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paffport, figned by the King of Great Britain, or by the high admiral of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the form hereafter mentioned, the faid boat shall depart immediately, leaving fuch fhips to pursue their voyage freely and when it may happen, that any ship of war or privateer of the King of Great Britain, fhall meet any ship or veffel of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, or of his fubjects, on the captain of fuch ship fhewing a paffport from the governor of the city to which he belongs, with a certificate from the Englifh conful, or, in cafe of his death, or absence, from the major part of the English merchants refiding there; in fuch case, he shall be permitted to pursue his voyage without impediment or injury.

V. It is also agreed, that in cafe any fhips of war of the King of Great Britain, or of his fubjects, fhall come to any port, under the dominion of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, with prize-goods, they fhall be permitted to fell them without hinderance or imposition; and, in cafe any fquadron, or fingle fhip of war, or merchant ship, of his Majefty, fhall want provifions, victuals, or refreshments, it is hereby agreed, that they may buy them, in the quantity and quality they fhall have occafion for, at the current market-price, free of duties, or of any other gratuity.

VI. It is moreover agreed, that if any ship or other veffel belonging to his Britannic Majefty, or to his fubjects, shall, by misfortune, storm, or any other difafter whatsoever, be forced afhore, or wrecked, on any part of the dominions of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, fuch fhip or fhips, perfons, and goods, fhall be faithfully, and without the leaft damage or diminution, reftored and delivered to the conful, or any other person whom their owner fhall appoint to receive the fame; the people fhall be fet at liberty, and permitted to depart whenfoever they please, without the leaft detention.


VII. It is moreover agreed, that his Majefty of Great Britain fhall have liberty to establish a conful, or as many confuls as he pleases, in the dominions of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, and that the faid conful or confuls may refide in any port, or ports, or places they please, as well maritime as others, belonging to, or under the jurifdiction of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco; and that the faid conful or confuls fhall be treated with the respect due to their titles or characters; and they, as well as the other fubjects of his Majefty residing there, fhall be permitted to enjoy the entire freedom and exercise of their religion, without the leaft impediment, reproach, or affront, either in word or action; and that they fhall have a decent place for their burying-ground, against which no violence shall be committed; and that the aforefaid confuls and factors may dispatch, at their pleasure, their brokers, and fervants, with liberty to go from place to place, by fea and land; it is likewife granted to them to embark and go on board any fhip or fhips whatsoever, to treat and contract, as well in the port as in the road, without impediment, constraint, or limitation, concerning their effects, fecure from any risk of confifcation, or embargo, under any pretence; and the faid conful or confuls, with the other fubjects of his Britannic Majefty trading there, fhall have full liberty to leave the country whenfoever they pleafe, without impediment or moleftation being offered to them or their effects. And it is moreover agreed, that if any fubject of his Britannic Majefty, refiding or trafficking in the dominions of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, fhall happen to die, the governor of the place where it happens fhall be obliged to fee all his goods and effects delivered into the hands of his Majesty's conful, and, in default of fuch conful, to fome English merchant, who is to fecure and keep them for the difpofition of his heirs; but this is to be understood, in cafe the deceased shall not have left a partner or friend, of, before his decease, shall not have recommended his


faid effects and debts to fome other Chriftian merchant (of any nation whatsoever) in which cafe, the governor fhall not intermeddle further than to use his authority to see that the will and teftament of the deceased be carried into execution, as in recovery of his debts, &c. and further declares, that no fubject of his Britannic Majefty shall be obliged to give fatisfaction for any other debt, but what fhall be contracted by himfelf, or fhall appear by his accounts; and that the fubjects of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, as well Moors as Jews, refiding in the dominions of the King of Great Britain, fhall enjoy the fame privileges that are granted to the English refiding in Barbary; and that the domeftic fervants of the confuls, and other fubjects of his Britannic Majefty, of whatever nation they may be, either Moors or others, shall not pay the tax called the poll-tax, or any other tax.

VIII. It is agreed, that no Alcaide, governor, foldier, or fubject of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, fhall lay violent hands on the effects or merchandizes belonging to the fubjects of his Britannic Majefty, within the jurifdiction of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, without firft treating, agreeing, and paying the value thereof, or according to an agreement made, and without having permiffion and authority from the Emperor for that purpofe; neither fhall the fubjects of his Britannic Majefty be forced to buy goods contrary to their inclination: and it is moreover agreed, that no commander or captain of an English ship fhall be obliged or conftrained to negotiate, or receive on board, merchandizes belonging to any person whatsoever, he or they declaring, to the conful refiding there, the reafon for it, neither fhall the faid fhip be detained or embargoed under any pretence; and that, if any of the Emperor's fubjects fhall freight an English ship to carry and convey any commodities from one place to others of the Emperor's dominions, and it fhall happen, either from bad weather, or any other accident whatever, to touch at any place or places in the voy


age, fuch fhip or fhips fhall not be obliged to pay any thing for the fhelter or affiftance they may receive; nor fhall a pilot or mariner be taken out of any English ship.

IX. If there fhall happen any quarrel or difpute between any Englishman and any Muffulman, by which any of them may receive detriment, the fame fhall be heard and determined by the Emperor alone; and if any Englishman, who fhall be the aggreffor, fhall make his escape, in fuch case no other Englishman fhall fuffer on his account, or in his place: it is also agreed, that if any law-fuit, difpute, or difference, arifes beteen the fubjects of his Britannic Majefty, they fhall be accommodated by the conful of the nation: and if any quarrels fhall happen among the Muffulmen in England, or in any of the English dominions, by which one of them may receive detriment, the fame fhall be heard before a Chriftian and a Muffulman, and fhall be decided according to the laws of Great Britain.

X. It is agreed, that not only during the present peace and amity, but also in cafe of a rupture or war breaking out between their faid Majefties, in any time hereafter, the conful and other fubjects of the King of Great Britain, who refide or traffic in the dominions of the said Emperor of Fez and Morocco, fhall be permitted to quit the country whenever they think proper, as well in peace as in war, in any veffels of whatever nation; and alfo, in cafe of a rupture, the fpace of fix months fhall be granted to them to remove; and all their debts fhall be justly paid to them; and they fhall take away their effects, families, children, though born in the country, and fervants, without the least detention, impediment, or embargo,

XI. It is moreover agreed, that if any Englishman,' in the dominions of the Emperor, or any fubjects of the Emperor, in the English dominions, fhall maliciously endeavour to break the peace, they, who are guilty



of fuch crime, fhall be punished by each Sovereign for that offence: but each Sovereign fhall take cognizance of his own fubjects.

XII. It is alfo agreed, that if any fubject of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco defires to tranfport commodities from the dominions of the King of Great Britain, he shall be permitted to do it, without paying greater duties or impofitions than other nations pay, according to the custom of the country; and when the English convoy fhall be ready, it fhall be ordered, after its arrival at Gibraltar, to convoy the veffel on which the faid commodities are embarked, to the port his Imperial Majesty shall appoint.

XIII. It is alfo agreed, that no Spaniard, or native of any other country, whether captains, mariners, fishermen, or other perfons, under the English government in the city of Gibraltar (or in the island of Minorca, when it shall again be in poffeffion of the English) fhall be feized or molefted, navigating under the English flag, with paffports from the governor or commander in chief of thofe places, and that they fhall be confidered and efteemed as English natural fubjects.

XIV. It is also agreed, that all the fubjects of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, Moors, or Jews, fhall be permitted to traffic, buy, or fell, in the city of Gibraltar (or in the island of Minorca, when it fhall again be in poffeffion of the English) for the space of thirty days only, and, at the end of that time, to take and carry away, without moleftation, all their effects to any part of the dominions of the Emperor of Fez and Morocco.

XV. It is further concluded, that all the fubjects of his Britannic Majefty, and likewife of Hanover, and of his other dominions, who, being paffengers on board any ship or veffel of any nation not in friendship with the Emperor of Fez and Morocco, shall be taken and


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