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Bishop Mant and Dr. D'Oyley. mands of sovereign authority make the slightest duties weighty. If his journey was harmless, yet his disobedience was far otherwise. It is not for subjects to poise the prince's charge in the scale of their weak constructions. But besides the command, here was a mutual adjuration. Shimei swore that he would not go. Solomon swore his death if he went. If Shimei was false in offending, Solomon will be just in punishing. Now, therefore, the tongue that cursed the Lord's anointed receives its requital. Vengeance against rebels may sleep, but it cannot die: a sure, if late, judgment attends those who dare lift up the hand, or tongue, against the sacred persons of God's vicegerents. How much less will the God of heaven suffer unrevenged the insolences and blasphemies against his own sacred majesty!"

"It was no discomfort to Solomon that he awaked and found it a dream: for he knew this dream was divine and oracular; and he already found, on his first waking, the real performance of what was promised to him sleeping: such inward illumination did he sensibly find in his soul. No wonder that, on returning from the tabernacle to the ark, he testified his joy and thankfulness by burnt-offerings and public feastings."

"What is there now to lead the judge, since there is nothing either in the aet, or circumstances, or evidence, which can sway the sentence. Solomon well saw that, when all outward proofs failed, there was an inward affection, which, if it could be brought out, would certainly betray the real mother. He knew that sorrow could be more easily dissembled than natural love. Both sorrowed for their own. Both could not love one as their own. To draw forth, therefore, this true proof of motherhood, Solomon calls for a sword. Doubt less, some of the wiser hearers smiled upon each other, and thought in themselves, What, will the young king smite at hazard without conviction? The actions of wise kings are riddles to vulgar constructions. Neither is it for the shallow capacities of the multitude to fathom the deep projects of sovereign authority. That sword, which had served for execution, will now serve for trial. Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other! O divine oracle of justice, commanding that which it would not have done, that it might find out that which could not be discovered!"

Bishop Hall's Contemplations. sovereign authority make the slightest duties weighty; if the journey be harmless, yet not the disobedience. It is not for subjects to poise the prince's charge in the scale of their weak construction, [but they must suppose it ever to be of such importance as is pretended by the commander.] Besides the precept here was a mutual adjuration. Shimei swore not to go; Solomon swore his death if he went: [the one oath must be revenged, the other must be kept :] if Shimei were false in offending, Solomon will be just in punishing. Now, therefore, [that which Abishai the son of Zeruiah, &c. &c. This intermediate sentence omitted,] the tongue that cursed the Lord's anointed hath paid the head to boot. Vengeance against rebels may sleep, it cannot die; a sure, though late, judgment attends those that dare lift up either their hand or tongue, against the sacred person of God's vicegerents. How much less will the God of heaven suffer unrevenged the insolences and blasphemies against his own divine majesty!"

"It was no discomfort to Solomon that he awaked and found it a dream; for he knew this dream was divine and oracular; and he already found, in his first waking, the real performance of what was promised him sleeping: such illumination did he sensibly find in all the rooms of his heart, as if God had now given him a new soul. No marvel, if Solomon, now returning from the tabernacle to the ark, testified his joy and thankfulness by burnt-offerings and peaceofferings, and public feastings.

"What is there now to lead the judge, since there is nothing either in the act, or circumstances, or persons, or plea, or evidence, that might sway the sentence. Solomon well saw that, when all outward proofs failed, there was an inward affection, which, if it could be fetched out would certainly bewray the true mother: he knew sorrow might more easily be dissembled than natural love: both sorrowed for their own; both could not love one as their's. To draw forth, then, this true proof of motherhood, Solomon calls for a sword. Doubtless, some of the wiser hearers smiled upon each other, and thought in themselves, what will the young king [cut these knotty causes in pieces? will he divide justice with edge-tools? will he] smite at hazard before conviction? The actions of wise princes are riddles to vulgar constructions: neither is it for the shallow capacities of the multitude to fathom the deep projects of sovereign authority; that sword, which had served for execution, shall now serve for trial. Divide ye the living child in twain, and give the one half to the one, and the other half to the other.' Oh, divine oracle of justice, commanding that which it would not have done, that it might find out that which could not be discovered! "




FOR 1826.



THE THE Church Missionary Society commence their Report of the proceedings of the twenty-sixth year with acknowledging the continued goodness of God. For more than a quarter of a century, the society has made a gradual progress; and, in the opportunities which have, from time to time, opened for its exertions-in the number of persons who have gone, and are going forth, under its direction, into the missionary field-in the increasing funds which have been entrusted to its management and in the steady advance which it is making in the affections of Christians, they recognise the hand of Him" from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed;" and thankfully adore his condescension in employing them as the instruments of accomplishing his merciful purposes. Notwithstanding the distress which has so generally prevailed throughout the country, they have still to an nounce an increase in the funds; and during the year various new associations have been formed. Among the legacies during the year, the committee report one of 5002. from the late Bishop of Durham. The gross receipts of the twentysixth year have amounted, including the contributions to the institution at Islington, to more than 46,000%; CHRIST. OBSERV. App.

giving an increase on the receipts of the year of upwards of 1000%. The net income, deducting expenses and the amount received on account of the institution building fund, available for the general purposes of the society, has exceeded 42,500l.; being an increase, on what is more appropriately the income of the society, of more than 2000. The expenditure of the year has amounted to 41,000%.

It has pleased God again to call the society to a severe trial of faith and patience, by the decease of missionaries. Since the last anniversary, the committee have received the mournful intelligence of the deaths of no less than ten of its European labourers; besides the retirement of several from the respective scenes of their labours, chiefly through sickness.

In the course of the year, sixtyeight individuals have proposed themselves to the committee for missionary employment. Twentyfive of this number have been declined, three have withdrawn their applications, twenty-one remain under consideration: the remaining nineteen have been received, be sides four on whose admission the committee had not decided at the period of the last anniversary. The whole number of persons, therefore, whose offers of service have been 5 G

accepted, is twenty-three. Some of these are already gone forth to their work among the heathen; but the majority are either under probationary studies, or in preparation for actual service, in the society's institution at Islington.

In the course of the year, thirtyseven individuals have resided in the institution; and there have been five non-resident students, who attended with the others for instruction. The number of persons who have quitted the institution in the year is twenty-three, of whom six,teen are gone to their respective stations in the heathen world. The committee have increasingly felt the value of the institution; and are about to enlarge the buildings, so as to provide for the reception of fifty students, as originally contemplated.

The India Female Education Fund continues to claim the liberal support of the society. About 400/. have been contributed, in aid of this object, during the year, including various sums raised by sales of ladies' useful and ornamental work. Having premised these general notices, we proceed to abridge the most material details relative to the society's several missions.


In the colony of Sierra Leone, the past year has been one of considerable trial. The arrival of seven labourers was noticed in the last Report; and the committee have the painful duty of stating, that an equal number has been removed by death, while the society has been deprived, for a time, of the services of three others, who have returned home. From the losses which this mission has sustained, the want of labourers has increased, instead of diminished. The committee regret that no offers of service, for a limited period, have been made within the last year; but they would still entertain the hope, that some of those, who are interested in the spiritual welfare of our fellow subjects in Western Africa, will be induced to come forward

for the relief of their urgent wants. The number of valuable lives which have been lost in this mission, induced the committee to seek for such information as might enable them to adopt precautionary measures for the future; and it is to be hoped, that, by the blessing of God accompanying a wise adherence to the suggestions which have been offered by the medical gentlemen who have investigated the subject, the society's labourers in Western Africa will be, in a great measure, preserved from the diseases which have hitherto so lamentably prevailed amongst them.

The Report before us does not present any general summary of the society's proceedings throughout the colony; and the miscellaneous details, from the several towns and villages, do not well admit of abridgment. But the Appendix contains a special report from the missionaries themselves on the subject, the substance of which we propose to lay before our readers in a subsequent Number; contenting ourselves, for the present, with a few cursory notices from some of the towns and villages.

From Freetown Mr. Raban writes, that the congregation exceeds 200 persons. Of Gibraltar town he says;

"I must not pass over in silence those circumstances of an encouraging nature which have tended to administer comfort under our trials. A young African has been received as a communicant at the Lord's table, of whose spiritual state there is reason to judge favourably; and three adults, also of the Negro population, have been baptized, with the pleasing hope that they were desirous of giving up themselves to God in that holy ordinance." In the girls' school the average attendance appears to have been from fifty to eighty, and in the boy's 131. At Kissey, the average number of persons attending Divine service, is on Sundays 380, and 190 on week days: the number of communicants is 30. At Wellington the total


number of males under instruction places. He collected them tois 96. The parents are anxious to gether, and found them exceedhave their children instructed; there ingly backward, and immediately appears a general desire after the commenced a judicious plan of eduword of God; and the communi- cation. cants are regular in coming to the Lord's table. At Kent, the boys' school has increased in numbers; that of the girls has diminished. Their progress is, on the whole, stated to be encouraging. Mr. Beckley reports favourably of the attention evinced by the people to the ministry of the word of God, and of the disposition of the children to receive instruction. He also bears testimony to the consistent conduct of those who profess to be Christians. A spirit of industry is increasing among the people. At York, Mr. Gerber has been greatly encouraged in his labours, by the desire which the people evince for the means of grace. Many adults have applied for baptism; of whom, three women have been admitted, and three others received on trial.

Since the spring of 1823, Regent town has, with very little intermission, been destitute of the stated labours of a resident minister;-a fact, independently of other causes, sufficient to account for the diminution in the attendance on Divine worship which has taken place since Mr. Johnson's death. Of a population of 1100, 250 usually attend Divine service. Those who attend on week-days do not exceed seventy-six. The communicants, about 160 in number, seem desirous to walk worthy of their Christian profession. There is a readiness on the part of the parents to send their children to be instructed, and a corresponding disposition in the children to receive instruction. In the boys' school, there were ninetyeight resident, and about forty more who daily attended. In the girls' school there were only eight. On Mr. Brooks's arrival at Regent, the Christian Institution was quite deserted; and the youths who had resided in it, scattered in different

Five Lutheran clergymen from the Basle seminary, with a German printer, have been sent to Malta. Of these, Messrs. Gobat and Kugler are designed to undertake a journey into Abyssinia, for the purposes of investigation and research, as soon as they have obtained a competent knowledge of the language of that country. Mr. Krusé and Mr. Lieder will occupy such stations in the Levant as may be deemed most eligible with reference to a connec tion with Abyssinia. Mr. Muller may probably remain with Mr. Jowett at Malta. Mr. Koelner's services will be most acceptable in the printing department. Arabic, the missionaries have printed 2000 copies of a small primer, and 2000 copies of the Ten Commandments, and the Sermon on the Mount. Of these, they have sent a large number to the American missionaries at the foot of Mount Lebanon, who appear to have been blessed with some success in the schools which they are setting up. In Greek, they have printed 1500 of a Brief History of the Progress of the Gospel, and the Persecution which it met with in the first three Centuries. In Italian, 500 have been printed of a similar work, extended to the sixth century: also, the Conversion of St. Augustine, extracted from his Confessions; and his "City of God," as abridged by Milner, 100 copies. They are now printing the Life of the Missionary Swartz, 1000 copies.

Mr. Jowett has engaged a Greek priest, named Ysa Petros, to assist him in the Arabic department of the press. Mr. Jowett had engaged Ysa Petros to translate some tracts into Arabic, and to make a version of the New Testament directly from the original into vernacular Arabic. While Mr. Jowett has been em

ployed in preparing tracts, Mr. Hartley has been occupied in circulating them among the inhabitants of the Greek islands. They were sought after with great avidity. Mr. Hartley thus expresses his sentiments "The more observation I make of the Greek Church, the more I am convinced that faithful and persevering labour for the good of its members is likely to be crowned with abundant success. I sincerely thank God that I am called to this field of labour; and I am truly happy in my duties." The committee close their review of this mission with expressing a hope, that, among the students of our own universities, some may be willing to follow the example and to share the labours of Mr. Jowett and Mr. Hartley.



The late lamented Bishop of Calcutta, accompanied, during part of the journey, by Archdeacon Corrie, had been actively employed in visiting his diocese. He left Calcutta about the middle of the year 1824, and proceeded through the upper provinces as far as Agra; taking, in his way, most of the stations occupied by the society. From Agra he took a south-western course, and reached Bombay in April 1825, having been then about ten months absent from home. During the journey, he had preached above fifty times, had held confirmations, and consecrated new churches. He left Bombay about the middle of August, for Ceylon; and, after having passed a month in that island, returned to Calcutta. Archdeacon Corrie has transmitted many valuable suggestions made by the Bishop, relative to the Society's operations in North-India-suggestions which, the committee doubt not, will greatly assist their friends at Calcutta in the adoption and regulation of their future measures. After the Bishop's return to Calcutta, the aged Abdool Messeeh and Mr. Bowley, and two of the Society's Missionaries, had received Episcopal ordination.

At Calcutta there were 36 female schools, containing 600 girls. Lady Amherst had continued to manifest great interest in the object. The total number of publications issued from the press is 55,200. At Burdwan the encouraging prospects, both with regard to the male and female schools, still continue. Of an examination of the female school, Mr. Perowne says: "Out of 323 girls, in eleven schools, 292 came together. Thirty-four had read seven chapters of St. Matthew's Gospel: about twenty children had got through only one book, Watts's Catechism; the next class was formed of those who had read another book besides the catechism: these amounted to about thirty. At the desire of a lady, the first class read and explained the fifth chapter of St. Matthew, and acquitted themselves extremely well, both in reading and spelling. Their explanation of what they read, and their answers to the questions proposed, were such as to astonish even those who were best acquainted with what they could do." At Buxar the Bishop saw Kurrum Messeeh's congregation, consisting of about thirty women, young and old. He heard them read in the Hindoostanee Testament, and questioned them in their catechism. His lordship expressed his entire satisfaction with the proficiency which they manifested. The accounts from Benares are of a gratifying nature. Mr. Morris continues to preach in Hindoostanee; and has conciliated the esteem and regard, not only of his congregation, but of his heathen neighbours. Mr. Morris, accompanied by Mr. Adlington, is in the habit of attending the melas or fairs within reach of Benares, for the purpose of distributing the Gospels and tracts among the people who are there assembled. The Bishop passed Sunday, the 5th of September 1824, at this station. On this occasion, fourteen native Christians were confirmed, and were admitted to the Lord's table: the Bishop officiating, as respected them, in Hindoostanee. The classes ex

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