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Birthplace-Parentage-Hobby's School-Children's Letters-The

Story of the Cherry Tree-Lawrence Washington-Death of

George's Father-Lawrence's Marriage-George's Mother-

Rules of Behaviour-George's Wish to be a Sailor-He Goes

to Live at Mount Vernon-Friendship with Lord Fairfax . 13-24


Expedition across Blue Ridge Mountains-Land Surveying-
George's Diary-Sketch of the Founding of the States -The
Ohio Company-French Treachery-Preparations for War—
Voyage to West Indies-Lawrence's Death

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Washington's Mission to French Head-quarters-The Half King
and "White Thunder "-Supper with Captain Joncaire-Diffi-
culties of the Enterprise-The Indians at Murdering Town-
A Treacherous Guide The Shot in the Woods-A Cold
Sleeping-place-Queen Aliquippa-Return

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Washington Resigns his Commission-England on the Defensive-
General Braddock's Enterprise-Washington becomes his
Aide-de-Camp-"The Raw American Militia "—Getting into
Marching Order-Fever-The Attack on Fort Duquesne-
Defeat-Death of Braddock-Washington in Command at
Winchester-Fort Loudoun-Washington's Health Breaks
Down-English Scheme of War-Washington Joins General
Forbes-Engagement to Mrs. Martha Custis--Successful Ex-
pedition against Fort Duquesne-Marriage

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The First Congress-Declaration of Rights-Lord Chatham's
Speech on Receipt of the Declaration-Lexington-Ticon-
deroga-Washington Elected Commander-in-Chief of the
American Forces-Farewell to his Wife-Assumes the Com-

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Battle of Bunker's Hill-Washington's Generals (Schuyler, Lee,
Gates, Greene, Arnold)-Description of the Character of the
Army-Washington's Correspondence with General Gage on
the Subject of Prisoners-Indian Chiefs in the Camp-Pro-
posed American Attack on Quebec-Washington's Directions
for it-Siege of Boston-Treachery-The Woman on General
Putnam's Horse-Washington's Difficulties.
• 91-104

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Defeat of Canadian Expedition-Washington Consoles General
Schuyler-General Putnam's Large Gun, "Congress"-Want
of Powder-Death of Montgomery-Grave State of Affairs
before Boston-Washington Forbids Gaming-The Attack
from Dorchester Heights-Conquest of Boston by American
Troops-Washington Moves to New York-English Troops

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off Staten Island-The Declaration of Independence-Arrival
of Lord Howe with the English Fleet-Jealousies in the
Army-The Connecticut Light Horse-Lee's Victory-
Washington Condemns Swearing

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General Burgoyne in the North-General Gates Supersedes Gene-
ral Schuyler-The English Surrender at Saratoga-Story of
Baroness Riedesel-Terms of Capitulation-Conway Cabal-
Public Enthusiasm for General Gates-Loyalty of La Fayette
-Alliance with France-The British Evacuate Philadelphia
-Monmouth Court-House-Court-Martial on General Lee-

British Troops Return to New York-Summer at West Point

-Letter of Invitation from Washington-Winter at Morris-


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Farewell to Home-Reception at Trenton-Washington takes
the President's Oaths at New York-Cavillers-The Presi-
dent's Illness-Death of his Mother-America's Foreign
Relations-French Revolution-Expedition of General St.
Clair against the Indians-Failure and Defeat

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Washington Re-elected as President-La Fayette's Captivity-
Execution of Louis XVI.-War between France and England
-Washington Adheres to Neutral -Citizen Genet-Le
Petit Démocrate-Treaty between England and America-
Washington Retires to Private Life-His Farewell Address to
his Country-Return to Mount Vernon-Letter to Nelly
Custis-A Wedding at Mount Vernon-Prospect of War
with France-Washington Appointed Commander-in-Chief—
Illness-Death .


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