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VI. Any of the aforefaid English nation buying camblets, mohairs, or grogran-yarn, in Angora, or Begbazar, if they will export the faid goods from those places, after having paid three per cent. for the custom of fuch goods they export, let them not be molefted for fkraz batch, that is, for paffage or exportation; and there neither fhall nor ought to be taken, upon the account of any fuch demand, one afper.

VII. Any English merchant being to receive from his debtor any fum of money, if the faid debt be recovered by the means and help of an affistant or chiaus, he that recovers the debt shall pay no more than what is paid to other caddi's, which is two afpers only, and not one afper more.

VIII. There paffing good correfpondence between us and the King of England; out of regard of this good friendship, we do grant that two fhips lading of figs, raisins, or currants, may be yearly exported for the ufe of his Majefty's kitchen, if there be not a dearth and fcarcity of fuch fruit in the country; which we allow to be bought with their money that export them, at the scale of Smyrna, Salonica, or any other scale or port of our empire, paying three per cent. custom; which being paid, no perfon fhall give to them that lade them any moleftation or hinderance.

IX. It being reprefented to us, that the English have been accustomed hitherto to pay no cuftom nor mezan for any filk they bought in Smyrna (that of Prufia and Conftantinople excepted) viz. for the filk of Georgia, Perfia, or Armenia; if really there is any fuch ufe and cuftom, and the thing is not of prejudice to the empire, let there in Smryna for the future be demanded neither custom nor mezan for the faid filk, but to the English merchants let all kindness be used and fhown. And the ambaffador having made instance to us, that the foregoing articles might be put into the capitulations, his request is granted, and, conformable to the former Imperial fign and capitulation,


let now in conformity of what was paffed, and of my Imperial command, be renewed and granted this prefent Imperial capitulation: which we command fo long as Charles the Second, King of England (whose end may it terminate in happiness) maintains good friendfhip and correfpondence with us, according to what has been maintained with our ancestors, and to which we on our part are not wanting, with all tenderness entertaining this friendship.

And we do fwear and promife, by Him that has created the heaven and the earth, and all the creatures; by the Creator, the one God, we do promife, that nothing fhall be done contrary to this Imperial capitulation; and accordingly every one is to obey our Imperial fign.

Given in the middle of the moon Gemaziel Akir, 1086, in the Imperial city of Adrianople, being in the month of September, 1675.

The Grand Signior writes above with his own hand as follows:

Let every thing be obferved in conformity to our Imperial command; and contrary to it let nothing be done.


Sir Robert Ainflie, the British ambasador, obtained lately from The Porte, an exemption for British merchants, from the payment of the mestaria, or brokidge, which is mentioned in article LIII. of the foregoing treaty.





HE treaty with the Nabob Serajah

February. T Dowla, with his grant for erecting a

1757. June.


mint, and the currency of the company's business.

E. Ind. Treat. p. 64-70.

The treaty with the Nabob Meer Jaffier Ally Khan, with his grants for the currency. of the company's bufinefs, and the establishment of a mint.

E. Ind. Treat. p. 73-77-79

The treaty with the Nabob Coffim Ally
É. Ind. Treat. p. 107-111.

27 Sept. Khan.


The treaty with the Nabob Meer Jaffier

10 July. Ally Khan.

1765. Feb.

1765. 12 Aug.

1765. 13 Aug.

E. Ind. Treat. p. 113-120.

The treaty with the Nabob Nudjum ul Dowla. E. Ind. Treat. p. 125.

The charter from the King Shah Aalum, granting to the company the dewannee (the adminiftration of the revenues) of Bengal, Bahar, and Oriffa, with the fupplemental charters. E. Ind. Treat. p. 132-34-3638-40-147.

The treaty between the Nabob Sujah ul Dowlah, the Nabob Nudjum ul Dowlah, and the Company.

E. Ind. Treat. p. 147.

· 1765.

The agreement with the Nabob Nudjum

30 Sept. ul Dowlah, for fupporting the Nizamut.


E. Ind. Treat. p. 149.

The treaty with the Nabob Vizier Sujah

29 Nov. ul Dowlah, confirming former treaties. E. Ind. Treat. p. 164.

1770. 21 Mar.

17737 Sept.

177521 May.


The treaty with the Nabob Mebareck ul Dowlah.

E. Ind. Treat. p. 167.

The treaty with the Vizier Sujah ul Dow-
E. Ind. Treat. p. 275.


The agreement with the Nabob Ausuf ul Dowlah.

E. Ind. Treat. p. 284-85.

The agreements entered into between the 19 Sept. governor general of Bengal (Warren Haftings) and the Vizier.


E. Ind. Treat. p. 303-305.

The treaty of commerce between the Earl25 July. Cornwallis, the governor general of Bengal, and the Vizier.

[The following is printed from the Treaty, which was published by authority, at Calcutta, in 1788.]

A Treaty of Commerce between Charles Earl Cornwallis, Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter, one of his Britannic Majefty's most Honourable Privy Council, Lieutenant General of his Majesty's Forces, Governor General and Commander in Chief of all the Poffeffions and Forces of his Britannic Majesty, and of the Honourable the United Company of Merchants of England, in the Eaft Indies, &c. &c. &c. on


the Part of the faid Honourable United Company, and bis Excellency the Vizier ul Momalik Hindoftan, Affuf Jah Nawab, Affuf ud Dowlah Yeheha Khan Behadur, Huzzubber Jung.

THE right honourable Charles Earl Cornwallis, K. G. governor general, &c. &c. and his Excellency the Nawab Vizier, Behadur, &c. &c. having received various representations from the merchants trading between the Company's dominions, and the dominions of his Excellency the Vizier, fetting forth the loffes and inconveniences which they fuffer, as well from the heavy duties collected on their merchandize, as from the mode of levying the fame, his lordship, on the part of the honourable the united company of merchants of England trading to the East Indies, and his Excellency the Nawab Vizier, &c. with a view to remove the evils complained of, and to promote the welfare of their respective states, have agreed upon the following articles, which fhall be binding on themselves, their heirs, and fucceffors.

I. The contracting parties fhall not claim any exemption from duties, either for themfelves, their subjects, or dependants, or any other perfon or perfons, of whatever country or nation.

II. His Excellency the Nawab Vizier, &c. agrees to grant rowannahs, or custom-house paffes, under the feals and fignatures of his officers, for all goods exported from his dominions to the dominions of the company, fpecifying the quantity of the goods and the valuation on which his own export duties fhall have been levied. The right honourable Earl Cornwallis, in like manner, engages that fimilar rowannahs, or customhouse paffes, fhall be granted for all goods exported from the company's dominions (comprehending the provinces of Bengal, Behar, Oriffa, and the district of Benares) to the dominions of his Excellency the Vizier, specifying the quantity of the goods, and the vaVOL. II. H h


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