Bancroft Library CONTENTS OF VOLUME LVII. 1.-Address of Sir Thos. Beevor. Mr. Cobbett's Address to the Pub- lic. Letter to Dr. Black. Letter from Mr. J. Doyle, of New York. -Letter to Mr. G. Woodward, on 2.-The "Wisdom of Parr-r-rr-li-a- ment," a New Year's Gift for the 3.-Lecture I. For the Mechanics' Institute, on the injuries inflicted on the People, by the means of 4.-Lecture II. For the Mechanics' Ice Houses.-Sir Thomas Beevor to the Public. -The Register.- Police Reports.-Periodical Cri- ticism. 5. To the Readers of the Register. Scotch Humbug, blown to the Devil.--Advice to Farmers, Dealers, and Parents.-Another Quaker- Bank!-To Lord Holland.-Sir 6.-Lecture III. To Mechanics, on 7.-Meeting at the Freemasons' Ta- merce. 8.-To Money-Hoarders, on the New Project. 9.-To Mr. Jones of Bristol, on the present State of the Paper Thing, and particularly the Small Paper Money Bill.-"The Unny Man." merce. 953979 |