and will come directly to the Club from Washington, where he will have had a conference with President Wilson. His address, "BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL MEN'S CONCERN IN THE PRESENT WAR" will be given following the luncheon, which will occur at 12.30. Mr. Edwin D. Mead will preside. MEMBERS MAY SECURE TICKETS AT THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIC SECRETARY. REVIEW OF RECENT EVENTS September 26 ANTI-SALOON LUNCHEON Speakers Waging Temperance Campaign Address Audience of 150 at BOSTON CITY CLUB [Boston Globe, September 27] Five anti-saloon workers of the South and West spoke at a luncheon in the Boston City Club yesterday afternoon prior to the demonstration of the Massachusetts Anti-Saloon League on the Common. Hon. Samuel J. Elder, ex-President of the City Club, was toastmaster, and 150 men crowded the little dining-room. At the close, led by Dr. Howard Russell, of Ohio, the founder of the Anti-Saloon League, they rose and, with clenched hands, took the pledge: "By the grace of God we will make this fight and will win." Mr. Russell's address, the first after the luncheon, was a brief review of the steps taken in the Nation-wide movement and a plea for Massachusetts' help. "We propose to shut down every saloon," he said. "Already we have 47,000,000 people living in no-license territory, and we have finally succeeded in enacting the Webb-Kenyon bill, which insures drouth in dry territory for the future." Dr. Perley A. Baker, of Ohio, National Superintendent of the AntiSaloon League, pleaded for help for his movement in Congress. "The indictment I have to bring against you of Massachusetts," he said, "is that you give so meagerly to the overthrow of the chief enemy of Massachusetts, the saloon; that you send to Congress so largely of men who stand against this proposition the Nation is pleading for. The reason for this is because you haven't made it safe for them to do otherwise. Nine out of ten public officials will do right in preference to wrong if you make it safe for them to do so." Rev. Sam Small, of Georgia, referred to the anti-saloon movement as the third great emancipation movement of this Nation. "But in this emancipation movement we have decided to go ahead ourselves," said he. "We aren't going to wait for you; your methods are too painful. Soon the solid South is going for prohibition and you will not find a distillery, brewery or open barroom there. We are going to turn these slaves of drink over the line into the North, and then if you don't get rid of them, just as you licked us out of slavery, we are coming up and lick you out of liquor." In the opinion of ex-Congressman Frederick Landis, of Indiana, the anti-saloon man is not a reformer. "I do not need to be a reformer," said he, "to be against shambles in the feet, rheumatism in the legs, neuritis in the arms, palsy in the hands, cancer in the stomach, garbage barrels in the mouth, dog-fights in the ears, and rattlesnakes everywhere else. I think that this shows better than anything else I have said in forty-five years why I am on the side of prohibition." Rev. E. J. Richards told briefly of the fight for prohibition in Virginia, finally won. He promised the support of two Senators and ten Congressmen in Washington for the National movement. The other guests were Dr. F. S. Spence, of Toronto; Dr. T. Alex. Cairns, of New Jersey; Hon. George L. Stoughton, of Ohio; Hon. Grant M. Hudson, of Michigan; Edwin C. Dinwiddie, of Washington; Ernest H. Cherrington, of Ohio; Dr. James K. Shields, of New Jersey; M. J. Swearingen, of Ohio; Brooks Lawrence, of Alabama; Louis A. Banks, of Ohio; and C. R. Morgan of West Virginia. Thursday Evening, October 1 OPENING NIGHT, SEASON 1914-1915 The season of 1914-15 was opened by a concert by the Boston Quintette, which is made up of Walter E. Anderton, Dr. Arthur Gould, John E. Daniels, Augustus T. Beatey, and Robert Nichols, is well known and very popular with the members of the Club. It is to be doubted whether it ever gave a more generally satisfactory concert. The quintette rendered the nine numbers of the program printed in the October BULLETIN. Edwin M. Whitney, the reader, who also appeared, skilfully mingled pathos with humor. Prior to the gathering in the auditorium the customary dinner was held. Following are two significant speeches there made. President Fish. "Gentlemen, it gives me very great pleasure to welcome you to the first of the weekly Thursday night dinners of the City Club for this year. "There are a great many things about the City Club that are unique and admirable as we all think, but I am inclined to believe that this Thursday night dinner is one of the little incidents upon which we should pride ourselves with perfect propriety. It is a great satisfaction to have it as an established institution, that one particular evening there is going to be an assembly about the dinner table of the men who choose to come, and the more the better, as preliminary to a little smoke talk after the dinner of the most informal sort, and some kind of an entertainment in the evening. To-night it is a concert, some other night a lecture or a speech. I think it is an admirable institution, this Thursday evening dinner. I am perfectly sure that there are very many of the Club who appreciate it and come frequently. And I hope that when we get in the new building a great many more will come. "The men are through their day's work, and the large number of them, the larger the better, come here and sit and talk. "It certainly is a great pleasure to sit and hear that hum which indicates that people are interested in themselves and in each other. I wouldn't give much for a man who is interested only in himself; but when he is interested in others, he is also interested in himself, as I find it. And I hope we shall all endeavor to promote this sort of meeting once a week." Mr. Louis C. Newhall "Mr. President and Fellow Members. Any architect with the inspiration that housing the City Club should bring to him, would be a mean designer if he could not, even in a humble way, express something of the purpose and meaning of the City Club in this community. And if there is any success in the building that stands on the rear corner here, as a matter of architecture or design, if there is any success there at all, it is not due to any talent that your architects have had, but to the fact they have tried to put into stone and brick the meaning of this Club in this community. Any success we have had in that line is due entirely to the impetus behind us representing this Club. "As Mr. Fish has said, what a few months ago seemed like a dream that might not be realized, to-day stands in pretty substantial form. It will be a very few weeks now when we will be able to welcome our members in the new building. "The building, as it stands to-day, is between eighty-five and ninety per cent. completed. If we take the amount of material that is all fabricated, fittings and furniture that is all made, ready to put into the building, the building really stands nearer completion than that. "We can seat at one time in the building about two thousand men at dinner in various places. On the matter of service, kitchen capacity, and things of that kind, we hope we have made them ample, so that the Club can have full scope for its activities. We have twenty-odd private dining-rooms that seat from ten to forty people. We have one, what we call the small private room or banquet hall, that is twice again as large as this. We have the main banquet hall that will seat as many as the large banquet hall in the Hotel Somerset, about the same size on the floor, seating about six hundred at dinner. "Our grill room is in the basement, or half in the basement and half above ground, and it will seat two hundred and twenty-five people; that is as against sixty for our present grill-room downstairs. "I feel that as designer and architect of the building, I stand in the same relation to you that a jeweler would stand to the man who came to him with a precious stone to set. We have done our best, as architects, to give a proper setting to the valuable thing that the life of this Club represents. We have done our best. We have tried to produce a building that would be typical of Boston; a Bostonese building. We simply have tried to express the suggestions and feelings, and it is not bragging at all, — and the prejudices of Boston in broken stone. That is the reason we built of red brick rather than of terra cotta or anything of that kind. We have given the building on the exterior a Boston expression, and as far as we know it is the first and only building of that size that has been built in what we call the Georgian or Colonial style. "And it shows not only that, but that a building can be built inexpensively and effectively, of good, common-sense, plain, every-day materials, and tell its story and give this Club a house in which we, as architects, hope it can continue the success it has had in this building." Other members who spoke were Vice-President Fitzgerald, Judge Robert O. Harris, Augustus T. Beatty, and a guest, one of the quintette, Mr. Edwin M. Whitney. Thursday Evening, October 8 LECTURE BY JOHN KENDRICK BANGS First Vice-President J. W. Rollins presided at the dinner, and the speakers, in addition to the guest of the evening, were Vice-President Fitzgerald, Hon. Robert O. Harris, Hon. William Howland, Prof. William C. Crawford, and Newton Newkirk, of the Boston Post and Bingville. Wit and humor characterized most of the speeches. Mr. Bangs closed the feast with the following "come back": "I must confess to considerable disappointment, gentlemen of the Boston City Club, and members and Mr. Toastmaster, with the speeches that have been made here this evening (laughter), and I miss very much. the mad jealous rage of Joseph Smith, and I miss also the Nathan Haskell Dole oration, which I have had to listen to upon seven or eight different occasions that I have feasted here, and from which I am slowly recovering. "I have not heard anything original here to-night. (Laughter.) Even Mr. Fitzgerald, the first speaker of the evening- that is, in the matter of order (laughter), began talking about 'Bangs' and ended with Newkirk. That is not original. I was in Atlanta two years ago, and I was introduced to an audience who began by talking about God, and ended up with me. (Laughter.) "I did listen with considerable pleasure to Mr. Newkirk. It is always a pleasure to me to see a rival professional humorist stand up and writhe before an audience of this kind, and come out so indifferently well. (Laughter.) I am sorry I did not meet him earlier in the day, because I have a few after-dinner speeches at the Touraine which I could have handed to him, and he would have been able to have acquitted himself very much better. (Laughter and applause.) He told you he was pretty funny. I admit he is funny. I think he is one of the funniest of the funny men of the present day, but he is not pretty. (Laughter.) "He reminds me of a little incident that occurred some years ago when I met Frederick Remington in New York. He came up to me one day, and he said, 'Bangs, I heard some people talking about you the other day, because you had just written a book.' He said, 'You fellows who write books put it all over us fellows who simply paint pictures. Your book is put on the press and a thousand copies of it- and I said, 'Hold on a minute; three hundred thousand copies.' And he said, "They are sent out to all parts of the country, and they are read, and you are known everywhere as an author.' ""I paint a picture, and about five hundred people, in the course of forty years, see it.' He says, 'You are a lucky man. and I am nothing but a poor damned artist.' I said, "That is a mistake, Remington, you are not a poor damned artist; that is not the trouble; you are a damned poor artist.' "I shall not press the matter home, because Mr. Newkirk has a newspaper column at his disposal, and I have not. I admire him intensely. He has been one of my ideals for years; he has taught me, throughout my career, what to avoid, and I love him for the enemies he has made. I hope his enemies will remain his enemies forever, and that he will never have any more of them than he has at the present time. "I was asked this afternoon what my program was to be to-night. I said it is going to be the same old thing; I am going to spend the first two hours staving off drinks; I am going to spend the next two hours driving the members to it, and I hope to spend the next three hours accepting all that is offered. (Laughter.) "I am too grateful to you gentlemen to return your hospitable attitude towards me by making an after-dinner speech. Now that I know what kind of after-dinner speeches you are used to, I don't feel any more like making one than I did before. As a matter of fact, after-dinner oratory is going out; I wish it had gone out about an hour ago. I don't like to make an after-dinner speech.' At the meeting in the auditorium, Mr. George S. Smith presided. He introduced Mr. Bangs thus: "Brevity is the soul of wit. And if I have wit I will be brief. A witty man seldom touches the beauty spots of humor. He can't be entertaining and amusing if his wit be brief. He can be very tiresome if his wit be prolonged; and he can sorely wound if his wit be sarcastic. "Humor is wit plus pathos and love, and it springs both from the head and the heart. Our honored guest of to-night is a humorist, and he seeks to bring sunshine and gladness into the hearts of men, and with it a counsel and a wisdom born of a love and sympathy for his fellows. "He is a busy man among busy men, and his humor bridges the spaces between the lofty and the lowly, the great and the humble, and it becomes my high pleasure and great privilege to introduce our honored guest, Mr. John Kendrick Bangs." (Prolonged applause, everybody standing.) Mr. Bangs then followed with his lecture on "We, Us & Co.," and |