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Princes, excepting Prussid nhe third. The pondence with its members, even when they distribution of the votes of these Princes are not sitting, shall be regulated as soon as the whole bank ART. XVI. The Central Commission shall of the Rhine shall have been finally disposed direct the Inspectors to report to them an of; but the distribution shall be made pro-account of their proceedings; they shall portionately wo the extent of their respective assist them in theit duties, and superintend possessions on the bank The three Deputy the manner in which they are performed; Inspectors shall be chosen; the first by they shall at the same time attend to all Prussia, the second, alternately by France matters that may contribute to the general and the Netherlands, and the third by the interests of navigation and commerce, and other German Princes, joint possessors of shall publish, at the close of every year, a de the bank, who shall agree upon the mode of tailed report of the state of the navigation of making this appointment.

the Rhine, its annual movement, its proART. XIV. The appointments, as well of gress, the changes which may take place, the Chief Inspector as of the Deputy In- and of every thing relating to domestic and spectors, shall be for life. If the Commis- foreign commerce. sion should deem it expedient to remove one ART. XVII. The decisions of the Central of its officers, from being dissatisfied with his Commission shall be had by an absolute services, it shall be put to the vote whether majority of votes, which shall be given in he shall be merely replaced by another, or perfect equality : but as its members should brought to trial. In the former case, which be considered as agents of the States of the likewise applies to retirement in consequence Rhine, charged with making arrangements of infirmity, the individual shall retire upon for their mutual interests, their decisions a pension, amounting to half his salary, shall not be binding upon these States until should he not have served ten years; and their consent shall have been given by their two-thirds of it if he has served ten years or Commissioners. upwards. This pension shall be paid in the ART. XVII. The salary of the Chief Insame manner as the salary. In the second spector and of the Deputy Inspectors, but not case, the Commission shall determine, in the that of the Commissioners, who may be manner prescribed by Article 17, by which merely temporary agents, shall be fixed by Courts of the first and second instance he shall the regulation. It shall be at the joint exbe tried. The individual shall be entitled to pense of all the States bordering on the the pension if he is fully acquitted ; and on Rhine, who shall contribute in proportion to the other hand, he shall be proceeded against the part which they take in their nomination. according to the sentence which shall have The regulation shall contain every thing rebeen passed upon him. Whenever the Com- lating to the future establishment of the mission shall vote upon the question of re- Central Commission, and of its permanent moving any of the Inspectors, the votes shall administration, and shall determine, in a be given in the manner determined upon in precise and detailed manner, all its functions the 13th Article; but the individual cannot and privileges. be deprived of his situation, unless two-thirds ART. XIX. The staple duties having been of the number of votes determined upon, suppressed by Article 8 of the Convention of shall be against him.

the 15th August 1804, that suppression is ART. XV. The duties of the Chief Inspec- hereby extended to the duties which the tor, assisted by the Deputy Inspectors, are to towns of Mayence and Cologne levied, under superintend the fulfilment of the regulation, the denomination of Harbour and Port Duties, and to arrange every thing relating to the and on breaking bulk, cumschlag,) so that police of the navigation. It will therefore be individuals shall be at liberty to navigate along his right and his duty to issue orders on this the whole course of the Rhine, from the point subject to the offices for collecting duties, and where it becomes navigable to where it falls to communicate with the other local autho- into the sea, either in passing up or down the rities of the States bordering on the Rhine. river, without being compelled to break bulk, Persons employed in the offices, and the or to remove the cargoes into another vessel, local authorities, shall obey and assist him in in any port, town, or place whatever. every thing concerning the observance of the ART. XX. A superintending Police shall, regulation, and shall not oppose the execu- however, be appointed, for the prevention of tion of his orders, unless he shall exceed the fraud, where vessels are laden or unladen, as limits of his authority. In this case, they well as where cargoes are shifted; and the shall immediately make it known to their crane, quay, and storehouse duties, in places superiors. The Chief Inspector shall like where such accommodations exist, or where wise collect every information which may be they may hereafter be erected, shall be fixed necessary for the Central Commission re- by the regulation, in an uniform manner, and garding the state and defects of the naviga- they shall not afterwards be augmented but tion, and shall submit to them such measures by common consent. as he may consider advisable to be adopted. ART. XXI. No company, much less any On pressing occasions, he shall be at liberty, qualified boatman (in places where there are and it will be his duty, to hold a corres- no companies) shall in any of the States of the Rhine, exercise any exclusive right of circumstances, and for other reasons; the navigation on this river, or on any part of it. scale of charges for freight; contraventions; The subjects of any one of these states may the separation of offices for the navigation, of continue to be members of a company in any the custom-houses, &c. &c. shall be deterother of the States.

mined in the Definitive Regulations, which ART. XXII. The custom-houses of the shall be framed in the inanner hereafter menStates of the Rhine, being unconnected with tioned. the duties on navigation, shall not interfere ART. XXVIII. The regulations of the 9th, with the collection of the latter. The defini- 14th, 17th, 19th and 20th Articles of the tive regulation shall contain the necessary Principal Recess of the Extraordinary Depu-' arrangements to prevent the superintending tation of the Empire of the 25th of February officers of the customs from throwing obstacles 1803, concerning the permanent rents, directly in the way of the navigation.

assigned upon the produce of the duties on ART. XXIII. The custom-house boats, and the navigation of the Rhine, shall be contismall craft, shall bear the flag of the State tonued. For this purpose ;-1. The German which they belong, but in order to denote Governments, joint possessors of the banks of their belonging to the customs, the word the Rhine, charge themselves with the payRhenus” shall be inscribed upon it. ment of the above rents; reserving, however,

ART. XXIV. The duties on the navigation to themselves the power of purchasing such of the Rhine shall never be farmed out either rents, according to the 30th Article of th wholly or partially

Recess, either at !per cent., or by any other ART. XXV. No demand of exemption, or arrangement upon which the parties concerned abatement of duties, shall be admitted, either may mutually agree. 2. Cases are excepted by the Overseers of the Customis, or even by from the general principle, concerning the the Central Commission, whatever may be payment of the rents mentioned in the prethe nature, origin, or destination of the boats, ceding paragraph, where there shall exist effects, or merchandize, and to whatever indi- peculiar and legal objections against the viduals, bodies, towns, or States, either of claiming of such rents. These cases shall be them may belong, or for whatever service, or considered and determined upon, as mentioned on whose account soever the same may be in the following paragraph; 3. The adoption shipped.

of the principle mentioned in the first paraART. XXVI. If it should happen (which graph, relative to the various claims, and the God forbid) that war should break out among decisions concerning exceptions referred to in any of the States of the Rhine, the collection the second paragraph, shall be entrusted to a of the customs shall continue uninterrupted, Commission, composed of five persons, whom without any obstacle being thrown in the the Court of Vienna, at the desire of the Gerway by either party. The vessels, and persons man Governments, joint possessors of the employed by the custom-houses, shall enjoy bank of the river, shall nominate ; by choosall the rights of neutrality. A guard shall be ing, as far as may be practicable, individuals placed over the offices and chests belonging who have been Members of the Aulic Council to the customs.

of the Empire, and are still here. This Com. ART. XXVII. The existing Commission, mission shall settle this matter in the most having been obliged to confine itself to the just and equitable manner, and the Governestablishing of the most general principles, ments from whom such rents are due promise without entering into the details necessary to to abide by such decision, without any appeal be regulated; all particular arrangements, or objection whatever. 4. The above-menand especially those relating to the Tarif of tioned Commission shall inquire into the duties, to that adopted for merchandize in right of demanding arrears of rents, and shall general, and also to that for goods which, decide on the principle, whether the posbeing of a certain description, pay smaller sessors of the bank of the Rhine are liable to duties; the situation of the offices for the pay these arrears, or whether the application collection of duties, their internal manage- of this principle, if admitted by the Commisment, and mode of collection; the organiza- sion, applies to the various claims of arrears, tion of judicial authorities of the first and in particular. Its labours shali terminate in second instance, and their mode of proceeding; three months from the day of its assembling. the preservation of the towing paths, and the 5. If the Commission shall decide, that the works in the bed of the river; the manifests; arrears should be paid, and shall fix the instalthe guaging; and designation of boats and ments, the Central Commission shall regulate floats of wood; the weights, measures, and the mode of payment, in such manner that. coins to be used, and their proportions and the debiting Governments shall have the valuation; the police of the ports for shipping, option either of discharging the same in ten unloading, or shifting cargoes ; the companies successive years, at the rate of one-tenth each of watermen, the requisite qualifications for year, or of transferring them, analogous to the watermen; the greater and lesser navigation, Both of the Recess, at ?{ per cent., into reuts, if such a distinction, which no longer exists in in addition to those which the Governments the sense given to it by the Convention of to whom they belong actually possess. The 1804, should be maintained, under other Central Commission shall likewise decide (VOL. XXXII.)


whether, and in what proportion, France proportion the governments, joint proprietors ought to contribute to the payment of these of the bank, (the kingdom of the Netherarrears. 6. All payments, decided on by the lands, however, excepted,) shall contribute present Article, are to be made half yearly. to these payments. It shall discharge the The Central Commission shall fix the manner amount of all these pensions, and finally in which these payments shall be made, settle the scale by which such payments shall favouring, as much as possible, these to whom be regulated. The payment of these penthe said rents belong, and the debiting Go- sions, as well as of those mentioned in the vernments shall contribute to them in propor- 29th Article, shall be regulated in the mantion to their share of the duties. This

pro- ner fixed by the 6th paragraph of the 28th portion shall be definitively arranged by the Article, for the payment of rents. Central Commission at its first meeting, on

ART. XXXI. As soon as the general printhe average of the amount of a year's receipts ciples for the navigation of the Rhine shall of the different offices of collection which have been laid down by the Congress, the have, existed during the first six years, from States of the Rhine shall appoint persons for the time of the Convention of 1804 having the formation of the Central Commission; been in force

and this Commission shall assemble at latest ART. XXIX. The regulations compre

on the 1st of June of this ycar, at Mayence. hended in the Articles LXXIII and LXXVIII, At the same time the present Provincial Adof the Convention of the 15th August ministration shall deliver up the direction 1804, concerning a fund to be appropriated with which they have been charged, to the to the payment of pensions on retirement, Central Commission, and to the authorities and to the relief of widows and children of of the States of the Rhine; the partial colgovernment officers, the number of vacancies, lection of the duties shall be substituted for and the right of superannuation, as well as the general collection, and they shall publish, the aniount of the pensions, and the relief to in the name of all the States of the Rhine, a be granted to widows and orphans, being lemporary instruction, by which it shall be intimately connected with the general receipt ordered, that until the completion and final of duties, shall immediately cease, and the approval of the new regulation, the Convenbusiness of granting pensions on the retire- tion of the 15th August 1804 shall be obment of officers of the customs, and relief to served; it being distinctly pointed out, which their widows and orphans, is left to the dis- of its Articles are already annulled by the cretion of each particular State bordering on present arrangements, and what other arrangethe river. The Central Commission shall ments ought immediately to be adopted in nevertheless be employed immediately on its

lieu of them. opening, in arranging with France the resti- ART. XXXII. As soon as the Central tution of the fund, formed in virtue of the Commission shall have assembled it shall 73d Article of the Convention, for the draw- occupy itself; 1. In drawing up the regulaback of 4 per cent. upon salaries, which has tions for the navigation of the Rhine. It is been paid into the sinking fund; and the sufficient to observe here, that the present French government engages to make the Articles shall serve as a guide to them, and restitution, as soon as the amount of this that the points which the regulations are to fund shall have been liquidated by the Cen- embrace, are mentioned as well in the present tral Commission. This restitution being instrument, as in the Convention of the 15th made, the Commission shall consider what August 1804, and that care must be taken to pensions and relief are still to be paid out of retain whatever is good and useful in that this fund, and shal} assign them, according Convention. When the regulations are coma to the principles established by the Conven- pleted, they shall be submitted to the governtion of 1804. Individuals who have been ments of the Rhine for their approbation and employed in the tax-office, and to whom, in until such approbation shall have been given, consequence of the new arrangements, proper the new order of things shall not commence, situations cannot be given, or who shall nor shall the Central Commission enter upon allege such reasons for not accepting such its regular duties. 2. In acting for the presituations as the Central Commission shall sent Central Administration, where it shall deem sufficient, shall have pensions and al- be necessary, until the publication of the new lowances granted to them, conformably to regulations, the principles established by the 59th Article Signed,

D'Alberg. of the recess of the empire of 1803.

Clancarty. ART. XXX. The pensions granted to the

Wrede, receivers of duties, discontinued by the 39th Article of the recess of 1803, shall be paid by

Turckheim. the German governments, joint possessors of

Berckheim. the bank of the river. Those which have

De Marschall. been legally granted since the period at which

Spaen. the duties on navigation have been in force, shall also be paid; but the Central Commis

Humboldt. sion shall investigate and determine in what


Articles concerning the Navigation of the rivers Necker, the Mayne, and the Moselle,

ART. VI. The subjects of the States of the Necker, the Mayne, the Moselle, the shall enjoy the same rights of navigation on Meuse, and the Scheldt.

the Rhine, and Prussian subjects on the ART. I. The same freedom of navigation Meuse, as the subjects of the States of the that has been granted for the Rhine, shall be two last rivers ; paying due regard, however, extended to the Necker, the Mayne, the Mo- to the regulations therein established. 3 selle, the Meuse, and the Scheldt, from the ART. VII. Every thing relating to the point where each of them becomes navigable, navigation of the Scheldt, which may need to their mouths.

ulterior arrangement, besides the freedom of ART. II. Storehouse and forced harbour navigation on this river, specified in the 1st. duties, on the Necker and the Maync, are Article, shall be definitively regulated in a and shall continue abolished, and all qualified manner the most favourable to commerce watermen shall be allowed to navigate along and navigation, and the most analogous, to the whole extent of these rivers, in the same the regulations established on the Rhine. manner that such liberty bas been restored,

Signed, D'Alberg. by Article XIX. on the Rhine. ART. III. The tolls levied on the Necker,

dal Count Keller. and the Mayne shall not be increased; on

Clancarty the contrary, the governments, joint posses

Wrede. sors of the bank, engage to reduce them, in

Turckheim. case they should exceed the Tarifs in use in 1802, to the rates of those Tarifs. They like

Danz. wise engage not to burthen navigation by any

Berckheim. new imposts whatever, and will meet, as soon

De Marschall. as possible, to arrange a Tarif as similar to the duties levied on the Rhine, as circumstances may permit.

The Baron Linden, ART. IV. 'The duties now levied on the

subject to the apMoselle and the Meuse, in pursuance of the

probation of his decree of the French government of the 12th

Majesty the King. November 1806, and of the 10th Brumaire of

Wessenberg the year 14, shall not be increased; on the contrary, the governments, joint possessors ACT, No. XVII.--Regulation concerning the of the bank, engage to reduce them, in case

Precedence of Diplomutic Agents. they are higher than those levied' on the Rhine, to the same rate. This engagement In order to prevent in future the inconvenot to increase the present Tarifs, refers, niencies which have frequently occurred, and however, only to the amount and marimum which may still occur, from the claims of of duties; the governments expressly reserv- precedence, among the different diplomatie ing to themselves the power of fixing, by new characters, the Plenipotentiaries of the Powers regulations, every thing relative to the division who signed the Treaty of Paris have agreed into different classes of such merchandize as on the following Articles, and think it their is subject to a lower Tarif; to the difference duty to invite those of the other crowned now established for passing up and down the heads to adopt the same regulations. river at the custom-houses; to the mode of ART. I. Diplomatic characters are divided collection; to the police of the navigation ; | into three classes. That of Ambassadors, or to any other subject requiring ulterior Legates or Nuncios. That of Envoys, Mjdetermination. This regulation shall be made nisters, or other persons accredited to Soveto correspond, as nearly as possible, with reigns. That of Chargé d'Affaires, accredited that of the Rhine; and the better to insure only to the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, such uniformity, it shall be drawn up by those ÅRT. II. Ambassadors, Legates or Nunmembers of the Central Commission of the cios, only, shall have a representative. chàRhine, whose governments shall also have racter. possessions on the banks of the Moselle and ART. III. Diplomatic characters, charged the Meuse. No increase shall take place in with any special mission, shall not, on that the Tarif, to be finally settled by the new account, assume any superiority of rank, regulation, unless a similar increase shall be ART. IV. Diplomatic characters shall rank considered necessary on the Rhine, and that in their respective classes, according to the only in the same proportion; and no other date of the official notification of their arrival. part of the regulation shall be altered but by The present regulation shall not occasion any common consent.

change respecting the representatives of the ART. V. The States of the rivers specified Pope. in the 1st. Article, engage to keep the tow- ÅRT. V. There shall be a regular form ing-paths in repair, as well as the necessary adopted by each State for the reception of works in the beds of the rivers, in the same diplomatic characters of every class. manner as agreed upon in the 7 th Article for ART. VI. Ties of consanguinity, or family tile Rhine.




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alliances between Courts, confer no rank on 8. Sardinia, 9 April. their diplomatic agents. The same rule also 9. Saxony, 27 May. applies to political alliances.

10. Switzerland, signed at Zurich, 20 Muy. ART. VII. In Acts or Treaties between Translation of the preceding, 20 May. several Powers that admit the alternity, the 11. Wurtemberg, signed al Vienna, 80 Moy. order which is to be observed in the signa- 12. Princes'und Free Towns of Germany, 27 tures of Ministers shall be decided by ballot. April. The present regulation is inserted in the Pro

TREATIES OF SUBSIDY. tocol of the Plenipotentiaries of the eight Powers who signed the Treaty of Paris, at 1. Baden, signed ut Brussels, 19 May, 1815. their sitting of the 19th March 1815. (The 2. Bavaria, 7 June. signatures follow in the alphabetical order of 3. Denmark, signed at Paris, 14 July. the Courts.) Signed,

4. Hanover, 26 August.

5. Hesse (Grand Duke), 15 July. AUSTRIA, The Prince de Metternich.

6. Sardinia, signed at Brussels, 2 Muy. The Baron de W'essenberg,

7. Sarony, signed at Paris, 14 July. SPAIN

8. Wurtemberg, signed at Brussels, 6 June, P. Gomez Labrador. ESPAGNE,

PRINCES AND FREE Towns OF GERMANY, viz. FRANCE, The Prince de Talleyrand. 9. Anhalt-Dessau, Bernbourg, and Cathen, The Duke D'Alberg.

signed at Paris, 10 July, 1815.

10. Brunswick-Luneburg, 28 August.
Latour du Pin.

11. Frankfort on the Maine, 1 August.
The Count Alcris de Nouilles. 12. Hesse (Elector), 15 July

13. Holstein Oldenburgh, 5 September.

14. Hohenzollern-Hechingen und Sigmaringen, BRITAIN,

1 August. Stewart, Lt. G.

15. Lubeck, Hamburgh, and Bremen, 21 July. PORTUGAL, The Count Palinella,

16. Mecklenburgh-Schwerin, 29 July.

17. Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 8 August Saldanha,

18. Nassau, signed at Brussels, 16 June, Lobo.

19. Reuss, signed at Paris, 1 August. PRUSSIA, Prince Hardenberg.

20. Saxe-Coburg, Meinungen, and Hildburg, Baron Humboldt.

hausen, signed at Brussels, 15 June.

21. Suxe-Gotha and Altenburg, signed at Paris; Russia, Count Rasoumoffsky.

1 August. Count Stackelberg

22. Saxe-Weimar and Eisenach, 1 August.

23. Schaumburg-Lippe and Lippe, 1 dugust. Count Nesselrode.

24. Schwartzbury-Sondershausen and ŘudelSWEDEN, Lowenhielm.

stadt, 1 August.
25. Waldeck and Pyrmont, 1 August.

Additional Convention with Russia, signed TREATIES OF ACCESSION AND

at Paris, 4 October. SUBSIDY.] Lord Castlereagh also pre

Translation of Ditto. sented a Paper intituled, “ CLASS A.“ Treaties of Accession and of Subsidy, VARIOUS TREATIES AND CONVEN. « between Great Britain and other Powers,

CONCLUDED BETWEEN GREAT *" in virtue of the Treaty of Alliance be- BRITAIN AND OTHER POWERS IN THE “ tween Great Britain, Austria, Russia Year 1815.] Lord Castlereagh also

pre'« and Prussia, signed at Vienna, 25th sented a Paper, intituled, “ ČLASS B..“ March 1815"* with Translations. The - Various Treaties concluded between following is a List of the said Papers :

“ Great Britain and other Powers, in the TREATIES OF ACCESSION. Year 1815," with Translations. Of

which the following are Copies : 1. Baden, signed at Vienna, 13 May, 1815. 2. Bavaria, 15 April.

Class B. 3. Denmark, signed at Paris, 1 September. Translation of the preceding, 1 September.

VARIOUS TREATIES. 4. Hanover, signed at Vienna, 7 April.

concluded between 5. Hesse (Grand Duke), 23 May.

GREAT BRITAIN AND OTHER POWERS IN 6. Netherlands, 28 April. 7. Portugal, 8 April.

THE YEAR 1815.

1. Convention between Great Britain and * For a Copy of this Treaty, see Vol. 31, Portugal, respecting the Slave Trading

signed at Vienna, 21 January, 1815.

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