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tember 1718, or of any other fubfequent orders, at the time before the war was declared between the two crowns, or after it was declared, be fpeedily reftored in their fame kind, as to those which shall be still in being; or, if they are not, the juft and true value of them at the time that they were feized; the valuation whereof, if, by omiffion or neglect, it was not then made, fhall be adjusted according to the authentic informations that the owners fhall produce before the ordinary magiftrates of the towns and places where the faid effects fhall have been feized. And it is certain, that the orders of his Catholic Majefty (although they directed, that inventories of thofe goods and effects should be made and drawn up, and accounts and declarations should be kept) have not, however, been executed in that manner in several places, it has been agreed, that if the proprietors make it appear, by legal proofs, informations, and other documents, that any of them have been omitted in the faid inventories, his Catholic Majefty will give exprefs orders, that the value of thofe things which fhall have been omitted, be paid by the treasurers or other perfons, through whofe neglect fuch omiffions shall have been made.

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IV. It is mutually agreed, that his Britannic Majefty fhall give order to his governors, officers, and other ministers, to whom it fhall belong, to cause to be reftored all the goods and effects of the fubjects of his Catholic Majefty, which they fhall prove to have been seized and confifcated in the dominions of his Britannic Majefty, upon occafion of the last war; in the fame manner as it has been fettled in the foregoing article, in favour of the fubjects of his Britannic Majefty.

V. It is also agreed, that his Britannic Majesty shall cause to be restored to his Catholic Majefty all the ships of the Spanish fleet, which were taken by that of England, in the naval battle that was fought in the month of Auguft 1718, in the feas of Sicily; with

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the guns, fails, rigging, and other equipage, in the condition they are at prefent; or elfe the value of those which may have been fold, at the fame price that the purchasers fhall have given, according to the proofs and vouchers and for the execution of this reftitution, his Britannic Majefty fhall caufe the proper orders to be dispatched, immediately after the ratification of this treaty. It is alfo declared, that the other pretenfions that there may be, on both fides, between the two crowns, concerning matters whereof there is no mention made in the prefent treaty, and which are not comprehended in the fecond article hereof, fhall be treated of at the approaching congrefs of Cambray.

VI. The prefent treaty fhall have its effect immediately after it fhall have been mutually ratified; and the letters of ratification fhall be exchanged in fix weeks after the figning, or fooner, if poffible; deferring its publication till the general peace fhall have been concluded at the congrefs of Cambray, between all the parties concerned; or till their Britannic and Catholic Majefties fhall have particularly agreed upon


In witness whereof, we the under-written minifters plenipotentiaries of his Britannic Majefty and his Catholic Majefty, being furnished with our full powers, which have been mutually communicated, and copies whereof fhall be here under tranfcribed, have figned the prefent treaty, and affixed thereto the feals of our arms. Done at Madrid, the 13th of June, 1721.

(L. S.) William Stanhope:
(L. S.) El Marquis de Grimaldo.


Treaty of Defenfive Alliance, betwixt France, Spain, and Great Britain. At Madrid, June 13, 1721.

THE differences that have happened betwixt their Britannic and moft Chriftian Majefties on the one part, and his Catholic Majefty on the other, having not a little impaired the friendship which they always fhewed to one another, it has been a long time their ardent wish to re-establish the good correfpondence and fincere amity which ought to prevail among them, and which will always be the strongest fupport of the greatnefs to which God has raifed them, and the fureft means to preserve the public tranquillity, as well as the happiness and mutual advantages of their fubjects; and it is with a view to cement and corroborate, if poffible, thefe difpofitions, which are as conducive to the mutual glory and fecurity of their crowns, as they are conformable to the welfare and tranquillity of all Europe, that their Britannic, most Christian, and Catholic Majefties have refolved to unite in fo ftrict a manner, that they may act hereafter as if they had only the fame view, and the fame interest: and for this end the most Serene King of Great Britain, &c. having given full powers to treat in his name, to William Stanhope, Efq. colonel of a regiment of dragoons, a member of the parliament of Great Britain, and ambassador extraordinary from his Britannic Majefty to the court of the Catholic King; the most Serene the moft Chriftian King having given full powers, for the fame end, to John Baptift Lewis Andrault de Langeron, Marquis de Maulevrier, lieutenant-general of his armies, commander and grand croix of the military order of St. Louis, his envoy extraordinary to his Catholic Majefty; and the most Serene King of Spain having likewife granted his full powers, for the fame end, to Don Jofeph Grimaldo, knight of the order of St. Jago, governor of Rueira and Auzechal, a member of the council of the Indies, P 3 and

and his firft fecretary of state and the difpatches; they have agreed on the following articles.

I. There shall be hereafter and for ever a strict union and a fincere and lasting friendship between the most Serene King of Great Britain, the moft Serene the most Christian King, and the moft Serene King of Spain, their kingdoms and their fubjects, and inhabitants of the countries under their dominion; so that the injuries or damages fuffered during the war, to which an end has been put by the acceffion of the most Serene King of Spain to the treaties of London, dated the 2d of August 1718, fhall be buried in eternal oblivion, and that for the future each fhall take the fame care of one another's fafety as of his own, and not only inform his ally of the danger that may threaten him, but also oppose with all his power the injuries that may be done him.

II. In order to establish this union and correfpondence firmly, and to render it yet more advantageous to the crowns of their Britannic, moft Chriftian, and Catholic Majefties, they promise and engage by the present treaty of defensive alliances mutually to guaranty the kingdoms, provinces, ftates, and countries under each other's dominion, in what part of the world foever situate; so that if their Majefties are attacked, contrary to what was refolved on at the treaties of Utrecht and Baden, and contrary to the treaties of London, and the ftipulations which shall be made at Cambray, they fhall mutually affift one another till the difturbance is at an end, or till they are fatisfied, by the reparation of the damages which they fhall have fuffered.

III. In pursuance of the foregoing article, the maintenance and obfervation of the treaties of Utrecht, Baden, London, and of that which is to be made at Cambray, for putting an end to the differences that are to be decided betwixt the most Serene King of

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Spain and the Emperor, fhall be the chief aim of the prefent alliance. And to ftrengthen it the more, the moft Serene King of Great Britain, the most Serene the most Christian King, and the most Serene King of Spain, fhall by concert invite fuch Powers as they hall think fit to enter into the present treaty, for the common good, and for the preservation of the public tranquillity.

IV. If it happen (which God forbid) that, contrary to the faid treaties of Utrecht, Baden, London, or the ftipulations of those which shall be made at Cambray, their Britannic, most Christian, and Catholic Majefties fhould be attacked, or in any manner disturbed in the enjoyment of their kingdoms and countries, by any potentate, they promise and engage to employ their good offices, as foon as they fhall be required, in order to procure for the party attacked fatisfaction for the wrong done to him, and to hinder the aggreffor from continuing his hoftilities; and if it happen that his good offices be not fufficient to procure fuch reparation out of hand, their faid Majefties promise to furnish the following fuccours, jointly or feparately,


His Britannic Majefty, 8,000 foot, and 4,000 horse. His most Christian Majefty, 8,000 foot, and 4,000 horse.

His Catholic Majefty, 8,000 foot, and 4,000 horse.

If the party that happens to be attacked, defire men of war or transports, or even fubfidies in ready money, in the room of troops, in that cafe he fhall be at liberty to make his choice, and they fhall furnish him with the faid fhips or money in proportion to the expence of troops; and in order to prevent all occafion of doubt in the calculation of the faid expence, their Majefties agree that 1,000 foot fhall be fettled at 10,000 Dutch florins, and 1,000 horfe at 30,000 florins per month, obferving the fame proportion with regard to shipping: their faid Majefties promifing to continue and main

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