimen ó del delito imputado ó ya séan capaces de dar una evidencia ó prueba material del crimen ó del delito,

Persons claimed by two or more countries.



Exchange of ratifi


ble and in conformity with the laws of the respective countries, be given up when the extradition takes place. Nevertheless, the rights of third parties with regard to such articles shall be duly respected.


If the individual claimed by one of the high contracting parties, in pursuance of the present Treaty, shall also be claimed by one or several other powers on account of crimes or offenses committed within their respective jurisdictions, his extradition shall be granted to the state whose demand is first received: Provided, That the Government from which extradition is sought is not bound by treaty to give preference otherwise.


The expenses incurred in the arrest, detention, examination, and the delivery of fugitives under this Treaty shall be borne by the state in whose name the extradition is sought: Provided, that the demanding government shall not be compelled to bear any expense for the services of such public officers of the Government from which extradition is sought as receive a fixed salary; And, provided, that the charge for the services of such public officers as receive only fees or perquisites shall not exceed their customary fees for the acts or services performed by them, had such acts or services been performed in ordinary criminal proceedings under the laws of the country of which they are officers.


The present Treaty shall take effect on the thirtieth day after the date of the exchange of ratifica tions, and shall not operate retroactively.

The ratifications of the present Treaty shall be exchanged at La Paz as soon as possible, and it shall remain in force for a period of six

leyes del país en cuánto séa posible á tiempo de concederse la extradición. Sin embargo, los derechos de terceros sobre dichos objetos serán debidamente respetados.


Si el individuo reclamado por una de las altas partes contratantes, en ejecución del presente Tratado, fuere también reclamado por uno ó vários Estados distintos con motivo de crímenes ó delitos cometidos dentro de sus respectivas jurisdicciones, su extradición será concedida á aquél cuya solicitud haya sido recibida primero, siempre que el Gobierno al cual es solicitada la extradición no esté comprometido por un Tratado á dar á otro la preferencia.


Los gastos que se efectúen en el arresto, detención, identificación y entrega de los fugitivos, segun este Tratado, deben ser á cargo del país en cuyo nombre se ha pedido la extradición. Sin embargo, el Gobierno demandante no estará obligado á ningun gasto por los servicios de los empleados públicos del Gobierno al cual se ha pedido la extradición si éstos están sujetos á sueldos fijos. Todo cargo por los servicios de dichos empleados públicos cuando solo reciben premios ó gratificaciones, no debe exceder de los usuales por los actos ó servicios prestados por ellos en los procedimientos criminales ordinarios segun las leyes del país en el cual son empleados.


El presente Tratado se ejecutará á los 30 días después de la fecha del cange de las ratificaciones y no podrá tener efecto retroactivo.

Las ratificaciones del presente Tratado serán cangeadas en la ciudad de La Paz, tan pronto como séa posible, y continuarán en vigencia por un período de seis meses

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And whereas the said treaty as amended by the Senate of the United States has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of La Paz, on the 23rd day December, one thousand nine hundred and one;

Now therefore, be it known that I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America have caused the said Treaty to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof, as amended, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this thirtieth day of December in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one,
[SEAL.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred
and twenty-sixth.

By the President:


Secretary of State.



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