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Communication from the Court of France to DR. FRANKLIN, on the overtures for a separate Treaty.

A Versailles, le 12 Avril, 1782.

J'ai mis sous les yeux de M. le Comte de Vergennes, Monsieur, les differentes lettres que M. Hartley vous a écrites ainsi que votre projet de réponse; ce ministere a donné une entiere approbation à la maniere dont vous vous exprimez. Je joins ici un post-scriptum concernant M. Forth; M. le Comte de Vergennes, qui en a pris lecture, trouve que vous pouvez sans inconvenient le transmettre à votre correspondant.

J'ai l'honneur d'être 'avec un très sincere attachement, Monsieur, votre très humble et très obeissant serviteur, DE RAYNEVAL.



P. S. Depuis ma lettre écrite, Monsieur, j'ai pesé de nouveau les differentes ouvertures qu'elle renferme. Selon vous l'ancien ministere Anglois désiroit sincerement une réconciliation avec nous, et il nous proposoit dans cette vue une paix separée. Tandis que vous me transmettiez ce vœu du Lord North, cet ex-ministre avoit ici un émissaire chargé de sonder le ministere François sur ses dispositions pacifiques, et de lui faire des propositions fort avantageuses. Vous pouvez juger par-là, Monsieur, de l'opinion que je dois avoir des intentions du Lord North et de ses collégues. Pour vous convaincre de la verité de la notion que je vous transmets, je vous confierai que l'émissaire étoit un M. Forth, et qu'on l'a chargé ici de répondre aux ministres Anglois, que le Roi de France désiroit la paix autant que le Roi d'Angleterre; qu'il s'y prêteroit dès qu'il le pourroit avec dignité et sureté ; mais


qu'il importoit avant tout à S. M. T. C. de savoir si la cour de Londres étoit disposée à traiter également avec les Alliés de la France. M. Forth est parti avec cette réponse pour Londres; mais il y a apparence qu'il ne sera arrivé qu'après la rétraite des ministres qui l'avoient envoyé. Vous pourrez, Monsieur, sans aucun inconvenient faire usage de ces details, si vous le jugez à propos: ils feront connoître au ministere actuel les principes de la cour de France, et ils le convaincront, j'espère, que lé projet de nous desunir seroit aussi illusoire qu'il nous seroit injurieux. Quant au problème remis à M. Forth, je ne saurois prevoir (si, les nouveaux ministres en sont instruits) de quelle manière ils croiront devoir le resoudre ; s'ils aiment la paix, comme ils l'ont persuadé à la nation Angloise et à toute l'Europe, ils ne doivent pas être embarrassés : la France leur a ouvert une voie qu'ils peuvent, selon moi, suivre sans blesser la dignité de leur maitre; s'ils ne la suivent paspils se flattent sans doute que le sort des armes procurera à l'Angleterre des succès qu'il leur ca refusé jusqu'à présent; ce sera à la Providence à couronner ou à frustrer leurs espérances.

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Since mine of the 5th I have thought farther of the subject of our late letters. You were of opinion, that the late minister desired sincerely a reconciliation with America, and with that view a separate peace with us was proposed. It happened that at the same time Lord North had an emissary here to sound the French ministers with regard to peace, and to make them

very advantageous propositions in case they would abandon America. You may hence judge, my dear friend, what opinion I must have formed of the intentions of your ministers. To convince you of the truth of this, I may acquaint you that the emissary was a Mr. Forth; and that the answer given him to carry back to the English ministers was, que le roi de France désiroit la paix autant que le roi d'Angleterre; qu'il s'y prêteroit dès qu'il le pourroit avec dignité et sureté ; mais qu'il importoit avant tout à S. M. T. C. de savoir si la cour de Londres étoit disposée à traiter également avec les alliés de la France. Mr. Forth went off with this answer for London, but probably did not arrive till after the dismission of the ministers that sent him. You may make any use of this information as you judge proper. The new ministry may see by it the principles that govern this court; and it will convince them, I hope, that the project of dividing us is as vain as it would be to us injurious. I cannot judge what they will think or do in consequence of the answer sent by Mr. Forth (if they have seen it.) If they love peace, as they have persuaded the English nation and all Europe to believe, they can be under no difficulty. France has opened a path which in my opinion, they may use, without hurting the dignity of their master, or the honour of the nation. If they do not choose it, they doubtless flatter themselves that war may still produce successes in favour of England that have hitherto been withheld. The crowning or frustrating such hopes belongs to Divine Providence may God send us all more wisdom! I am ever, my dear friend, yours most affectionately,




Passy, April 13, 1782.

Inclosed with this I send to your Excel

lency the packet of correspondence between Mr. Hartley and me, which I promised in my last. You will see that we held nearly the same language, which gives me pleasure.

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While Mr. Hartley was making propositions to me, with the approbation or privity of Lord North to treat separately from France, that minister had an emissary here, a Mr. Forth, formerly a secretary of Lord Stormont's, making proposals to induce this court to treat without us. I understand that several sacrifices were offered to be made, and among the rest Canada to be given up to France. The substance of the answer appears in my last letter to Mr. Hartley. But there is a sentence omitted in that letter which I much liked, viz. "that whenever the two crowns should come to treat, his Most Christian Majesty would show how much the engagements he might enter into, were to be relied on, by his exact observance of those he already had with his present allies."

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If you have received any thing in any thing in consequence of answer by Digges, you will oblige me by communicating it. The ministers here were much pleased with the account given them of your interview by the ambassador. With great respect, I am, Sir, your Excellancy's, &c.

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London, May 1, 1782.

I have received a packet from you, containing several letters of various dates. As I shall probably have a safe opportunity of conveyance to you when Mr. Laurens leaves this country, I am now sitting down to write to you an omnium kind of letter of various matters as they occur. The late ministry being departed, I may now speak of things more freely, I will take a sentence in one of your letters for my text. Vide yours of April 13, 1782, in which you say you was of opinion that the late ministry desired SINCERELY a reconciliation with America, and with that view, a separate peace with us was proposed. I must qualify this sentence much, before I can adopt it as my opinion. As to reconciliation, I never gave much credit to them for that wish. It is a sweet expression. It certainly means MORE than peace. The utmost I ever gave the late ministry credit for, was a wish for peace. And I still believe that the wisest among them grew from day to day more disposed to peace or an abatement of the war, in proportion as they became more alarmed for their own situations and their responsibility, Had the war been more successful, I should not have expected much relenting towards peace or reconciliation. That this has always been the measure of my opinion of them, I refer you to some words in a letter from me to you, dated January 5, 1780, for proof" but for the point of sincerity; why as to that I have not much to say; I have at least expected some hold upon their prudence. My argument runs thus: It is a bargain for you (ministers) to be

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