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Nr. 12326. RUSSLAND.

Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den englischen Botschafter in Petersburg. Absendung von 4000 Russen nach Peking. Friedliche Beziehungen zur chinesischen Regierung.

Saint-Pétersbourg, le 3 (16) Juin 1900. (June 18.)



(Traduction.) || (Télégraphique.) | Dès le moment où les événements alar- Nr. 12326. mants ont surgi en Chine, tous les efforts du Gouvernement ont tendu à attirer 3. (16.) Juni l'attention des Ministres Chinois sur les suites dangereuses que la surexcitation de la nation pourrait provoquer et à convaincre le Tsung-li Yamen d'appliquer les mesures les plus énergiques pour le rétablissement de l'ordre et de la sécurité dans le pays. Malheureusement les conseils amicaux donnés par le Représentant de la Russie ainsi que ceux des autres Puissances à Pékin ont échoué; la révolte des Boxers devient de plus en plus menaçante; la vie et la propriété des sujets étrangers se trouvent en danger; enfin, les chemins de fer étant détruits et les lignes télégraphiques coupées, les Gouvernements sont dans l'impossibilité de rester en rapports directs avec leurs Légations à Pékin. Par conséquent il est indispensable de prendre des mesures les plus efficaces afin d'assurer la sécurité de la Légation Impériale et des sujets Russes résidant dans le pays. Dans ce but Sa Majesté l'Empereur a daigné ordonner d'envoyer un contingent de 4000 soldats à la disposition du Ministre de Russie à Pékin. Le danger de l'état actuel des choses est reconnu par tout le monde; ainsi, le Représentant de la Grande-Bretagne s'est adressé à notre Légation pour se renseigner dans quelle mesure le Gouvernement Impérial était prêt à contribuer aux efforts tendant à mettre fin aux complications existantes. Quelques autres collègues de M. de Giers ont sollicité, de leur côté, l'aide et la protection de la Légation Russe pour leurs nationaux. Il est entendu que l'envoi temporaire du détachement de troupes Russes a en vue en premier lieu la sécurité de la Légation Impériale et celle des sujets Russes résidant dans le nord de la Chine et ne comporte aucune intention hostile à l'égard de ce pays avec lequel nous entretenons des rapports d'amitié et de bon voisinage. Au contraire, il est prescrit au détachement d'agir d'accord avec les troupes de descente des autres Puissances et de prêter aide, en même temps, au Gouvernement Chinois dans l'oeuvre du rétablissement de la tranquillité si nécessaire aux intérêts primordiaux de la Chine elle-même.

Nr. 12327. CHINA.

Der chinesische Gesandte in London a'n den englischen Minister des Auswärtigen. Die Vicekönige von Huquang und Nanking lehnen die angebotene englische Unterstützung gegen die Boxer ab.


The Chinese Minister has been requested by the Viceroy of Huquang to Nr. 12327. communicate to the Marquess of Salisbury the purport of a telegram which he has just received from his Excellency with reference to a communication

19. Juni 1900.

19. Juni 1900.

Nr. 12327. Which Her Majesty's Consul at Hankow had been instructed to make to the China. Viceroy on the part of his Lordship. The communication consisted of an offer of assistance which the Consul said Her Majesty's Government would be prepared to give to the Viceroy in preserving order and tranquillity in the provinces under his jurisdiction, in the event of the ,,Boxer" movement now agitating the Provinces of Chihli and Shantung extending to those on the Yang-tsze. | The Viceroy tenders his grateful acknowledgments to Lord Salisbury for his friendly offer, and will gladly avail himself of it in case of need. He, however, is persuaded that he and his colleague, the Viceroy of Nanking, with whom he has been in communication on the subject, will be more than able to cope with the ,,Boxers" or any other elements of disorder who, contrary to his expectations, may attempt to disturb the peace and tranquillity of the Yang-tsze provinces. Both he and the Viceroy of Nanking have at their disposal very sufficient, well-equipped, and well-disciplined forces, on which they can implicitly depend; and these they will so dispose and employ as to give the fullest measure of protection to all residing within their respective jurisdictions, whether natives or foreigners, and of whatever religion. Under these circumstances, the Viceroy would deprecate any obtrusive demonstration of British naval force on the Yang-tsze as being calculated rather to make difficulties for the Chinese authorities than to aid them in maintaining tranquillity and good order in the riverine provinces.

Nr. 12328.


Chinese Legation, June 19, 1900.


Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Auswärtigen Graf Murawiew über die Kaiserin von China und die Lage im Centrum und Süden.

St. Petersburgh, June 20, 1900. (June 20.)

(Telegraphic.) | Count Mouravieff explained to me to-day that the Grofs- 4000 troops mentioned in the telegram to the Russian Embassy consist of 20. Juni 1900. 2000 who are understood to be already at Taku or the mouth of the river, and of the 2000 at Tien-tsin who, last week, while the other foreign troops defended the foreign Settlements, attacked and dispersed with loss the Boxers threatening that town. || For the last four days no direct news from Taku or Tien-tsin, and for seven days no knowledge of the situation at Peking or confirmation of the reported return of Admiral Seymour's expedition, have been received by the Russian Foreign Office, but Count Mouravieff takes a sanguine view of the situation, and appears to expect that not only will communication for news from Tien-tsin and probably Peking be opened up at once by the capture of the Taku forts, but that it will also exercise a salutary impression on the Empress-Dowager, who has been hesitating between her fear of the Boxers and her fear of the intervention of the foreign


Powers. His Excellency still regards the state of things in Central and Nr. 12328 Southern China as more threatening, and believes that in a fortnight the crisis will be over.

20. Juni 1900.

Nr. 12329.

GROSSBRITANNIEN. — Admiral Bruce an die Admira-
Proklamation der Admirale gegen die Boxer.


Taku, viâ Chefoo, June 21, 1900.


(Telegraphic.) || No communication from Commander-in-chief for seven Nr. 12329. days or with Tien-tsin for five days. Allies hold Taku forts and Tongku britannien. securely, and they will advance for relief of Tien-tsin when in sufficient 21. Juni 1900. strength. Troops expected from Hong Kong to-morrow, and 300 from Weihai Wei day after to-morrow. || Believe that fighting is constantly going on around Tien-tsin. Our garrison there should be about 3000. || Following Proclamation was agreed to this morning, to be at once [issued]: || „The Admirals and Senior Naval Officers of the allied Powers in China desire, to make known to all Viceroys and authorities of the coasts and rivers, cities, and provinces of China that they intend to use armed force only against Boxers and peoples who oppose them on their march to Peking for the rescue of their fellow-countrymen."


Der Minister des Auswär

tigen an den Konsul in Kanton. Reise Li Hung-
Tschangs nach Peking und Frage des Kriegs-
zustandes mit China.

Foreign Office, June 22, 1900.


(Telegraphic.) Li Hung-Chang's departure from Canton. || The Chinese Nr. 12330. Minister, at an interview to-day, communicated to me a message which he britannien. had received from Li Hung-chang to the effect that he had received a 22. Juni 1900. summons to proceed to Peking in order to bring about a solution of the crisis in North China. He wished to know whether, notwithstanding the fact that the Taku forts had fired on the international forces without orders from the Government at Peking, the Powers consider themselves at war with the Chinese Government. His visit to Peking would be without utility if it were considered that a state of war existed. In the contrary event, he felt sure of being able to restore order and to suppress the Boxers. In reply, I informed the Chinese Minister that there is no reason that it should be considered that a state of war exists if the Taku forts had fired without orders from the Government at Peking, and if the attacks on the international troops are without authority; and I strongly advised that if he could be of use in suppressing disorder, and if he could do so with safety to himself, Li Hung-chang should go to Peking, but that he must be judge as to the risk to be run in doing so.

Nr. 12331.


Nr. 12331. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Botschafter in Washington

an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Amerikanische

Verstärkungen nach Tientsin.

Washington, June 23, 1900. (June 23.)

(Telegraphic.) The Secretary of State, to whom I communicated the Grofs- substance of your telegram of the 22nd instant, informs me that in addition 23. Juni 1900. to a full regiment, 300 marines have been ordered from Manila to Tien-tsin, and that telegraphic inquiries are being made as to what further force can be spared. His Excellency states that the Chinese Minister here reports assurances from the Viceroys of their ability to maintain order in their provinces. The Circular of the French Government to the Powers respecting Li Hung-chang's message has been delivered by the French Ambassador to Mr. Hay, who has replied that the United States' Government are favourable to the offer being accepted, and that, all the facts not being known, they do not think that a state of war necessarily exists.

Nr. 12332. Grofsbritannien.


Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Die russische Regierung nimmt keinen Kriegszustand mit China an. St. Petersburgh, June 24, 1900. (June 24.) (Telegraphic.) | Under instructions from his Government yesterday, the French Ministers was to inform the Russian Government that his Government 21. Juni 1900. had learnt from Canton that Li Hung-chang had been summoned to Peking by the Dowager-Empress, but, before proceeding there, he had desired to be informed whether the action at Taku was regarded by the foreign Powers as constituting a state of war with the Chinese Government. The French Government desired to ascertain the view of the Russian Government on the subject. The opinion of Count Lamsdorff was that, as it was not to be assumed that the Chinese troops were acting on instructions from the Chinese Government, but by compulsion of the Boxers, the Powers were not in a state of war with China. || I met M. de Witte yesterday, and he took the same view as that expressed on Wednesday by Count Mouravieff with regard to the situation in the north of China. The summons to Li Hung-chang he regarded as a favourable sign of the Empress' desire to arrange matters with the Powers. He said that he expected that before any reinforcements from Europe could arrive the whole trouble would be over.

Nr. 12333.




Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in Petersburg. Stimmt die russische Regierung einer Entsendung von 20 bis 30000 Japanern auf Peking zu?

Foreign Office, June 25, 1900. (Telegraphic.) || I Request that you will inquire of the Russian Minister

25. Juni 1900. for Foreign Affairs whether his Government will give their approval to

dispatch of a Japanese force of from 20 000 to 30 000 men, if Japanese Nr. 12333. Government are willing to undertake it, for the restoration of order at Tientsin and Peking.

Nr. 12334. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Derselbe an Denselben. Das


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Foreign Office, June 25, 1900.

Grofsbritannien. 25. Juni 1900.


(Telegraphic.) || In your conversation with the Minister for Foreign Affairs Nr. 12334. on the subject mentioned in my telegram of to-day, you may draw his Ex- britannien. cellency's attention to the following considerations: Her Majesty's Government 25. Juni 1900. assume that the Russian Government will further reinforce their troops speedily, and are themselves sending some 10 000 troops from India; but it is clear that these reinforcements will not arrive in time to rescue the two forces at present surrounded or the Legations at Peking.


Der Konsul in Tientsin an

den Minister des Auswärtigen. Kämpfe bei Tientsin.
Tien-tsin, viâ Chefoo, June 24, 1900. (June 28.)


(Telegraphic.) || News was brought yesterday by Bigham's servant, who is Nr. 12335. quite trustworthy, of the Commander-in-chief. He was being bombarded by britannien. a large number of guns in a small arsenal called Wuku, north of Tien-tsin, 24. Juni 1900. which he had seized. His losses were about 40 killed and 70 wounded, and relief was urgently needed. Force to succour him leaves to-night. || Comparatively slight damage was done to the foreign Settlements, which were shelled from the 18th to the 23rd June, except in the French Concession, which suffered severely; the British Consulate was also a good deal knocked about. The British casualties up to date of relief are 4 killed and 50 wounded, among the latter being 6 officers.

Nr. 12336. RUSSLAND. - Das Ministerium des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in London. Die russische Regierung über die Entsendung der Japaner.

Saint-Pétersbourg, le 15 (28) Juin, 1900. (June 29.) (Traduction.) || (Télégraphique.) || Nons avons été renseignés sur l'intention du Japon de participer au rétablissement de l'ordre en Chine par Sir Charles Scott et par M. Isvolsky. Ce dernier a été muni à cet effet des instructions suivantes:- || En appréciant hautement les sentiments d'amitié qui animent le Japon, et qui ont dicté à Mr. Aoki les ouvertures qu'il vous a faites, ainsi que l'attitude parfaitement correcte de cette Puissance en vue des événements survenus en Chine, nous ne voudrions pas entraver la liberté d'action du

Nr. 12336.

15. (28) Juni


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