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sions in his motion which had a tendency of that House they did so with perfect imto degrade the court; and he had further punity. to state, on the authority of a right hon. Lord Castlereagh condemned the prefriend of his, the under secretary of state cipitation with which the hon. and learned for the home department, that by some gentleman had taken an opportunity to inaccident or other, the second address of timate charges against eminent individuals, that House missed its way, and never by no means convicted of having treated reached the proper office.

the orders of that House with disrespect. Mr. Horner, while he expressed his sur- It appeared that they might have enterprise at the last circumstance mentioned tained a misconception with respect to the by the right hon. gentleman, allowed that first order, and that the second, in all proit tended to remove a great part of the bability, never reached them. It was for odium from the court of session. He the House, under these circumstances, to however denied the accuracy of the right consider whether they would merely enhon. gentleman's statement, that there force an immediate compliance with the had not been any act of sederunt on the order, or go beyond the necessity of the part of the court; maintaining that there case, and assume that disrespect had been had been an act of the court, augmenting shown, where, from the respectable chathe fees of the clerks, and that a statement racter of the learned body in question, it to that effect ought to have been made to could not be supposed to be entertained, the House by the court.

and where no motives could exist for with Mr. Wynn thought the dignity of the holding the required information. In his House implicated in this subject. He was view of the subject, the hon. and learned at a loss to conceive how the second ad- gentleman's address to the House did not dress of the House could have missed its seem to be in the true spirit of benevoway to the proper office, when, on referr- lence; and he trusted that the House ing to the journals, he found in them the would not prefer a course calculated to answer of his royal highness the Prince reflect on a distinguished body of indiviRegent.

duals, and thereby to diminish the authoMr. Brougham observed, that this was rity which it was the duty of parliament not a matter of ordinary importance, but to maintain. He saw no objection to one involving those inquisitorial functions framing the motion in such a way as to fix of parliament which ought to be scrupu- a particular time when the papers should lously guarded. He hoped it would be be laid before the House, or to make it found, as the right hon. gentleman oppo- pray that orders might be given to present site expressed his conviction it would be them forthwith. The objeetion which he found, that this apparent neglect of the bad to the motion in its present shape was court of session had arisen in misappre- to the latter part of it, which contained hension on the part of the learned judges expressions not at all necessary. If used of that court, and not in carelessness--not now they would only show that the orders in a distaste of the inquisitorial character of the House had been disobeyed, which of the House of Commons-not in that from what had been stated in the course insolence of office, which induced them to of the debate, was not the case. The latter consider themselves almost free from par- words of the address could not be used liamentary control, at the distance at without imputing intentional disrespect which they sat from the seat of legislation on the part of the lords of the session. It sometimes happened in courts of justice, Sir John Newport observed, that the that the severest sarcasms were uttered | noble lord seemed to think that it would against the most sacred functions of the le- be quite sufficient if the House got the gislature. By some good fortune, how- papers. He, however, was by no means ever, those expressions had invariably been of that opinion. He thought that the allowed to pass without notice. When a House were bound to inquire, why the pa. poor man, such as Mr. Gale Jones, ven- pers were not produced last year. Sometured to utter any thing against the cha- thing was due to the authority of parliaracter of parliament, he was visited by an ment. His purpose, therefore, would not imprisonment; but when persons high in be answered by getting the papers. His office, filling the most important stations purpose was to get the papers, and to of the law, whose duty it was to maintain know why they had not sooner been the rights of every branch of the constitu- produced and where the blame lay. tion, spoke with freedom of the privileges It had been said, that the second address missed its way to the proper office. How respectable body of the inhabitants of was this statement to be reconciled with Clerkenwell, who are filled with a wellthe fact, that an answer from his royal founded alarm at the threat of the right highness to the address appeared in the hon. gentleman, to break the pledge given journals ? It had also been said, that the to the people that the burthens of war court of session imagined that they were should cease with the war, and to propose to communicate the information required that the worst and most odious of all taxes to the commission previously appointed. that tax which even necessity could No court, of whatever rank had a right to scarcely justify - that most inquisitorial a discretion on such a subject, but were and most oppressive, and most intolerable bound to obey the orders of parliament. tax, the property tax, as it is falsely called, He would not, therefore forego any part being in fact a tax upon income, should of his motion.

be continued after the conclusion of a Lord Castlereagh said, that he had no peace, or someting like a peace-at least objection whatever to the clause in the after the close of a negociation, probably right hon. baronet's motion, requiring the the most voluminous in which this country reasons which had occasioned the delay has ever been engaged. It is against this in complying with the orders of the House. proposition, Sir, that the petitioners warmThe expressions he objected to were those ly but respectfully remonstrate. In fourwhich, without any knowledge on the teen hours, and no more, 3278 individuals part of the House of those reasons, des flocked to sign this petition. The petiticribed the delay as an offence.

oners not only represent, that to continue Mr.W.Dundas moved, as an amendment, the tax would be to violate the faith of to leave out all the words of the motion parliament, solemnly pledged to the peoafter the words “ together with,” for the ple; they also state, that having for so purpose of substituting the following :- many years borne this intolerable burthen,

:66. the reasons that delayed the return of the not merely with patience but with cheer. aforesaid papers.”

fulness, in consideration of the necessities Mr. Ponsonby observed, that no man of the country, they were gratified beyond could deny the propriety of his right hon. expression to see the war terminated, by friend's insisting on a prompt obedience to that glorious victory which filled every the orders of parliament. At the same heart with just pride and exultation; but time, he thought it might be as well to that if they should find that the only result omit any expressions implying censure, of that splendid event, and of the long-deuntil the cause of the delay should be as- layed peace by which it was followed, certained.

should be a continuation of the burthens Sir J. Newport then said, that he had which they had scarcely been able to bear no objection to the alteration, pledging during the war, they should begin to call himself to found a motion on the return in question-a doubt which will be echoed made by the court of session, should it and re-echoed throughout the nation-the prove unsatisfactory.

utility, to them at least, of that glorious The motion, as amended, was then achievement by which they had expected agreed to.

to be relieved from the oppressive weight

under which they had so long laboured. I PROPERTY Tax.] Mr. Brougham rose thought it my duty, Sir, thus shortly to with a petition of an enormous size in describe the nature of the petition; and I his arms, and addressed the Speaker to the now ask leave to present it to the House. following effect :-Sir, I am sure that the Mr. Baring expressed his hope, that noble lord and the right hon. gentleman while petitions were preparing on this inopposite, must be aware of the subject of teresting on this interesting subject in all the petition which I am about to have the parts of the island his majesty's ministers honour to present. It is unnecessary for would not hurry on the vote of a large peace me to state that subject-they have the establishment. There was no reason whatevidence of one sense, and that of another ever for haste, as the question might as would be superfluous. The noble lord well be discussud ten days or a fortnight and the right hon. gentleman must also be bence as on monday next; and by that convinced, from the bulk of the petition, 1 time the general sense of the country on the that it is against and not in favour of the measure, from which alone the support of legislative measure to which it relates such an establishment could be expected, Sir, it is in fact a petition from a large and would be ascertained. It was very un

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seemly, that at the moment when the peo: thorities under which the same has been ple were assembling to express their opi- issued.” vions, his majesty's ministers should take

The Chancellor of the Exchequer thought measures to prevent their voice from being the hon. member had better proceed by available. When on Monday next the way of address. noble lord opposite should begin to address Sir James Mackintosh stated, that in the House on the subject, he should object the present case he was not aware of that in limine to go into it.

necessity. The petition was ordered to lie on the The Speaker said, that an address would table.

be more respectful, as the motion related

to the operation of a treaty concluded by Account of SUMS DUE FROM France the Crown. The right hon. gentleman, TO THIS COUNTRY. ] Sir James however, immediately added, “ I percieve Mackintosh moved, “ That there be laid that the motion refers to sums actually before this House, an account of all sums paid, and which are now in the hands of of money, paid or now due and payable to officers amenable to this House, conse, this country by France, in virtue of the quently the motion is sufficient." treaties or convention concluded at Paris The question was then agreed to. on the 20th of November last, and of such parts thereof as have been received, speci- GARRISONS ABROAD.] The following fying by whom; together with an account paper was presented to the House by of the application thereof, and of the au-l lord Palmerston :

A RETURN of the Number of Men borne and Mustered in the different Garrisons

abroad ;--from the Year 1786 to the Year 1791 inclusive ; distinguishing each Year.

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ACCOUNTS OF PEACE ESTABLISH- the House, pursuant to their orders, the MENTS.] Lord Palmerston presented to following papers : viz. A RETURN of the EXPENSE and NUMERICAL AMOUNT of the MILITARY Establish.

ment of Great Britain ;--for the Years 1714; 1730; 1749; and 1764.



Military Force,
Officers and Men.


Numerical Amoun MEMORANDUM :- These Sums included,

in addition to the Regimental Charge:1. The Expenses of Chelsea Hospital,

Half Pay, and Widows Pensions.--2. A £. d.

Provision for 12,094 Hessians, amounting 1714

795,182 4 2 22,054 to 241,2591. 1s. 3d. in 1730.-3. The Sum 1730 1,140,432 2 9 35,930

of 80,000l. for the Pay and Clothing of

the Militia ; in 1764. 1749 1,098,357 6 3 33,058

This Return does not include the Numbers 1764 1,345,541 9 64 31,777 and Charge of the Irish Establishment. War Office, 220 February 1816.


AN ACCOUNT of the Effective Number and Established Strength of REGIMENTS of

CAVALRY, GUARDS, and INFANTRY, borne on the British Establishment; and the General Distribution of the said Forces; in the years 1791 and 1792.

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Rank and File.


Gibraltar ...........


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Two Regiments of Life Guards

387 460 Royal Regiment of Horse Guards......... 230 319 13 Regiments of Dragoon Guards and

2,318 3,037 Great Britain ........ Dragoons.........

3,009 3 Regiments of Foot Guards

3,765 Jersey and Guernsey. 14 Battalions of Foot........

6,766 7,113 9 Recruiting Companies ............

261 494 40 Companies of Invalids.......

1,496 1,922 Recruits at home, for Regiments abroad 732

14,199 17,110 10 Battalions of Foot........


4,690 Jamaica ........ 4 Battalions of Foot.......

1,566 1,876 Leeward Islands. 9 Battalions of Foot.......

3,430 4,22) Canada ............. 6 Battalions of Foot......

2,282 2,815 Nova Scotia and the 7 Battalions of Foot.....

2,229 3,289 Bahamas ...... Recruits sent to North America and

591 the West Indies ... .... .S

28,28833,995 1 Regiment of Dragoons.......... East Indies........ 9 Battalions of Foot including 2,937

9,533 10,475 Recruits sent

37,821 44,470 New South Wales....... 5 Companies New South Wales Corps.

350 397 Total, 1791...

38,171 44,867 1792: Two Regiments of Life Guards

837 460

221 319 Royal Regiment of Horse Guards..

13 Regiments of Dragoon Guards and 2,368 3,037 Great Britain Dragoons.......

2,909 3 Regiments of Foot Guards .......

3,573 Jersey and Guernsey, 16 Battalions of Foot...... .

5,178 6,384

75 224 9 Recruiting Companies 40 Companies of Invalids

1,513 1,922

441 Recruits at home, for Regiments abroad

19,092 15,919 Gibraltar 9 Battalions of Foot..........


4,221 Jamaica ...... 5 Battalions of Foot......

1,925 2,345 Leeward Islands...... 8 Battalions of Foot.......

2,849 3,752 Canada ..... 7 Battalions of Foot.........

2,661 3,247 Nova Scotia and the

2,687 3,283 Bahamas ....

26,594 32,767 1 Regiment of Dragoons ......... East Indies

9 Battalions of Foot including 3,645 9,647 10,475 Recruits, sent in 1790, 91 & 92...

36,241 43,242 New South Wales ....... 5 Companies New South Wales Corps. 316


Total, 1792... 36,557 43,717 War-Office, 16th February 1816.







}) 7 Battalions of Foot....


An Account, showing the Average numbers and Expense, of the MILITARY and

NAVAL Establishments maintained by this Country, in the several periods of Peace, from the Treaty of Utrecht to the Commencement of the American War; -so far as the same can be ascertained.

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To the YEARS.

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1715 1716 1717 1718 2719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 131 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775


13,294 10,000
22,955 15,000
22,955 15,000

17,709 10,000
17,709 8,000
17,709 8,000
17,704 | 20,000.
25,744 30,000
17,704 15,000

10,000 17,704 10,000 17,704 12,000 28,852 35,000 29,033 40,000 35,554 40,000 23,610 40,000 19,028 30,000 15,768 40,000 49,929 40,000 33,030 40,000, 49,939 40,000 18,857 17,000 18,857 10,000 18,857 8,000 18,857 10,000 18,857 10,000 18,857 10,000 18,857 12,000 34,263 50,000 49,749

55,000 53,777 60,000 52,543 60,000 57,294 70,000. 64,971 70,000 67,676 70,000 56,360 30,000 17,532 16,000 17,421 16,000 17,306 16,000 16,754 16,000 17,253 16,000 17,142 16,000 17,666 16,000 23,432 40,000; 17,547 25,000 17,070 20,000 18,024 20,000 17,547 18,000

£. d. £.

d. £. d. 1,024,907 5 211 1,146,748 0 11 93,629 10 9 1,520,082 1981 984,472 19 6 122,496 18 21 1,273,910' 9 6 947,560 5 73,077 93 919,731 14 81 910,174 14 11 73,397 12 11 809,636 17 63 1,003,132 17 61 71,527 12 11 926,643 16 1,397,733 16 3 81,720 20 832,174 4 85 759,249 14 0 93,168 13 11 844,471 12 1041 1,607,894 4 4+ 93,116 11 116 941,990 10 81 736,388 14 84 80,000 10 9 923,299 2 41 734,622 15 10 80,000 7 0 912,968 2 84 734,295 14 9 80,080 11 10 901,034 7 8 732,181 5 8 86,412 14 3 1,341,730 7 8 1,239,071 7 8 100,000 0 0 1,370,183 17 21 1,495,561 14 9 197,704 3 63 1,352,158 19 51 927,025 10 5 129,249 3 6 1,195,712 15 21 837,786 16 5 120,420 9 3 1,214,809 10 9 706,034 4 4 112,923 10 10

934,381 17 21 668,085 75 106,891 17 3 907,592 13 10 710,698 19 8

99,980 17 4 980,886 14 34 2,390,670 5 9 138,813 17 9 1,159,621 12 1,680,914 9 7 182,453 5 3 1,004,020 2 104 988,436 4 10 123,350 17 5 1,039,198 10 44 763,201 6 5 106,338 5 5 961,786 19 9 1,041,855 12 5 127,019 47

950,911 4 94 815,489 2 6 141.791 17 9 1,268,428 10 11 1,928,704 8 3 231,434 4 8 1,703,194 6 21 2,390,531 17 61 295,296 4 11 1,809,143 19 10 2,445,320 11 9 314,431 16 0 2,340,229 8 41 2,333,505 11 5 348,656 0 7 2,673,675 14 11 2,200,279 10 9 355,455 245 1,989,362 10 54 2,256,830 7 34 367,435 6 1 2,591,715 14 7 2,351,281 4 81526,319 19 6 2,398,333 7 54 3,470,656 16 3 581,213 8 2 3,026,109 17 44 3,340,261 16 11 605,629 18 2 1,516,436 5 1 2,135,678 0 8 221,347 15 10 1,238,704 9 11 995,521 5 10 107,671 96 1,077,345 1904 1,035,759 7 10 129,223 10 1,041,554 19 6 1,769,203 19 147,850 13 9 1,067,021 0 114 784,206 13 11 140,079 89 1,068,185 10 51 884,390 29 147,139 4 6 1,139,548 1 11 1,689,088 14 180,340 6 2 2,154,540 5 21 3,219,021 3 0 428,55 3 2 2,516,118 11 0.1 3,369,9397 550,496 19 5 4,032,772 394 3,718,421 5 8 547,807 73 4,592,444 1 915.080,263 9 3 699,814 17 6 6,622,736 11 145,429,708 17 708,494 150 8,344,030 14 4 5,412,790 70. 910,716 13 11 5,772,251 12 9 7,657,205 13 241 824,9!6 2 3 4,593,805 13 11 1,975,661 3 11 282,329 0 0 2,530,745 107 2,053,200 0 0 267,689 5 41 1,981,602 10 6 2,909,366 8 9 271,793 65 1,910,413 8 6 2,680,683 6 3 257,107 5 3 1,587,572 13 11 1,827,721 4 8 262,390 6 3 1,472,484 10 101| 1,484,757 0 11 269,873 4 5 1,497,921 8 4 1,883,068 8 1 267,360 17 0 1,547,931 i 141 1,580,467 I 11 249,518 2 1 1,810,319 13 1 2,978,499 18 7 398,517 17 6 1,551,428 2 1 2,005,664 17 6 313,382 3 1,516,402 77 37| 1,833,573 0 9 288,414 13 5 1,549,720 0 2,052,917 4.3 323,124 17 7 1,597,051 991 1,637,259 15 10 307,607 6 10

including of Marines. ............

9,000 11,419 14,845 14,845 18,355 18,355 19,061 4,287 4,287 4,287 4,287 4,287 4,287 4,287 4,287 8,073 6,664 4,354 4,354 4,774

Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, 21st February 1816.


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