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151. The Treasurers of Justice, Roads, Charities, Public Instruction and Public Health and any others which handle special funds of a national character shall be appointed by Congress.

No special treasurer shall pay any attention to orders of payment which do not correspond to the branch of which he has charge. The employee or official who diverts the funds of the special treasuries for matters distinct from those for which they were created shall be personally responsible for the sums diverted.

152. Members of the Superior Court of Accounts must be at least 25 years of age, possess the title of advocate or Mercantile Expert, not be creditors or debtors of the Ministry of Finance, nor have pending accounts therewith. Their number, organisation and attributions shall be determined by law.

153. There shall be a Fiscal-General who shall represent the interests of the Public Treasury, and his attributions shall be determined by law.

The members of the Tribunal of Accounts and the FiscalGeneral of Hacienda shall have the same disabilities as those established for Deputies.

Section XVII.-On the Army.

154. The public force is instituted to assure the rights of the Nation, the carrying out of the law and the maintenance of public order.

155. No armed body may hold discussions. Military obedience shall be regulated by law and military ordinance.

156. Military service is obligatory. All Honduraneans between the ages of 21 and 30 years form the active army and those between 30 and 40, the reserve. The organisation of the militia and of the National Guard, which shall include individuals from 40 to 50 years of age, shall be provided for by law, which shall also establish the grounds for exemption from service.

157. Persons in the military service who hold a grade in the army have a right, after completing forty years, to resign their posts and remain separated from the service.

158. Military grades may only be acquired by strict seniority. Persons in the military service may not be deprived of their grades, honours and pensions except in the manner determined by law.

159. Military law is established for military offences.

160. A general staff of the army is created. A law shall determine its organisation and attributions.

Likewise shall be established military schools for training and instruction in the different arms of the military service.

Section XVIII.-On Departmental and Municipal


161. For the purpose of public administration, the territory of the nation is divided into departments, whose number and limits shall be fixed by law.

162. The municipality is autonomous and shall be represented by municipal councils elected directly by the people.

The law shall regulate the organisation and attributions of municipal councils. The number of the municipal councillors shall be proportional to the population. The attributions of the municipal council shall be purely economic and administrative.

163. Municipal councils shall decree, in accordance with the law, local taxes, and shall administer the funds and property of the community, for the benefit thereof, giving account of its administration before the Tribunal designated by law. They shall publish monthly a detailed report of the receipts and disbursements of their funds.

164. Municipal councils shall appoint freely the employees under their control, and the police agents whom they pay out of their funds.

165. In the exercise of their particular functions, they shall be absolutely independent of the other powers, without violating in any case the general laws of the country; and they shall be responsible, before the tribunals of justice, for abuses they may commit, collectively or individually.

166. Municipal councils, in complying with the Constitution and the general laws on administration, police, hygiene, sanitation and public instruction, must co-operate efficaciously in the labours of the authorities of the said branches, and they have power to issue ordinances, without violating the laws. Likewise, they have power, in conformity with the law, to commute penalties for infractions.

167. No member of the municipal councils shall be obliged to accept any other appointment, nor to be called upon to perform military service. Members of a municipal corporation are prohibited from holding any remunerated municipal employment.

Section XIX.-On the Responsibility of Public Servants.

168. Every public servant, on taking possession of his post, shall make the following promise: "I promise to be faithful to the republic, to carry out and have carried out the Constitution and the laws."

169. Every employee and public official is responsible for his acts.

170. The President of the Republic, the Vice-President, Deputies, Magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice,


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Secretaries of State and Diplomatic Ministers shall answer to Congress for offences which they may commit during their terms of office. Congress, or the Permanent Committee in case of the recess of Congress, after compliance with the formalities established by its regulations, shall declare whether or not there are grounds for prosecution against them, with a view to placing the offender at the disposal of the competent tribunal.

171. Notwithstanding the approval which Congress may give to the conduct of the Executive, the President and the Secretaries of State may be accused of official offences. The term of prescription for these actions shall begin to run five years after the accused person has left office.

172. Public employees and officials who violate any one of the rights and guarantees established in this Constitution shall be responsible civilly and criminally. They may be accused without necessity for a calumny bond. They may not obtain pardon or commutation of sentence during the constitutional period nor during the one following. The prescription of offences and penalties which they may incur only commences after the said periods.

173. Whenever a public official, against whom there shall have been declared ground for prosecution shall have been absolved, he shall return to the exercise of his functions.

Section XX.-Social Co-operation and Labour.

174. The State shall regulate the obligatory savings in the educational establishments, and public offices and workshops, of a civil or military character; and it shall foster the creation of all classes of savings centres.

175. There shall be established a Technical Centre called the Institute of Social Reforms with the following attributions and duties:


(1.) To harmonise the relations between capital and labour.

(2.) To promote and stimulate the formation of co-operative societies of production, savings, consumption and credit; the construction of cheap and hygienic houses, as well as the establishment of assurance against accidents and life insurance and the creation of asylums for the poor.

(3.) Others, such as those of public health, and those which may be compatible with the objects of this section, shall be established by special law.

176. The obligatory, maximum, salaried workday shall be eight hours. For every six days of labour there shall be a day of rest. A law on labour accidents shall establish the responsibilities of the employer and the conditions in which they areeffective.

177. The labour of women and that of males under 14 years of age merits special protection. A law shall regulate it.

Section XXI.-On the Constitutional Laws.

178. The following are constituent laws: Law of the Press, the law of the state of siege, the law of protection, the election law and the agrarian law.

Section XXII.-On Reforms of the Constitution and Constituent Laws.

179. One or several of the Articles of this Constitution and of the Constituent laws may be amended or repealed by Congress in ordinary session, by a two-thirds vote; this Decree must be ratified by the following Legislature, likewise in ordinary session, and by a two-thirds vote, in order that the amendment or repeal be effective.

180. An amendment which may be made to the Articles of the Constitution wherein the re-election of the President or of the individuals who take his place is prohibited; to the law which fixes the age limit for elections; and to the law which establishes the duration of the presidential period, shall not become effective in the current period nor in the following period.

181. All laws, decrees, regulations, orders and other provisions which were in force on the promulgation of this Constitution shall continue to be observed in so far as they are not opposed to it, and as long as they are not legally repealed or modified.

182. The present Constitution shall come into effect on the 3rd October of the present year, and on that date the Constitution of the 14th October, 1894, shall be repealed.

Done at Tegucigalpa, in the Chamber of Sessions of the National Constituent Assembly, on the 10th September, 1924.

TREATY OF COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION between Hungary and Latvia.-Riga, November 19, 1923.(1)

[Ratifications exchanged at Riga, May 7, 1925.]

LE Gouvernement du Royaume de Hongrie et le Gouvernement de la République lettone, désirant favoriser le développement des relations commerciales entre les deux Etats, ont résolu de conclure à cet effet un Traité de Com(1) "Budapesti Közlöny," April 26, 1925

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merce et de Navigation, et ont nommé pour leurs Plénipotentaires, savoir:

Le Gouvernement du Royaume de Hongrie M. Michel Jungerth, conseiller de Légation, Chargé d'Affaires du Royaume de Hongrie près le Gouvernement de la République de Lettonie ;

Le Gouvernement de la République lettone: M. Janis. Vesmans, Secrétaire de la Diète, ancien Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire;

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs respectifs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des Articles suivants :

Chapitre I.-Dispositions générales et Droits des


ART. 1". Les ressortissants de chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes pourront réciproquement, en se conformant aux lois du pays, entrer, voyager ou séjourner en toute liberté dans toute l'étendue des territoires de l'autre.

2. Les ressortissants de chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes seront, en se conformant aux lois du pays, pour tout ce qui concerne le voyage et la résidence, les études et investigations, l'exercice de leurs métiers et professions, l'exécution de leurs entreprises industrielles et manufacturières et le droit de faire le trafic de tous articles de commerce licite, placés, à tous égards, sur le même pied que les ressortissants de la nation la plus favorisée.

Il est entendu toutefois que les stipulations énoncées dans l'Article 1 et dans le présent Article ne dérogent en rien aux lois, ordonnances et règlements spéciaux en matière de commerce, d'industrie, de police et de sûreté générale et d'exercice de certains métiers et professions qui sont ou seront en vigueur dans chacun des deux pays et applicables à tous les étrangers.

3. Les ressortissants de chacune des Hautes Parties con

tractantes pourront, en se conformant aux lois du pays, également sur le même pied que les ressortissants de la nation la plus favorisée, acquérir, posséder ou louer et occuper les maisons, les manufactures, les magasins, les boutiques et les locaux qui peuvent leur étre nécessaires, et prendre à bail des terrains à l'effet et les utiliser dans un but licite.

Pour tout ce qui concerne la transmission des biens mobiliers par succession testamentaire ou autre, et le droit de disposer de quelque manière que ce soit des biens de toutes Jortes qu'ils peuvent légalement acquérir, ils jouiront dans les territoires de l'autre Partie contractante, en se conformant aux lois du pays, des mêmes privilèges, libertés et droits, et ne seront pas soumis, sous ce rapport, à des droits, taxes, impôts ou à des charges, sous quelque dénomination que ce

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