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4. Reading, is that method by which we become acquainted with what others have thought and written. This mode of attaining knowledge is of great importance. The arts of writing and reading, have had a powerful influence in improving the condition of man, and advancing him in knowledge.

5. Lectures are the verbal instructions given by a teacher, while the hearer remains silent. Such is the knowledge which we derive from the pulpit and the professional chair.

6. Conversation is another method by which we improve our minds and augment our stock of ideas. By mutual discourse and inquiry, we learn the sentiments and opinions of others, and communicate our own; hence the benefit is mutual, and often a source of high rational entertainment.

7. Meditation includes those exercises of the mind, by which we render the other modes of collecting knowledge particularly useful for the purposes of perfecting our attainments and maturing our understanding.

8. By meditation we adjust, class, arrange, compare, and dijest the assortment which makes up our stock; and we confirm our remembrance of incidents and our acquaintance with particulars.

9. By meditation we draw certain inferences, fix certain principles, and arrive at certain conclusions, and by meditation we extend the thread of reason, search and find deep and difficult truths, and lay hidden things open to our own understanding, and the observation of the careless and indifferent. SPELLING. LESSON 33.

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dròû zê-lē

coun-ter-feit kòûn'tur-fit moun-tain-ous mòûn'tin-us

coun-ter-guard kòûn'tur-gård


Scene between Orlando and Jaques.

Jaques. I thank you for your company`; but', good faith', I had as lief have been myself alone`.

Orlando. And so had I`; but yet', for fashion's sake,

I thank you too for your society`.



Peace be with you`; let's meet as little as we can'.
I do desire we may be better strangers`.

Ja. I pray you mar no more trees with writing love
in their bark`.


Or. I pray you mar no more of my verses, with reading them ill favouredly`.

Ja. Rosalind is your love's name'.

Or. Yes; just`.

Ja. I do not like her name'.

Or. There was no thought of pleasing you when she was christen'd'.

Ja. What stature is she of?

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Ja. You are full of pretty answers': Have you not been acquainted with Goldsmith's wives', and conn'd them out of rings'?

Or. Not so, but I answer you right', painted cloth ́, from whence you have studied your questions`.

Ja. You have a nimble wit'. I think it was made of Atalanta's heels`.-Will you sit down with me'? And we

two will rail against our mistress', the world', and all our misery.

Or. I will chide no brother in the world', but myself', against whom I know the most faults`.

Ja. The worst fault you have', is to be in love'.

Or. 'Tis a fault I would not change for your best vir-
I am weary of you`.


Ja. By my truth I was seeking for a fool, when I found you'. Or.

He was drown'd in the brook`; look but in and you shall see him`.

Ja. There shall I see mine own figure`.


Which I take to be a fool', or a cypher'.

Ja. I'll tarry no longer with you`;-farewell good seignor love'.

Or. I am glad of your departure`;—adieu`, good Monsieur melancholy.


CASE 3. When the price of all the simples, the quantity of one, and the mean price of the whole mixture, are given to find the quanties of the remainder, adopt the following

RULE 1. Place the mean rate and the several prices as in case 2d, and take the differences.

2. As the difference, which is of the same name with that of the quantity given, is to the differences respectively; so is the given quantity to the quantity required. Thus:

(1) A would mix coffee at 20 cts, and at 16 cts. with 35 lbs. at 14 cts. and sell the mixture at 18 cts. what quantity of each must he take?

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18X- 31.50 Proof.

(2) How much tea at 94 cts. and at $105 cts. will make a mixture, with lbs. at 75 cents. worth 92 cents?

Ans. 18 lb. at $105. 51 at 94, & 39 at 86 cts.

(3) B would mix 20 lbs. of sugar, worth 15 cts, with other kinds, at 16, 18 and 22 cts. a lb. and sell the mixture at 17 cts. a lb; what quantity of each must he take?

Ans. 4 lb. at 16, 4 at 18, and 8 át 22 cts.


Incentives for the improvement of the mind.

1. The mind is a most wonderful and inexplicable property. Many, of but very ordinary cast, have been found capable of being trained into activity, and of labouring for years without exhibiting any symtoms of fatigue.

2. The constant improvement of this talent, and the acquisition of knowledge, should be one great object of life. There is no time or place, no transaction or occurrence, no movement or engagement which does not offer the means of promoting these interests. While in the field, the garden, the forest, or the grove, the house, the town, or the city, objects constantly occur, which court the eye, and nourish meditation.

3. The sky above, the ground beneath, the mineral, the vegetable, and the animal kingdoms around, present to the observation a countless variety, upon which the mind may feed with unimpaired appetite. The alternate return of day and night, the passing hours and flying minutes, teach the value and brevty of time, and the importance of employing it to the improvement of the mind.

4. From the vices and follies of the world, learn to appreciate their deformity, and from the virtues of human nature, be faithful to estimate their beauty. From the observation of every appearance in nature, and from every incident in life, be careful to draw something that may serve to increase your stock of ideas, and the amount of your natural,moral, or religious attainments.




What is fellowship? What its object? How is it divided? To what does single fellowship refer? What is the rule for opération? Explain by the example? What is the proof? Why strictly just?

Lesson 7. To what does double fellowship refer? What is the first step in the rule for operating? What is the second step? Explain by the examples.

Lesson 15. What are duodecimals? To what are they ap plied? What are the terms employed? What the rule for adding? What the rule for subtracting?

Lesson 19. What the first step in the rule for multiplying duodecimals? What the second step? Why is one carried for every 12? What the third step? What the fourth step? How does this differ from ordinary multiplication? What is observed in the note? What of the observation?

Lesson 27. What is alligation? To what does the first case apply? What is the rule for operation? Explain by the examples.

Lesson 31.

What is to be observed in the second case? How does it effect the first case? What is the first step in the rule for operating? What the second? Explain by the first example? What of the note?

What is

Lesson 35. To what does the third case refer? the first step in the rule for operating? What is the second step? What the proof? Explain by the examples.

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arch-an-gel àrk-an'jěl
ar-range-ment ǎr-ranje'ment dis-gra-cious

as-sai-lant ǎs-sa'lǎnt





ǎs-swa'siv em-bla-zon

ǎt-tänt'tshure em-bras-ure
âw-da'shus en-a-ble

a-wa-ken 1ǎ-wā'k'n be-ha-viour be-häv'yur belles-let-tres běl-let'tur ca-pa-cious kǎ-pā'shus


ce-ta-cious sē-tā'shus

en-gage- at

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diz-a bl

diz-gräse'fûl diz-gra'shus dis-swa ́siv em-blā z’n ĕm-blāz'yure ·ĕn-a'bl ĕn-dān'jur ĕn-gaje ment ē-kwä tur

ĕ-vă zhun

ē-va ́siv

ěks-kā vāte



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