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" V. The extradition shall not take place if, subsequently to the commission of the crime, or the institution of the penal prosecution, or the conviction thereon, exemption from prosecution or punishment has been acquired by lapse of time, according to... "
Das Staatsarchiv: Sammlung der offiziellen Aktenstücke zur Aussenpolitik der ... - Page 3
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Hertslet's Commercial Treaties: A Collection of Treaties and ..., Volume 24

Great Britain. Foreign Office - Commercial treaties - 1907 - 1436 pages
...deferred until the conclusion of the trial and the full execution of any punishment awarded to him. V. — The extradition shall not take place if, subsequently...thereon, exemption from prosecution or punishment has baen acquired by lapse of time, according to the laws of the State applied to. VI. — A fugitive shall...
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British and Foreign State Papers

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Great Britain - 1914 - 1184 pages
...discharged, whether by acquittal or on expiration of sentence. V. Extradition shall not te granted if exemption from prosecution or punishment has been...lapse of time, according to the laws of the State applied to. Neither shall it be granted in the case of persons convicted by default or otherwise, unless...
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Amtliche Sammlung der Bundesgeseze und Verordnungen der ..., Volume 5

Switzerland - Session laws - 1882 - 1034 pages
...verfolgte Article XII. The extradition shall not take place if, subsequently to the cotnmission of tue crime, or the Institution of the penal prosecution,...exemption from prosecution or punishment has been acquired according to the laws of the State applied to. Article XIII. The extradition shall not take place if...
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Parliamentary Papers, Volume 54

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - Bills, Legislative - 1852 - 554 pages
...shall not take place if, since the commission of the acts charged, the accusation, or the conviction, exemption from prosecution or punishment has been...acquired by lapse of time, according to the laws of the country where the accused shall have taken refuge. ARTICLE VII. Le preVenu ou le condamne dont 1'extradition...
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A Treatise Upon the Law of Extradition: With the Conventions Upon the ...

Sir Edward Clarke - Extradition - 1867 - 214 pages
...shall not take place if, since the commission of the acts charged, the accusation, or the conviction, exemption from prosecution or punishment has been...acquired by lapse of time, according to the laws of the country where the accused shall have taken refuge. ARTICLE IX. If the individual claimed should be...
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Nouveau recueil général de traités, conventions et autres ..., Volume 19

Georg Friedrich Martens, Frédéric Murhard, Karl Murhard, J. Pinhas, Karl Friedrich Lucian Samwer, Julius Hopf - Europe - 1874 - 774 pages
...until the conclusion of the trial, and the full execution of any punishment awarded to him. Art. V. The extradition shall not take place if, subsequently...prosecution or punishment has been acquired by lapse of tiinc, according to the laws of the State applied to. Art. VI. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered...
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Orders in Council: Proclamations, Departmental Regulations, &c. Having Force ...

Canada. Privy Council - Administrative law - 1874 - 526 pages
...of the trial, and the full execution of any punishment awarded to him. ARTICLE V. The, exlra-lition shall not take place if, subsequently to the commission...prosecution, or the conviction thereon exemption from pros cution or punishment has been acquired by lapse of time, according to the laws of the State applied...
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Parliamentary Papers, Volume 76

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - Bills, Legislative - 1874 - 590 pages
...have been awarded. ARTICLE V. The extradition shall also not take place if, after the perpetration of the crime, or the institution of the penal prosecution, or the conviction thereon, the refugee shall have acquired exemption from prosecution, or punishment, by lapse of time, according...
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A Treatise Upon the Law of Extradition

Sir Edward Clarke - Extradition - 1874 - 408 pages
...have been awarded. ARTICLE V. The extradition shall also not take place if, after the perpetration of the crime, or the institution of the penal prosecution, or the conviction thereon, the refugee shall have acquired exemption from prosecution or punishment by lapse of time according...
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