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Abel, Dr. Donaldson's theories concerning, 229.
Adalbert, Archbishop of Brevain, 7.
Adrian, Pope, 42.

Affre, Monseigneur, enforces sacred eloquence,
443-extract from his pastoral, 458.

Alexander, Pope, excommunicated the coun-
cillors of Henry IV., 7.

Audin, his account of the labours of the
monks, 16.

Arabia, Geography of, 81.

Arts the, state of in England, 330-flourished
under the care of the Church, 331.

Athanasius, St., concerning Sabellianism, 409.
Augustine, St., concerning preaching, 435-M.
Hamon's work developes his instructions, 440.
Azeglio, Marquis de, maintains the right to vio-
late the Concordat, 174.

Barbara, the Empress, 12.
Belknap, 359.

Bishops, Catholic, in the reign of Richard II.

spoke under compulsion, 365-frequently
murdered in the dark ages, 367.

Bohemia, history of, 9-dissensions between
and Austria, 9-ibid., 10.
Books, notices of, 272-490.

Boniface VIII., Pope, his licences to the clergy
to study, 341.

Boyle, Rev. Mr., history of his dismissal from
Islington, 148-of the grounds of his action,
150-supported by Protestants, 153.
Bread, adulteration of, 65.

Brewster, Sir David, his biography of Sir Isaac
Newton, 273, 277.

Brief, the, of "Dominus ac Redemptor," 134.
Bunsen, M., his new work of Christianity and

Mankind, 387-divided into three parts, ib.,
his bias against Pope Callistus, 390.
Burton, Mr., his pilgrimage to Meccah and
Medinah, 76-original purpose of his journey,
80-preparation for his disguise, 82-obtain-
ing his Turkish passport, 85-his equipment,
86-his practice as a doctor, 88-his pilgrim-
ship, 90-his arrival at Medinah, 93-and life
there, 94.

Burnett prize Essays, 483.

Cardinal Wiseman, his Lecture addressed to the

St. James's Young Men's Society, 462--on the
nature of an inaugural address, 463-what
an inaugural address ought not to be, 465-on
the one-sided view of history taken by Lord
John Russell, 467--facts cited on the Catholic
side, 471-remarks on the literature recom-
mended by Lord John Russell, 475.
Cardinal Wiseman, action brought against him,
146 reasons for his letter to the Univers,
150-his justification at the trial, 153-plain-
tiff's desire to put him in the box, 153-the
non-suit set aside, 156-second trial, 157-
verdict set aside, 158-third trial, 160-com-
promised, 161-review of the case, 162.
Callistus, Pope, charge of heresy against him,


389-its eager acceptance, 390-what his
opinions were on the Trinity, so far as they
can be gathered, 398, 400, 402-in his turn
charges Hippolytus with false doctrine, 399-
this counter statement kept out of sight by
Protestants, ib.-charges against him exam-
ined, 400-perversions of his meaning, 407.
Caravan of pilgrims, arrival of, 101.
Cavour, Count de, 165.

Cerethi, no proof that they were Cretans, 207.
Chamber of Deputies in the Sardinian states,

Charles V., the Emperor, convenes the Diet of
Worms, 39-does not seek to repress heresy,
42-pursues his schemes of aggrandisement,
43-appeals to a general council, ib.-assumes
all authority in religious affairs, 46-receives
the confession of Augsburg, 46-continuation
of his career, 49-review of his conduct, 51.
Charles III. of Spain, his treatment of the
Jesuits, 127.

Chaucer, his Canterbury Tales, 378-extract
from his other poems, 379.

Cherubim, etymology of the word, 221.

Chois ul, Duc de, 121-his letter to the Cardi-
nal de Bernis, 131.

Church, the, hers the glory of rising liberty,
332-its contests with the crown, 333-coun-
selled the Magna Charta, ib.-of necessity in-
terferes with temporalities, 335-Charters
which exist, proving the Church's struggle
for liberty, 337-her grievances identical with
those of the people, 347.

Church, Catholic, evils existing in it to be ascrib-
ed to secular interference, 3-despoiled and
controlled by the civil power, 9-spoliations
perpetrated upon her, 46.

Church of England, strains at a gnat and swal-
lows a camel, 201.

Catholic in France, her especial need of
sacred eloquence, 442-has changed her sys-
tem in teaching it, ib.

Clement XIII., his character, 120-his firm sup-
port of the Jesuits, 127.

Clement XIV., circumstances of his election,
127-the conflict and distress he underwent,
129-publishes his Brief, "Dominus ac Re-
demptor," 134-justice done him by Pere Ra-
vignan, 139.

Clergy, Norman, their superiority in literature,
340-ignorant clergy appointed by the Nor-
man sovereigns, 341-Saxon very ignorant,
342-character of them in Edward III.'s times,
371-their munificence, 372.

Coffee, adulterations of, 72.
Commission, the Devon, 298.
Committee of Ordainers-how composed, 347.
Concordats, obligation on governments to keep
them. 176.

Concordat with Austria, 415-gives freedom to
the Bishops, 418-and to education, 419-gives
to the clergy censorship of the press, 421-
authority in marriages, 422-to the bishops


power of ecclesiastical censures, 423-conces-
sions of the Church concerning temporalities,
424-right of sanctuary and respect for the
clergy, 425-episcopal seminaries to be main-
tained, ib.-admits the right of the Pope to
form diocesses, and other provisions, the oath
of allegiance, 426-regulates the filling up of
benefices, 427-error in Protestant translation
of, 427-allows liberty for new monastic
orders, 429-regulates ecclesiastical property,

Council of Trent, assembled, 55, 57.

Curry power, 69.

Dervish The, 83.

Dionysius of Alexandria, 409-a parallel be-
tween him and Pope Callistus' case, 421.
Dollinger, Dr. 26, 58.

Donaldson, Dr., 202-danger of the work he has
published 203-analysis of the work, 205-
his.evidences of what ought to constitute any
fragment as part of the Book Jashar,' 210-
divides the Book of Genesis into two frag-
ments, 215-his history of the fall, which he
interprets as a myth, 217-his opinions of
evil spirits, 218-reproves St. Paul, ib.-his
definition of the Prince of this world,' 219-
of the personal holiness of our Lord, 220-his
ideas of the holy angels, 221-his denial of
their existence affects the relations of the
New Testament, 224-his notions of Scripture
Genealogy, 227-his views of the Deluge, 232
-denies that Christ recognized sacrifices, 234
-his falsification of Scripture, 235, 238, 241-
his comments on the books of the New Testa-
ment, 242-his definition of the inspiration of
the Scriptures, 242-his letter answering the
'Morning Herald,' 243.

Economy, domestic changes in, 60.

Edward I., King, judges first shew jealousy of
the papal provisions, 344.

Edward the Confessor, king, his laws, 334.
Edward II., King, swears to observe the laws of

the Confessor, 346-intercedes with the Pope
for his favourite, ib -his jealousy of the Pope,
348-atrocities of his age, 349-his appoint-
ments of bishops, 351.

Edward III., king, his age, 328-popular no-
tions of, 331-his encroachments upon the
Church, 337-conclusion of his career, 352--
statute of provisors. 343-painful circum-
stances of his accession, 353-his policy at
home and abroad, ib.-curious case occurring
in his reign, 356-statute of provisors of
benefices, 357-case under it, 358, 362, 363.
Elector of Saxony refuses to receive Tetzel,
30, 31, 34, 35.
Eloquence, Sacred, treatises upon, 433-instruc-
tions given in it in Catholic colleges, 440-
study of, how far necessary or practicable in
Ireland, 449-course of instruction in it pur-
sued at Mechlin, 450-proposed system for
acquiring it at colleges, 453-natural elo-
quence of the Irish clergy, 460.

Ely, Bishop of, 366.

Emperors, German, owed their title to the
Popes, 5.

Emperor of Austria has given freedom to
the Church, 418, 432.

Food, investigation of different articles, 63.
Franzoni, Archbishop of Turin, 169.
Frankenberg, Cardinal de, 420.

Friars, Franciscan, 372-instances of their
learning, 373.

Galileo, treatment of him by the Inquisition,
Gascoigne, Chief Justice, heroism in braving the
king's wrath rather than try Archbishop
Scrope, under Henry IV., 367.

Genesis, book of, different theories for dividing
it, 215.

Girls, no reformatory Catholic school for them,

Gosselin, his testimony in favour of the Holy
See, 3, 5, 6, 8.

Guelphs and Ghibellines, origin of the par-
ties,, 8.

Hamon, M. his treatise on preaching, 434-com-
parison between it and the instructions of St.
Augustine, 435-analysis of his work, 444—
given subjects for sermons, 447-rules for
the construction of a sermon, ib.

Hassall, Dr., his investigations upon food, 62.
Henry IV., king of England, his murder of
Archbishop Scrope, 367.

Henry IV. of Germany, his character, 6.
Hippolytus, opinions ascribed to him by Ban-
sen, 392-an opponent of the Monarchian
heresy, 395-his first charge against Callistus
one of duplicity, ib.-secondly, charges him
with heresy concerning the Trinity, 396-
admits that Callistus carries with him the
great body of the Church, 398-himself lia-
ble to the charge of heresy, 404-imputes to
him two opposite errors, 406.
Huss, John, 10,

Indulgences, sale of, reason why all heretics
commenced by an attack upon them, II-
proclamation of the sale of them by Leo, 27.
Ireland, uncultivated land in, 296.
Irish the, their extermination often attempted,
290-their emigration, 292-results of it in
America, 293-where they would be best
located, 294-no real necessity for their emi-
grating, 296-their numbers formerly much
greater, 296.

Italy, nearly all belonged to the Popes, 5.

Jansenism, 117, 238,

Jasher, Book of, meaning of the title, 203-
Dr. Donaldson ascribes the authorship to
Solomon, 206-only valid argument for this
theory, 212-his supposed contents of the
second part, 226-third part, 233-fourth
part, 234-fifth part, sixth section, 240.
Jeffrey, 253.

Jesuits, the, 114-league against them, ib.-
their sufferings in Portugal, 123-persecu
tion of them in France, 124 their banish-
ment, 125-intrigues against them at Rome,
130-their conduct after the brief dispersing
the society, 135- charge brought against
them of decline in learning, 142-its refuta-
tion, ib.-their present condition and increase,

Job, book of, 213-on what account unnoticed
in Dr. Donaldson's work, 214.

Joseph II. Emperor, 413-system which he es-
tablished, 415-perverted the education of the
clergy, 420.

Judges, the, their animosity to the Church, 344
-subservient to the Crown, 354.
Julius II. Pope, 21.

[blocks in formation]

Land, area of, in Ireland, 267-how disposed
of, ib.-great advantage of reclaiming what
is now waste, 301-is being turned from til-
lage, 304-lands waste in Ireland, the re-
claiming them should be taken from the
Landlords, 302-authorities for this, ib.
Landlords, Irish, 302.

Langham, Archbishop, 350.

Lancaster, Thomas Earl of, consequence of his
murder, 348.

Langland, our earliest English poet, 373, 375.
Langton, Bishop, 345, 349.

Langton, John, 346.

Level, the Bedford, system of, 308.

Leo, Pope, cites Luther to Rome, 37-his efforts
to put a stop to the heresy, 138-publication
of his bull against Luther, 39.

Lingard, Dr. 328-his history of Edward; II.'s
reign, 347- false summary of his character,
351-errors, 360, 363.

Libel, law of, 158.

Literature, English, how much owing to the
Catholic Church, 374.

Locke, his letters on toleration, 475.

Louis XV. King of France, his treatment of the
Jesuits, 123.

Luther, followed the footsteps of Huss, 12-why
he was needed,' 15-his character, 21-his
impressions of Rome, ib.-erroneous views of
Dr. Dollinger concerning him, 26-the mo-
tives for the 'propositions' with which he at-
tacked Tetzel, 30-his ruffianly language and
artful policy, 33-his extreme caution, 39, 40
-his reward in emancipation from his vows,
41-establishes his new religion in Saxony,
51-his character, 59.

Martin, V. Pope, 12-character of the reforms
he effected, 13.

Marriage, different views entertained of it in
England and Sardinia, 186.

Maximilian, the Emperor, 24-his encourage-

ment of Luther, 36-his hypocritical letter
to the Pope, 38.

Maynard, the Abbè, upon Jesuit teaching, 142.
Mecca, 76.

Medinah 76-meaning of the name, 82-its holy
places, 95-number of pilgrims to it, 101-
character of its people, 105-their manners,


Milton, his views on toleration, 476-on prelacy,

Mohammed, tomb of, 96, 100.

Monino, ambassador of Spain to the Pope, 133.
Monks, the, their translations of Scriptures, 19.
Monasteries, destruction of, in Germany, 48.
Mustard, adulteration of, 63.

Newton, Sir Isaac, 275-entertained Unitarian
opinions, ib.--whether he was insane at any
time, 276, 282-his controversy with Flam-
steed, 279-fluxionary controversy, 280-his
character, 284, 289 comparison of, with
Bacon, 285.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Pius IV., Pope, continues the Church reforms,
55-reassembles the Council of Trent, 55.

Pius IX, his letters to King Victor Emmanuel,
explaining his refusal to dismiss the Sardinian
bishops, 172-his allocution on the affairs of
Sardinia, 184-opens negotiations and makes
concessions, 185,

Pickles, adulteration of, 66.

Platt, Mr. Baron, anecdote of, 156-his behaviour
on Cardinal Wiseman's trial, 157.

Placet attached by sovereigns to a Bull of the
Pope, 417-when applied, ib.-evils of the
system, ib.

Popes, the, universally in the right in their con-
tests with secular princes, 3-testimony to
this fact of Protestant historians, 4-efforts to
reform abuses, 18, 25-have always held the
Catholic medium in doctrines, 412.

mixed character universally recognised
in them, 176-efforts of the secular powers
to wrest from them the patronage of the
Church, 340.

Politics, general aspect of, at Luther's coming,

[blocks in formation]

Queens of Sardinia-their deaths, 195.

Ranke, his history of the Popes, 3, 8, 13, 15, 42,
44, 47, 52, 58.

Ravignan, Père de, his times of Clement XIII.
and XIV., 110--extract describing the suffer-
ings of the Jesuits, 136.

Ratazzi, colleague of Cavour, 166.

Reformation, the Protestant, in what degree jus-
tified by abuses in the Church, 1-true cha-
racter of, 8-its progress in Germany, 11, 49-
its only object spoliation, 47-triumphs at the
third Diet of Augsburg, 50.

Religion, state of, at the time of Luther's com-
ing, 15.

Richard II., king, passed a statute directed
against the Holy See 365-anecdote of his
times, 366.

Russell, Lord John, his Lecture on the Obstacles
which have retarded Moral and Political Pro-
gress, 466-his one-sided view of history, 467-
literature recommended by him, 475.

Sabellius, chief of the Monarchian heresy, 395.
Sacrifices of the Old Law, recognized by Christ,

Sardinian States, religious condition of, 165—

mode of packing the chambers, 167-minis-
ters oppose the Church, in order to keep
their places, 169-spread of secret socie-
ties, ib.
Sardinian government, intrigued against the
Pope during his exile, 170-stratagems used,
171-commit violence against the Archbishop
of Cagliari, 173--propose the Siccardi law, ib.
-persecute the Archbishop of Turin, 179,
183-persecute the priest who obeyed his
orders, 181-sends illusory missions to Rome,
183-pass a law to abolish tithes, 184-further
aggressions, 186-demand to reform the tem-
poral property of the clergy, 190-bill for the
suppression of monastic orders, 191-acts of
spoliation, 190-introduce the convents' bill,
193-what advantage is gained by all these
proceedings, 197.

Santa Rosa, Count, is desired to profess peni-

tence for passing the Siccardi law, 180-is re-
fused absolution on his refusal, ib.
Science, as opposed to Scripture, 229-letter in
the Times' concerning, 231.
Scripture, books of, quoted by Christ, 236-the
writings of Moses, 239.

Scrope, Archbishop, his death, 367-King Henry
punished for it, 368.

Schools, reformatory, 312-acts establishing
them, 314-how they affect Catholics, 315-
inducements to promote them, 318-efforts
made, 320-reformatory act, two amendments
desirable in, 322-mode of employment in,
323-schools for innocent children preferable,
324-means for maintaining them, 326.
See, the Holy, had no power to prevent the
corruptions which are alleged to have arisen
in the Church, 4, 7, 371-is blamed at the
same time for the existence of abuses, and for
its contests to prevent thein, ib.-always
plundered by secular princes, 13-its exer-
tion to reform abuses rendered powerless
by secular patronage. 17-efforts made by
its Pontiffs for the reformation of the Church,
53, 54-thwarted by the Spanish prelates, 55
-introduces new life into the Church in Ger-
many, 57-is nowhere a foreign power, 177
-controlled by English laws, 370-not re-
sponsible for mistakes amongst the clergy,


Shepherd, the Good, convent of, whether they
could undertake a reformatory school for
girls, 322.

Siccardi, Count, his bill, 173-a violation of five
concordats, 179.

Skipwith, Judge, 354.

Smith, the Rev. Sidney, his parentage, 245-his
horse calamity, 246-his career, 248-points
of resemblance to Johnson, 250-notions of
Scotland, ib.-his marriage, 258-got the
living of Foston-le-Clay, 261-anecdotes, ib.-
exchanges for Combe Florey, 265-of Edmon-
ton, 268.

Spain offers the most desirable spot for Irish
emigration, 295.

Statute of provisors of benefices, 357, 359, 360,

Stratford, John de, his conduct to king Edward
II., 349, 353.

Tea, adulterations of, 70.

Tetzel, his mode of proclaiming indulgences, 29
-his death, 37.

Theiner, Fr. his life of Clement XIV., 109, 110,
140- mis-statements, 141.

Thompson, Mr., his Essay on Christian Theism,
waste lands, 307.
Thoresby, John, 355.

Mr., upon the reclamation of

Thorpe, Robert de, 356, 361.
Trithemius, 18.

Trinity, the, different opinions concerning from
the days of Cerinthus, 394.

Turin, Archbishop of, proceedings against him,
179-is arbitrarily exiled, 183.

Ulster, province of, 300.
Urban VI. Pope, 18.

Van Espen, Belgian canonist, 420.

Van Hemel, M., his Precis de Rhetorique Sacra,
449-professor of eloquence at Mechlin, 456-
his first course, ib.-his second, 451-as pur-
sued at Mechlin, 458-his work sanctioned by
the archbishop, 461.

Visions of Pierce Plowman, 375-curious pro-
phecy contained in it, 376.
Voltaire, 120.

Waste Lands, necessity for reclaiming them,
305-authorities for this, ib.-what measures
should be adopted for this purpose, 308, 309,

Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia, 10, 11.
Winchester, Bishop of, 355.

Wickliffe, 374-his reckless calumnies, 377.
Wiseman, Cardinal, action brought against him,



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