Grofs Court during its flight to Shansi, has also appointed a violently anti-foreign Nr. 12460. Taotai to Shanghae. Chang Chih Tung remains staunch in his determination britannien. to maintain order, although surrounded by anti-foreign advisers. Peace in 23.Sept. 1900. Central China depends on the life of this aged official, and we should be prepared for eventualities. Nr. 12461. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Botschafter in Berlin an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Antworten der Mächte auf den deutschen Vorschlag. Berlin, September 24, 1900. (September 24.) Grofs (Telegraphic.) || I am informed by Baron von Richthofen that France, Nr. 12461. Italy, and Austria have returned affirmative replies to the German Circular. britannien. In the opinion of the United States' Government, the punishment of the 24.Sept. 1900. ringleaders should be included in the peace conditions. || The replies of Japan and Russia will, Baron Richthofen understands, be received to-day, and will be to the effect that, while the punishment of the ringleaders should precede negotiations, it would be better that the ringleaders should not be handed over to the Powers, but that the punishment should be inflicted by the Chinese Government. || The Acting Secretary of State further observed that Her Majesty's Government had as yet returned no reply. Nr. 12462. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Gross Peking, September 25, 1900. (September 25.) (Telegraphic.) || Definite instructions have been received by the Russian Nr. 12462. Minister to proceed to Tien-tsin in order to negotiate there; he is leaving on britannien. the 29th instant. || Orders have also been sent to the Russian troops to leave 25.Sept.1900. immediately, except 1200 men, i. e., one battalion, two Maxims, and one halfcompany of sappers. Nr. 12463. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Derselbe an Denselben. Tien tsin ist nicht geneigt zu Friedensverhandlungen. Peking, September 25, 1900. (September 25.) Grofs (Telegraphic.) || With reference to my immediately preceding telegram of Nr. 12463. to-day, I am informed by Russian Minister that in his Government's telegram britannien. he was told that all the Powers have agreed in principle to negotiations being 25. Sept.1900, carried on in Tien-tsin. || It is my strong opinion that Tien-tsin would be most objectionable for the purpose. To have negotiations there would lose to us all the advantages of staying in Peking, and give us none in exchange, Nr. 12463. Tien-tsin is capital of Li Hung-chang's Viceroyalty, and we shall, therefore, Grofs- in the eyes of the Chinese, appear to be going to Li to beg for peace. This 25 Sept.1900. will encourage the war party, who will leave the foreign Powers to make all britannien. Nr. 12464. Grofsbritannien. further advances. || If the Chinese suspect that we want to have peace more than they do themselves, no peace will be possible. Should negotiations be removed from Peking - a course which, so far as concerns preliminaries, I strongly deprecate - they should take place in Shangae. Nr. 12464. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Konsul in Kanton an den are being attacked. His Excellency the Acting Viceroy is doing his best to 5.Sept. 1900. repress the rioters, and has also issued a Proclamation which is extremely Nr. 12465. satisfactory, containing a denunciation of the so-called Imperial" Edicts lately published in Canton, and laying great stress on the Throne's denunciation of the Boxers. || He also states in this Proclamation that negotiations are being opened in the north with a view to the peaceable termination of these troubles, and that those who disturb the peace will be severely dealt with. || This neighbourhood and the city itself remain quiet. There is no probability of an attack on the Concessions. Nr. 12465. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Foreign Office, September 25, 1900. (Telegraphic.) || With reference to my telegram of the 24th September on Grofs- the subject of the German Circular addressed to the Powers, I shall be glad 25.Sept. 1900. if you will inform me as soon as possible of the opinion of your colleagues britannien. and yourself on the following points:- || 1. Whether you can designate with any certainty those persons who are really responsible for the attacks which were made upon the Legations and other recent outrages which have occurred. 2. Whether, in the event of the Chinese Government refusing to surrender or punish these persons, or returning evasive answers, it would be practicable to seize them. Nr. 12466. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Paris, September 23, 1900. (September 27.) My Lord, || In the course of a conversation to-day, in regard to Chinese Grofs- affairs, the German Ambassador informed me that, in accepting the recent 3.Sept.1900: German proposal, M. Delcassé had stated that he did so with much satis Nr. 12466. britannien: Grofs faction, as it practically coincided with his own views, which he had communi- Nr. 12466. cated to the Chinese Minister so far back as July. || There is no doubt that britannien. the German proposal is more favourably regarded here than the Russian plan 23.Sept.1900. which was not well received by the French press. || Prince Münster expressed the hope that Her Majesty's Government would accept the German proposal, as, in his opinion, it was necessary that Germany and England should act together in China, „their interests there being identical". Nr. 12467. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Michael H. Herbert. Grofs Die Botschaft in Petersburg an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Antwort der russischen Regierung auf den deutschen Vorschlag. St. Petersburgh, September 27, 1900. (September 27.) (Telegraphic.) || I saw Count Lamsdorff this afternoon and obtained further Nr. 12467. particulars from his Excellency as to the terms of the reply returned by the britannien. Russian Government to M. de Bülow's Circular, the substance of which I had 27. Sept.1900. the honour of telegraphing to your Lordship. || Count Lamsdorff informed me that he had requested the German Government to favour him with more comprehensive explanatory details on the subject of the delivery of the guilty leaders by the Chinese Government, giving his opinion that the better course would be that they should receive their punishment from the Central Imperial Authority of their own country and not be handed over to the foreign Powers; far greater effect would be produced in China by such a mode of procedure than if the leaders were delivered to the Powers for punishment. Excellency had also expressed the opinion that the question of the punishment of these persons should form one of the guarantees which the Plenipotentiaries of the Chinese Government should be compelled to give during the course of the negotiations with the Representatives of the foreign Powers, as a security that such occurrences as had recently taken place in China should not be repeated. || The phrase „renewal of diplomatic relations", which the punishment of the guilty leaders was to precede, had seemed to him to require further explanation which he had just telegraphed to Berlin to obtain, his view being that there had never been any rupture of diplomatic relations as had been strikingly proved by the fact that a new German Minister had been appointed. His Nr. 12468. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Gesandten in Peking. Gestattet die Verhandlungen unter Vorbehalt. Foreign Office, September 27, 1900. Grofs (Telegraphic.) || With reference to your telegram of the 23rd September, Nr. 12468. if the powers of Prince Ching and Li Hung-chang are deemed sufficient and britannien. on clear understanding that negotiations are purely preliminaries for reference 27.Sept. 1900. Nr. 12468. Governments, you are authorized, in conjunction with your colleagues, to britannien. commence negotiations with them. || As regards addition to the list of Pleni27.Sept.1900. potentiaries of Viceroys at Nanking, Wuchang, and Foochow, if you and your colleagues think this desirable, no objection will be raised here. Nr. 12469. Nr. 12469. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Gesandte in Peking an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Antwort auf Nr. 12465. Peking, September 29, 1900. (September 29.) (Telegraphic.) | With reference to your Lordship's telegram of the britannien. 26th September, I have the honour to answer the two questions as follows:- || 29.Sept. 1900. 1. It is quite possible to designate the guilty with certainty, and is likely that the list of each of my colleagues would be identical with the others. 2. Prince Tuan being one of the chief offenders, and seeming to be de facto the Chinese Government at the present time, it will be most difficult to seize the guilty. Nr. 12470. Nr. 12470. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Foreign Office, September 29, 1900. (Telegraphic.) || I have replied to the Russian Circular of the 15th SepGrofs- tember in the following manner:- || 1. That the present moment did not seem 29.Sept. 1900. to me opportune for the withdrawal to Tien-tsin of Her Majesty's Minister. || britannien. 2. That I could not myself give any decided opinion in regard to the sufficiency of the full powers of Li Hung-chang and Prince Ching; in the event, however, of other Powers being satisfied, Her Majesty's Government would not, on their part, be inclined to make any objections in the matter. || 3. I said that there did not appear to me to be any reason why negotiations of a merely preliminary character should not be commenced with the Chinese Plenipotentiaries immediately, if the full powers held by Prince Ching and Li Hung-chang were ascertained to be sufficient for the purpose. Aktenstücke zur Geschichte des Südafrikan. 1. Verhandlungen zwischen Roberts und Botha über eine Waffenruhe. Juni 1900. Nr. 12471. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Oberbefehlshaber in Südafrika an L. Botha, den Kommandeur der Transvaaltruppen. Fordert ihn zur Niederlegung der Waffen auf. Head-quarters of the British Army in South Africa, Zwartzkoppies, near Pretoria, 12th June, 1900. Grofs Your Honour, || I address these few lines in the hope that they may have Nr. 12471. the effect of inducing your Honour, in the cause of humanity, to refrain from britannien. further resistance. The British force under my command so greatly exceeds 12. Juni 1900. the Boer army in numbers that, although the war may be prolonged for a few more weeks, there can be but one result. After the gallant struggle your Honour and the force under your command have made, there can be no question of loss of honour should you decide to accept the counsel I now venture to proffer. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most faithfully, Republik. Your Excellency, || In answer to your letter of yesterday wherein your Nr. 12472. Excellency advises me, in the interests of humanity, not to continue this Südafrikan. strife any longer to your Army as your force exceeds ours so greatly in 13. Juni 1900. numbers, I wish to give your Excellency the assurance that the subject is receiving my serious consideration. However, for the purpose of arriving at a decision, it is not only absolutely necessary for me to call a General Council of War of my Officers and to consult them, but above all it is necessary for me to consider the subject with my Government. I trust that *) Anmerkung. Blaubücher Cd. 461, 528. |