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XII. Les arrérages des pensions et allocations sont payables trimestriellement et à terme échu, les 1" mars, 1" juin, 1" septembre et 1" décembre.

La part de pension à la charge de chaque pays est payée: (a.) Aux pensionnés résidant sur son territoire suivant la procédure en usage pour ses nationaux.

(b.) Aux pensionnés résidant dans l'autre pays au moyen d'un mandat-poste international émis sur la production par les intéressés d'un certificat de vie établi par les autorités compétentes de leur pays de résidence et portant quittance.

Les frais de mandat sont déduits du montant des arrérages à payer.

En ce qui concerne les ouvriers résidant en Belgique, le payement des arrérages à la charge des organismes francais pourra toutefois être effectué par l'intermédiaire des caisses régionales belges. Les payements ainsi effectués seront centralisés par le fonds national des retraites des ouvriers mineurs belges qui en sera couvert par la caisse autonome dans les quinze jours qui suivront la réception des acquits donnés par les intéressés justifiant la dépense.

TITRE V.-Dispositions diverses.

XIII. La caisse autonome de retraites des ouvriers mineurs pour la France, le fonds national de retraites des ouvriers mineurs pour la Belgique correspondent directement pour tout ce qui concerne l'exécution des dispositions lu présent arrangement.

Les correspondances et les formules imprimées de toute nature seront rédigées en langue française.

En foi de quoi les soussignés, dùment autorisés à cet effet. ont dressé le présent arrangement.

Fait, en double exemplaire, à Paris, le 7 novembre 1922


DECLARATION by France and Belgium providing !! the Abolition of the Legalisation of Extracts from the Cir Registers.--Brussels, November 29, 1922.*

LE Gouvernement de la République française et le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, voulant supprimer la légalisation des extraits d'actes de l'état civi délivrés dans l'un de ces pays et destinés à être produits dans l'autre, quel que soit l'usage auquel ils sont destinés, sunt ronvenus de ce qui suit:

ART. 1". Les extraits d'actes de l'état civil échangés entre

* French " Journal officiel," December 14, 1922

France et la Belgique ne devront plus être munis de la galisation à la condition qu'ils soient certifiés conformes par le dépositaire des registres ou son délégué, revêtus du sceau de l'administration municipale de la localité où ils ont été dressés ou du sceau du tribunal par le greffe duquel ils ont été délivrés et sous réserve que leur authenticité ne puisse étre mise en doute.

2. La présente déclaration entrera en vigueur le 1" janvier 1923.

En foi de quoi, les soussignés, savoir: M. Herbette, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire de la République française près Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, et M. Henri Jaspar, Ministre des Affaires étrangères de Belgique, dument autorisés à cet effet, ont signé la présente Déclaration qu'ils ont revêtue de leur cachet.

Fait à Bruxelles, en double exemplaire, le 29 novembre 1922.

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AGREEMENT between the French and German Governments concerning the Application of Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles regarding Deliveries in Kind.Wiesbaden, October 6, 1921.*


WITH a view to facilitating the reconstruction of the devastated regions, the French and German Governments have agreed to approve and carry out the provisions of the enclosed Memorandum and of its Annex.

It is understood that in the event of any discrepancy between the French and German texts of the Protocol, the Memorandum and its Annex, the French text will be authentic.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorised by their respective Governments, have signed the present Protocol and initialled the above-mentioned Memorandum and its Annex.

Given in two copies at Wiesbaden, this 6th day of October, 1921.




October 6, 1921.

The German Government has expressed its earnest desire to participate in the reconstruction of the devastated Parliamentary Paper, "Cmd. 1547.”


regions by delivering the greatest possible amount of plant and materials.

The French Government took note of this offer. but replied that the law of the 17th April, 1919, relating to the reparation of war damages, did not allow it to impose upon the French ⚫ sinistrés any definite utilisation of their funds, and that in consequence the present Memorandum could in no way supersede this law.

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The following has therefore been agreed:

I. There shall be formed in Germany an organisme de droit privé" for the delivery of plant and materials that may be required by the French "sinistrés" grouped in s manner to be deterinined later by the French Government

The enclosed Annex fixes the rules which shall be followed by these organisations in regard to the fixing of prices and the methods of settling for such goods.

II. The German Government declares that if, contrary to the argument that it advanced before the Committee of Guarantees, the Reparation Commission should decide tha the deliveries made in execution of the obligations under Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles are to be included in the exports referred to in Articles 4 and 7 of the Schedule of Payments, it will be unable to execute the provisions of the present Memorandum and its Annex unless the provisions of Articles 6 and 7 of the Schedule of Payments are applied to the deliveries referred to in the present Memorandun. with the following modifications:

The levy of 26 per cent. mentioned in Article 4 and that of 25 per cent. mentioned in Article 7 shall be made in th course of any year whatsoever during the period of the application of the present Memorandum and its Annex. that part only of the value of the deliveries credited to Germany and debited to France during the same year.

The balance of the levy shall be paid by Germany easi year as from the 1st May, 1926, at the rate of 26 per cent and 25 per cent. respectively on the sums credited to her during the said year in connection with these deliveries.

In other words, the deliveries effected in application of the provisions of the present memorandum shall only be included each year in the total German exports, for the execution of Articles 4 and 7 of the Schedule of Payments pari passu with their payment.

As this question is exclusively within the competence the Reparation Commission and the Committee: Guarantees, it shall be submitted to them by the German Government. The French Government will support the German request before these two organisations.

III. The French Government will submit to the approval of the Reparation Commission any other provisions of the

present Memorandum and of its Annex that may concern the Commission.

IV. The deliveries prescribed in Annexes III, V and VI to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles will be continued in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Treaty.

The French Government declares that, in so far as it is concerned, it is prepared to accept the application of the procedure laid down in the present Memorandum and Annex, by analogy with the provisions of Article 8 of the Schedule of Payments, in so far as it will ensure the satisfactory delivery of plant and materials required in the reconstruction of the devastated regions and subject to the definite orders placed under Annex IV prior to the signing of the present document; these orders shall continue to be executed in conformity with the procedure of Annex IV.

The French Government, however, reserves the right to revert wholly or partially to this procedure, if it think fit, by giving notice one year in advance; also, by giving notice. to the French Government one year in advance, not before the 1st May, 1923, the German Government may denounce the arrangements concluded by virtue of the present Memorandum, with a view to reverting to the procedure of Annex IV and Article 8 of the Schedule of Payments.

If, on the initiative of either Government, the procedure of Annex IV and Article 8 of the Schedule of Payments be reverted to, the German Government waives the right to claim any prescription whatsoever, in so far as the execution of Annex IV is concerned, in regard to the time limits on account of the periods that have run during the application of the present Memorandum.

The provisions of Article 8 of the Schedule of Payments which do not concern the restoration of the devastated regions are not affected by the present memorandum and its Annex.

V. The French and German Governments agree to take the measures necessary to exempt the organisations whose creation is provided for in paragraph I of the present Memorandum from stamp duties, registration fees and similar taxes that might be due in connection with the deeds which they will have to draw up between them in execution of the enclosed Annex.

VI. The French Government undertakes to adopt the necessary measures to ensure that the deliveries of plant and materials made in application of the present Memorandum and its Annex are applied only to the reconstitution of the devastated regions.

VII. The application if necessary of paragraph 18 of Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles shall not constitute an obstacle to the crediting of Germany, in the

form prescribed in Article VI of the Annex to the present Memorandum, of the sums due from F to A.

In the same way, the stocks of goods which the private organisation mentioned in Article I may have accumulated in France with a view to possible deliveries and the funds which this organisation may have constituted in France in view of the execution of the provisions of the Annex to the present Memorandum cannot be seized by virtue of the said paragraph 18.


AGREEMENT between F*

of the one part,

And A

of the second part,

It has been agreed as follows:

ART. I. A undertakes to deliver to F, at the request of the latter. all plant and materials compatible with the productive capacity of Germany, her supply of raw materials and her domestic requirements, in so far as essential to the maintenance of her social and economic life, such deliveries to begin with the signing of the Protocol to which the present contract is annexed..

The present contract shall not, however. include the products prescribed in Annexes III, V, and VI to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles.

The aggregate value of the deliveries to be made by Germany to France in execution of Annexes III. V and VI, and of the deliveries to be made by 1 to F in execution of the present contract. shall n exceed 7 milliard gold marks during the period the 1st October, 1927, to the 1st May, 1926.

II. Upon the signing of the present contract a Commission shall be created consisting of three members, one French and one German. to be nominated at the request of F and 4 by their respective Governments and a third member to be selected by common agreement between the two Governments, whose mandate shall be limited to one year. Failing an agreement in regard to the choice of this third member. he shall be nominated by the President of the Swiss Confederation for the time being. The Commission may secure the services, in a consultative capacity, of such experts as it may deem necessary.

The cost of this Commission and of its services shall be paid by 4. but debited to F to the extent of 50 per cent.

The Commission shall arbitrate all disputes that may arise between the two parties in connection with reasonable capacity of 4 to satisfy the requirements of F, special account being taken of the provisions of

Article I.

It shall settle all questions of prices in accordance with the con ditions laid down by Articles IV and V of the present contract. It shall settle all differences between F and 4. particularly in regard to transportation, delivery, reception, &c., and, in a general way, to the interpretation of the present contract.

The decisions of the Commission shall be final.

III. All goods shall be of good and marketable quality, in accord ance with the specifications upon which the orders are based. the orders being placed under the conditions and subject to the reser tions laid down in Articles I and II.

In the absence of any special agreements. transportation shall be effected by the method of transport and in conformity with the

F represents the French sinistrés" in general and 4 the German company referred to in paragraph I of the Memorandum.

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