/ Scotland. Laus, statutes, cle. Highiray law Printed at the University Press by ROBERT MACLEHOSE, 153 WEST NILE STREET. 1894. (K/SC PREFACE. THIS volume has been prepared by authority of the Committee of Management of the City of Glasgow Improvement Trustees. It contains all the Acts which have been passed in relation to the Improvement Trust up to this date, the provisions of "The Commissioners' Clauses Act, 1847," so far as these provisions are incorporated with the first Act obtained by the Trustees in 1866, the clause of "The Glasgow Bridge, &c., Act, 1894," under which certain lands, ground annuals, and other rights are transferred from the Police Commissioners to the Improvement Trustees, and various sections of the Glasgow Police Acts of 1873 and 1877 relating to certain street improvements authorized by these two Acts, subject to the carrying out of which improvements the said lands are transferred to the Improvement Trustees. Where the provisions of any of the Acts have been altered or amended, this is indicated in the Notes upon the various sections. These Notes also contain other information explanatory of the provisions of the Acts. A full Index has been appended to the volume, which it is hoped will render it all the more useful. The compilation of the volume, including the Notes and Index, has been carried out by Mr. Bowers, the Assistant Secretary of the Water, Gas and Electric Lighting, and Improvement Trusts. J. D. MARWICK, GLASGOW, Νου., 1894. 622406 |