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„The Emperor hopes that the Emperor of China will take the most effective mea- Nr. 12396. sures for the pacification of this vast Empire, and for the security of the lives britannien. and property of the Russian and all other foreign subjects residing in China." 3. Aug. 1900.


Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Generalkonsul in Schanghai. Drohung die Ahnengräber zu zerstören.

Foreign Office, August 3, 1900.


(Telegraphic.) || I have received your telegram of the 2nd August. || The Nr. 12397. threat to destroy the tombs of the Manchu dynasty would be very repugnant Grofsto public opinion here in Europe, and we are also informed that it would 3. Aug. 1900. create a bad impression in China generally. || With regard to the warning that we should hold the Chinese Government personally guilty for any injury to the members of the Legations, please refer to my telegram of the 5th July.



Der Minister des Auswärtigen an die Geschäftsträger im Auslande. Erklärung der Regierung im Parlament.

Foreign Office, August 4, 1900.


(Telegraphic.) || The following statement of policy in China was made on Nr. 12398. behalf of Her Majesty's Government in the House of Commons on 2nd August:- britannien. Great Britain will, in concert with other Powers, press forward by every 4. Aug. 1900. means the relief of the Legations at Peking, and regards it as imperative to impress upon China the sanctity of Envoys, and the power of Europe to protect or avenge them. || As regards the Yang-tsze district and the adjacent region, assurances have been given to the Viceroys that the ships and forces of Great Britain will co-operate as far as possible with them in quieting unrest and securing order, and provision is being made for the due fulfilment of this assurance. || Her Majesty's Government are opposed to any partition of China, and believe that they are in accord with other Powers in this declaration. || Her Majesty's Government hold that the future Government of China, whether directed from Peking or decentralized, must be a government by the Chinese, and they are not prepared to substitute for this an European Administration. || Similarly, they hold that in the common interest much caution should be observed in any scheme which may be entertained for organizing Chinese troops under foreign officers. || Compensation must be made by China for the effects of the existing disturbances.

Nr. 12399.


Nr. 12399. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Der Generalkonsul in Schang

hai an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Metzeleien in Chuchow.

Shanghae, August 6, 1900. (August 6.)

(Telegraphic.) || The massacre at Chuchow (near Chiangshan) is officially britannien, acknowledged by the Governor of Chekiang. He informs me that five 6. Aug. 1900. British subjects were suddenly attacked and murdered. The District Magistrate was also killed in trying to protect them. The Prefect, Taotai, and General of that district have been all cashiered for their negligence. || The Governor is, I believe, sincere in his desire to prevent such outbreaks, and expresses the deepest regret at the sad occurrence, || As far as I can see, the officials in Central and Southern China, although they cannot always be successful, are doing their very best to prevent this sort of thing.


Der Konsul in Tientsin an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Nachrichten aus Peking.

Tien-tsin, August 4, via Chefoo, August 6, 1900. (August 6.) (Telegraphic.) || News of Legation up to 1st August has been received britannien. by Japanese Consul. || This afternoon allied force will move out.

Nr. 12400.

6. Aug. 1900.

Nr. 12401.


Der Botschafter in Berlin an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Deutsche Note über die Ernennung des Grafen Waldersee zum Oberkommandeur von Chi-li.

Berlin, August 7, 1900. (August 7.)

(Telegraphic.) || The following is a translation af a note verbale which Grofs- was handed to me by Herr von Derenthall this afternoon: || His Majesty 7. Aug. 1900. the Emperor of Russia has stated to our Most Gracious Sovereign that it


would afford him especial satisfaction to place the Russian troops operating in the Province of Chi-li under the supreme command of Field-Marshal Count Waldersee. His Majesty the German Emperor is ready to undertake the task thereby devolving upon him, as he has reason to assume that also other Governments besides Russia consider that a German supreme command would be of advantage; for example, the Japanese Government have given it to be understood that they would prefer a German supreme command to the supreme command of another Power more extensively interested in East Asiatic affairs. || The Government of His Majesty the German Emperor would be grateful for a communication as to the views held by Her Majesty's Government upon the subject of the supreme command, and as to the manner in which they would be disposed to connect the British troops in the Province of Chi-li, with the army operating under Field-Marshal Count Waldersee,

Nr. 12402. CHINA. Kaiserliches Dekret über den Schutz der


Peking, 2. August 1900. (8. August.)


In view of the existence of hostilities between certain Chinese subjects Nr. 12402. and foreign Powers caused by the anti-Christian feelings of the Chinese 2. Aug. 1900. people, we have afforded reasonable protection to the foreign Representatives in Peking, and the Tsung-li Yamên has sent to the Legations letters of inquiries and proposals for their safe conveyance under escort to Tien-tsin, to avoid the apprehension of further attack from rebels before the complete restoration of peace and order in the capital. We have now, on the advice of Li Hung-chang and Lew Kwung Yih, to authorize Yung-lu to appoint beforehand, good and reliable high civil and military officials, with selected troops of soldiers for the purpose of escorting them from Peking to Tien-tsin as soon as they have fixed the date of departure. If there be any rebels en route trying to endanger the safety of the party, the officials in charge have to destroy the rebels at once, so as not to commit any blunder. || Before their departure from Peking, the freedom of telegraphic communication in plain words with their respective Governments, is hereby to be restored to the foreign Representatives, in order to show the candidness with which I have always treated them. || Respect this.

Nr. 12403. CHINA. Der Vicekönig Li Ilung-Tschang an den
Gesandten in London. Bittet, den Marsch auf
Peking einzustellen.

Shanghae, August 5, 1900. (August 8.)


(Telegraphic.) || The Imperial Edict of the 2nd August is the self-evident Nr. 12403. proof of the immediate conveyance of the foreign Representatives under escort 5. Aug. 1900. to Tien-tsin. || Please ask Lord Salisbury to instruct the Commander-in-chief not to make any further advance, and wait for negotiations.


Der Gesandte in Peking an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Die Lage in Peking seit dem 4. Juli.

Handed in Tsinan Yamen, August 7, 1900. (August 8.)

britannien. 7. Aug. 1900.

(Telegraphic.) || Peking.-- I received to-day, 3rd August, your telegram, Nr. 12404. undated, forwarded through the Chinese Minister.*) || State of affairs mentioned Grofsin my letter of 4th July continued until 16th July, when shell and cannon fire ceased, but rifle fire from Chinese positions held by Government troops and Boxers has continued intermittently ever since, but since then casualties have not been numerous. || The following British have been killed: - David *) Nr. 12393. Red.

Nr. 12404. Oliphant, Warren, Captain Strouts and Privates Scadding and Phillips, Royal Marines. Twenty-six British wounded, including Captains Halliday and Wray, 7. Aug. 1900. Students Townsend and Peachey, and Morrison, „Times" correspondent. All


Nr. 12405. Grofsbritannien.

the wounded doing well, except Marine Private Sawyer. Rest of British in Legation well. || Total killed in garrison 60, wounded 110. | Over 200 women and children refugees in this Legation. || We have strengthened our fortifications, and can hold out ten days unless severely attacked. || Chinese Government are trying to persuade foreign Envoys to leave Peking for Tien-tsin with wives and families. Remembering Cawnpore we have no intention of leaving unless under escort of European troops, and we are temporizing to gain time. || Up to date, Chinese Government have refused us permission to send cypher messages to our Governments.


Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Die russ. Regierung acceptiert den Grafen Waldersee.

St. Petersburgh, August 8, 1900. (August 8.) (Telegraphic.) || Count Lamsdorff informs me that the services of Count Waldersee have been offered by the German Emperor to take the general 8. Aug. 1900. command of the operations of the international forces in Pechili, and that the idea will meet with no objection on the part of the Russian Government.

Nr. 12406. Grofsbritannien. 4. Aug. 1900.


Der Gesandte in Peking an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Verhandlung mit dem Tsung-li Yamen über den Aufbruch der Gesandten nach Tientsin.

Peking, August 4, 1900. (August 9.)

(Telegraphic.) || (Figures of this Telegram communicated by Chinese Minister August 9.]

The Corps Diplomatique has to-day been informed by the Tsung-li Yamên that the foreign Governments have on many occasions asked the Chinese Ministers that we should leave Peking under sufficient escort. Yamên ask us, therefore, to fix the date of our departure from Peking, and to arrange conditions of departure. || We have answered that we are referring the matter to our Governments to have their instructions, without which we cannot leave our posts. || In order to allow us to leave in security, it is essential that foreign troops come to take us away, and that they should be in sufficient numbers to escort 800 Europeans, of whom 200 are women and children, 50 wounded, and more than 3000 native Christians whom we cannot leave here to be massacred. Under no conditions would it be safe to trust to a Chinese escort. || All the foreign Representatives are sending to their Governments the above telegram.


Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in Berlin. Annahme


Foreign Office, August 9, 1900.


(Telegraphic.) || In reply to your telegram of the 7th instant, I have to Nr. 12407. state that, in the event of the Powers who have forces in Pechili determining britannien. to put these forces under the supreme direction of Count Waldersee, Her 9. Aug. 1900. Majesty's Government will most gladly concur in that policy. The British Commanders will receive instructions in this sense; and Her Majesty's Government will view with great satisfaction an arrangement by which so distinguished a soldier is placed at the head of the international forces. || It will be necessary to draw up instructions which go more into detail if the project goes forward.


Der Gesandte in Japan an den

Minister des Auswärtigen. Dasselbe.


Tokio, August 9, 1900. (August 9.) (Telegraphic.) || With reference to Sir F. Lascelles' telegram of the Nr. 12408. 7th August, a telegram has been received from the German Emperor by the britannien. Emperor of Japan with regard to Count Waldersee's appointment to supreme 9. Aug. 1900. command. His Majesty has signified his consent in his reply.

Nr. 12409. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Botschafter in Paris an

den Minister des Auswärtigen. Dasselbe.

Paris, August 9, 1900. (August 9.)

(Telegraphic.) || I have just seen the French Minister for Foreign Affairs Nr. 12409.


at the funeral service for the King of Italy, and he declared that he knew britannien. nothing of the appointment of Count Waldersee as Commander-in-chief in 9. Aug. 1900. China beyond what he had seen in the papers. He could not, in reply to my inquiry, give me any idea of what the French answer would be, and assured me that he could not see me again to-day, being occupied all the afternoon with the President.

Nr. 12410. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Unterredung des Grafen Lamsdorff mit dem chinesischen Gesandten.

St. Petersburgh, August 10, 1900. (August 10.) (Telegraphic.) || The telegram from Sir C. MacDonald of 4th August has Nr. 12410. been communicated to the Russian Government. || Count Lamsdorff told britannien. Mr. Hardinge, who saw him this afternoon, that he had just had a long 10. Aug.1900.


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