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Admiral Bruce an die Admiralität. 20000 Mann genügen nicht zum Vormarsch auf Peking.

Chefoo, July 1, 1900.


(Telegraphic.) || German Admiral reports Chinese runner, three days from Nr. 12345. Peking, arrived Tien-tsin yesterday; brought despatches to say all Europeans britannien. in great distress; situation desperate; hoping for relief every hour. German 1. Juli 1990. Minister has been murdered by Chinese regular troops, and large Chinese army advancing on Tien-tsin. Have had long conversation with Russian Governor-General. He agrees with me that, with all reinforcement expected, Russian and Japanese, it will only bring total to about 20000 men, which would enable us to hold the base from Taku, Tien-tsin, and probably Peita-ho, but impossible to advance beyond Tien-tsin. 4 P.M., 30th June.

Nr. 12346. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Botschafter in Berlin an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Unterredung mit Baron von Richthofen über die Lage in Peking und die Drohung mit der Zerstörung der Ahnengräber. Berlin July 2, 1900. (July 2.)


(Telegraphic.) || Count von Bülow left here for Wilhelmshafen in order to Nr. 12346. consult with the Emperor, upon receiving the official confirmation of the britannien. murder of the German Minister at Peking. || I was sent for this morning by 2. Juli 1900. Baron von Richthofen, who informed me as follows:- || The German Consul at Tien-tsin has sent a telegram, dated the 29th June, in which it is stated that a Chinese messenger had arrived from Peking that day, bringing the following message, addressed to the Commander of the international forces, which had been dispatched by the Second Secretary in the German Legation, Herr von Bergen: - || „Foreign community besieged in the Legations. Situation desperate. Hasten your coming. Sunday, 4 P.M.


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The 24th June is assumed to be the date of the above message. || A further telegram has been received from the German Consul at Tien-tsin, stating that second messenger, sent by a missionary, arrived on the 29th ultimo, having left Peking on the 25th. He reported that the military escorts of the Legations are suffering from want of ammunition, and he confirmed the murder of the German Minister and the burning of the majority of the Legations. || In view of the above information, and of that contained in Reuter's telegrams, the situation of all foreigners in Peking would appear to be most critical, if, indeed, they are still living. It is believed in the German Foreign Office that the foreign women and children, among them being the wife of the late German Minister, still remain in Peking. || Taking


Nr. 12346. these facts into consideration, Baron von Richthofen then asked me, though britannion. he had not received any positive instructions from his Government to do so, 2. Juli 1900. whether Her Majesty's Government were prepared to propose any better measure, the effect of which would be immediate, than the one which the Consuls at Tien-tsin had proposed, namely, that a threat to destroy the Imperial tombs should be made, and whether to refuse a proposal which the best-informed persons on the spot had unanimously made, would not be to assume a great responsibility.

Nr. 12347.



Der Minister des Auswär-
Antwort auf

tigen an den Botschafter in Berlin.

das Vorige.

Foreign Office, July 2, 1900.

(Telegraphic.) || With reference to your telegram of the 2nd July britannien, respecting proposal of Consuls at Tien-tsin to threaten destruction of the 2. Juli 1900. Imperial Mausolea, you should inform Baron Richthofen that the proposal

reaches us without any information as to the manner in which it is viewed by the Naval or Military Commanders on the spot. || We believe the Mausolea to be situated near Moukden and Hingking, in Manchuria, and it is probable that their destruction could only be effected by the dispatch of an expedition of considerable strength from Talienwan or Newchwang. The distance which would have to be covered would vary, according to the route and place of departure, from 100 to 200 miles. || We therefore feel unable to sanction a measure which would be so offensive to European opinion. || The threat appears, at first sight, very unlikely to have any effect upon mutinous soldiery or a riotous mob, and these are the factors which place the Legations in so perilous a situation.

Nr. 12348.


Derselbe an Denselben.
Vorschlag, die Pekinger Behörden für die Sicher-
heit der Gesandten haftbar zu machen.

Foreign Office, July 2, 1900.

(Telegraphic.) || China: My telegram of to-day's date. || Ask Baron RichtGross- hofen whether the German Government would be disposed to agree that a 2. Juli 1900. collective declaration should be made by all the Powers that if any act of violence is committed against the Legations, all authorities at Peking, of whatever rank, will be held responsible in person and property.


Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Unterredung mit dem deutschen Botschafter. Meinung Lamsdorffs. St. Petersburgh, July 3, 1900. (July 3.)


(Telegraphic.) || China. I am informed by German Minister that the answer Nr. 12349. of his Government to your Lordship's inquiry regarding the Japanese britannien. expedition was communicated by him to Count Lamsdorff yesterday. || His 3. Juli 1900. Excellency said that the view held by the Russian Government was identical; in face of so grave a crisis there were objections to a mandate being given to any one Power; but they would welcome all available forces which could be sent promptly by any Power to act in accord and co-operation with the other Powers, as Japan professed to desire and intend to do. At the present moment any step which, by occasioning rivalry or jealousy, might endanger this accord, would be fatal. || German Minister said that Count Lamsdorff was far from taking the sanguine view of the situation professed by Count Mouravieff. His Excellency anticipated that an immediate march on Peking would be necessary in order to rescue the Legations and set up some orderly form of Government, and was embarrassed at not having been supplied with sufficient information by the foreign Commanders to enable him to form an opinion as to what additional force it would be necessary to send.

Nr. 12350. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Der Generalkonsul in Schang-
hai an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Kaiserliches
Dekret gegen die fremden Mächte. Haltung der

Shanghae, July 3, 1900. (July 3.)


(Telegraphic.) || The following Decree from Peking has been sent to all Nr. 12350. the Viceroys and Governors in Southern and Central China. It was sent for britannien. transmission to the Superintendent of Telegraphs and all telegraph-offices on 3. Juli 1900. the 28th June from the Pao-ting-fu telegraph-office: - || „Whereas open war has broken out between China and the foreign Powers and the Boxer Society round Tien-tsin, and throughout Chihli, co-operating with the Imperial troops have been victorious, we have already issued Decrees praising their bravery. These loyal people are to be found throughout the Empire, and all Governors and Viceroys, if they can raise forces from their number, can rely on them to oppose insolence of the foreigners with greatest success. The high provincial authorities shall, therefore, memorialize immediately regarding their plans of campaign. The Viceroys of the Yang-tsze and coast provinces are hereby commanded to use their most strenuous endeavours to put these instructions into effect." || We are informed by the Viceroys and Governors that they consider Prince Tuan as a rebel, and have decided not to obey Decrees from Peking. Decrees will probably soon be issued degrading the Viceroys,

Staatsarchiv LXV.


Nr. 12350. and troops will be sent to support the Viceroys appointed by Prince Tuan, Grofs- Civil war would in consequence break out throughout the country, and a 3. Juli 1899. strong force should be in readiness here to support the loyal Viceroys. || The


feeling of unrest among the Chinese is decidedly increasing, and I think that it will be necessary before long to withdraw the foreign communities from some of the small ports. I hear that the Hang-chow Governor intends to obey the orders contained in the above Decree. Thousands of Chinese have left here in consequence of the Decree, which they consider certain to stir up mischief.

Nr. 12251.


Nr. 12351. CHINA. - Vicekönige an den Gesandten in London,
Sie sorgen für die Sicherheit in ihren Provinzen.
Nanking, July 3, 1900. (July 4.)

(Telegraphic.) || We, the Viceroys of the Liang Kiang and Liang Hu

3. Juli 1900. Provinces, undertake to hold ourselves responsible for the security of foreign life and property within our respective jurisdictions, as well as in the Province of Chekiang, so long as the Treaty Powers do not land troops in either the Yang-tsze Valley or the Province of Chekiang.

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Nr. 12352.

Der Botschafter in Paris an
den Minister des Auswärtigen. Die französische Re-
gierung schlägt vor die Pekinger Behörden haftbar
zu machen.

Paris, July 4, 1900. (July 4.)

(Telegraphic.) || I am informed by M. Delcassé that instructions have Grofs- been sent to-day to the French Representatives to make the following proposal 4. Juli 1900. to the Governments of the various Powers interested: that they should publish


a collective or identic warning addressed to the de facto Government or authorities at Peking, by which they declare that they will hold these responsible personally for the safety and lives of the whole European community in the city. || His Excellency expressed the opinion that such a warning would, it might be conjectured, reach Peking in some way or another, while it would serve, on the other hand, to demonstrate the solidarity of the accord existing between the Powers in the eyes of Europe and of the world at large. || It is essential, his Excellency added, that unity of action and unity of direction on the spot should not be hindered by any afterthought or jealousy, as the delivrance of the Europeans who are in Peking was for the moment the object which must be most urgently aimed at, and that there should be no want of concentration which would have the effect of weakening still


further the efficiency of the collective European forces, too inconsiderable Nr. 12352. already. He said he felt it was unnecessary to assure me that he had britannien. personally at this moment no other thought- and the same, he was sure, 4. Juli 1900. was the case with his colleagues - than the rescue, if that were still possible, of those who are in danger. || He hoped the Japanese Government would at once dispatch the mobilized division which it was said was available.


Der Gesandte in Japan an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Zum Vormarsch auf Peking sind 70000 Mann erforderlich.


Tokio, July 4, 1900. (July 4.) (Telegraphic.) || I communicated yesterday to Viscount Aoki the substance Nr. 12353. of your telegrams of the 2nd instant. He promised that he would immediately britannien. submit these to the Prime Minister. He said, however, that, in his opinion, 4. Juli 1900. it was not possible to relieve the Legations, as the approach of a foreign army would be the signal for a massacre. He had attempted to communicate with the Chinese Government, if such a thing exists, by means of the southern Viceroys, but they are also out of touch with the capital. His Excellency considers that 70000 men at least would be necessary for a military expedition to Peking, as at this season the difficulties are very great.

Nr. 12354. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Generalkonsul in Schanghai an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Die Gesandtschaften sind durch mehr als 100000 Mann belagert. Shanghae, July 4, 1900. (July 4.)


(Telegraphic.) || Sheng Taotai has received following from Yuan Shih Nr. 12854. Kai:- || „A messenger has reached here who started on the 27th June from britannien. Peking. He stated that the two Legations were being attacked by rioters 4. Juli 1900. and soldiers, over 100000 in number, who had surrounded them, but had not yet succeeded in breaking through their defence. The Boxer Society has been joined by those connected with the Palace inside, as well as outside of it, even to the Princes. || „The city gates are half-opened daily during half the day, and every one is worshipping the god of Boxers."

Viceadmiral Seymour an die
Admiralität. 40000 Mann sind zum Vormarsch auf
Peking erforderlich.

Tien-tsin, July 2, viâ Chefoo, July 4, 1900. (July 5.) (Telegraphic.) || At the Council to-day it was decided to attack remaining Nr. 12355. arsenal and the city 3rd July. Courier from Peking reports having passed britannien. on 1st July from 8000 to 10000 Chinese troops marching towards Tien-tsin 4. Juli 1900.


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